L'Еrbolario beauty secrets

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L’ E R B O L A R I O




L’ERBOLARIO VIALE MILANO, 74 - 26900 LODI - TEL. ++39.0371.4911 - FAX ++39.0371.491411 www.erbolario.com


e are pleased and proud to present to you the products of our herbalist laboratory: with the same spirit one of our country forefathers would have offered the finest fruits from his garden. We have always had a good relationship with the earth: still today, in fact, our raw materials are freshly pressed vegetable oils, flower waters and herbs distilled drop by drop, juices of plants extracted with craftsmanlike patience, essences received as a gift from generous Mother Nature. They arrive at L’Erbolario from the four corners of the world, they impregnate with their perfume ourselves, our workplaces and even the surrounding streets. We then pour them liberally into our bottles, boxes and jars for all those who, like us, believe in the infinite properties of simple things and know that, if natural beauty is a chance gift or, better still, an unknown genetic factor, to become beautiful thanks to a conscious use of nature is an art to be cultivated with care, patience, knowledge and trust. Nowadays it is difficult to practise natural beauty treatments with face packs from recently chopped fruit or with preparations of herbs, picked personally. It should also be remembered that the sophisticated modern extraction techniques are excellent allies and offer us increasingly effective and ultra-pure vegetable extracts: extensin, phytosomes, fruit acids. We therefore believe that many of you can share our philosophy, which today considers an alliance between the precious wisdom of the past and the undeniable discoveries of the present as essential, one between classic 2

phytotherapy and modern cosmetic science. According to a family and local tradition, we have always been enamoured of the infinite virtues of plants, aiming to research their unexplored potential, although at the same time we do not reject the precious aids of science and modern technologies. All our phyto cosmetics are the fruit of enthusiasm for herbalism, acted out in almost 30 years of production and, it has to be said, of success. They are often recommended, tested, criticised and improved by the customers of our herbalist shop in Lodi, which is older than the production laboratory. This direct contact is an invaluable aid for encouragement and demonstration. Our Research & Development Laboratory, whose advanced skills in formulating cosmetics and rigorous research methods are officially recognised by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MURST), monitors the quality of L’Erbolario products, which are manufactured in compliance with the strictest hygiene regulations and using high-technology, eco-friendly and energy-saving equipment. In order to check their tolerability, they are subjected to careful clinical trials at one of Italy’s oldest and most prestigious universities, the University of Pavia. Obviously, animals are never used in these tests. 3



For Facial Skin Care and Beauty




























For the Beauty of your Body










The Perfumed Bath Ranges











































Man Ranges




































Babies Range Sun and Open Air Range The Home Products For your Gifts

























For the Beauty of your Hair



For Facial Skin Care and Beauty


nce upon a time there were spots and blackheads, bags under the eyes, a web of wrinkles and a greyish pallor for common mortals. There were also a milky complexion, pink cheeks and cornflower eyes for the selected few. Then L’Erbolario made the faces of all women bloom! It would be too good to be true if we told you that we had found a magic potion for defeating old enemies once and for all: we can only provide you with the most effective weapons for your daily battles. And you, aware that beauty, health, intelligence and willpower are complementary, can only join in the fight. A fight for victory! 7

M A K E - U P R E M O VAL A N D C L E A N S I NG Thorough cleansing of the face is not only an act of essential daily hygiene, according to the most elementary personal respect: toning in the morning, relaxing in the evening, it is also a good beauty treatment. It is the best way not only of removing make-up, but also the waste and irritants which are deposited each day on our face; the best way of maintaining a glowing complexion and a youthful skin.

Camomile Cleansing Milk


Moisturising and softening for sensitive and dry skin

This extremely gentle and creamy cleansing milk was formulated for the most fragile skin and cleanses with the utmost delicacy, respecting the pH level. Refreshing and softening, thanks to the extract of camomile, while removing all traces of blusher, foundation and impurities, it restores, moistures softens and leaves your face velvety smooth.

aggressiveness of hard water, leaving your skin clean, smooth and velvety, and not dry or taut.

Soapless Bar with Burdock Cucumber & Witch Hazel Cleansing Milk


Astringent and refreshing for combination and greasy skin

Extremely gentle and creamy, enriched with distilled water of witch hazel (astringent) and extract of cucumber (refreshing). It respects the natural pH of the skin and cleanses it with infinite gentleness, tightening open pores and performing a gradual skin purifying action.

Soapless Bar with Marigold & Jojoba


For sensitive skin

Traditional soaps, with alkaline pH, tend to dry out the skin of the face, which will require a few hours to regain its equilibrium. This “nonsoap”, however, respects the natural hydrated acid layer of the skin and neutralises the 9


For combination and oily skin

A delicate “non-soap” which is also gentle on oily and blemished skin. Its astringent ingredients purify the skin without removing moisture, while the vitamin E nourishes it, restoring its natural elasticity.

Bois de Panama Exfoliant


For thorough and deep cleansing, suitable for all skin types

Thanks to the mechanical action of the smoothing micro granules and the delicate cleansing of the quillaia saponaria, it gently removes all the impurities and dead cells which suffocate, dull and age the skin, refining the texture and leaving it soft and velvety.

E ffective but very gentle products for the delicate area of the eyelids and under the eyes, where facial expressions and poor sebaceous secretion may leave premature signs of ageing.

003 Delicate Pollen & Honey Eye Make-up Remover

This soft gel removes makeup in the twinkling of an eye, but with the utmost delicacy, leaving your eyelids fresh and velvety smooth. It removes all impurities from the area around the eyes and leaves the eyelids perfectly cleansed, fresh and smooth.

It will leave the skin soft and supple.

Cornflower & Rose Make-up Remover


An extremely delicate milktonic with flower extracts. Designed for the area around the eyes, it can be used as a practical and effective make-up remover for the whole face. It removes make-up and impurities with complete gentleness and at the same time provides beneficial elements for the skin, also capable of strengthening the lashes. Given its exceptional fluidity, you can also use it in a new way without water or tonic, simply removing it with a clean cotton wool pad.

568 Delicate Make-up Removing Wet-wipes

With Orange Flowers and Rice

These make-up removing wet-wipes (which are suitable for even the most sensitive skins and ophthalmologically tested) are practical to use for gently removing all traces of make-up and impurities from the face, eyes and lips.

Other products include the Make-up Remover with Extensin and Asparagus Root Extract in the Anti-ageing range, ‘Risposta’ Cleansing in the High Phytocosmetics range and the Face Cleanser in the Bioecocosmetics range, and Aloe Face Cleaning Fluid. (see pages 25, 30 and 44)



hese exceptional tonics (enriched with an excellent skin moisturising factor), totally free of alcohol, tone and moisturise the skin, preparing it to receive all the benefits of the beauty creams. Ideal for eliminating the make-up removers.

Aromatic Honey & Beeswax Water

Aromatic Linden Water

012 Aromatic Rosemary or “Queen of Hungary” Water


Moisturising for sensitive and delicate skin

Performs a considerable moisturising and refreshing action, ideal for sensitive skin. By local external applications lasting at least ten minutes, it reduces the unsightly appearance of bags under the eyes.

Aromatic Myrtle or “Angel” Water


Moisturising and refreshing for dehydrated skin

It is derived from the famous “Perfumed honey water of London” which, since 1620, has for centuries guaranteed the ladies of London a silky and smooth complexion.

Astringent for combination and oily skin

It delicately tightens open pores and moisturises combination and oily skins.


Moisturising for delicate and reddened skin

It owes its name to the “angelic” cosmetic properties which ancient peoples rightfully attributed to it. Thanks to its extremely delicate formula, it refreshes and moisturises delicate skin which has diffused reddening caused by external factors.


Legend has it that Queen Isabella of Hungary, by then seventy years old, using the distilled water of rosemary, whose formula she had received as a gift from an alchemist, refound her youth and beauty to such an extent that Charles Albert, grandduke of Lithuania, asked for her hand in marriage.

Aromatic Camomile Water


Moisturising for particularly dry and sensitive skin

Moisturises and refreshes the skin with all the gentleness and fragrance of the camomile flower, leaving it soft and velvety.

THE MASKS Extraordinary allies in the process of cleansing the face, face packs “draw out” impurities like blotting paper: they free the skin from all residues of cream and make-up, remove the dead cells and leave a pleasant sensation of freshness and of a “new skin”. Applying a face pack regularly once a week (better still twice) is essential for maintaining a glowing complexion and restoring a finer and smoother tone to the skin.

Clay & Propolis Face Pack


Purifying, refreshing and astringent for combination and oily skin

Nourishing Pollen & Honey Face Pack


Toning and softening for sensitive and dry skin

Combines the stimulating and restorative action of flower pollen with the toning and softening effect of honey. Right from the first application, it restores light and smoothness to the skin of the face and helps it towards a smoother, more luminous appearance. It can also be used in a thin layer without being removed, whenever an immediate impression of freshness is required, before an important evening or occasion.

Combines the cosmetic properties of propolis with the definitely astringent action of clay, enhanced by sulphurated amino acids. It removes flaking cells and impurities and restores equilibrium, with a delicate but effective action, to combination and oily skin, reducing unsightly skin defects (blackheads and open pores).

Nourishing & Softening Face Pack


With Wheatgerm oil and Butcher’s Broom

Thanks to the inclusion among its ingredients of extract of butcher’s broom, it softens skin with diffused reddening, visibly improving its appearance and leaving it surprisingly velvety and smooth. The most effective face treatments also include the Smoothing Face Pack with Delicate Fruit Acids and the Youth Face Pack in the Anti-ageing range. (see pages 20 and 27)



lways on the lookout for more specific and immediate results from modern cosmetics, today’s women often forget that the skin’s most basic and essential need remains unchanged. What the skin needs to receive promptly, every day, is sufficient nourishment and moisture, which not only make it brighter and more beautiful, but also help it face all types of climate, withstand the environmental stress to which it is subjected continually and remain supple and retain its natural delicacy for longer.

Flower Pollen Face Cream


Rich and creamy and instantly absorbed, the Flower Pollen Cream nourishes the skin and provides it with long-lasting moisture. With its skin protection action which lasts all day, it helps to prevent the formation of wrinkles, while it maintains the suppleness and youthful fine texture of the face, preserving its tone, freshness and splendour.

Everlasting & Aloe Moisturising Face Cream

turising Cream will provide the nutrients it needs to regain its brightness and splendour. With Olive Oil, Safflower Oil and Hydrolysed Plant Protein Complex from Wheat, Soya, Oats and Maize. 016

Its exclusive formula makes it truly irreplaceable for those who love spending their spare time in the open air: it protects the face from light, wind, extreme cold or heat. Its daily use ensures perfect moisturising, combats the appearance of wrinkles and aids in maintaining a glowing and supple face, with youthful features.

Intensive Moisturising Face Cream


With Extract of Violet and Olive Leaves

Never forget that using a good moisturiser is the principal daily secret of beautiful skin. Use this light and extremely pleasant cream at any time of the day. When skin feels “tight” due to lack of moisture or is suffering due to adverse weather conditions, this Intensive Mois14

Royal Jelly Face Cream


Thanks to the precious substances and the natural fibre it contains, the Royal Jelly Cream performs an outstanding protecting, toning and restorative action which helps you in preserving the youthful splendour of your skin and contributes, when used constantly, to preventing the appearance of small wrinkles and lines.

Toning Cream with Jojoba Oil & Shea Butter


This Toning Cream nourishes and restores moisture to skin tissues, refines their texture and firms the features. Day after day the skin, wellnourished and firmed, regains splendour and suppleness.

Calendula, Carrot & Ginseng Face Cream


Reduces the appearance of wrinkles

An extraordinarily rich and equally softening O/W emulsion, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles and fades existing ones. It restores tone and elasticity to tired and lifeless skin and ensures it a more youthful and splendid appearance.

Re-densifying Anti-wrinkle Face Cream


With Orange Peel Wax and Extract of Broom Grass

Jojoba Oil, Wild Flax Oil and Avocado Oil combine with each other to help slow down the effects of time on our faces. Day after day, well-nourished and revitalised, the skin will appear brighter and smoother and wrinkles, both the most

prominent and those which are almost invisible, will become less perceptible.

Green Tea Face Day Cream


This delicate cream helps protect the face against the aggressions of the day and the damage caused by the anxiety and stress of daily life, without leaving a trace, covering the skin with the unbeatable anti-oxidising power of green tea, the soothing property of camellia oil and the nourishing and softening properties of olive oil. It effectively assists the skin in the fight against the ageing process, helping it rediscover all its natural energy and vitality.

Green Tea Face Night Cream


The skin relaxes during the night, in the absence of any expression and with


the natural rest which sleep provides, so this is the perfect time to gain the maximum benefit from the active substances contained in this cream, to eliminate the tiredness of the day and optimise the natural regeneration process. The invaluable contribution of Camellia oil helps prevent the formation of new wrinkles and sagging and the skin obtains an unrivalled benefit from the protective powers of green tea extract, which neutralises the oxidising action of free radicals, the major culprits in the ageing process. Also remember the lines Aloe and Argan Oil. (see pages 44 and 42)


elicate and fragile skins which flake easily often suffer from an unsightly blemish: redness. While it usually appears on the cheeks, it can also sometimes spread to the sides of the nostrils or larger areas of the face. These skin types are sensitive to all external agents and face different perils throughout the year: the cold, smog and excessively dry air in offices and homes during the winter; the sun, wind, saltiness in the air and chlorine in swimming-pools in the summer; the continually changing temperature and humidity levels during the spring and autumn. They therefore need safe, specific products which ensure optimum levels of protection and nourishment.

of the face to resist environmental aggression better and screening it from UV rays. 290 Face Cream with Ginkgo Biloba & Grape Extract

Treatment base for delicate and reddened skin

A specific treatment which gently combats the harmful action of external agents, sun rays and sudden changes in temperature. Thanks to its special formula and the optical effect of its green pigments, it is an excellent base, capable of toning down redness and covering skin defects.

Face Concentrated Fluid with Grape extract & Camomile


Evening treatment for delicate and reddened skin

A fast-acting fluid which prevents and combats skin reddening, to be applied every evening on the face in small quantities. It is the ideal treatment, with immediate effect, also at times when the skin is particularly sensitive, reddened, tired and feels the need for greater moisturising and protection against adverse environmental factors. A vital support for reddened skin is undoubtedly offered by the Nourishing and Softening Face Pack and Aloe refreshes and tones the skin.

024 Face Cream for Delicate Skin with Camomile, Butcher’s Broom and Liquorice

Used daily, it prevents irritations and tones down reddening, helping the skin


(see pages 12 and 44)

F O R Y O U N G S KIN U npleasantly

shiny appearance, open pores, blackheads and dullness are all skin blemishes found most frequently on young and very young skin, although this does not make them any less troublesome, and they are light years away from the ideal of fresh and bright skin with a smooth and silky feel. L’Erbolario has therefore created a range of products offering the gentleness needed to treat skin which, although it appears robust and strong, is actually delicate and easily irritated. What this skin needs most of all is help in maintaining its freshness and tone over time.

Peach & Orange 288 Blossom Face Cream

an excellent base for makeup which, finally, “holds” throughout the day, without ever becoming shiny again. 271 Lemon & Cucumber Cream for Oily & Blemished Skin

Hawthorn Face Cream

With a light covering effect

With the Hawthorn Cream the night restores beauty to asphyctic and blemished skin which has blackheads and spots. While the skin is resting, this vegetable formula works hard to exploit its effective normalising substances. Simultaneously it provides considerable nourishment and moisture, also invaluable for oily skin.

Thanks to the light covering effect of this cream, which you will be able to accentuate in the critical areas by applying it without completely blending, the unsightly skin defects of blackheads and spots are visibly faded, while their formation is, in time, gradually prevented. And oily skin will once again find equilibrium and an unusually even texture.

For young skin moisturising and toning

022 Burdock & Rosemary Face Cream for Blemished Skin

The Peach and Orange Blossom Cream has been designed to maintain and protect naturally all the freshness of young skin. Thanks to the high concentration of vegetable extracts, this formula effectively moisturises and nourishes the skin, which immediately feels toned, protected and much softer.

Designed for oily, asphyctic skin with blackheads and spots, the Burdock Cream performs a triple action: it tightens open pores, protects oily skin from adverse environmental factors and helps it to gradually find its natural balance again. With a mat effect, it helps to hide skin impurities and forms 18


Night treatment for oily and blemished skin

Indispensable for combination or greasy young skin is a specific purifying and astringent treatment like the Clay and Propolis Face Pack. (see page 12)

RENEWAL Extraordinarily powerful, Alpha Hydroxy Acids may have a complicated name, but their origin is very simple. Unknowingly, but effectively, the beauties of ancient times were already using these powers when they bathed in milk, as were the ladies at the Court of Louis XIV, who spread aged wine on their necks and cleavage, and our grandmothers, who faithfully used face masks formed of fragrant slices of peach and apple or slices of lemon. These delicate acids have an extraordinary ability to smooth the skin, attenuating wrinkles, lightening dark marks and simultaneously strengthening the layer beneath. In balanced doses, carefully combined and supported by nourishing and moisturising complexes, they create genuinely innovative and extraordinary products. Due to their smoothing and restorative properties, the products in the Delicate Fruit Acids range are suitable for all skin types: dry skin benefits from their action, because they normal-

Smoothing Face Pack with Delicate 314 Fruit Acids ise the excess production of flaky cells which weakens the lipidic layer; greasy skin, suffocated by the excessive amount of sebum on its surface, starts breathing again when it is stimulated by this cream and becomes brighter; tired or wrinkled skin recovers strength and compactness and experiences smoothing of the wrinkles which are caused by the natural slowdown in cell exchange caused by age, stress or other environmental factors.

Face Cream with Delicate Fruit Acids


With Bilberry, Maple, Orange, Lemon and Sugar Cane

This cream has a positive effect on the equilibrium between elimination of old surface cells and the production of new skin cells, thanks to the extraordinary properties of alpha hydroxy acids from carries ant a very precious service for the skin of the face. 20

With Bilberry, Maple, Orange, Lemon and Sugar Cane

An exceptionally rich and effective face pack, capable of nourishing, moisturising and smoothing any type of skin to reveal its new luminosity and freshness. Thanks to the ability of the alpha hydroxy acids to create the right cell renewal balance, tired and lifeless skin, bearing the marks of time, will appear revived, while oily skin will be aided in removing skin impurities.



THE SPECIFIC FACE PRODUCTS “Shock” beauty treatments which are effective and immediate, to satisfy the desires of all tired and wrinkled skin or skin suffering from unsightly brown marks. 335 Argan Oil Pure Face, Neck and Cleavage Oil

Suppler and Stronger (see page 42)

197 Liquorice Lightening Face Cream

An effective product capable of preventing and fading brown skin marks. Thanks to its innovative formula, it combats the development of melanin (responsible for skin colour) and fades the brown marks caused by the sun’s rays, residues of scars, acne etc. It contains a derivative of vitamin C which, with constant use, ensures a gradual and long-lasting lightening of the marks. An essential evening lightening


treatment, it is also an excellent day cream and ideal base for make-up.

Petals & Flowers All-purpose Face-Body-Hair Smoothing Oil With Extracts of Dahlia, Frangipani and Lilac Oil (see page 94)



yes and lips are the parts of a woman’s face which express her femininity. They are therefore very important and need truly special care and attention.

Eye Gel with Centella Asiatica, Vegetable Proteins & Ginseng

soon absorbed, provides precious nourishing substances and gives a fresh sense of well-being, capable of fading the problem of bags and circles. While it prevents lines from becoming deeper, it pleasantly tones the eyelids.


The Eye Gel helps you to maintain the most vulnerable area of the face young. Light and non-greasy, it is

Eye Cream with Camellia & Grape Seeds


An extraordinarily fresh and comfortable cream, yet rich in active ingredients, which day and night ensures the protection, nourishment and moisturising essential for the eye area, while with the synergy of different components it acts on the elasticity of the skin. It thus prevents tiredness, emotions, voluntary or involuntary movements from leaving indelible traces, spoiling the expressiveness of the eyes.


Gentle, fragrant and highly effective. In three versions for different requirements.

Vitamin-rich Lip Gloss


With Apple and Tangerine juice

Velvet Lip Nutrient


With four butters

Lip Balm


With Olive and Melaleuca

Other products which are particularly precious for treatment of areas of the face which are difficult and delicate are “Risposta Details” Eye and Lip Cream and the Phytofiller Serum of the High Phytocosmetics Range. (see page 31)

For protection of lips during the summer, there is also Lip Stick protection + (see page 159) 23


he passing months, seasons and years inevitably leave a mark on our soul and, alas, on our face. These marks, however, can be slight traces or deep furrows. Nothing should be taken for granted! You can always combat skin ageing phenomena, avoid the worst and even repair a few disasters which have already occurred. In order to help you do all that is possible, L’Erbolario has developed a specific line, we might even say revolutionary, in which the benefits of the present and the precious wisdom of tradition are combined synergically. SKIN AGES VERY EARLY The splendour, turgidness and smoothness of the skin, which reach their peak around the age of 20, are unfortunately shortlived. Then, inevitably and inexorably, from around 25 onwards, the skin ages: its metabolism starts to slow down, the secretions of the sebaceous glands are reduced, collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid are produced in smaller quantities, the cohesion of the cells loosens..... This is the start of the process which causes the skin to become grey and opaque, to lose its suppleness, to wrinkle, become rougher, with lines on the surface and then increasingly deeper. We know that health problems and aggression from the environment (sun, light and pollution in particular) can accelerate these phenomena. We also know that attempts have always been made to fight them, to protect, i.e. moisturise and nourish the skin, by applying various substances, of which those of vegetable origin have always been predominant.

NOW THERE IS SOMETHING NEW The second half of this century, and in particular the past decade, has witnessed great scientific interest in all problems linked to ageing. The enormous progress achieved by medicine in some fields has led to a huge increase in the average lifespan, at least in the West. Scientific experiments now nearing completion have provided definite results which, for many of us, should be translated into rules for living: reduce intoxication (smoking, drinking etc.), avoid psychosomatic stress, prevent illness, protect against free radicals, keep cholesterol under control, etc. Therefore, even if human ageing is a phenomenon which has not yet received universally accepted theoretical explanations (is it innate or acquired, for example, or programmed by our genes, or only due to chemico-physical deterioration which can be kept under control?), the progress of science allows us to dream, at least, of eternal youth. 24

It is no longer merely a question of reaching the age of 110-120 for which our biological clock appears to be programmed, but instead to live the second part of our existence to the full, youthful yet elderly, without the shortcomings, weaknesses and ugliness which are features of old age. However, while we await the decisive weapon or weapons for stopping time, we can already delay external ageing as long as possible. This statement, valid on a general basis, applies especially as regards our skin. SCIENCE APPLIED TO COSMETICS Actual discoveries (collagen, elastin, liposomes) from increasingly close research into cells have allowed truly revolutionary cosmetic preparations to be produced, capable of slowing down as far as possible the ageing mechanisms of the skin. The techniques of extracting the active ingredients of vegetable origin have also been consider-

ably refined. Nothing can replace the extremely slow distillation of nature, but nowadays it is technological progress which offers us the means of grasping its closest secrets and using its vital sap in the best possible way! OUR ANTI-AGEING FORMULA Thus we at L’Erbolario felt obliged to exploit the new knowledge to the full and therefore formulated a line specifically indicated for fighting the phenomena of skin ageing. We have included active vegetable ingredients with proven efficacy, obtained in an extremely pure state by original extraction processes, rendered biomimetic (i.e. similar to the structures of the skin) and conveyed in depth by the phytosomes (vegetable liposomes). They are combined with classic vitamin complexes and diluted in noble excipients. The result of this exclusive formulation is 5 products (6 with the Suntan Cream for the Face) with an extremely fine consistency, comfortable and easy to use. Your skin will find in them nourishment suitable for reforming the hydrolipid surface film, for supplementing the scarcity of collagen and elastin and for defending itself against external aggression. WHEN ARE THESE PRODUCTS USED? In the fight against damage caused by ageing, the principle upheld by dermatologists and

cosmetologists is the one confirmed with increasing frequency by the whole of modern science: prevention is better than cure. This leads us to say that the anti-ageing range is not necessarily reserved for women “of a certain age”! These are definitely ideal products for skin which already shows, visible to a greater or lesser extent, the signs of ageing mentioned previously. In this case the best results will be obtained by intensifying to a maximum the applications and prolonging them for a considerable length of time, even throughout the year if necessary. Since, however, the ageing mechanism starts fairly early, it is to be hoped that, around her thirtieth birthday, each woman acquires the habit of using antiageing products alternately with the usual ones. For effective prevention, we usually recommend at least 2 annual cycles, in spring and autumn.

Make-up Remover with Extensin and Asparagus Root Extract


An extremely rich emulsion which removes make-up with equal gentleness and efficacy from the various parts of the face, respecting even the most delicate and vulnerable parts, such as the eye area and lips, which it even helps to protect. The high concentrations of two particularly effec25

tive and precious natural elements (extensin and asparagus root extract), combined with the ingredients of maximum purity, allow, right from the basic act of cleansing, the battle to commence against agents which are irritating and damaging for the structure and youthfulness of the skin.

Nourishing Face Cream


With Avocado Oil, Vitamin E, Farnesol and Pantothenic acid

This non-oily and extremely fine preparation, pleasant to apply, is a real “skin food”. It contains a high percentage, among the other active ingredients, of avocado oil, farnesol and pantothenic acid. The former is one of the most effective skin protectors and softeners which, thanks to the affinity with natural lipids, softens the skin, performing the extremely useful action of protecting it and of retaining water. Farnesol, on the other hand, is a substance with high biological potential, extracted from the essential oils of rose, acacia, lily-of-the-valley, lilac and also from oak moss and sandalwood. Combined with pantothenic acid, it forms a complex of which research has recognised extraordinary properties: 1) it helps to maintain tissue

in its ideal natural condition. 2) it has a softening and toning effect. 3) it considerably improves the mechanical properties of the skin (elasticity and plasticity), as it increases the state of tightness of the tissues, thus fading lines and reducing rough skin. 4) it normalises the lipid layer which protects the skin. 5) it improves the capacity to retain water. This is exactly what a skin which is no longer quite so young, or which is undergoing periods of particular fatigue, requires during the night. The already rich ingredients of the cream have been joined by vitamin E, also known as the vitamin of youth, which has an anti-oxidising action par excellence, i.e. it fights free radicals.

Day Cream


With Extensin, Asparagus root Extract and Phytosomes of the Flavonoids of Lady’s Thistle

During the day the skin easily comes into contact with all those external agents which specialists agree in considering ruthless aggressors and mostly responsible for ageing: light, first of all (both that of the sun and artificial light), the changes in humidity and temperature,

the irritant and toxic factors to be found not only in the air in cities. Then during the day we live life to the full and all the frowns, exaggerated expressions, smiles and doubts of facial movements turn into wrinkles. Therefore a day cream has to ensure protection which could be antithetical: maximum protection, optimum concentration of active ingredients and at the same time easy use and immediate absorption, as well as benefits prolonged throughout the day. The anti-age cream brilliantly fulfils all these requirements. It is rapidly absorbed by the skin, leaves a pleasant sensation of well-being and renewed lightness, and encourages the duration of any make-up. Its formula is a real cocktail of factors which avant-garde cosmetic science considers definitely effective in the fight against age, chosen according to the knowledge of phytotherapy. In order to soften the skin and make it capable of withstanding sensitising and allergising factors, the flavonoids of lady’s thistle are combined with 26

phytosomes which transport them into the skin and prolong their efficacy. In order to fight free radicals, which prey on the cells of the skin, and which are formed above all due to the action of the rays of the sun, high doses of vitamin E have been added. In order to tone the skin and retain turgidness and purity of the features, the extensin; similar to the animal type which forms the essential structure of the dermis, is used. Extensin, jojoba oil and vitamin B5 provide moisturising elements and help the natural ability of the skin to retain water. A supreme nourishment function is performed by the asparagus root extract, an active ingredient obtained from meristema, a specific “germinative tissue” found at the ends of roots, shoots and buds, in which the key to the amazing ability of plants to regenerate and grow throughout their lives, however long, unlike in the animal world, has been found. Which woman has never envied trees and shrubs the ability to bloom each spring and the advantage of seeing their beauty grow, rather than wither, year after year? Now the secret stolen from vegetables can, if not change nature, at least help our skin to remain more youthful and luminous.

Multi-active Face Serum


Fast-acting firming fluid

A concentrated serum with immediate and accumulative action. It ensures optimum exploitation of powerful functional elements of a vegetable origin which, immediately supplied to the skin thanks to the phospholipid liposomes, act on the texture, complexion and resistance of the skin: the firming effect, noticed immediately after application, reveals a real cosmetic face-lift which refines the shape and distends the features. This is therefore the ideal product, which can be applied before any other treatment, even around the eyes, for a special make-up or for special occasions. It then gradually nourishes the skin, fades and helps to prevent wrinkles.

Suitable for all types of skin, this anti-ageing serum has many purposes: 1) due to its immediate firming effect on the features of the face, it represents an ideal “first aid for beauty� at particularly critical times: a few applications provide smoothness, splendour and tone for the skin and ensure long-lasting and dazzling make-up effects. 2) during long cycles (20 days) repeated during the year, it is a highly effective anti-ageing prevention. 3) used continuously it restores and helps particularly tired and stressed skin, preserving elasticity and redistending the features.


Youth Face Pack


With Macadamia Nut Oil and Asparagus Root Extract

The extremely light cream which makes up this face pack is full of active vegetable ingredients and vitamin complexes which combine to combat the phenomena of skin ageing. Its very comfortable application achieves the immediate effect of distending the features and leaving the skin silky and velvety, while it prepares it to receive the benefits of anti-age creams in the best possible way. When you expose your face to the sun, do not forget the Antiageing Face Sun Cream, Lip Stick+, Before & After serum. (see pages 161, 159, 167)


continually changing world demands more and more from the modern woman. She has to be active, dynamic, tireless and juggle her time successfully between work and family. She must be flexible, efficient and productive, but also know how to retain her femininity and look good. So women are asking for more, too. Although they know you cannot turn back the clock, they want help in keeping their skin fresh and attenuating the most obvious signs of tiredness, as well as in protecting it against an environment which is not always kind to it. Phytocosmetics, or rather High Phytocosmetics, has provided the Responses. NEW NEEDS AND DESIRES Closer attention and consideration of the risks of premature ageing of the skin are directly proportional to an increase in the needs and desires of the skin. Basically, a more concentrated and focused effort is needed to maintain the skin’s natural balance and to protect its natural beauty against excess production of free radicals, which are the cause of oxidative stress, i.e. the alterations in collagen and elastin which cause skin ageing. This naturally leads to the desire to change, to discover and use beauty and face care treatments which offer a visible and verifiable effect. In other words: more results, which, for the skin, means more moisturising, more protection and more nourishment. This therefore means more science, more technology and more experience.

RESEARCH WILL HAVE TO CHANGE TOO This is a major challenge for phytocosmetic research, where, although there has always been an unwavering desire to keep pace, closer attention must now be focused on its own logical aspects and solutions. Laboratories are now working to identify new raw materials, combining their properties, with the aid of the most advanced cosmetic science and the purpose of creating highly innovative formulas. These are new in both their content and their form, meaning in how pleasant they are to use. And, most importantly, they are the harbingers of a new era in terms of their benefits and effectiveness. This dream has now become a reality: when the skin calls, L’Erbolario research has the right Responses.


CHANGING THE RESPONSE In this situation, the level of responsibility of L’Erbolario research has naturally increased and this has led to an increase in the quality of the Response. Advanced Phytocosmetics from L’Erbolario derives from the most advanced vegetable-based cosmetics and offers the best response to all the needs of modern skin. Its benefits lie principally in the ability to concentrate all the effectiveness of its ingredients, formulas and characteristics on obtaining the best results in terms of beauty and protection against wrinkles. The perfect Response to all the skin’s needs, in seven specific treatments: “Risposta” Day, “Risposta” Night, “Risposta” Perfection (lifting effect), “Risposta” Details (area around eyes and lips), “Risposta” Phytofiller Face Firming Cream, “Risposta” Phytofiller Serum Face Firming Cream and “Risposta” Cleansing.

“Risposta” Cleansing


Liquid cleanser for the skin of the face with a toning, softening and refreshing action.

An essential response to an essential need. Thorough cleansing is certainly the first step towards beautiful skin: well-cleansed skin, refreshed and with all traces of makeup and smog removed, not only appears both younger and fresher, but also capable of benefiting in full from the treatments used on it. “Risposta” Cleansing, an extremely gentle and delicate non-foaming gel, is a new form of make-up remover and the first step on the path towards a younger and better-looking skin starts with make-up removal. For a total beauty treatment, from start to finish.

“Risposta” Face Day Cream



The best Response for anyone who has always dreamed of reinvigorating their skin and helping it function properly throughout the day. The skin needs increasing protection against the increasingly intense factors in the skin ageing process, such as light, polluted air and air conditioning, stress and climactic elements. A complete and functional treatment, which combines the most effective active substances of vegetable origin. The skin can count on the store of toning, protective and moisturising elements which this product provides.

“Risposta” Face Night Cream



Night-time has never been so good for the skin! “Risposta” Night is a truly extraordinary treatment,


unique in its ability to enhance the skin’s natural renewal process during the night’s rest. It is a revolutionary and carefully regulated compound of noble oils, vitamins and anti-oxidising factors: it has a highly efficient nourishing action, ideal for helping the skin to recover, even when at its most worn-out and tired, repairing the damage done during the day and preparing it to face the following day. What a surprise on waking!

“Risposta” Perfection Face Cream



Simply perfect! A day cream created to ensure maximum comfort. With a light texture, translucent and ultrafine, it is easily applied to the face, neck and cleavage. “Risposta” Perfection has immediate and surprising effects: the skin is visibly smoother, softer and firmer, as well as being considerably more compact and supple. And the perfection continues: this treatment provides the face with a whole range of natural moisturising, protective and elasticising factors (arranged around the two polysaccharides of Delicate Siliqua and the purified fraction of Soy seeds). Perfection in just a few weeks! A genuinely visible lifting effect and clear firming of

the skin, as well as a more relaxed, better defined and younger-looking expression.

“Risposta” Details


Eye and Lip Cream

The eyes and lips are therefore very important parts of the face, which need very special care and attention. “Risposta” Details is just what they need. An extremely gentle but extraordinarily effective cream, which acts both immediately and gradually. The skin in this area, which is so delicate and demanding, will feel immediately nourished, intensely moisturised and protected. Above all, it will rediscover its tone and elasticity, whilst the signs left by changing expressions and the frequent stress of makeup will be attenuated. 735 “Risposta” Firmness Face Cream

Phytofiller with a firming and anti-wrinkle action

A Response which is truly determined to offer even the most demanding skin the right amount of nourishment, moisture and protection. A dense cream which melts on the skin, releasing the active substances of vegetable origin, among the most advanced which modern phytotechnology has to offer, specific complexes

which work to smooth out lines and wrinkles, gradually attenuating their depth with the phytofiller action. Every woman’s dream is about to come true: a treatment created to restore beauty to the skin of the face, which immediately looks smoother, firmer and more toned. The formula also contributes to restoring balance to the skin’s functions and accelerating cell regeneration. Combination with the Firmness Serum, to keep the freshness and vitality of younger skin for longer, has proved to be an effective and truly revolutionary beauty strategy.

“Risposta” Face Firmness Serum


Specific Phytofiller serum

A precise choice to combat skin sagging effectively. Small doses of the product,

along the deepest wrinkles, are vital in responding to the needs of older skin, with four, intensely specific actions: the Serum helps optimise the natural production of collagen, making the skin firmer and more compact, as well as instantly smoothing and relaxing it, offering a surplus of protection against the damage caused by free radicals. Particularly satisfying results are obtained when this product is used together with the Firmness Cream: a winning combination, capable of concealing the subtle lines and signs of age, leaving a face with a more clearly defined outline, with a softer and younger appearance. Truly timeless gratification.


ith tinted creams which replace the traditional foundations perfectly, without having their annoying tendency of making the skin heavier and drier and leaving it fresher, lighter, wellnourished and protected.

Tinted Face Cream with Macadamia Nut & Avocado

254 255 256

In Almond, Hazelnut and Date shades

An original make-up/treatment which enhances, with three warm and luminous shades, the beauty of the face and at the same time protects it, combating wrinkles and roughness.

115 Luminous Tinted Face Cream

The Luminous Cream is both a complete moisturising and protective day cream and a make-up product. In summer or winter, in the city and in the open air, it

replaces the base and foundation with two great advantages: it confers a warm colour tone, without the sensation or appearance of being made up and, while it protects the skin, allows natural tanning. Also remember the Kajal - Eye Pencil and the Nourishing and Protective Lip Brightener; Lightening and Moisturising compact Clay, Nourishing and Protective Lip Brightener of the Myrrhae Range. (see page 83)






s part of our normal everyday diet, many of us now regularly use organic products for ourselves and our loved ones: cereals, milk, vegetables and fruit which have slowly and surely gained their strength from the earth, sun and water, without any force or harmful methods and without leaving the usual damage to the environment and harmful residues behind them. We know that the nutritional substances these products contain reach us cleaner, stronger and as a greater source of wellbeing. And what about the skin on our face, our body? Perhaps it is time to start nourishing and moisturising it following the same principle! This is the philosophy behind the Bio-ecocosmetics range of L’Erbolario. Basic products for cultivating the skin’s beauty and freshness, rich in active substances (really active!!), obtained from plants cultivated in accordance with the strictest guidelines of Organic Agriculture. Products dedicated to anyone who looks at the true substance of things, who would rather have the small and imperfectly shaped apple which, compared with its perfectly-

round sisters, usually conceals a genuine wealth of flavour, salts and vitamins; just as they would rather choose a cream with a texture which is not perfectly vanishing and without the most popular fragrance of the moment, but which retains intact all the properties.

Face Cleanser


With Extracts of Pumpkin, Ribwort Leaves and Bilberry

An effective and pleasant cleansing action, with a specific and extremely gentle cleanser which, thanks to the elastic structure of the polysaccharides of Guar Seeds, clings to the skin and gently incorporates and removes impurities, without altering the skin’s natural hydrolipidic film. The product contains a whole range of protective, soothing and antioxidant properties, due to the organic extracts - with a high content of vitamins and mineral salts of Lemon Peel, Pumpkin Seeds, Bilberry and Ribwort! Used every day, this product leaves the skin fresh and clean, more velvety than ever, thanks to the Tapioca Starch it contains. Certificate n.050 BC 005 35

Face Moisturising Cream


With Rosehip Oil and Sunflower Oil and Seabuckthorn Extract

For the pleasure of rediscovering and maintaining the compactness of youth, L’Erbolario has formulated a special product which provides the skin of the face with the moisture and toning it needs. This cream is also effective in combating the signs of oxidation and helping tone the skin. This is possible thanks to the synergic activity of extremely pure organic components such as Sunflower Oil, Sesame Oil and Rosehip Oil, which nourish the skin and leave it soft and fresh, and the Olive, Apricot, Almond and Wheat waxes, which, with the anti-ageing action of the Seabuckthorn Extract, help combat the action of free radicals. Skin treated with this special cream every day becomes more supple and velvety to the touch. Certificate n.050 BC 001

Nourishing Face Cream


With Macadamia and Pumpkin Oils and Bilberry Extract

Dedicated to older, tired and difficult skin, but also effective on more sensitive skin, this rich and dense cream performs its powerful nourishing action with the help of organic ingredients. It helps prevent wrinkles and skin sagging, due to the extracts of Bilberry and Milk Thistle Seeds it contains. A powerful soothing and elasticising action is also provided by the oils which enrich the formula: Evening Primrose, Rosehip, Sunflower, Jojoba, Pumpkin and Macadamia, together with the waxes and butters of Almond, Wheat, Shea and Barley. An ideal treatment for enjoying a constant sensation of comfort and maintaining the natural beauty of the skin on the face and neck for years to come, protecting them against the cold, wind, sun and polluted air every day. Certificate n.050 BC 002

Toning Morning Bath and Shower Foam


With Mint and Basil

When you wake up each morning, an organic breakfast for your skin awaits, to help it start the day well, under a splendid toning morning shower. The right start to the day lies in the components of this naturally pleasant gel: the extracts of Basil, Mint and Rosemary have a refreshing and delicately conditioning effect which immediately gives a sense of well-being. Also beneficial is the cleansing action of the creamy and velvety foam, which leaves the skin moisturised and soft, due to the Guar Seeds, which incorporate and remove impurities. Right from the start of the day, your skin is protected against premature ageing with the vitamins contained in the extracts of Bilberry and Pumpkin Seeds, which also help eliminate the feeling of dryness. Certificate n.050 BC 006


845 Relaxing Evening Bath Foam

With Orange Flowers and Dog-rose

At the end of the day, a chance to relax is what is needed, immersing the body in a warm bath to be caressed by the soft foam of this marvellous relaxing product and preparing it for a good night’s sleep. The extremely effective organic ingredients of this bath foam include surfactant Olive Oil, which gently cleanses and nourishes at the same time. The Extracts of Orange Flowers and Camomile moisturise and refresh the skin with their softening and restorative properties, while the Dog-Rose fruits, Lemon Balm leaves and Lemon Peel - which contain a large quantity of Vitamin C - join forces to combat skin oxidation and ageing. After this restorative treatment, the skin is ready for a night of rest, although its beauty remains wider awake than ever! Certificate n.050 BC 007



With Rosehip and Jojoba and Bilberry Extract

A new, incomparable beauty treatment: massaging the entire body with this Toning Oil, which leaves even the driest skin feeling revitalised and as soft as velvet. This is due to the special composition of this treatment, the organic ingredients of which include many oils with a highly effective softening and elasticising action (Delicate Almond, Jojoba, Sesame, Sunflower, Rosehip). It also has an excellent nourishing effect due to the Mango Oil, the “King of Fruits”, which contains large quantities of vitamins A, B and C, and the contribution of the Bilberry Extract and the vitamin E from the Soya seeds, which reinforce the skin’s structure, protecting it against the threat of premature ageing. A unique massage: it not only tones the sense, but invigorates the mind, thanks to the refreshing sensation released by the essential notes of this splendid oil. Certificate n.050 BC 003

Relaxing Body Oil


With Sunflower and Argan Oil and Blackcurrant Extract

After a bath or shower, but also whenever you want a truly relaxing and stressrelieving massage, there is nothing better than this rich oil, which the skin absorbs easily, incorporating all of the marvellous properties of its organic ingredients. In the first place, there is a complex of noble oils (Sunflower, Argan, Almond, Sesame, Jojoba and Olive) which, together with the oily Extract of Blackcurrant, have a softening and restorative action on the skin and help protect its against oxidation and sagging, as well as helping restore its natural lipidic balance. During this beauty massage, the sense of well-being reaches the spirit as well, leaving a sensation of total peace, surrounded by the aromatic notes of the essential oils. Certificate n.050 BC 004


• They are guaranteed by the

AIAB (the Italian Organic Agriculture Association) and certified by the ICEA (Institute of Environmental Ethics Certification). • They contain Oils and Extracts derived from vegetables produced in a certified organic system (and obtained using innovative methods which maintain the active substances stable and unaltered over time). • They have been prepared without using synthetic dyes and are conserved with raw materials of vegetable origin. • They use exclusively fragrances permitted by the regulations of the AIAB. • They do not contain raw materials derived from GMO. • Strict microbiological tests have been performed on the individual components and the final products. • They have been rigorously tested, solely on healthy volunteers, at the Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Therapy at Pavia University, which has checked safety, hypoallergenicity, effectiveness and pleasantness. • They are packaged in containers made of recyclable materials. • The L’Erbolario production workshop where they are manufactured has a System of Environmental Management certified as conforming with UNI EN ISO 14001 by DNV.

For the Beauty of your Body


he beauty and harmony of the body manifest themselves in a thousand ways and depend on many factors (food, sleep, exercise, even happiness‌) which we should all seek to gauge with intelligence. Our products alone do not intend to promise you miracles, but they can help you effectively in the attention you pay to your beauty problems. Once again the efficacy depends on regularity: a small amount of time spent every day is never wasted. Also because respect for others starts with respect for ourselves. If you are happy with yourself, others will also feel equally better. 39


uperactive effectiveness to fight skin sagging. With three highly specific products, the strength of which lies in the surprising properties of the vegetable active substances, such as Kigelia Africana (a majestic tree, whose fruits the women of the Lebous tribe of Capo Verde use to prepare a poultice to massage on the chests of young girls to assist their development) or the Green Tea Polyphenols, with their powerful astringent and protective action against excess production of free radicals.

Stretch Mark Prevention and Firming Cream


With Kigelia Africana and Green Tea Polyphenols

Body Exfoliant Cream


With Kigelia Africana and Green Tea Polyphenols

This innovative exfoliant cream serves to cleanse, exfoliate and soften the skin of the entire body. Extremely fine micro-granules obtained from Almond shells remove dead cells and impurities from the surface of the skin and help prevent micro-thickening which can stop the skin breathing and limit the effectiveness of subsequent treatments.


A nourishing complex of active vegetable tensors, which restructure and help combat the ageing process, together with the exceptional anti-sagging action of the Kigelia Africana, make this cream the ideal treatment

for preventing loss of tone and thickening and for helping prevent the formation of stretch marks. Also, in addition to the extraordinary firmness guaranteed by the optimum moisturising, the skin become softer and more velvety. An important help during pregnancy, thanks to the presence of other specific ingredients, capable of supporting the elastic fibres and collagen. A great result, two ways of

using it: as a treatment lasting several weeks, to immediately beautify the skin, or every day, to extend and maintain the pleasure of a supple and young skin over time.

Stretch Mark and Bust Firming Cream


With Kigelia Africana and Green Tea Polyphenols

When the objective is a beautiful and firm bust, it is vital to look after the sur-


rounding skin tissues, which are what really support it. In order to maintain firmness and tone, this special treatment, highly concentrated and rich, has an intense action on the skin of the bust, nourishing, moisturising and elasticising, due to the highly effective active substances it contains.

ALOE I n this range of products for the face and body, the Aloe juice releases all its refreshing, toning, softening, moisturising, anti-ageing and smoothing properties. It also maintains intact its ability to alleviate the redness caused by a variety of external factors, thereby becoming an ally of the most sensitive and easily irritated skins, which appreciate the highly delicate, almost imperceptible fragrance of this range.

Face Cleansing Fluid


To ensure the daily routine of cleansing the face is as gentle as possible, the texture and freshness of this fluid brings to mind the precious gel which Aloe leaves give us when they open. The highly pure Aloe juice forms almost the entire fluid part of this formulation, ensuring it expresses its softening and toning action perfectly. 203 Face Moisturising Cream

A wide variety of external factors can cause redness of the skin of the face: the

the collagen which helps keep the skin supple and firm.

Softening Bath Foam Aloe juice present in this light cream helps soothe the discomfort, also minimising the affects on appearance, and simultaneously brings its extremely important moisturising and toning effect. On each application, the skin will feel immediately and intensely moisturised, with a pleasantly refreshing sensation which will accompany it throughout the day.

Face Smoothing Cream


The full body of this rich cream, which is pleasant to the touch, incorporates all the properties imbued in Aloe juice by its large number of polysaccharides, mineral salts and vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6. Crowning its important softening and moisturising action are numerous other substances: alongside the Barley wax, the Rice Bran Oil and the Passion-flower Oil, there is the extract of white Lupin seeds, which boost synthesis of type 1 collagen, namely 42


Ensuring a surplus of tone and freshness of the skin with even the most basic of cleansing rituals. Treating sensitive skin with the utmost delicacy. Soothing redness caused by a variety of external factors. These are the priorities which the Aloe Refreshes and Tones Bath Foam will guarantee at every wash. In its formulation, a high percentage of highly pure Aloe Juice offers the known properties which the tropical plant guards in its medicinal leaves. Also, the surfactant Wheat Amino Acids and the Quaternised Panthenol offer further softening and protection, for skin which is always fresh and softer to the touch.

Body Softening Cream


A gentle emulsion with strong refreshing and softening powers and an intensive toning and elasticising action.

Those who dislike body products with an excessively strong fragrance or are looking for an after-bath product with a subtle fragrance, which can be applied with pleasure at any time of day, will be refreshingly surprised by the highly subtle and al-

most imperceptible notes of this cream. Skin which is easily irritated and chafed by contact with rough and prickly fabrics or by the aggressive action of water and cleansers will greatly appreciate the contribution of the Aloe juice, an excellent substance which soothes the redness caused by external factors.


rgania Spinosa grows in only one place in the world: the region of ochre and spices of southwest Morocco. Here, on the vast edges of the desert and in a dry and inhospitable climate, twenty million courageous trees form an immense forest, the Arganeraie, rightly considered to be one of the last strongholds of the fertility which resists the insidious onslaught of the Sahara. In these eight hundred thousand hectares of tiny leaves, branches visited by the agile hooves of goats and kid goats and roots plunging deep into the arid and stony soil, the ecosystem of Atlantic Africa has identified the last, possible barrier against the progressive and continual desertification of the territory.

Face Cream


With Extract of Argan Leaves Brighter and Firmer

Golden Argan Oil is the vital ingredient of the bal-

anced formula of this rich face cream, which is particularly suitable for treatment of wrinkled skin which lacks tone and is also recommended for all skin types, in order to maintain tone and keep it young-looking and welldefined over time. The rare active substance is used here for all its supercompacting and nourishing properties and also to exploit to the full its rare ability to restore vitality to the skin.

Pure Face, Neck and Cleavage Oil


Suppler and Stronger

Present in its purest form, the Argan Oil is enriched

here with the sole addition of Vitamin E, which enhances to the maximum its already strong anti-ageing action. Highly rich in tocopherols, polyphenols and Omega-6 fatty acids, day after day the Pure Oil will tone the skin of the face, neck and cleavage and leave it more supple. Due to its unique ability to assist in reactivation of the vital functions of cells, the product is also a fast-acting remedy for even the dullest and most wrinkled skin, which will rapidly recover its freshness and splendour.

Bath Foam


With Extract of Argan Leaves Gentler and more Cleansing

A bath foam which is a genuine beauty treatment, suitable for all skin types and particularly the most sensitive, dry and easily irritated skin.

Body Cream


With Extract of Argan Leaves More toned and moisturised

The Argan Oil Body Cream has been formulated for those who do not like strong, enveloping fragrances, but still want a good

after-bath lotion for daily use and the daily help of supernourishing and elasticising active substances. Discreetly, but with unparalleled efficiency, the product can be used at any time of the day to transfer to the skin of the entire body its dynamic and restorative properties.

Anti-ageing Hand Cream

powerful restorative action. The unpleasant feeling of dryness will be forgotten and the skin of this vital part of the body will incredibly enjoy the dynamic, nourishing and protective action of the Argan Oil and Extract of Argan Leaves.

Hair Oil & Oil 320

With Extract of Argan Leaves More Nourishment and More Protection

Seductive and beautiful, the skin and freshness of the hands are under constant threat. Like a protective film, on each application this rich cream will help with its


Shinier and Silkier

With the discreet presence of Crambe abyssinica Oil, which enhances its conditioning powers, the Argan Oil creates a genuine beauty treatment here for hair. Applied onto even the most damaged, fine and fragile hair, Oil & Oil will unleash all its nourishing, strengthening and restorative properties: it will leave the hair soft and easy to comb and keep the style of even the curliest and most rebellious hair. It will restore volume, strength and a new shininess to hair which is dull and lacks tone.


o ensure total comfort, avoiding the uncomfortable sensation of dryness which often occurs in these important areas of the body, and to ensure your caress is always velvety and light.

Lemon Hand Cream


The Lemon Hand Cream represents a complete beauty treatment for the hands. Immediately absorbed, it forms an invisible film which protects them from external aggression - cold, wind, water, detergents - and, thanks to its specific composition enriched with glycerine, in a short time leaves them younger and more attractive. The extract of lemon guarantees perfect cleanliness and lightens the skin colour.

Hand & Nail Cream


with Olive Oil and Vitamin E

The precious moisturising, nourishing and softening properties of this cream tone and maintain the skin tissues of the hands supple, protect them from aggression by external agents, fighting flaky and reddened skin and leaving a pleasant and longlasting sensation of softness. Also, thanks to the supply of vitamins of this formula, even the most fragile and ruined nails become smooth and compact again. 196 Cleansing Leg and Foot Cream with Sea Algae and Ivy

All of us, if only at certain times of the year or in special circumstances (long periods standing, walking with inappropriate footwear, long periods driving etc.) are familiar with the extreme discomfort of the lower limbs, capable even of changing our moods: a sense of swelling and heaviness, dryness and burning of the skin. The Cleansing Cream, concentrated and with little foam, was created especially for counteracting this discomfort. It brings immediate relief, which means a 46

sensation of regained lightness, and with its softening and moisturising properties impro-ves the vitality and elasticity of tired, roughened or particularly delicate skin. The deodorising action of the product is also a plus.

Algae and Ivy Cream for Feet and Legs


This cream completes the relaxing effect of the foot bath. It enhances and prolongs the beneficial relaxing and moisturising effect of ivy and bladderwrack, combining with horse chestnut, red algae of the Pacific and chestnut oak phytosome, with all their well-known properties. It is immediately absorbed without leaving a trace and for a long time continues to perform its invaluable action discreetly and pleasantly.

Hand Hygiene Gel


For cleansing the hands without washing them 320 Argan Oil Anti-ageing Hand Cream (see page 42) 610 Almond Hand Cream Pack (see page 52) 969 Fern Hand Cream (see page 136)

The Perfumed Bath Ranges


or a subtly fascinating aura, a whole array of ranges for the body, with precious fragrances used each time in delicate and gentle bath foams, rich, fluid and silky creams, soaps based on an ancient 19th century recipe, salts for softening the bathwater, talcum powders for rediscovering the pleasure of times past, Eaux de Parfum to envelop yourself in an aromatic and mysterious aura. There are also the perfumed sachets, as well as products for the home and to perfume the places where we spend our time.



hroughout the 19th Century, adored by artists and Bohemians, particularly the French poets Baudelaire and Verlaine, who claimed that the seductive fumes of the “Green Fairy” enhanced their creative genius, Absinthe is a strongly-flavoured and bitter liquor, obtained from the flowers and leaves of Artemisia absinthium. L’Erbolario has rediscovered all the properties of this perennial plant and made them the protagonist of a highly rich and fresh range of bath products, whose strong and aromatic fragrance keeps the memory of Absinthe alive.

Eau de Parfum

819 820

A precious and invigorating energy is released by the aromatic but delicate notes

of the Absinthium scent: the Mediterranean freshness of Orange and Lemon is bewitched by the more vibrant notes of Absinthium and Coriander and the spicy touch of Cloves.

Bath Gel


More tone and wellbeing with a triple-action relaxing bath, effective due to the moisturising, astringent and

antioxidant properties of the extracts of these three species of Artemisia. Another unique characteristic is the advanced technology of the innovative microspheres, which contain precious vitamins A and E, releasing them in the creamy foam.

Body Cleansing Oil


Formulated to give even dry and dehydrated skin the pleasure of an optimum daily cleansing routine, this new Cleansing Oil uses

the effectiveness of specific substances to contribute to preventing premature skin ageing. A formula which is distinguished by the presence of precious vegetable oils, such as Sweet Almond Oil and Olive Oil.

Moisturising Shampoo


A perfect shampoo for frequent use. The specific components combined in this formula work in synergy with each other, to leave the hair moisturised, give it volume and make it silky soft.

Fluid Body Cream


Dedicated to the beauty of the skin of the entire body, this light treatment is nongreasy and concentrates in its formula a complex of extremely effective activities: in the first place, the triple moisturising, antioxidant and astringent action of the extracts of the three Artemisia plants, combined with the nourishing activity of Safflower Oil, Shea Butter and Sunflower Oil.

Deodorant Cream


Long-lasting deodorant. A formula designed to combat and eliminate the disagreeable effects of perspiration and the formation of unpleasant odours, leaving natural and long-lasting freshness.

Perfumed Soap


A soap designed to create a fragrant, aromatic foam which caresses even the most sensitive skins.


he well-concealed purity of the tender, nourishing and gentle fruit of the Almond has always inspired the mystic symbols of the essence, as opposed to the manifest, and has bewitched even the most sophisticated and demanding palates, thanks to its delicate flavour. This magic is now repeated, conquering everyone with the aristocratic note of its fragrance, which is neither too sweet or too bitter.

Eau de Parfum


Captured for you, the fragrant, rare and sensual scent of the Almond, which is neither too sweet nor too bitter, the delicious and inviting aroma will surround you like a warm and welcoming embrace.

Body Cream


Super-nourishing and protective

Bath Foam

605 606

Extremely gentle, for all skin types

A bath where the soft, pure and light foam will bring to mind romantic and evocative images of the slopes of Mount Etna covered in a white blanket of almond flowers and which, thanks to the extremely gentle cleansing agents, will be kind to even the most fragile and sensitive skins.


With the combined action of 4 different butters and the precious activity of the oil, wax, milk and hydroglyceric extract of Sweet Almonds, this cream nourishes, moisturises and protects the skin of the entire body.

Massage Oil


Perfumed Soap


Delicately perfumed

Gentle and Delicate

The natural composition of Almond Oil, of which the firming, soothing and softening properties are wellknown, together with its subtle and pleasant scent, make this product an excellent complement for even long, frequent and prolonged massages.

This soap maintains all the softening, protecting and soothing qualities of the delicious and nourishing Almond nut.

Hand Cream Pack


Moisturising, nourishing and restorative for the skin of the hands

Thanks to this practical and pleasant Cream Pack, the hands can discover an almost irreplaceable ally in the rich,


delicious and super-energising Almond. As the main ingredient of this treatment, the Sweet Almond provides all its scents and highly cherished soothing, softening and protective powers and has proved capable, bolstered by the support of four different butters and three different oils, of soothing and benefiting even the driest and most sensitive hands.

Perfumed Candle


CHINCHONA Strong, precious and sen-

Body Cream

sual! The toning effects of the extract of the generous Red Chinchona bark are combined with the properties of extract of Black Mulberry and Rhubarb, each enhanced by the other. The new Chinchona range of bath products uses these components to reawaken the natural vitality of the skin ... Follow in its spicy trail: it will take your imagination on a journey to distant lands never seen before.

With Extracts of Red Chinchona, Black Mulberry and Rhubarb

Eau de Parfum


The intensely spicy notes of Cumin seeds, with fresh notes of orange and a mossy bouquet of fragrances, enriched with the woody scent of White Cedar. A unique scent, which evokes faroff lands seen only in your mind: an enticing invitation for women and men.

Bath Foam


With Extracts of Red Chinchona, Black Mulberry and Rhubarb

A bath to refresh and revitalise the skin: its secret lies in a formula containing a selection of active substances which work perfectly together.


Calmness and relaxation to enchant the spirit and restore the skin to its natural balance and wellbeing. This formula is an ally of even the most sensitive skins, thanks to the toning, soothing and smoothing properties of the

three extracts of Red Chinchona, Black Mulberry and Rhubarb, and the Black Cumin Seed, Peach Kernel and Sesame Oils.

Toning Shampoo


With Extracts of Red Chinchona, Black Mulberry and Rhubarb

A truly specific formula, designed to leave hair silky and

easy to brush and the scalp feeling naturally good. Perfect for frequent use, even with damaged hair.

action, due to the ability of the Hydrolysed Rice Protein and the presence of the extracts.

Perfumed Soap

Liquid Talcum Powder


With Extracts of Red Chinchona, Black Mulberry and Rhubarb

A light and soft foam, with an inviting and delicate spicy scent: a revitalising cleansing


With Extracts of Red Chinchona, Black Mulberry and Rhubarb

Light and pleasant, leaving an extraordinary feeling of comfort. The genuine pleasure of an innovative product, which is as pleasant as talcum powder, but exceptionally easy to use.


egments of Pink Grapefruit, Lime, Lemon, Mandarin and Red Orange, to keep a joyful freshness and greet each new day with a fruit bowl full of good humour.

Eau de Parfum

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Notes of Pink Grapefruit, Lime and Yellow Mandarin

This sparkling Eau de Parfum has the reassuring strength of these delightful and sunny fruits. Each time it is sprayed, its citrus fragrance envelops the body, following you everywhere throughout the day.

Refreshing Bath Foam


With Pink Grapefruit Juice and Extract of Lime Rind

Used to create the consistent and fresh foam of this bath product, the sunny notes of the citrus fruits will lighten your spirit at every bath time, with their lively fragrance, also helping to keep the skin looking great over time. Alongside the surfactants with a soft and sensitive washing action, this formula also includes extracts of Grapefruit, Lime, Mandarin, Lemon and Or-

ange, rich in bioflavonoids and active substances with a powerful toning and protective action.

Refreshing Body Fluid


With Pink Grapefruit Juice and Extract of Lime Rind

Thanks to the light consistency and inebriating fragrance of the citrus fruits, this refreshing Fluid is an ideal end to a bath or shower at any time of the year. The sparkling notes of its aromatic bouquet will lighten the spirit on every application, whereas the numerous


mix of active substances is a genuine feast for the skin of the body. A few, rapid caresses are all that is needed to ensure the skin receives the nourishment and elasticising properties of four different oils, as well as freshness and moisture, thanks to the Refreshing Moisturising Factor. A genuine fruit bowl of active substances derived from the juice, leaves and rind of sun-coloured citrus fruits (Pink Grapefruit, Lime, Mandarin, Lemon, Bitter Orange) also supports the skin’s elasticity and beauty, leaving it fresher and softer to the touch.

Refreshing Deodorant


With Pink Grapefruit Juice and Extract of Lime Rind

With its aromatic symphony of notes of Pink Grapefruit, Lime and Yellow Mandarin, this deodorant discreetly ensures the body remains fresh and pleasant for long periods of time. The combination of the Sodium usnate obtained from oak moss (Usnea barbata) and Vitamin E from

soya seeds gives the product the ability gently to prevent microbe development and therefore the degradation of perspiration which leads to unpleasant odours. A genuine fruit bowl of active substances obtained from sunny citrus fruits, which will also provide the delicate skin of armpits with the important support of compacting and protective substances on every application.

Perfumed Soap


With Pink Grapefruit Juice and Extract of Lime Rind

This soap has the suave and lively fragrance of the juiciest grapefruits and the green colour of vitamin-filled limes. Its highly fragrant foam will be a pleasure for the senses and will treat the skin gently on every wash, even when it is particularly delicate and sensitive.

Perfumed Woods Fragrance


The sparkling and happy notes of citrus fruits will fill your home, thanks to the perfumed woods which are a refined item of decor and practical room scenter all in one.


F I O R E D E L L ’ O NDA For those longing for the wide open spaces of the sea and who feel the need to dive with their thoughts back into the salty waves, the Fiore dell’Onda range of products has captured the aromatic and overpowering note of the sea breeze and has combined it here with the salty fragrance released by the sea as every wave breaks on the shore. This has created a penetrating perfume with an indomitable verve, which rides like a wave across this fresh and complete range of bath products. In its balanced formulation, the highlights are the beneficial extracts of plants which, even when just placed or immersed in water, obtain their life force and beauty from it. The purple Alga Nori and Blue Water lily with their splendid flowers are present in a Bath Foam, Fluid Cream and Soap with their enviable array of flavonoids, mineral salts, proteins and vitamins. They offer the skin a veil of softness and protection every day, as well as an essen-

tial contribution to the fight against premature skin ageing and an unsightly loss of tone.

Eau de parfum


Oh to be a kingfisher, flying over the waves among the belted kingfishers, placid at heart, divine sea-coloured bird. Alcmane Vigorous and fresh, penetrating and indomitable, a fragrance on your skin will bring the blue sea breeze to mind every day.

Bath Foam


With Extract of Blue Water lily and Alga Nori

As the foam appears, the bathtub and the entire room will be transformed into a


welcoming and peaceful lagoon, not only due to the sparkling fragrance which will instantly surround you and create the illusion of being rocked by the waves, but also because the active substances which characterise this range will have given the water of your bath an important surplus of mineral salts and vitamins. The Distilled Water of Blue Water lily is also used to soften and tone the skin, which the Extract of Alga Nori has already thoroughly moisturised and refreshed. On every wash with Fiore dell’Onda, your skin will be left soft and velvety, subtly enveloped in the fresh scent of a sea breeze.

Fluid Body Cream


With Extract of Blue Water lily and Alga Nori

The ocean nymphs, creatures which according to Greek myth lived in the oceans and seas, would love more than any other beauty product the Fiore dell’Onda cream, for its light as foam consistency and briny and windy fragrance. On application of this fluid cream, the body will enjoy an intense sensation of freshness, while the skin will be well-nourished and assisted in its fight against prema-

ture ageing and loss of tone. Working alongside the organic Olive Oil, Palm Oil and Sunflower Oil, there is Vitamin E, the vitamin of beauty, with its powerful antioxidant and protective properties. Watching over them all are the extracts of Alga Nori and Blue Water lily, powerful allies of skin beauty, and the softening and compacting properties of extract of Laminaria digitata in grape-seed oil. With just a few, quick caresses, every day you can wear the fragrant sea breeze and also allow the wave of toning, moisturising and anti-ageing active substances to lap at your skin.


Perfumed Soap


With Extract of Blue Water lily and Alga Nori

Smooth and perfect as a stone left by the sea, this soap will create a highly fresh and aromatic foam in your hands every time you use it. For moisturising and softening the skin, the formulation contains extracts of plants which gain their life force from water. The hydroglyceric extract of Nori, a purple algae which loves the rocky sea bottom, and extract of Blue Water lily, a plant with waving pointed flowers, support with their protective and toning force the activities of the Olive and Palm Oils. On the skin, this all translates into a highly fresh and renewed vitality!

FI O R I C H I A RI Roses, peonies, lilies and lilies of the valley: delicate and subtle fragrances of flowers which, in their whiteness and purity, most poets and painters have celebrated at one time or another. Here, we are celebrating your person, enveloping it in the gentle but subtly fascinating lily-white scent.

Eau de Parfum


A fresh and bright bouquet, made unmistakable by the rich fruity notes.

skins. Total immersion in deliciously fragranced water, as if its surface were covered with light and pale, but totally intoxicating, petals.

Elixir Bath Foam


With White Lily Extract

A gentle, milky and rich cream, which owes its moisturising properties to the beautiful White Lily and the protective properties of Oat. An ideal bath even for the most delicate and sensitive


For moisturising, smoothing and perfuming the skin

A splendid and innovative formula which prolongs the intense pleasure of a bath. A rapid gesture is all you need: just spray the Elixir over the entire body to enjoy the total pleasure of a delightfully perfumed skin which is also moisturised and velvety smooth.


purple, blue and violet, or rather roses, hyacinths, irises and carnations, collected together by L’Erbolario in a single, sumptuous bouquet, offering you the chance to discover the subtle and seductive notes of the most mysterious and enticing flowers, the “fiori scuri”.

Eau de Parfum


Roses, hyacinths, irises ... rich and sensual flowers for enveloping a woman in an enticing and evocative scent.

the skin, leaving it soft and moisturised. From a bouquet of brightly coloured flowers, a fragrant and sensually perfumed bath.

Elixir Bath Foam


With Iris Extract

Just a few spoonfuls of this L’Erbolario speciality gives an extraordinarily enveloping foam which, thanks to the properties of Iris and Wheat proteins, cleanses



For moisturising, smoothing and perfuming the skin

Just a few moments and no massaging, for a long-lasting sense of wellbeing. A hazy cloud of perfume and, in an instant, the skin of the entire body is soft and covered in a fascinating and subtly evocative scent.


he Fruity Woods range is the result of a combination never used before. The fruit which ripens and the branch which supports it, the juicy pulp and the hard rind are joined together in this extremely pleasant formulation of these products, to create a fragrance which is gentle and sharp at the same time. Anyone, man or woman, can enjoy the daily cleansing routine with the Fruity Woods products, discovering in the active substances they contain precious allies in skin tone and freshness and in the strong but gentle fragrance an irresistible chance for relaxation and refreshment.

Eau de Parfum

Bath Foam


With Pear nectar and extract of Sweet Wood

An extremely delicate bath foam, offering a chance to refresh the skin of the body and relaxation for the senses. In its balanced formulation, the Pear Nectar offers a precious contribution of vita-

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The sweet nectarine of Pear and the pungent aroma of the Woods join together and celebrate their happy union with sophisticated and light notes.


mins and mineral salts, while the hydroglyceric Liquorice Extract refreshes the skin and helps prevent redness caused by external factors. Also, the Hydrolysed Wheat Protein spreads like a protective veil over the skin, helping fight the unpleasant sensation of dryness. And the simultaneously gentle and sharp fragrance offers the perfect climax for those daily moments of relaxation and meditation.

Body Cream


With Pear nectar and extract of Sweet Wood

Picked from a perfect tree, branches bending under the weight of fruit introduce into the rich mixture of this cream active substances and a fragrance sweet as fruit pulp and pungent as wood. In particular, the product obtains from Liquorice extract, a wood which has always been a friend to sensitive and

delicate skins, the ability to fight the risk of unpleasant chapping and the redness caused by various external factors. The Pear Nectar offers its precious contribution of vitamins and mineral salts, which give the skin renewed tone and freshness. The Rice Germ and Wheat Bran oils provide vitamin E and its incredible elasticising, nourishing and antioxidant properties.

Perfumed Soap


With Pear nectar and extract of Sweet Wood

In the fragrant mixture used for this soap, Pear Nectar, with its high vitamin content, represents the fruits, whereas Liquorice, present in the form of a sweetening and refreshing extract, symbolises the woods.

Perfumed Woods fragrance


The sweet note of fruit pulp and the pungent fragrance of wood will fill your home, thanks to the perfumed woods which are a refined item of decor and practical room scenter all in one.



rom the fresh and rigorous fragrance of the green and sparkling notes, this range preserves not only the aromas of Tea, but also its invigorating and restorative properties, offering the best of its characteristics of dynamism, vitality and energy.

Eau de Parfum


A fragrance enriched with the antioxidant power of Green Tea Extract and the properties of Vitamin E.

Bath Foam


Harmony. Well-being. Vitality. With the soft creamy foam of this bath foam, the skin rediscovers its beauty, with a caress which is gentler and more smoothing than ever.

Dry Body Oil

Body Cream


Its light texture encompasses the richness of the precious active substances: vitagen F, a highly moisturising and nourishing active substance of vegetable origin, Camellia Oil, which helps prevent skin ageing, and Green Tea Extract, with an antioxidant and protective action.


This dry oil, extremely light and totally non-greasy, is a precious dew for the skin, full of all the antioxidant and toning powers of Green Tea and the softening and protective properties of three different noble oils, as well as Shea Butter.

Perfumed Soap


The light foam of this soap caresses the skin with the special fragrance of Green Tea and the incomparable vitalising properties of its extract.

Perfumed Candle


The Green Tea range has been extended and made more complete by the addition of two face care products (see page 15)



he unusual characteristics of its flexible stem, which can wrap itself firmly around the trunks and branches of other plants, reaching heights of up to several metres, has led to Honeysuckle being given the picturesque and fascinating name in Italian of “abbracciaboschi� (tree embracer). A name which itself evokes the delicate fragrance of this exceptionally lovely plant.

Eau de Parfum


Memories of fresh morning air, country paths, spring breezes: the harmony of youth and the optimism of a sweet and irresistible scent.

fer, a cream which is absorbed immediately, ideal for all skin types.

Perfumed Soap


With Jojoba Oil

Bath Foam


Dry and sensitive skins have found their soap, which cleanses with a foam as soft as cream.

With Mallow Extract

All the seduction and memories which Honeysuckle evokes are rediscovered and multiplied in an absolutely delightful bath.

Body Cream


Nourishing and softening the skin of the body

After washing, the most tender and sweetest caress which Honeysuckle can of-


Talcum Powder


The relaxing custom of times past - using talcum powder - accompanied by the memories evoked by Honeysuckle.

Perfumed Sachets For drawers and wardrobes.

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IRIS It is Iris, the Greek god-

“Tenue” Iris

dess and splendid messenger of the gods, who connected the earth to the sky in the form of a rainbow, who gives her gentle name to this flower. Remembering this, since time immemorial, the language of flowers has attributed to the Iris the task of favouring and conciliating the subtlest new ideas. In the L’Erbolario garden as well, this airy flower has proved to be a small source of joy, since it has lent the precious notes of its fragrance to this sensual range of bath products, ensuring that it is possible to discover at any time of the year that “colour and fragrance of the sky” hidden amongst the multicoloured Irises in spring.

Eau de Toilette gentle fragrance


The fleeting beauty of Iris petals for an intoxicating fragrance in a lighter and more delicate perfume.

Eau de Parfum

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An unmistakable trail of powdery perfume will mark your passage wherever you go, if you allow this sensual perfume to transfer all the sweet notes of Iris to your body.


Bath Foam

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Give your body the pleasure of a highly perfumed and totally relaxing bath, thanks to the presence of Wheat Amino Acids, which delicately cleanse the skin, and the extracts of Iris and Altea, refreshing and softening.

Body Cream


A body cream which is rich and buttery to the touch, with an intense and sensual perfume, a genuine pleasure for your senses and also for your skin which, after application, will be wellnourished, moisturised and protected.

Deodorant Cream


With Extracts of Iris and Altea

Liquid Powder Talcum


Ideal for those who love the sensation of freshness given by talc, but do not like its more “powdery” aspects, an innovative and highly practical cosmetic form, particularly suitable for combination with the intoxicating and sensual fragrance of the Iris, already powdery by nature.

This highly effective deodorant cream will keep your body fresh for lengthy periods.

Perfumed Soap

Perfumed Woods fragrance


Gentle and delicate, fresh and relaxing, the fragrance of “sky-blue” Iris will fill your home in every season, thanks to the perfumed woods which are a refined item of decor and practical room scenter all in one.

Perfumed Candle


Perfumed Drawer Paper


Perfumed Sachets

997 998

For drawers and wardrobes



The soft and dense foam of this soap will envelop you, giving your skin a pleasant sensation of freshness, thanks to the extracts of Iris and Marsh Mallow, leaving it covered in the powdery and sensual notes of Iris.

LAVENDER Walking among the lavender fields, open and immense: the rolling, fragrant sea of lilacs stretches as far as the eye can see, where women dressed all in white love to wander, their faces hidden by wide-brimmed hats, their ample skirts rustling along the ground.

Eau de Parfum


Celebrated by some as the only possible fragrance, the ancient perfume of the cerulean lavender, the symbol of exterior and spiritual cleanness which makes everyone altruistic and an optimist.

you with its sparkling scent, gently cleansing and leaving the skin soft and silky, thanks to the Oat Extract which enriches it.

Perfumed Soap


With Oat Extract

Bath Foam


With Oat Extract

Since time immemorial, the perfume of the lithe and cerulean Lavender flower is the synonym, as its name suggests, of freshness and cleanness. It is also traditionally believed to imbue optimism and the desire to do things. There is nothing better than the soft caress of this bath foam, which will awaken


The clean fragrance of Lavender in a soothing and softening soap for all skin types.

Powder Talcum


Envelop yourself in a cloud of refreshing fragrance and rediscover the gestures of long ago.

Perfumed Sachets For drawers and wardrobes

159 163


n ancient times, the perfume of the Lily of the Valley was considered to be a gift of the gods and was kept only in gold containers. This may be because, in the language of flowers, the gentle and simple flower of the Lily of the Valley has always been a symbol of innocence and discretion ... a quality to be protected with care, as precious as gold.

Eau de Parfum


Exclusive and long-lasting, full of charm and a rare elegance, Lily of the Valley Eau de Parfum belongs intimately and personally to the woman who chooses to wear it.

of Marigold Extract in its formula, this gentle fluid emulsion can nourish even the driest and most ageworn skin, also protecting it against external factors.

Perfumed Soap Bath Foam


With Marigold Extract

After a bath, caress your skin and discover how this bath foam - extremely delicate and enriched with Marigold Extract - has left it with an extraordinary freshness, softer and more velvety than ever.

Cream Body


With Marigold Extract and Jojoba Oil

Enhanced by the presence


With Shea Butter

The scent of the subtle May flower enriches the soft foam of this soap.

Powder Talcum


For a pleasant sensation of freshness

Perfumed Sachets For drawers and wardrobes

160 164


the incredible land of Turkey, the coastal wind, the irreverent Meltem wind blows around a protected forest of Liquidambar orientalis. Here, its seductive song reawakens Autumn leaves sleeping on the ground and their dry and strong fragrance includes unexpected notes of spices and honey stolen from the Suk far away. This creates the Liquidambar perfume, a hypnotic and triumphal scent with combinations never tried before.

Eau de Parfum

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Created to suit a man’s tastes and seduce a woman’s senses, the perfumed note of Liquidambar suggests secret dimensions and arcane places. The sweet notes and amber hints of its fragrance combine their melody with a lively echo of natural resinoids.

Bath Gel with Vitamin E Micro-spheres

skin with vital assistance in the fight against the ageing process.

Body Cream


With Extract of Liquidambar orientalis

Storax, which popular tradition has elected as an infallible panacea for the widest range of skin problems. Introduced into the gel of this bath foam in the form of an extract, the ancient properties of Liquidambar orientalis are present here, providing the skin of the body with a precious toning, astringent and protective support at every wash. The important amount of Vitamin E which the amber micro-spheres introduce into the product provide the


With Extract of Liquidambar orientalis

A highly aromatic balsam is obtained from the hard bark of Liquidambar, liquid 74

In the highly fine texture of this cream, there is an efficient team of active substances. These include Pistachio butter, super softening and restorative, Sesame and Pistachio Oils, compacting and elasticising, and Extract of Liquidambar orientalis, antioxidant and protective. This all contributes to your body looking good and adds

seduction and beauty thanks to the hypnotic fragrance of the Liquidambar. On each application of the product, the skin will be provided with an important surplus of tone and moisturising and the body will be enveloped in the mysterious notes of Liquidambar.

Velvet Body Oil


Perfumed Soap


With Extract of Liquidambar orientalis

With Extract of Liquidambar orientalis

This oil is pure luxury for the body, with the triumphal notes of Liquidambar. It offers both the contribution of active substances capable of effectively supporting the tone and splendour of the skin (Pistachio, Sesame and Sunflower Oil) and an unmistakable and secret fragrance, perfect for total relaxation.

The entire formulation of this soap is based on the happy combination of softening and protective Pistachio Oil and Extract of Liquidambar orientalis, particularly appreciated here for its toning and astringent properties.

Perfumed Woods Fragrance

The hypnotic fragrance of Liquidambar will fill your home at any time of day, thanks to the perfumed woods which are a refined item of decor and practical room scenter all in one.

Perfumed Candle





he large, round flowers of the Magnolia, which made Vita Sackville West think of white doves resting among the dark leaves, give off an ineffable scent, delicate and subtle, taking you far away from day to day life and into a rarefied world of ideals and the archetypes.

Eau de Parfum


The scent of the Magnolia which, as Beltrame said in Talking Flowers, “enchants the senses and fills the air all around it�.

Bath Cream


With Sweet Almond Extract

The foam created in the water with just a few spoonfuls of product is particularly creamy and rich. It softly

Deodorant Lotion


The most gentle, because it is totally alcohol-free

caresses the skin, leaving it softer and silkier than ever before.

Body Cream


Softening and smoothing for the skin of the body

How wonderful if the important nourishing and moisturising elements the skin needs are provided by a silky and light cream, rich and easy to spread! And even better if it is enhanced by the subtle scent of the superb Magnolia flower.

Extremely gentle and totally alcohol-free deodorant. Tolerated by even the most sensitive skins and suitable for all ages, this lotion gently but effectively eliminates the most unpleasant effects of perspiration.

Soapless Bar

Dedicated to particularly sensitive skins which are irritated by traditional soaps.

Powder Talcum


Highly perfumed and delicate, a talcum powder which refreshes the skin of the entire body.

Perfumed Sachets For drawers



With Almond Oil



Méharées range of products incorporates all the properties of the precious assets of the desert: regal Myrrh and the sweet Date are combined to create a warm and sensual fragrance which, with its fascinating scent, will enchant the mind and the senses, enveloping you in the tangs of a steamy hammam.

Eau de Parfum


What an incandescent, spicy and sensual atmosphere! An endless journey amidst the lights and colours of the desert.

Shower Shampoo


With Extracts of Date and Myrrh

Bath Foam


With Extracts of Date and Myrrh

A foam which your skin will never forget! It incorporates all the properties of the treasures of the desert: extract of Date, a genuine concentration of sugars, mineral salts and vitamins; extract of Myrrh, with its sensual fragrance, which has an invigorating and astringent action, and Yucca, which, thanks to its precious juice, ensures total gentleness.

With a single, rapid gesture, hair will be clean and splendid, while the skin of the body will be cleansed with incredible gentleness. The extracts of Date and Myrrh are combined to offer their regal splendour to the formulation of this product, together with their toning and protective properties, while the cleansing agents selected provide delicate and gentle cleansing.

Body Cream


With Extracts of Date and Myrrh

A splendid body cream, buttery and truly rich. Thanks to its marvellous ingredients - Date, Myrrh and Cotton Oil - it will leave the skin as soft as silk and scented with the enchanting fragrances of the desert at sunset.

Cream Talc


With Extracts of Date and Myrrh

This extremely pleasant Cream Talc will bring to mind evenings spent in the shade as the sun disappears behind the dunes. Its almost impalpable texture contains Tapioca and Corn starches, which combine their ab-

sorbing and smoothing properties with the supernourishing action of Cotton Oil. This magical combination leaves the skin soft and velvety.

Deodorant Cream


With Extracts of Date and Myrrh

In order to keep the body fresh for lengthy periods, the Méharées deodorant cream uses effective and safe active substances. The Sodium usnate, derived from “woodland Oak” is used to prevent proliferation of the microbes responsi-

ble for unpleasant odours. The Aluminium Salts, supported by the anti-oxidant strength of the Vitamin E, eliminate the unpleasant effects of perspiration without compromising the natural skin flora, all with the exotic fragrance of a Thousand and One Nights.

Perfumed Soap


With Extracts of Date and Myrrh

A soap with a soft foam and a paste which is full of active principles: Myrrh, Date and Cotton Oil, for a soft, smooth and delicately scented skin.

Perfumed Candle



the skin of the body. Rich and silky, fluid and easy to use, this is the ideal complement for a bath or shower, spread over the skin while still damp and enveloping you in the stimulating, woody scent of Moss.

n a woodland before a storm, the fresh greenness of Moss, sitting soft and shady beneath a centuries-old oak, releases its silent aroma: damp woodland paths, all to be discovered in the delightful fragrance of this range.

Eau de Parfum

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An exciting, meditative and intense fragrance. A woodland scent, like a breath whispering through the damp and fresh leaves of a centuries-old oak tree.

Bath Foam


With Myrtle Extract

A rich and aromatic foam, which cleanses the skin thoroughly but gently, leaving it soft and supple, due to the presence of the Myrtle Extract.

Perfumed Soap Body Cream


with Jojoba Oil and Wheat germ Oil

This cream, enhanced by all the properties of Jojoba Oil and Wheat germ Oil, nourishes, tones and moisturises


With Wheat Germ Oil

Its rich and frothy foam will restore vigour and vitality every time you use it.


ince ancient times and up until the present day, they have created the sacred atmosphere which accompanies the search for spirituality and prepares us for the meeting with our inner self. They are the earthly Myrrh and the sacred Incense, whose precious tears, which well spontaneously from plant bark, have always been considered as a natural asset, due to their delicate fragrance, full of mystery.

Eau de Parfum


A magnetic atmosphere, a sensual fragrance, heightened by the warm and gentle notes of Myrrh and Incense and illuminated by the

cate cleanser which is doubly handy and effective: a single gesture which allows the skin to rediscover all its soft freshness and the hair to regain a sensation of healthiness. more bitter scent of Ginger Root and the highly fragrant Clary Sage leaves.

Bath Foam


With Argan Oil and Black Cumin Oil and Extracts of Incense and Myrrh

A velvety foam, a sparkling and aromatic fragrance: this is just the start of a ritual which will become essential for the skin, day after day.

Shower Shampoo


With Extracts of Incense and Myrrh

A pleasant and highly deli-

Perfumed Soap


With Extracts of Incense and Myrrh

The rich and creamy foam of this soap is combined with the precious properties of its ingredients - Extracts of Incense and Myrrh

Luminous Body Cream


With Argan Oil and Black Cumin Oil and Extracts of Incense and Myrrh

The rich consistency of this cream offers the brightest and most effective response to the skin’s needs: not just well-being, but also a silkysmooth beauty, thanks to the large quantity of tiny Mica particles.

Nourishing Body Oil


With Argan Oil and Black Cumin Oil and Extracts of Incense and Myrrh

With broad, soft caresses, massage the skin of the entire body with this special and highly beneficial oil: in

an instant, it will release all the toning and nourishing properties of the four noble oils it contains.

Nourishing and Protective Lip Brightener


With Extracts of Incense and Myrrh

Splendidly feminine and bright, the beauty of lips is enhanced and protected by the extremely rich active substances of this product: the precious Extracts of Myrrh and Incense protect the softness of lips, nourishing and protecting them, as well as having an anti-ageing effect.

Kajal - Eye Pencil


With Extracts of Incense and Myrrh

An Oriental elegance, to emphasise the allure of your glance. A dark and precise line, which frames the beauty of the eyes and simultaneously reveals the exceptional nature of its noble ingredients.

Lightening and Moisturising Compact Clay


With Extracts of Incense and Myrrh Amber shade

The colour of this innovative compact clay is radiant, with the warm, amber shades reminiscent of golden deserts far away.


he Narcissus flowers bloom before all other flowers: impertinent and playful, they “shake their stars� at the fresh March wind and greet the arrival of spring each year with their gentle fragrance.

Eau de Parfum

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The gentle and simultaneously intense and subtle note of the Narcissus flower covers your body, accompanying you everywhere you go, thanks to this strong and highly feminine perfume.

Bath Foam

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The spring-like notes of Narcissus are released by this bath foam, which gently cleanses even the most sensitive skin. The toning and softening effects of Extract of Narcissus flowers and Narcissus distilled water are combined Almond Oil surfactants and Oat amino acids.

Body Cream


The inebriating fragrance of Narcissus flowers will be transferred from this extremely soft cream to your entire body, with just a few rapid gestures providing the skin with genuine support in its fight against unsightly blemishes and premature ageing.

The toning and softening effect of the Narcissus flower (present here in the form of the Extract, Distilled Water and Lipo-soluble Extract) is assisted by Sweet Almond Oil, the Unsaponifiable Fraction of Olive Oil and Oat Milk, all coordinated by the ‘vitamin of beauty’, the antioxidant vitamin E, and Honey Extract.

Smoothing Body Oil


Extremely light and totally non-oily, Narcissus Smoothing Oil, a genuine beauty treatment, is designed to keep the skin supple and firm with just a few rapid gestures every day, keeping it fresh and toned over time. Its basic ingredients release all their nourishing and elasticising properties, to ensure the skin does not become rough and help avoid the appearance of unsightly blemishes.

Cream Talc


Refreshing and highly perfumed, the Cream Talc is designed to ensure the moisturising and nourishing properties of a cream, in its light texture, combine with the refreshing and softening properties of traditional talcum powder, to ensure the skin remains beautiful, with a rich pool of plant-based active substances ensuring an important contribution in softening, antioxidant and protective elements.

Perfumed Soap


Thanks to the Extract of Narcissus flowers present in its mixture, this soap will create a soft and highly perfumed foam.

Perfumed Candle



ith their whiteness, the beautiful orange-blossom flowers of Bitter Orange crown the sphere of perfect, sun-coloured fruits and “sparkle with white light�, according to the ancient Arab etymon. From their starshaped corollas, an ancient distillation process is used to extract, drop by drop, an oil with a unique and sophisticated fragrance. This is Neroli essential oil, with a highly sophisticated fragrance called upon here to evoke the light-heartedness of springtime.

Eau de Parfum

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Neroli Neroli perfume brings to mind joyful orchards of flowering orange trees. Its unmistakable fragrance evokes the bright and light-hearted note with which orange-blossom flowers greet the happy return of spring every April.

Body Cream

Bath Foam


An invitation for spring to blossom gently in your bathroom, with the Neroli Neroli Bath Foam. Its white foam will release the light fragrance of bitter Orange flowers, while the ensemble of active substances in its formulation will keep the skin looking splendid.


In the soft texture of this cream, the fragrance of bitter Orange flowers, quintessential harbinger of spring, will be transferred unchanged to the skin, which will be accompanied throughout the day. The active substances used in the product ensure long-lasting tone and freshness for the skin of the body. With simple and rapid caresses, the skin will be given essential help each day in the fight against sagging and unsightly thickening.

Cream Talc


Forget all the problems linked with the powder form, because talc has been reinvented in the form of a cream. With the perfect notes of Neroli, this innovative formulation maintains all the absorbing and smoothing capacities of its ancient predecessor, thanks to the important presence of Tapioca Starch and lipophilic Corn Starch. Due to the nourishing contribution of sweet Almond

Oil, the super-moisturising contribution of Barley Milk and anti-oxidant action of Vitamin E, it reveals its ability to support the skin of the body in its continual fight against sagging and premature ageing.

Perfumed Soap


Used traditionally to crown the joyful heads of brides with a white and splendid garland, bitter Orange flowers bring to this soap

all their subtle fragrance, released from the open corollas every spring, Extremely pleasant for the senses, the soft foam of this soap will be greatly appreciated by the skin of the body. Delicate and sweet, it offers a gentle washing action which is suitable for all skins, even the driest and most sensitive.

Perfumed Candle





ranges, Citrons, Mandarins, Lemons ... all the energy of a rich and highly scented citrus orchard, concentrated in a single range of products, where golden colours blend with the intense warmth of sun-nourished fruit. A joyful combination which translates into a sparkling and lively scent, with intense revitalising and energising properties.

Eau de Parfum


A colourful basket of citrus fruits for a sparkling and cheerful perfume, easy to wear at any time of the day.

Orangerie bath and shower foam is also unique for its moisturising and soothing action, thanks to the presence of natural active substances deriving from Oat and Verbena.

Elixir Bath and Shower Foam


Refreshing and softening

Fresh and invigorating under the shower, essential in the summertime, revitalising with its perfumed foam in the winter. It is, in any case, ideal for cleansing, perfuming and maintaining the natural beauty of the skin. The


For moisturising, nourishing and smoothing the skin

An ancient name for a new gesture. After a bath or wash, there is nothing better than this Elixir, a milky fluid emulsion to be sprayed rapidly over the entire body. The result is surprisingly pleasant: the skin is immediately highly scented and rediscovers its beauty, thanks to the moisturising, soothing and elasticising elements, provided by the Olive Oil and Verbena Oil. Pleasure and wellbeing, but also - and above all - practical: no massages and no oily traces!

Deodorant Lotion


With Verbena Extract

The security of an effectiveness which successfully combats the unpleasant effects of perspiration without damaging the skin’s natural flora. 89


ought throughout the Seventies along the colourful, millennial roads of India, Patchouli is the perfume of the most intense spiritual voyages and searches. With its enchanting and enveloping scent, it has spoken to generation upon generation of young people, who were quick to elect it as the symbol of their dreams and of freedom. Its unmistakable harmony of fragrances is formed of gentle notes, which are an invitation to sensuality, but also refreshing and dry, assisting contemplation and raising awareness.

Eau de Parfum

Bath Foam


With Extract of Patchouly Leaves and Essential Oil

Solid Perfume


Dry and gentle, mystical and earthly, Patchouly is the perfume of dreams. Transposed in this unique solid form, this becomes more decisive and enveloping, entirely similar to a perfumed oil from the India of fairytales.


Patchouly is the perfume of dreams With the sweetness of the flowers and the dryness of the leaves, this Eau de Parfum will envelop the female body with its sensuality and enrich the male body with its invigorating and dry scent.


The consistent foam of this bath product will be the perfect start to the daily cleansing ritual and, in the evening, an excellent help in nightly rest. Extremely delicate cleansing agents such as surfactant Oat and Sunflower Oil amino acids serve to cleanse the skin thoroughly, ensuring an important surplus of softness and tone at the same time. The work is completed by the hydroglyceric Extract

of Patchouly and Patchouly distilled water, softening and refreshing ingredients which help sensitive skins which redden easily.

Body Cream


With Extract of Patchouly Leaves and Essential Oil

A body cream for those who love fragrances with an immediate impact, with prolonged seductive properties. In its soft texture, the Sunflower Oil, the Unsaponifiable Fraction of Olive Oil and the Hydrolysed Proteins

of Wheat, Soya, Corn and Oats work together to nourish and restore even the driest, dullest skin which lacks tone, as well as offering an “instant� moisturising effect. The protective hydroglyceric extract of Patchouly is assisted by the Patchouly Distilled Water, softening and refreshing, and the liposoluble extract of Patchouly, elasticising and toning.

Body Oil


With Extract of Patchouly Leaves and Essential Oil

With an inebriating fragrance and a light consistency, Patchouly Oil is the ideal product for the most sensual and pleasant massages. Its special formulation,


based on light, non-greasy oils, makes it ideal for rapid use after a bath: just a few gentle caresses will leave the skin supple, nourished and soft, and leave the delightful scent of Patchouly on the body for the rest of the day.

Perfumed Soap


With Extract of Patchouly Leaves and Essential Oil

With its amber-coloured mixture, the active substances derived from Patchouly leaves are joined by ingredients known for their nourishing and restorative properties.


allets of colours, Peonies fill the endless Chinese territory with their mood. Across the green plains or at the cold feet of glaciers, along the sides of sloping hills and around the endless lakes, these springtime dames perform a silent dance with their corollas, wearing the golden crown of their stamens on the coral-red, pink and bright yellow petals. Used for centuries in traditional medicine, due to the curative properties, and prima donnas in the most aristocratic gardens, due to their astounding beauty, Peonies are baptising this complete range of products for the body.

gether, in this innovative solid form, leaving it more intense and multi-coloured.

Perfumed Body Cream

Eau de Parfum


In the shade of the changing and fragrant petals of the peonies, a bouquet of flowers and scents opens.

Solid Perfume


Crowned queen of flowers by an ancient Chinese legend, the Peony wears its fragrance like a crown, the clouds and the waves to-



Introduced into the soft consistency of this cream, Peonies ensure that even the most fragile and sensitive skins do not suffer from the redness caused by external factors. The Peony Distilled Water softens the skin, while the extract of Peony root brightens the complexion and helps fight oxidation processes. Also, two different oils (Tea and Sweet Almond) support skin

elasticity, while the Camellia Butter, rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids, nourishes and prevents unsightly loss of tone.

Body Softening Bath Foam


Under the refreshing jet of a shower or in the reflections of the bathwater, one or two spoonfuls of product are all that is needed to envelop the body in a soft and voluptuous foam. When it comes out, the skin will immediately have a pleasant sensation of freshness and

refreshment. Combined with the flowering Peonies, numerous active substances watch over the beauty and splendour of the skin.

Perfumed Soap


In the joy of the flowering and in the promise of happiness of the buds, Peonies speak of gentleness and perfume. The light foam of this soap will have the same effect on the skin. Even the colour brings to mind the pink cloud of an open corolla. 444 Fragrance for Perfumed Woods

Tripod of Elixir, Grey butterfly, Plum Flower after the Snow, Purple Shawls ‌ these are a few of the numerous and always enchanting names the Celestial Empire gave to the different varieties of Peony. They will echo through your home at every moment, thanks to this Fragrance for Perfumed Woods.


t is in the air: fresh, clean and reassuring. A scent with a unique charm, a fragrance as immaculate as the pure and graceful corollas of enchanting white flowers. A precious bouquet, dedicated entirely to beauty; its protagonists are Dahlia, Frangipani and Lilac, whose precious extracts are present in the heart of the Petals & Flowers range of products.

Moisturising Milk Bath


With Extracts of Dahlia, Frangipani and Lilac

Eau de Parfum

905 906

Female sensitivity is immediately entranced by the bright personality and delicate candour of this perfume, made unique by the white Rose and Lilac buds and warmed by the fleshy petals of Jasmine and Orange-blossom.

A cascade of ethereal petals of the pure varieties of Dahlia, Frangipani and Lilac, enclosed in this highly delicate bath milk.

All-purpose Face-Body-Hair Smoothing Oil


With Extracts of Dahlia, Frangipani and Lilac

Smoothing Body Cream


With Extracts of Dahlia, Frangipani and Lilac

When the skin needs to feel well-moisturised, compact and smooth as velvet, the ideal choice is a light massage with the soft and highly refreshing texture of this product.

Created to satisfy the different needs of the face, body and hair, this is a treatment which, with a single gesture, multiplies its innovative effectiveness by three! This special softening oil nourishes the skin of the body, restores splendour to the face and ensures hair is shiny and revitalised.

Perfumed Soap


With Extracts of Dahlia, Frangipani and Lilac

Wash after wash, it is a pleasure to discover how the soft and frothy foam of this soap accompanies the daily cleansing ritual.


he extremely delicate scent of the Rose, the chosen flower and the symbol of beauty, characterises this most feminine of ranges with its discreet and subtle notes.

Eau de Parfum


With Marsh Mallow Extract

For the most relaxing and pleasant moment of your daily cleansing ritual, what could be better than the intoxicating scent of the Rose?


With Marsh Mallow Extract


For our Rose Eau de Parfum, we have chosen the ancient scent of these sumptuous eighteenth-century flowers.

Bath Foam

Perfumed Soap

Body Cream


with Marsh Mallow Extract and Jojoba Oil

A rich but extremely light cream which nourishes and moisturises the skin of the body, thanks to the precious softening properties of the Marsh Mallow Extract.

In the code of the correspondances, the Rose has influences on the beauty and on the sensuality. Its perfume (“the perfume of the perfumes�) makes the voluptuous foam of this soap pretiuous, sweetening and silky for all skin types.

Powder Talcum

Perfumed Sachets For drawers



... the relaxing custom of times gone by! 294

SA N D A L W O O D Legend has it that, in one of his numerous rebirths before liberation, Buddha turned himself into a Sandalwood tree, whose intoxicating, dry scent bewitched all those who approached it, even snakes, which lingered entranced around it for hours on end.

Eau de Parfum


A proud and untamed scent, the small grain of pepper of seduction, for those who enjoy strong emotions, conquering and victory.

Bath Foam


With Sandalwood and Linden Extract

With its foam as delicate as a

here with the refreshing and moisturising properties of Aloe Vera.

Perfumed Soap


With Avocado Oil

caress, it protects and respects the skin’s natural equilibrium, surrounding it with a cloud of delightful scent.

Body Cream


For the skin of the body with Aloe Extract

A particularly rich and precious cream, which will nourish and soften your skin, thanks to the properties of the Jojoba Oil and Avocado Oil, combined


Combined with the soothing power of Avocado Oil, one of the most popular fragrances for men around.

Powder Talcum


Enveloped in the scented cloud of talcum powder, the skin will rediscover freshness and the precise notes of Sandalwood.


t could be a light Monsoon breeze which, when evening finally falls, takes you, damp and happy, warm and silent, along the pathways of a remote and solitary tea plantation: the gentle singing of the distant harvesters echoes through the air, while an intense and precise aroma envelops you, which the delicate notes of Cedar lighten only a little.

Eau de Parfum


Bath Foam


The pleasure of Green Tea is combined with the effectiveness of Cedar Extract, which has an excellent purifying action on the skin.


A perfume for Him and for Her, as refreshing as a cup of tea flavoured with three drops of Cedar.



Spray this elixir and rediscover your vitality! Spray it all over your body after a bath and you will know you have taken good care of your skin, thanks to the moisturising and softening properties of Camellia Oil and the astringent and purifying action of the Tea and Cedar Extracts.

Perfumed Soap


For all skins lacking tone, the fragrant foam of this soap offers the regenerating properties of Tea and Cedar.


harmoniously starshaped Tiaré flower only opens as evening is falling, filling the night-time streets of Tahiti with a highly gentle scent, which fills the air and subtly led the inhabitants of the island to choose this small shrub as their emblem.

Eau de Parfum


The same subtle and unmistakable scent which accompanies your evening strolls through the streets of Tahiti envelopes your entire body. It is the delicate note of the Tiaré flowers, made even sweeter here by the inimitable aroma of Coconut milk and the fruity scent of the Damascus Plum. A highly feminine and exquisite eau de parfum, suffused with the summer scents of distant lands.

Bath Milk

213 961

The Vahine ladies of Tahiti have chosen the white petals of the Tiaré flower to symbolise their highly traditional language of love. Depending on where it is delicately placed on the head, this tiny flower speaks of hearts to be captured and a joyful welcome to the world. Enclosed in the subtle notes

of this bath milk, the Tiaré flower will offer you moments of total well-being. Large quantities of soft foam, scented with a sweet fragrance, will envelope you in the bath water and under the refreshing spray of the shower, while the precious active substances look after your skin. Working along-

side the Monoi milk, highly appreciated for its antioxidant, moisturising and protective properties, there is the highly nourishing Coconut Oil and the Coconut Oil Surfactant, a substance with an extremely gentle cleansing action which is perfect for even the most sensitive skins.

Rich Fusion for Body and Hair


Shiny black hair, long and silky, and soft, firm and compact skin: the beauty of Polynesian women is undoubtedly a gift from the exotic divinities, but also due partly to the more earthly powers of a highly precious beauty secret: Monoi, obtained

from Tiaré flowers, which nourishes and moisturises the skin and also leaves hair shiny and voluminous. As the principal ingredient of the Rich Perfumed Fusion, Monoi releases all its beneficial toning and protective effects here, thanks partly to the combined action with the other ingredients. The most important of these is Coconut Oil, highly recommended for treating dry and dehydrated skin, but also fine and weakened hair; then there is Rice Bran Oil, rich in Gamma Orizanol, and the ‘beauty vitamin’ itself, Vitamin E, which protects the skin and hair from the aggression of free radicals. The Rich Perfumed Fusion

will therefore generously envelope your person in the delicate and subtle notes of Tiaré flowers.

flowers, which fill the air with their long-lasting fragrance wherever they go.

Fluid Body Cream



A precious product obtained by steeping Tiarè flowers in Coconut Oil: the Monoi releases all is super-nourishing and restorative powers in this shampoo, leaving the hair soft and shiny and providing it with valuable nourishing and conditioning elements. After such soft and gentle cleansing, the hair is left infused with the subtle and sweet fragrance of the Tiarè



The pure and light touch of petals on the skin is what this cream brings to mind, as it envelops you in the highly fragrant scent of Tiarè flowers. Its light consistency is the result of the combination of Shea Butter and organic Sunflower Oil combine with traditional Polynesian substances, such as the super-nourishing Monoi and moisturising Coconut Oil. Just a few, pleasant daily gestures provide the skin of the body with an important contribution of elements which help fight the effects of premature ageing


he fascination of Vanilla comes from distant lands. A subtle and powerful aroma from the sensitive fruit of the orchid, it conquered all of Europe, mainly due to its famed aphrodisiac properties.

Eau de Parfum


The perfume which makes your mouth water more than any other: the warm and sweet, so sweet, aroma of Vanilla, renowned as an aphrodisiac.

Bath Foam

conquered Europe with its sweet flavour and became part of a thousand recipes. In our Perfumed Cream, it combines perfectly with the properties of the Macadamia Nut Oil and the Extract of Myrrh, which nourish, soften and moisturise even the most tired skin.


With Myrrh Extract

To ensure that your skin, even if it is delicate and sensitive, will come out of the water perfectly cleansed, soft and fragrant. While the

Myrrh and Soya proteins, Maize, Oats and Wheat moisturise, soften and deodorise, the Vanilla releases its ancient and sweet scent, which will linger on your body for hours afterwards.

Perfumed Soap

Body Cream

Perfumed Sachets


For the skin of the body with Myrrh Extract

Discovered by the Spanish in the New World, Vanilla



With Myrrh Extract

The soft foam of this soap, thanks to the Myrrh Extract, will leave your skin soft, silky and deliciously fragrant.

For drawers



Body Cream

ike all happy marriages, two different personalities, the soft, sweet Vanilla and the bizarre and spicy Ginger, have curbed their excesses and mutually enhance each others’ virtues.

Eau de Parfum


The spicy and citrus notes of Ginger which subtly but decisively awaken the subtle aroma of Vanilla, which is left less sweet, more pungent and fleeting.

Bath Foam


With Lotus Flower Extract

For a genuinely enjoyable bath or an intoxicating cascade of bubbles under the shower, pour three spoonfuls of bath foam into the


With Lotus Flower Extract

bathwater or directly onto a sponge. While the unmistakable scent of Vanilla is released, with the spicy touch of the rich, woody, citrus aroma of Ginger, the Lotus Flower Extract and the Rice Proteins add sweetness and ensure your skin is moisturised, leaving it thoroughly cleansed, but soft, velvety and enveloped in a longlasting fragrance.


Precious Rice Bud and Jojoba Oils enrich, with their excellent soothing and firming properties, this Vanilla and Ginger perfumed cream, enhancing the action of the Lotus Flower Extract, a plant which was sacred to the Indians and Chinese and whose surreal beauty was considered the symbol of perfection in ancient times.

Perfumed Soap


With Lotus Flower Extract

The Vanilla releases its subtle fragrance in the soft foam of this soap, with the additional spicy and citrus note of Ginger.


rom what perfect worlds does the arcane fascination of White Moss arrive intact, through the crystalline atmospheres? Exotic and luxuriant woodlands, far away in time and memory, to which the fragrance of this mysterious range of products will take you.

Eau de Parfum


The fragrance of White Moss reaches us and, with its gentle, subtle and discreet notes, will enchant our minds and senses.

Body Cream


With Jojoba Oil and Hydrolysed Wheat Protein

Bath Foam


With Hydrolysed Wheat Protein

The mysterious fascination of White Moss is rediscovered in the clear essence of this delicate, softening and refreshing bath foam. Cleanse your skin with the soft and plentiful foam, leaving it velvety soft and with a long-lasting fragrance.

The subtle, rare and enchanting scent of White Moss will envelop you if you decide to abandon yourself to the sweet caresses of this fluid and silky emulsion, the precious ingredients of which - Wheat Germ Oil, Lemon Balm distilled water and Jojoba Oil - will moisturise and nourish the skin of the entire body.

Perfumed Soap


The fascination of White Moss is incorporated in the soft and glossy foam of this soothing soap, for all skin types.


hite Peony, Silver Needles, White Dragon Pearls are the evocative and charming names, combined with the gentle and delicate fragrance, used to describe the different varieties of White Tea, whose white nuances symbolise rarity (it is harvested only twice a year, for just two days), power (it was supposed to boost immortality) and calm.

Bath Foam

Toning Eau de Parfum

Fluid Body Cream

748 749

The delicateness of White Tea, with its incomparable scent, is encompassed in this intimate and spiritual cologne.


This gentle and creamy bath foam makes bathing even more relaxing and pleasant and its soft and abundant foam will envelop you in the gentle, subtle aroma of White Tea. 745

A light and easy to spread cream full of active principles. Together with the White Tea extract, a noble ingredient with excellent antioxidant and protective properties, important com-

ponents work in synergy, such as Olive Oil, which is excellent for preventing wrinkles and sagging, Rice Bran Oil and Cotton Oil, soothing and elasticising, and Hydroglyceric Peony extract, softening and astringent.

Dry Body Oil


Four different oils (Avocado, Olive, Cotton and Camellia) combined in a single product, so that, working together and enhancing each other, their properties provide the finishing touch to the extremely important antioxidant activity of the dry extract of White Tea.

Soapless Bar


A soapless bar formulated using Rice Starch, extremely gentle on the skin of both the body and face.

Glossy Shampoo


A treatment formulated for the beauty of the hair, designed to restore all its natural gloss and vitality and to be used every day if required.

Perfumed Candle



T H E R I TU A L O F P ERFUME Perfumes

are sensitive, delicate and precious. They love calm, steady movements and gentleness. Learn to handle them with care. From the time the bottle is opened, the perfume begins to change slowly; you can keep it for around one year, with a few precautionary measures. Remember to close the bottle tightly each time you use the perfume, and keep it away from sources of heat and light. The simplest way of keeping its fragrance unaltered for a long time is that of using a no-gas spray, which protects it from external aggression.

F inally there are the “base notes”, with an intense fragrance, which support the heart notes: patchouli, labdanum oil, oak moss, benzoin and incense. Discover

their numerous nuances. The initial scents, those which are immediately apparent as soon as you open the bottle, represent the “top notes”: candid, volatile and short-lived. They are almost always citrus (lemon, bergamot, mandarin) or from labiates (sage, rosemary, hyssop, mint).

Then there are the dominant or “heart” notes. They appear a few minutes after dispersion of the head notes and define the personality of your perfume. They are often scents of rose and honeysuckle, jasmine and lilyof-the-valley. 111

Learn how to enhance their intensity throughout the day: a drop on the neck, in the hollows of the elbow and knee, between the breasts and behind the ears, naturally. A sophisticated touch: perfume the collar and cuffs of your clothes. On evaporating the perfume will create a harmonious wake of fragrances.




mong the many fragrances of L’Erbolario, moss has always been one of the best loved. The subtle whiff from the shady depths of woods is full of evocations and enchanted recollections. Now the breeze, which we can imagine as coming from the age-old boughs of dark oaks, passes over a clearing covered in white and vanillascented flowers, between a hedge of wild roses, on a hill brimming with blackberries, raspberries and bilber-

ries, along a beach where drops of amber collect on the dry wood washed up by the sea… This has led to four seductive variations which add charm to the charm of moss and those who wear it.

Moss Eau de Parfum


White Moss Eau de Parfum


H I S T O R I C A L P E R F UME “Colonia del Ponte”


A truly unique bouquet which starts with green and citrus notes, giving way to an armful of herbs which still seem fresh from the dew: Wild Sage, Artemisia, Tarragon, Lavender from the

High Alps and Lentiscus are released in dynamic, sparkly and invigorating notes. Ideal for sports lovers, its original scent evokes nature, physical fitness and dynamism. A fresh and stimulating way of starting a new day.



ith a natural pH level, clinically tested to ascertain their tolerability, our deodorants act directly on body odour, without interfering with the important natural process of transpiration. Finely and discretely scented, the classic Sage Deodorant Lotion and Sage Deodorant Cream have a fresh and clean note, while the delicate perfumed lotions are inserted in ones of our most beloved lines and base their effectiveness on the prodigious Alpha Hydroxy Acids, or still better on the enzymatic “switches” extracted from them, that know how to avoid the forming of unpleasant smells. And to really forget the problem, a revolutionary deodorant with the Mint.

Aquasalvia Deodorant Lotion

free. It is ideal for any area of the body with a perspiration problem (excluding naturally the mucous membranes): the armpits and also the feet, hands and cleavage.

Myrtle Perfumed Aquasport Lotion


A pleasant, discretely scented lotion, to ensure the freshness of the person even in moments of particularly intense or prolonged physical engagements. Aquasport eliminates with sure effectiveness the unpleasant effect of the perspiration, without compromising the natural cutaneous flora.


A fluid deodorant, gentle even on the most sensitive skin as it is strictly alcohol

Deogel with Aquatic Mint & Vitamin E


With Peppermint Essential Oil

Two different species of mint, aquatic mint and peppermint, give this ultra delicate gel their strength which, combined with the power of the aluminium salts and the anti-oxidant properties of Vitamin E, 114

Aquaverde Deodorant Lotion


(see Verde range, page 143)

Absinthium Deodorant Cream


(see Absinthium range, page 51)


A fresh liquid deodorant in a practical environmentfriendly non-gas spray. A few sprays in the morning protect your freshness for many, many hours.

Deodorant Cream

as well as the skin purifying and astringent action of rosemary water, guarantee total freshness which lasts all day long, even during periods of intense activity and during the hot months.

405 Citrus Refreshing Deodorant

See the Citrus Range (page 56)

Fern Deodorant


See Fern Range (page 137)

Iris Deodorant Cream


See Iris Range (page 68)

Magnolia Deodorant Lotion


See Magnolia range (page 76)

Méharées Deodorant Cream


See Méharées range (page 79)

Periplo Deodorant Lotion


See Periplo range (page 142)

Orangerie Deodorant Lotion


See Orangerie range (page 89)


lenty of soft foam for quick cleansing which is also gentle and effective. This is basically for hands, but also suitable for use on the body and even the face.

Fresh Foam with Citrus Fruit


Fresh Foam with Leaves


Buonaschiuma Marsiglia soap


Icelandic Lichen Personal Hygiene Cleanser


A natural and safe answer to a delicate everyday problem.

Thanks to its very delicate formula, it cleanses with the utmost delicacy, respecting the natural acid levels of the body and without affecting the balance of the local flora. The active ingredients of Icelandic lichen, present in the required amounts, ensure a long-lasting and highly effective refreshing and deodorising action.


For the Beauty of Your Hair


o not despair if your hair rebels against everyday stress and the thousand minor torments which you subject it to in the name of fashion. Does it show its disapproval with split ends, loss of shine and volume, or is it excessively greasy or dry, always tired and lifeless and dull in colour? It is worth responding with kindness and patience, nourishing it, caressing it and providing the care it deserves. The products which L’Erbolario recommends for you have been created so that your hair can represent for you what healthy and shiny branches are for a fine tree. 117



Erbolario shampoos are the result of ongoing research, thorough tests and constant updating, according to the most recent acquisitions in the field of phytocosmetics. Guaranteed to be totally free of alkaline soaps, they always have a natural pH level. Obviously, like all the other cosmetics, the shampoos too, in order to ascertain their tolerability, were subjected to strict clinical trials at the University of Pavia, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe. In order to prolong the results guaranteed by L’Erbolario, follow these basic tips: • choose the most suitable shampoo for your hair type and learn to use it correctly. It is unnecessary to use too much, instead learn to “work” it for a long time with your fingertips, adding plenty of water. Also avoid putting it directly on the

hair, which is increasingly fragile, but instead concentrate on the scalp. Always try to rinse with nearly cold water in order to close the scales of the hair and make it shine. • Wash your hair often, even every day if necessary, with small amounts of specific shampoos. Pay no attention to the banal commonplace “the more you wash hair the more you ruin it”: nothing could be further from the truth, and in fact the opposite is true. • While hair is wet, it can only be combed if protected beforehand with a good conditioner. In any case, use a wide-toothed comb and a great deal of gentleness, as hair is more easily damaged when wet. • If you go to the swimming-pool, rinse hair immediately after swimming with a shampoo for frequent washes, in order to neutralise the harmful effects of chlorine.


Anti dandruff Shampoo with Propolis


Particularly suitable for hair with oily and dry dandruff

Of all hair problems, dandruff is possibly the most delicate: the Propolis Shampoo, thanks to its balanced formula, which removes dandruff and purifies the skin, eliminates existing dandruff particles and prevents further formation. Its delicate cleansing action ensures soft, voluminous and shining hair. We recommend using the product regularly, even once partial results have been obtained. 253 2 in 1 Conditioner Shampoo

With Castor Oil and Gingko Biloba

A rich and creamy formula which performs an innovative cleansing action: it is capable of effectively eliminating skin impurities extremely delicately, respecting the scalp and hair fibre. It combines shampoo and conditioner to offer the convenience of a single product with double efficacy which, while it ensures a delicate cleansing action, guarantees a conditioning and nourishing effect. Formulated with

natural ingredients derived from soya which do not undermine the equilibrium of the skin, this speciality is particularly suitable for frequent washes. The product is enriched with castor oil and gingko biloba, whose restructuring and emollient properties provide the hair with more body and softness, leaving it easier to comb.

Camomile Shampoo

use throughout the day. While ensuring perfect hygiene, with a skin-cleansing and deodorising action, due to the properties of myrtle, sage and lichen, it contributes nourishing elements which soften the skin and create volume for the hair. A “blob� of product is sufficient for a rich shampoo and for cleansing the body with abundant fragrant lather.


For light brown and blonde hair

A gentle and delicate shampoo which respects the natural balance of hair and leaves it soft, silky and shiny. Particularly suitable for blonde or light brown hair whose fine golden tints and gloss it enhances, thanks to the extract of camomile. 244 Sport Shower Shampoo with Myrtle & Sage

Walnut Shampoo


Sebum-regulating and astringent for oily hair

Thanks to the new active ingredients with which it has been enriched, and to its balanced washing base, the Walnut Shampoo eliminates excess sebum and gradually restores the natural balance of the hair and scalp. Its sebum-balancing action means that the hair stays cleaner

With a skin-cleansing and deodorising action

The Myrtle and Sage Shampoo is dedicated to sports enthusiasts and to those who regularly attend gyms, swimming-pools and saunas. It is practical, gentle and effective. It combines shampoo and shower foam in a single product and is formulated with extremely delicate ingredients which respect the balances of the skin and hair and allow its repeated 119

longer: week after week it regains lightness, volume and hold, becomes shinier and keeps a style better.

Purifying Shampoo


With Aquatic Mint, Vitamin E and Peppermint Essential Oil

A gentle and balanced shampoo for deep cleansing of all types of hair, which also immediately washes away and provides long-lasting protection against the unpleasant odours which can even remain on the most well looked after hair at times. A genuine deodorant shampoo, which is so delicate it can be used every day. The Rosemary extract and vitamin E in its fragrant foam combine their anti-oxidising and purifying properties to make hair shiny and healthy, whilst the unbeatable freshness of Aquatic Mint and the

conditioning power of Peppermint give an immediate and long-lasting feeling of well-being, as well as providing a precious contribution in purifying and toning the scalp.

Myrrhae Shower Shampoo With Extract of Incense and Myrrh (see page 82)

Nettle Shampoo

821 Absiunthium Moisturising Shampoo

Stregthens and protects dry and fragile hair (see page 126)

Toning Shampoo

Periplo Shower Shampoo

(see page 51)





With Extract of White Thyme and Laurel (see page 142)

Fern Shower Shampoo

White Tea Glossy Shampoo


Restructuring Shampoo


With Extracts of Maidenhair and Polypody (see page 148)

Macassar Oil Shampoo


For nourishment and volume (see page 122) 100 Shampoo with Millet & Soya Extract

For frequent washes and as an aid to hair loss prevention (see page 124)

(see page 116)

954 Restructuring Shampoo for Treated Hair

Hair Conditioner with Millet & Soya

Argan Oil Hair Oil & Oil

953 Restructuring Cream for Weak and Fragile Hair

Petals & Flowers All-purpose Face-Body-Hair Smoothing Oil

(see page 103)




With Limnanthemum Oil and Rice Bran, protective for the hair (see page 164)

Shinier and Silkier See the Argan Oil range (see page 44)

TiarĂŠ Shampoo


Enriched with Mineral Oligoelements See Millet and Soya range (see page 124)

With Cotton oligosaccharides and extract of Linden buds (see page 128)

With Extract of Flax oil (see page 128)


With Rice and Mallow (see page 151)

Sun Veil Sunscreen

With Corn proteins and extract of Green Tea (see page 128)


Attenuates the negative effects of the sun, chlorine and sale (see page 165)

Shampoo for Babies

With Extracts of Red Chinchona, Black Mulberry and Rhubarb (see page 63) 973

Sun Shampoo with Extracts of Almond, Flax and Amaranth Seeds

With Extracts of Dahlia, Frangipani and Lilac (see page 95)






range of beauty treatments dedicated particularly, but not exclusively, to fine and weakened hair or hair which lacks volume, is dry and damaged by the wind, sun, sea and frequent bleaching and perming.

Macassar Oil Hair Shampoo


For nourishment and volume

Particularly rich in nourishing and softening elements, obtained from the various vegetable oils and from soya, it leaves the hair shiny and full of vitality, strengthens it and provides even the weakest and most tired hair with outstanding volume.

sar Oil on dry hair, massage carefully before shampooing. The Macassar Oil is then always rinsed out with the greatest ease. Applied before sunbathing and swimming in the sea, it is ideal for protecting the hair on the beach.

Macassar Oil


Strengthens, nourishes and creates shine.

Used for centuries on the Moluccas Islands, Macassar Oil, a true beauty pack, restores vigour and shine to hair. It strengthens the hair, increases its beauty and provides in-depth nourishment, leaving it soft and voluminous. Apply Macas-

Macassar Oil Volumising Hair Pack


A beauty pack to complete the care of fine and weakened hair which lacks volume and which requires more nourishment and help than other hair types. Practical and pleasant to use, it exploits the beneficial properties of our now famous Macassar Oil and the wheatgerm proteins. It cares for hair from the roots to the ends, giving it body, shine and vitality. Immediately, and each time more, your hair will look healthy, thick and full of life, able to bring out any style to the full. The pack is also ideal after applying henna, in order to combat its slightly drying effect.

M IL L E T & S O Y A Millet, the cereal containing the most vitamins, is joined in this range by Panthenol and Soya Proteins, creating a range of excellent products for giving strength, vigour and splendour to all hair types, including frizzy hair, hair with split ends and which splits easily. 100 Shampoo with Millet & Soya Extract

For frequent washes and as an aid to hair loss prevention

Formulated with particularly delicate cleansing agents, this shampoo is enriched with millet extract and soya proteins. Millet, a true ally of hair, is the cereal with the most vitamins, (A, B1, B2, B6, PP, pantothenic acid). It is also rich in phosphorous and magnesium, in addition to iron, silica, fluorine and manganese. The millet extract is essential in a shampoo produced for frequent washes and as an aid in preventing hair loss.

Hair Conditioner 369 with Millet & Soya Enriched with mineral Oligoelements

All hair types, will become easier to handle with this rich and creamy conditioner. After application, hair is easier to comb, shinier and, most importantly, it has received the beneficial effects of oligoelements and glycoproteins, which nourish hair and repair the most damaged and weakened parts.

Fluid Restructurant 037 with Millet & Wheatgerm Strengthens hair and provides volume

A special fluid (non-oil oil) for a restructuring and protective treatment for limp, dry hair which is brittle or forms split ends. Thanks to the combined action of the panthenol, wheatgerm proteins and millet extract, sustained by the addition of an effec124

tive sunscreen, it performs a triple function on hair: it protects it from physical, chemical and environmental elements which continuously attack it, repairs each individual shaft, recom-pacting the external scales and the split ends, and instantly enhances hair, increasing its shine, vigour, volume and making it easy to comb. 045 Styling Gel with Millet & Soya

For styling hair and giving a wet look

A creamy and rich gel which allows any type of style to be created (even the most complicated and imaginative), rebel locks to be tamed and all the final touches to be made.

Millet Extract Lacquer


With the Millet Lacquer you can model and hold any style without matting the hair, which instead remains flowing and natural. In fact, thanks to the high percentage of extract of millet and panthenol (vitamin of the B group), even a banal process provides beneficial nourishment and shine.


he supporting and conditioning effect of Nettles make these products precious allies for tired and weakened hair, also giving them the added ability of helping prevent hair loss.

Hair Shampoo


Strengthens and protects dry and fragile hair

A specific formula for dry and fine hair, weakened by colouring, bleaching and perms, or stressed by weather conditions. Thanks to the special proteins which it deposits on the surface of each hair fibre, it washes delicately, restores

the protective sheath of the hair and neutralises electrostatic charges. It strengthens the ends, providing your hair with gloss, volume and hold, leaving it easy to comb.

Hair Lotion


Cleanses and increases volume for hair

Since hair follows natural cycles, it is absolutely normal for several dozen hairs to fall out each day, as they

are soon replaced. However, aggressive treatments, environmental factors, dandruff and seborrhoea may upset, even to a serious extent, these rhythms and jeopardise hair appearance; thus an auxiliary treatment may have to be used. Strictly alcoholfree, the Nettle Lotion helps your hair to a newer vigour, volume and gloss and contributes to fixing a style. In daily and extended massage of the scalp, its cleansing and cosmetic action, which exploits the properties of the nettle extract and aromatic rosemary water, is a useful aid in preventing hair loss.



“ R I S T R U T T U RA” H

air requires special care and attention to be beautiful. Placed under stress every single day by demanding lifestyles, environmental factors and poor diet, it needs the support of qualified “specialists”, like the treatments in the innovative Restructure range of products of l’Erbolario.

Restructuring Shampoo


With Maize Proteins and Green Tea Extract

A revitalising shampoo with a highly gentle cleansing action, designed for even daily use on dull, lifeless and dehydrated hair, to restore its health and vitality and leave it strong, glossy and splendid. Its cleansing base gently assists elimination of the substances left by pollution, while the numerous active substances contained in the noble oils reach the stem of the hair and nourish and moisturise it, leaving hair softer, shinier and more supple.

954 Restructuring Shampoo for Treated Hair

Restructuring Cream for Weak and Fragile Hair

With Cotton Oligosaccharides and Linden Bud Extract

With Flax Oil and Extract

Forced to suffer often stressful colour changes, treated hair is frequently more fragile and sensitive. Dying, perming and bleaching have a direct affect on porosity of the hair and place it at greater risk of damage. Specially formulated to fight the damaging effects of chemical agents, the pleasant gel of this shampoo is full of highly effective active substances, capable of ensuring deep moisturising and nourishment and plenty of protection.



A good after-shampoo treatment, which is highly recommended for all hair types, becomes essential in the case of weak, fragile, dyed or bleached hair. Highly nourishing and restorative, this cream can be used in place of conditioner and offers the perfect end to the restructuring program started with the specific shampoos. The four, highly effective active substances penetrate inside the cuticles and “restore” the hair in the most damaged areas, strengthening the stem. The hair receives the nourishment and moisture it needs and the risk of split ends is attenuated, leaving hair which is glossy and beautiful, but also healthy and strong.

T H E H A I R C O L OURS Also as regards hair colour, we at L’Erbolario prefer natural effects. We like the shades of henna, the golden tints of camomile packs or the deep brown of tea leaves, and we reject the so-called “dyes” which are recognisable as artificial from afar. We know how important it is, for women who are increasingly rushed and weighed down with a thousand commitments, to be able to enliven their mood by enhancing a shade which suddenly seems slightly dull, or delicately conceal white hair. All this simply, fast and naturally. We have therefore worked for a long time to obtain a product which, together with being truly effective, is also the most gentle, the safest and the least aggressive possible, and which exploits naturally-derived substances to the full. Having rejected ammonia and oxidating agents, we expected the best from extracts of camomile, henna, chestnut and myrtle, highly select and contained in high percentages, and we have enhanced them (to obtain the various shades and achieve optimum cover) with organic colour products. The formula is completed by the protective action of nourishing and restorative substances. This led to THE COLOURS OF L’ERBOLARIO 7 gels produced for a gentle action, easy to use, delicately perfumed, which above all respect the health of your hair, maintaining its shine.

Camomile Gel

Henna Gel


Henna red

Bilberry Gel


Deep mahogany

Indigo Gel




Golden blonde

Henna and Camomile Gel


Auburn blonde

Chestnut Gel


it does not lighten •yourSince natural hair colour, the


gel should be chosen in the shade closest to the base colour if satisfactory results are to be achieved.

Light brown

Cocoa Gel Dark brown


Given the total absence of •peroxide, it can also act as a harmless rinse even on dyed hair (on bleached, strongly lightened hair, it may change the base colours). It almost totally conceals grey hair. Naturally the amount of gel has to be increased where it is most common. The packaged product, ready for use, is sufficient for two applications on hair of medium length. It is easy to use: leave it to take effect for around thirty minutes on dry hair and then remove it with a rich and gentle shampoo such as the Macassar Oil one. Rinsing, however, must be thorough and should be continued until the water runs clear in order to remove all traces of the gel.


• In warm weather dry your

hair outdoors. However, if you have little time and inclination, use the hair-dryer, holding it at 25 cm from the head and only applying lukewarm air. • Only use brushes with natural bristles, without, however, exceeding 50 brush strokes a day. • Do not wear your hair

constantly in a pony-tail, chignon, plaits or with fixed slides which ruin the hair. • On all accounts avoid back-combing. • During the winter months always remember to use conditioner to protect your hair from smog, fog, rain and pollution. • Keep an eye on your diet, as hair, in order to be beautiful, must be healthy. Eat food which is rich in protein (very fresh eggs, low-fat cheese, yoghurt, lentils and 131

beans), vitamins of the B group (yeast, whole cereals), mineral salts and vitamins (fresh vegetables, honey). Ask your herbalist for a recipe for cooking millet and learn to eat this food which is invaluable for the beauty of your hair. Above all if you have oily hair, drastically reduce the consumption of animal fats, sugar and carbohydrates: replace them with raw olive oil, honey and whole cereals.

Man Ranges


t is extremely important for everybody to start off the day on the right footing: leaving the house with peace of mind, comfort, happy with the world after a good breakfast, music, and also the special care which we dedicate to ourselves in the bathroom. Nowadays the essential part of a man’s personal care is shaving. So that this operation does not become a bore but instead a moment of narcissistic pleasure, L’Erbolario has introduced extremely fresh and easy-to-use products, beneficial and gentle on the skin. This is not all. In order to prevent those who have intelligently learnt to grant a few extra minutes to their appearance from being forced to loot women’s cosmetics, the lines are enriched with actual beauty products, essential and effective, designed for men. 133


illow, Cluster Pine and Oak, generous and productive trees on which the tough, strong and resistant bark conceals secret and highly precious active substances, as well as an extremely refreshing aromatic, woodland fragrance.

Eau de Parfum

770 771

A long-lasting and aromatic fragrance, ideal for both men and women.

Bath and Shower Foam


With Extracts of Oak, Willow and Cluster Pine Bark

A bath and shower foam which, in addition to the incredible freshness of its foam and fragrance, also has the added benefit of being extremely delicate.

Liquid Powder Talcum


With Extracts of Oak, Willow and Cluster Pine Bark

Fluid Body Cream


With Extracts of Oak, Willow and Cluster Pine Bark

Fresh and totally non-greasy, this cream is enriched with the effectiveness and important contribution of three precious active substances: extract of Oak Bark, protective, purifying and toning; extract of Cluster Pine Bark, antioxidant and anti free radicals; extract of Willow Bark, smoothing and softening.

This practical and highly fragrant liquid talc performs the dual task of drying and refreshing the skin, as well as simultaneously providing it with an important contribution of moisturising, toning and protective elements.

Massage Oil


Soapless Bar


Aftershave Fluid


With Extracts of Oak, Willow and Cluster Pine Bark

With Extracts of Oak, Willow and Cluster Pine Bark

The precious extracts of Willow, Oak and Cluster

With a delicate, fresh and discreet fragrance, this massage oil is full of precious active substances, which all contribute to leaving your skin toned, soft and smooth. In addition to the extracts of Oak, Willow and Cluster Pine Bark, this oil does, in fact, also include the unsaponifiable fractions of Olive Oil, Shea Butter, Avocado Oil and Golden Palm Oil.

Made even softer and more delicate by the presence of wheat starch, soothing and protective, and by the supermoisturising Sunflower Oil, this soapless bar with Bark can be used with equal gentleness on the skin of both the face and body, leaving it soft and smooth, as well as freshly fragranced with the sparkling woodland notes of this range.

Pine Bark release all their moisturising, antioxidant and protective powers in this highly refreshing aftershave. Day after day, it revitalises the skin of your face and also provides it with an important surplus of substances which help fight the effect of premature skin ageing and which nourish and tone the skin.

FERN Close to a bubbling spring or at the foot of shady rocks, soft green ferns sway. Their gentle fragrance will envelop you every day with this highly refreshing and invigorating range of bath products.

Eau de P arfum

976 977

With its rigorous and subtle notes, this eau de parfum will envelop you completely and accompany you throughout the day.

Shower Shampoo


Fluid Body Cream


With Extracts of Maidenhair Fern and Polypody

Each application of this extremely light cream with a highly intense fragrance will give a sense of renewed vigour and lightness and offers the ideal finish to your daily cleansing routine. Anyone

With Extracts of Maidenhair Fern and Polypody

The Extracts of Maidenhair Fern and Polypody present in the fragrant foam of this shower shampoo perform their important skin toning and protective action, while the quaternised Panthenol and Honey combine to ensure hair is strong and splendid.


who is sensitive to alcoholbased solutions or gives up using their normal eau de parfum during the summer months for valid substitutes will greatly appreciate the refreshing and toning properties of this product.

Hand Cream


With Extracts of Maidenhair Fern and Polypody

A symbol of power and virility since ancient times, hands are the first part of

a man’s body to show the signs of age. To keep them attractive as long as possible, to soothe dryness and redness and protect them from the damage caused by constant use, this Cream with Extracts of Maidenhair Fern and Polypody contains a genuinely effective range of plantbased active substances.

Shaving Cream


For delicate and sensitive skin

Extracts of Maidenhair Fern and Polypody Soft and easy to spread, this Fern Shaving Cream makes shaving easier and quicker, since the razor slides more smoothly over the skin, while the absence of foam makes it easier to control the direction of the blade better, reducing the risk of small cuts and abrasions.

Aftershave Fluid


With Extracts of Maidenhair Fern and Polypody

An extremely light, softening and emollient aftershave fluid, ideal for soothing skin after shaving. Its formula combines an extremely rich pool of plantbased substances, which help soothe redness more quickly, leaving skin soft and firm.



With Extracts of Maidenhair Fern and Polypody

Thanks to its decisive deodorant action, this highly fragrant spray lotion will keep you fresh for longer.

Perfumed Soap


With Extracts of Maidenhair Fern and Polypody

A fresh and fragrant foam perfumed with Ferns will form in your hands when you use this bar of soap.


he main ingredient of this range of products is the Baobab, a proud and majestic tree which has transferred all its potency and longevity to a highly nourishing and energising oil.

Face Cream


With Baobab Oil and Coffee Butter

This cream, pleasant in texture and full of active substances, is a genuine ally of male skin in protection against everyday aggression and stress. Forced to tolerate increasingly frenetic lifestyles, exposed to the continual attack of the wind, cold and pollution and heavily stressed by the unavoidable daily appointment with the razor, male skin risks showing its discomfort by becoming dull, heavy and rough. To avoid this happening, this formulation includes the valid contribution of numerous active substances. Headed by Baobab oil, three different oils contribute elasticity and nourishment. The extracts of Siberian Ginseng and Dunaliella salina give the product an energising and immediately firming ef-

micro-wrinkles and roughness on the skin of the face are smoothed away. The skin avoids the risk of dehydration and is immediately smoother, more toned and brighter. fect, the Coffee Butter protects the skin against sagging and the Menthol pleasantly tones and refreshes it. Day after day, the skin becomes firmer, more vitalised and younger looking.

Face Serum


With Baobab Oil and Extract of Siberian Ginseng

Light and almost impalpable in texture, this serum is absorbed rapidly by the skin, which benefits enormously from the combined action of its numerous active substances. These have all been selected on the basis of their ability to fight the ageing process with a constant lifting effect and their efforts are concentrated around the combined action of the Baobab oil, elasticising and protective, and the extract of Siberian Ginseng, a substance which has an immediate firming effect on the skin. The result is that, right from first application, 138

Fluid for the Eye area


With Baobab Oil and Orange Bioflavonoids

Delicate and sensitive, the area around the eyes is a high-risk zone: every day, it is threatened by fatigue and stress, with bags and circles under the eyes, facial movements and expressions, and by the slow passing of time, with wrinkles and sagging. In order to avoid this and ensure the eyes, which are such an important part of any man’s face, are always surrounded by toned and refreshed skin, this fluid combines, in its light texture, a harmonious team of ten different active substances, all guided by the filler action of the extract of Micro-algae, the elasticising action of the Orange bioflavonoids and the anti-ageing effect of Beta Glucane.


symphony of spicy notes for this range of products, with a rare and persistent fragrance which seems to come straight from England’s greens, to revoke the natural and classic elegance of times gone by.

Eau de Parfum


Elegant and refined, the originality of this Eau de Toilette comes from the head-note of rural fragrances (French Lavender and Juniper), refreshed by the pungent scent of Bergamot and Basil. This creates the spicy combination of Coriander and Nutmeg with a bitter endnote of fragrant leaves.

Shaving Cream

Pre-shave Emulsion


For wet shaves and with an electric razor

An extremely pleasant emulsion which, while it softens the skin and prepares it for an impeccable shave, helps to prevent wrinkles. It eases the sliding of the razor and then leaves the skin silky and velvety.


It softens the skin immediately and in depth, eases the sliding of the razor and ensures rapid and perfect shaving. It is the ideal product for the most delicate and sensitive skin. The fresh and stimulating perfume of its vegetable essences and its soft and smooth consistency make its daily use particularly pleasant.

Aftershave Elixir


Refreshing and invigorating

Totally alcohol-free, with an isoepidermal pH, the Aftershave Elixir refreshes and tones even the most sensitive skins, often stressed by electric or manual shaving, and prepares them to face the day.

Perfumed Soap


Enjoy the unmistakable fragrance of this range of products at any time of the day.


“PERIPLO� T he fragrant underbrush

Shower Shampoo

and a sea breeze combine and release their aromas in the Periplo range of products, with its unmistakable, fresh, aromatic and evocative fragrance.

With Extract of White Thyme and Laurel

Eau de Parfum

575 576

A fragrance which concentrates all the freshest and most evocative scents of the Mediterranean.

Shaving Foam


Aftershave Fluid


Moisturising and Toning, with Extract of White Thyme and Laurel

The Periplo Aftershave fluid offers a daily burst of freshness for the skin of your face, which is in particular need of being revitalised and moisturised after a shave.

With Extract of White Thyme and Laurel

Soapless Bar

A foam which ensures an easy and pleasant shave. Thanks to the extracts of White Thyme and Laurel and the extremely gentle Camomile, the skin will be supple, well-moisturised and pleasantly soft after a shave.

This extremely delicate soapless bar gently cleanses your skin deep down without drying it out, leaving it soft and velvety.


With Extract of White Thyme and Laurel



An innovative Shower Shampoo to help you rediscover wellbeing for your body and hair, with just a single gesture and a single fragrance.

Deodorant Lotion


With Extract of White Thyme and Laurel

Aromatic notes, decisive and very masculine, this fresh and delicately fragranced lotion has an effective but gentle deodorising action.

Liquid Powder Talcum


With Extract of White Thyme and Laurel

This fluid emulsion is a useful ally for anyone wishing to stay fresh for as long as possible while still ensuring the skin of the whole body receives an important surplus of moisturising and toning elements.


Mint Gel

his range of products with its fresh-bitter fragrance, with the grassy and woody notes, will help you rediscover all the aromas and thousand different scents of an imaginary woodland.

Eau de Toilette


In this eau de toilette you can find the fresh-bitter perfume of an imaginary ideal wood which combines the fragrances of blossoming citrus fruit trees, the Mediterranean maquis in the evening and a tropical forest after the rain, against an intense background of grassy stretches.


For gentle shaving

Bath Foam


With Extracts of Birch and Rosemary

An extremely fresh bath foam where the unmistakable bitter and woody scent of the Green perfume crowns and enhances the toning, refreshing and skinpurifying properties of the extracts of Birch and Rosemary.

A delicate mint gel which beneficially replaces shaving foams and soaps. With outstanding toning and softening properties, it pleasantly refreshes the face, leaving it smooth and fresh throughout the day. With a natural pH level, it allows gentle and impeccable shaving, respecting the hydrated acid layer of the skin. Immediately after washing the face, a small amount of Mint Gel is applied on the damp skin and spread evenly with a short massage. Shaving can then begin, although, if

there is enough time, it is better to enjoy this wonderful sensation of freshness for two to three minutes. The Mint Gel has been formulated like an authentic fastacting beauty aid. Another important detail is that this gel does not create a foam and is completely transparent, so that you can always see where the razor is going.

Aftershave Elixir


with Birch and Rosemary

An extremely smooth emulsion that, through unmistakable green notes, “turns off” the reddenings of the shaving, purifies, sweetens and nourishes the skin, accomplishing the double task of refreshing it and making it able to perfectly face the signs of the time.

351 Day and Night Cream with Cereals & Beech Buds

A specific treatment aimed at solving the special needs of men’s skin. During the day a special vegetable-based filter reveals its whole extraordinary effect in maintaining moisture of the skin constant and ensuring protection against irritating environmental factors, as well as an anti-ageing action. At night, while the skin rests, the cream provides longterm nourishment, restoring suppleness and tone.

Scrub Soap


With Birch and Rosemary

A soap which cleanses gently but decisively. In addition to the respective extracts, its soft paste includes frag-


ments of Birch leaves and Rosemary needles which, on rubbing, have a gentle scrubbing effect, helping eliminate the impurities from the skin and boosting the exchange of surface cells.

“Aquaverde” Deodorant Lotion


With Birch and Rosemary

A particularly fresh and masculine deodorant which effectively eliminates the unpleasant effects of perspiration, without altering the skin’s natural flora.


n exotic scent, almost a breath of Asia, emanates from the Vetiver range of products, whose unmistakable woody notes combine perfectly with the freshness of the Bergamot, for a highly scented, refined and decisive fragrance.

Eau de Parfum


The result of a carefully guarded recipe, where essential oils from distant places mingle with perfect balance, the Vetiver Eau de Parfum reveals aristocratic, exclusive and refined notes. The fresh tones of Vetiver are added to the woody notes of Sandalwood and

Aftershave Balm

Cedar and the subtler scents of Labdanum, Bergamot and Sage.

Bath Foam



Enriched by precious nourishing and moisturising elements, this fluid performs two important functions simultaneously: it restores comfort to the skin after the harsh effects of shaving, soothing burning and irritations, and ensures it, like a true beauty treatment, nourishment and protection throughout the day.

Vitalising and refreshing

This bath foam ensures an intense and revitalising freshness for a man’s washing routine and leaves the skin of the body soft and supple.

Aftershave Lotion


With Hamamelis

After shaving, the Vetiver Aftershave Lotion refreshes, tones and moisturises the skin of the face, giving it an immediate sensation of wellbeing. Totally alcohol-free, it is suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive.

Babies Range


he smallest children need the greatest care. And for children we have always dedicated gentleness above all. That of the most tender affection, but also of gestures, sounds and colours, the furniture in their room and the clothes they wear, that of the first toys and the first books they enjoy. L’Erbolario, too, from an ideal garden, has chosen for them the most delicate flowers, the lightest fragrances, the most gentle extracts and oils to formulate five products which respect the special fragility of their brand-new skin. Cleanliness and protection will thus be deliciously pleasant and above all safe. 149

SW E E T N E S S , S W E E T NESS, SWEETNESS... We can all agree on one thing: children are irresistible just as they are and do not need any special “cosmetic” to look lovely. For the first “hygiene” operations a few basic products are required, specially formulated however, given that skin up until puberty, although complete in histological terms, has important differences compared to that of adults. It is much less oily and lubricated, in that sebaceous secretions are virtually zero and, although perspiring copiously, it is almost totally odourless, in that apocrine secretion has not begun, being connected to hormonal-sexual activity. It has a thinner epidermis-corneum layer, which makes the skin more permeable and sensitive to the action of external agents. It is easy to understand, therefore, how children’s skin is more resilient, softer and smoother, i.e. more beautiful, but much more delicate and vulnerable. It goes without saying therefore that it should be treated with all due precautions and with maximum gentleness: since oil does not have to be removed, it would be totally unnecessary, among other things, to use products which are too harsh. A FEW WORDS ON BATHING & SHAMPOO The rule that babies should be bathed daily has to be refuted. Until they reach one year in age this frequency may be appropriate if the child likes the warmth and movement of the water, i.e. if it amuses and relaxes him. Otherwise bathing, as a hygiene process, can quite easily be performed weekly. In particular, new-born babies do not require much washing with water. The important thing is that they are cleaned thoroughly at each nappy change and dressed in newly laundered underclothes. If the skin of the child is par-

ticularly irritable, a good handful of rice starch dissolved in water is an increasingly effective aid with a beneficial softening effect. It is extremely important that the child is dried completely after the bath, with special attention for the folds of the skin (groin, armpits, backs of the knees etc.). A fright for mothers and a serious irritant for babies is represented by nappy rash, which should above all be prevented: 1) prevent the skin from re-


maining in contact with urine and faeces (their combined action is particularly hazardous due to the high concentration of ammonia which develops); 2) try to allow the skin of baby’s bottom to breathe as much as possible, every so often letting him stay halfnaked in a room which is well heated in winter and possibly in the open air during the summer months; 3) after each nappy change spread a protective cream properly over the whole skin of the critical areas. It is not necessary to cover the child in talcum powder which, by obstructing the pores, prevents proper transpiration.

Before dressing the child again, find the time, in the warmth, for a gentle and relaxing massage, after having softened your hands with a little protective cream. Even cleaning baby’s head in the early months requires delicate and careful touches: an extremely delicate massage with a little mild shampoo and warm water. Any milk scab can be eliminated gradually by applying on the skin, before shampooing and again with a delicate massage, a little olive oil. The scabs should never be removed, as this would cause lasting scars. As time goes by the child will gradually become involved in hygiene matters which, introduced as a game, will definitely be well accepted. Soap and toothpaste will then make an appearance, but for bathing and hair washing it is a good idea always to use specific and delicate products: for years to come the skin will be lovely, fresh and elastic, but, until the time of early puberty, will not have fully developed its mechanisms of defence.


Cleansing Milk for Babies


With Camomile and Mallow

A creamy and extremely delicate cleansing milk with neutral pH, enriched with softening, moisturising and nourishing elements. Between each bath, there are many occasions on which baby’s skin has to be cleansed: one example being the many nappy changes! The Cleansing Milk for Babies, extremely practical to use, facilitates operations and helps to prevent the possible problems of traditional cleansing: it contributes in maintaining intact the hydrolipid layer of the skin and fights the harsh effects of urine, avoiding reddening and irritation.

Bath Foam for Babies


With Rice and Mallow

The particular sensitivity of children’s skin, which has not yet fully developed its defence potential, forces exceptional cleansers to be used. Our Bath Foam, strictly neutral, has thus been formulated on an extremely delicate cleansing base: it is made up of naturally derived elements and those of a sugar origin. It is enriched by rice proteins, capable of form151

ing a film on the skin to protect it from irritants, and mucilage of mallow, with its well-known softening properties. A few spoonfuls in the warm bath water thus create a soft and lightly perfumed lather which cleanses with the utmost gentleness and leaves a pleasant sense of well-being and cleanliness.

Shampoo for Babies


With Rice and Mallow

An extremely gentle mild shampoo which will not irritate your baby’s eyes and will respect his silky hair. It cleanses delicately, without affecting the sebaceous protection of the scalp which, in the first years of life, is still scarce.

Whitefoam for Babies


Gentle cleansing for the skin and hair. With Apple and Mallow

Plenty of light foam for the plastic ducks to swim in, for playing with bubbles and for discovering rainbows ... but also for cleansing thoroughly but gently the sensi-

tive skin and fragile hair of babies, with a totally natural cleansing activity (surfactants derived from Glucose and Coconut), enriched with the protective, soothing and softening properties of Rice, Apple, Mallow and Olive Oil.

Wet Wipes for Babies


With Mallow, Rice and Camomile

Practical but gentle, for cleansing the extremely delicate skin of a baby. These soft wet-wipes in non-woven fabric are soaked in a fluid emulsion with physiological pH, extremely delicate and of vegetable origin

Protective Cream for Babies


With Shea butter and Mallow

(Coconut, Palm, Castor-oil), enriched with the unique properties of Camomile, Rice Proteins and Mallow, perfect for softening, refreshing and protecting the skin. They are therefore ideal for the numerous nappy-changes during early infancy, after which they are perfect for toddlers outside the home, when they start to explore, touching everything, passing from the pebbles in the park to their tea, and when they want to eat their ice-cream by themselves.


A thick cream, rich in vitamins and natural emollients which nourish, soften and maintain baby’s sensitive skin elastic. Spread in a thin layer, it forms a protective film which defends against any irritant: cold, wind, sun, but also (and above all) urine. It is therefore ideal for preventing peeling, irritations and reddening in the groin area of new-born babies where, together with the inevitable permanence of irrita-ting liquids, there is also continual rubbing by the nappy.

Perfume for Babies


Refreshing flower tonic, alcohol-free

In order to complete the care of babies, to refresh them and provide relief after a walk or day in the sun, to wrap them in a lightly perfumed cloud before an important occasion, we have chosen the fresh fragrance of orange blossom, mitigated by the light aroma of camomile. The added softening substances (proteins of rice and mucilage of mallow) help to maintain the most delicate skin soft and the total absence of alcohol avoids any danger of dehydration.

151 “Piccolosole” Children’s Ultraprotective Sun Cream for the Face & Body

With Marigold & Peach Kernel Oil - Water-resistant

(see page 160) 229 “Piccolosole” Children’s Ultraprotective Sun Cream for the Face & Body

with Peach Kernel Oil and Sweet Almond Butter Water-resistant

(see page 160)


SAFETY & QUALITY FOR BABIES All the products in the “child’s garden” range have been formulated to fulfil the special demands of the delicate and sensitive skin of new-born babies. Their ingredients have a maximum degree of purity and absolute quality. The active ingredients are chosen from among those which for centuries have been used by men and hence boast a tradition of unquestionable efficacy and tried-and-tested safety. Preparation and packaging are governed by the strictest rules of hygiene, while each individual lot undergoes careful microbiological and physicochemical tests which provide a guarantee of constant quality and stability. Strict clinical trials performed at the University of Pavia have ascertained the optimum skin tolerability of each individual product.

Sun and Open Air Range


o make you tan better, more rapidly and in total safety: these are the goals which L’Erbolario pursues for you. The eight specific products which we offer you have been specially formulated to encourage the tan and make it last as long as possible, to moisturise and protect the skin, at the same time maintaining it smooth and elastic, and thus prevent its premature ageing and the formation of small wrinkles, to revive it after hours and hours of intense outdoor life. In this way you can take advantage of all the good things the sun has to offer, “creating� first of all and then prolonging that wonderful natural protection which is known as a suntan. 155

T H E S U N P R O D UCTS ADVICE FOR THE PERFECT TAN The sun is one of the strongest allies for our beauty, health and well-being. Its energy is exhilarating and stimulating. However, its powers must be used wisely, in order to avoid those minor problems we all know about and the more serious problem of premature skin ageing, one of the principal causes of which is incautious exposure to the sun without sufficient protection. The worry caused over recent years by the holes in the ozone layer surrounding the earth should have been enough to convince everyone to behave more carefully and assess their own photo-type, the season, the latitude of their location and the good sense of using appropriate protection before exposing their skin to the sun’s warmth and light. So, in order to make the most of the sun, with neither too much nor too little, we must use our own good sense and effective and safe products. Before discussing our sun products, we have listed below the rules of an ideal “code of conduct” for the sun. 1) Decide that your aim is categorically to avoid being sunburned at all costs. 2) Do not spend too much time in the sun during the first two

or three days and gradually increase the amount of time spent sunbathing. This will allow you to obtain a perfect tan rapidly and without running any pointless risks. 3) Choose appropriate protection on the basis of your photo-type (skin - hair - eyes), the climate, the season and the latitude. If in doubt, opt for a high SPF. Check the UV index for the day by consulting the weather forecast in daily newspapers: the higher the index, the more important protection becomes. 4) Remember that it is never a good idea to spend too much time motionless in the sun and do not underestimate the risks of reverberation. Use a good sun product even if you are sitting under a sun umbrella or the sky is slightly overcast. 5) Do not use alcohol-based perfume or eau de toilette before exposure to the sun and, if you are taking any medicines (sulphamides, antibiotics, tranquilisers), consult your doctor, to avoid the risk of increased sensitivity or allergic reactions. 6) Between 11 a.m. and 3 156

p.m., the sun’s rays are more likely to irritate the skin than to tan it, so avoid sitting in the sun during this time. 7) Reapply your sun product around once an hour and always after a swim, shower, water-skiing, etc. 8) Remember that sun products are not applied like other beauty products: particularly during the first few days, it is better for a generous film to form on the skin and experts suggest applying 35 g. of product, corresponding with around six teaspoons of cream, in each application. Always remember that it is pointless, if not dangerous, to massage sun products into the skin too much. 9) Remember your hair needs as much protection as your skin. 10) Immediately after a swim and always at the end of the day, take a shower in fresh water to remove all traces of sale and chlorine from your hair and skin. 11) All these precautions are especially important for children, who benefit greatly from the sun, but require particular care in exposure to it. Children should always wear sunglasses and a hat and, when very small, according to dermatologists, should even be

protected by a cotton t-shirt and, in any case, the areas of the skin exposed to the sun should be protected with a high SPF product. Very small infants, especially newborn babies, should never be directly exposed to the sun. THE SUN PROTECTION FACTOR Erbolario sun products have been designed by our R&D laboratory to measure the UVA and UVB filters correctly and to block harmful rays. They therefore allow you to obtain a good tan whole providing the right amount of protection. A brief explanation of the method of defining the SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is necessary at this point. Faithful as always to the strictest parameters of propriety and professionalism in its relationship with its customers, L’Erbolario decided to adopt promptly the recommendations of the European Commission regulating sun protection indicators. According to these recommendations, solely and exclusively products capable of providing protection against UVB and UVA rays exceeding 6 may be considered as sun products, so L’Erbolario immediately took steps to adapt the formulas of all its sun products with an SPF lower than 6. The European Commission also recognises the International Sun Protection Factor Method as the only one to be used from


now on to determine the protection indicators and has invited all manufacturers to comply with a clear and schematic classification. On the basis of this classification, all sun products must now be divided into 4 different categories, each categorised by a higher or lower protection capacity, according to the following table: Category SPF index Low Protection 6 10 Medium Protection 15 20 25 High Protection 30 50 Ultra Protection 50+ All L’Erbolario sun products (with the exception of the Super Tanning Ointment and Aquasole, which do not contain filters and must therefore be considered as simple supplements for moisturising and nourishing the skin during exposure to the sun) show a number linked with this categorisation from 6 to 50+, which indicates the ability of the product to block or extinguish, to use the highly effective term used by experts, UVB and UVA rays. The presence of the UVA symbol on each packet and bottle of our sun products indicates that the product complies with the very latest requirements of the European Commission, or rather guarantees screening of UVA rays equal to 1/3 of the total sun protection factor (e.g. a sun 158

protection factor of 30 will guarantee a UVA ray screening action equal to or exceeding 10).

PRODUCTS DESIGNED TO CAPTURE THE SUN L’Erbolario offers efficient products for all different skin types or depending on the different exposure times, which: contain highly effective natural moisturising, nourishing and softening substances; are easy and pleasant to apply guarantee maximum protection reduce the harmful effects of solar radiation which cause premature skin ageing.

• • • •

Lip Stick +


with Rice Wax & Marigold Invisible ultra-protection

Lips also need careful protection from the sun and wind, in order to avoid dryness and chapping. Marigold Oil, Rice Wax, Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter and Vitamin E, together with extremely high-protection filters, work to ensure that lips on a suntanned face remain soft, pink and with well-defined borders, as well as protecting them against premature ageing. Ultra Protection ✹ SFP 50+

Sunscreen Stick


226 Sun Cream with Golden Palm Oil

Total protection for the face and body, Water-resistant

An extremely pleasant cream, which covers every part of the skin easily and offers super-effective protection against UVA and UVB rays. Designed for pale, sensitive skin which reddens easily, it is ideal for the initial days of exposure and for children, but is also recommended for everyone when the latitude or season makes the sun’s action particularly aggressive. The screening effect is guaranteed by a total of four

With Rice Wax And Macadamia Nuts invisible ultra-protection

An original cosmetic form for total protection: practical, adaptable, extremely pleasant on the skin, which it leaves as soft as the most refined beauty cream! When applied repeatedly to the most delicate areas of the face and body to be protected, it is entirely invisible, subtly providing the most effective protection, while its moisturising and antioxidising elements work to ensure a beautiful skin in the future. Ultra Protection ✹ SPF 50+


filters, but its rich formula also contains precious natural substances like liquid Jojoba wax, acting as a barrier against the drying effects of the wind, salt and heat, Palm Oil and Olive Oil, which protect the skin against ageing, and the delicate Aloe Vera gel, which softens, moisturises and refreshes the skin. This is therefore not just an ultra-protective cream, but also a genuine beauty treatment for the face and body, as it helps maintain the quality of the skin. Ultra Protection ✹ SFP 50+

151 “Piccolosole” Children’s Ultraprotective Sun Cream for the Face & Body

With Marigold & Peach Kernel Oil. Water-resistant

When armbands and rubber ring turn the first swim into endless fun in the waves, when the sandcastle, already surrounded by crumbling sandy walls, still needs that

extra tower, for somersaults and breathless chases across mountain pastures amidst the tinkling bells of the goats, that is when it is vital to ensure children’s skin is well-supported and protected from the continual caress of the sun. The Piccolosole Ultra-Protective sun cream is an important and precious ally for every mother’s peace of mind: its ultra-effective screen against UVA and UVB rays is guaranteed by two different filters (Gamma Orizanol from Rice Bran Oil and the Unsaponifiable Fraction of Olive Oil), whereas the soothing, softening and protective action is provided by a combina-


tion of substances chosen specially for their delicateness and orchestrated here by the extract of Marigold and Peach Kernel Oil, all ensuring the gentle touch that every child deserves. Ultra Protection ✹ SFP 50+ 229 “Piccolosole” Children’s Ultraprotective Sun Cream for the Face & Body

With Peach Kernel Oil and Sweet Almond Butter. Water-resistant

An extremely gentle and highly protective sun cream for very small children’s skin. To ensure their endless games away from the sun umbrella and on the waterline, strolls hand in hand with mummy and daddy and naps on coloured towels continue undisturbed, Piccolosole uses the most effective screening agents, from the traditional Unsaponifiable Fractions of Olive Oil and Avocado Oil, to the original Sesame Oil and the innovative extract of Indian Beech Tree, accompanying them with a variety of powerful natural substances with nourishing, softening and protective qualities, including Sweet Almond Butter and Peach Kernel Oil and Wheat Germ Oil, all rapidly spread on the skin, with just a few extra

caresses. This is extremely important, because it is necessary to repeat application a number of times during the day, virtually on an hourly basis and always after a bath or shower, even though Piccolosole is highly water resistant. You can never be too careful with children and your should read the advice in our introduction particularly carefully. With the children’s sun cream and your care and attention, you can be certain that the only reminder of the summer for your child’s extremely delicate skin will be its beautiful golden colour! High Protection ✹ SPF 30

216 Sun Cream with Carrot, Sesame Oil and Shea Butter

High protection for extremely sensitive skin

Cream for sensitive skin, indicated for conditions of extremely intense sunlight (sea and mountains) and for initial exposure. Also recommended for children’s skin, it is ideal for the face and bust and excellent for


the entire body. Formulated with highly nourishing oils, it protects the skin effectively against UVA and UVB rays and helps prevent the formation of wrinkles, leaving the skin smooth and supple. High Protection ✹ SPF 30

Face Sun Cream 218 with Aloe Vera and Macadamia Nuts Anti-ageing formula

This cream has a specific anti-ageing action and is dedicated to those who love the sun’s golden caress on their face, but sensibly want to prevent any negative effects on the youthfulness and quality of their skin.

It guarantees a medium level of protection , thanks to the rich array of natural filters (Aloe, Helichrysum, Rice Bran Derivates); the longlasting, deep-down moisturising effect on the skin helps neutralise the effects of exposure (Shea Butter, Macadamia, Aloe); it also guarantees a good level of Vitamin E (Rice Bran Oil) and helps fight the formation of free radicals, redness and chapping (Glycyrretic Acid Complex from Liquorice). With a specific medium filter for UVB rays (which do not go beyond the intermediate layers of the dermis and, by stimulating melanin, assist the tanning process), it acts as a barrier against UVA rays, which always penetrate deep down, even when the

skin is tanned, and cause premature skin ageing. Suitable for all skin types. Medium Protection ✚ SPF 25

230 Sun Fluid for the Face & Body with Argan Oil and Vitamin E

Anti-ageing formula. Water-resistant

A pleasant and practical, this Sun Fluid has been created to make life at the beach


easier and to protect all skin types. It can be the sun protection product for pale and sensitive skins throughout the summer, once they have got their first tan, or it can be used on amber and stronger skins, which are better suited to withstanding the sun’s warm caress, for the first few times, when it is never a good idea to use products with a protection factor which is too low. Full of moisturising, nourishing and protective elements and with a precious anti-ageing action, the Sun Fluid contains two original substances. The first is the result of an innovative combination of the most active molecules of Sesame Oil and Wheat Germ oil, extracted through molecular

distillation and both possessing a highly protective action against the harmful effects of UVA rays. The second, Indian Beech Tree Extract, which has excellent screening and anti-oxidant properties, is obtained from the seeds of the Karanja tree, which grows across India and is extensively used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat and protect the skin. Medium Protection ✹ SPF 20

ing Cream allows an attractive colour to be obtained with minimum exposure to the sun’s rays and, once you get to the beach, will save you the embarrassment of being the latest arrival, providing the most natural and effective protection for the skin, ready to obtain the deepest and most even tan! If used during the last few days of your holiday, the Jojoba Oil Cream helps stabilises your tan and ensure it lasts as long as possible. Medium Protection ✹ SPF 15

Tan Accelerating Face Cream with Amaranth Oil Tan Accelerating Cream with Jojoba Oil


For a rapid tanning

A suntan product which will make your life easier, initial sun exposure more pleasant and the end of summer more dazzling! It exploits an extraordinary new plantbased tan accelerator which develops melanin and brings it to the surface, stimulating the biological system which forms it in a totally natural way. It combines this with the softening properties of Jojoba Oil and Olive Oil to ensure elasticity and softness of the skin. Used regularly before your holidays, the Tan Accelerat-


To accelerate and enhance tanning. Water resistant

The characterising element of this cream, the oil extracted from the tiny, redtipped Amaranth seeds, offers powerful protection against UVA rays, working alongside the classic Gamma Orizanol for an essential protective action. However, the most characteristic feature of this oil is that it is the plant oil closest in composition to the lipids on the surface of the skin. That is how it works in synergy with the multitude of other substances (Avocado Oil, Purified Fraction of Soya Seeds and Rice Peptides, Unsaponifiable Fraction of Olive Oil, Jojoba 163

Wax Esters) which, due to their elasticising, soothing action and their effectiveness against the formation of free radicals, make this sun product a perfect and highly rich day cream. A special day cream which, without requiring lengthy and dangerous exposure to the sun, can ensure a splendid and smooth tan. It can be used as soon as the warm weather starts and throughout the summer, using a product with a higher protection factor during the first few days by the sea or in the mountains. Anyone who dislikes their face being too pale can use this as a day cream throughout the year, ensuring the skin gets all the nourishment it needs. Low Protection ✹ SPF 10

215 Suntan Milk with Carrot, Jojoba & Walnut

Tanning and moisturising

This Suntan Milk retains all the properties of its principal ingredient, the Carrot, for ensuring a deep and long-lasting tan, but not the colour: brilliant white in its new formula, it is even easier and quicker to use, since it is non-greasy and immediately

absorbed. Enriched with an effective skin moisturising factor and thanks to the considerable toning properties of Jojoba Oil and Marigold Extract, it leaves the skin velvety soft and supple even after prolonged sunbathing. It is therefore the ideal product for all sensitive skins during the second phase of tanning. Medium Protection ✹ SPF 10

Sun Elixir


With Aloe Barbadensis & Olive Oil. Practical and light

A light and extremely pleasant milky elixir, ideal for the beach or on a boat, because it penetrates immediately and requires no massaging, without leaving the minimum trace of oiliness. It is a precious ally for anyone wishing to obtain a deeper tan, when the skin is already tanned or on skin with a naturally amber hue. The Aloe Extract and the Unsaponifiable Fraction of Olive Oil ensure the skin is moisturised and supple, while the Rice Bran extract filter protects it against premature ageing. Low Protection ✹ SPF 6

214 Elasticising Sun Oil with Marigold, Jojoba & Walnut Hull

For a rapid and intense tanning

A delightful sun oil for an extremely rapid and deep tan, dedicated to those lucky enough to have a skin which loves the sun or during the second phase of tanning. The Jojoba Oil and Marigold Extract contained in it nourish and moisturise the skin beautifully. Their considerable elasticising and toning properties are combined with those of the other components: Vitamin E (the ‘vitamin of youth’), Farnesol, extracted from the Essential Oils of Rose, Acacia, Lily of the Valley and Lilac, and Pantothenic Acid, with a softening and firming action. Thanks to the new purification procedures, it has a lighter and more fleeting texture, making application easier and avoiding the usual problems: it is nongreasy and does not stain and does not leave the skin slippery or attract the sand. Low Protection ✹ SPF 6


Sun Veil Sunscreen


With Limnanthemum Oil and Rice Bran. Protective hair oil

In order to return from your holidays with beautiful and healthy hair, as well as a great tan, remember to give your hair all the care and attention it needs. Light and impalpable as a veil, this sun oil, full of nourishing and soothing substances, offers an effective shield against the frizzing, damaging and drying effects of the wind, sun and salt without making the hair heavy or greasy Low Protection ✹ SPF 10

Super-tanning Ointment


With Carrot, Walnut Hull & Aloe. Without filters

The super-tanning ointment is solely for those with amber and strong skin, which is better suited to withstanding the sun, and also for anyone who wants to intensify their tan as much as possible. It contains no sun filters, but is full of nourishing and softening elements to ensure comfort and a splendid skin, during and after exposure.

Spread evenly over the body and massage it delicately: the skin will immediately be softer, satiny and shiny, whereas its tone will be highlighted and enhanced by the presence of Walnut Hull and Carrot Oil. The ointment is water-resistant, but should always be re-applied after a swim.



Moisturising, Softening, Refreshing an extra ally

Fresh, soft and effective, Aquasole is the ideal summer refreshment for your skin, ensuring exposure to the sun is pleasant and a tan easy to obtain. Sprayed repeatedly, in addition to your chosen sun product, during the hours spent by the pool or at the beach, it will refresh you wonderfully, but also soothe the chapping of the skin inevitably caused by salt, wind, chlorine and heat and, most importantly, moisturise and soothe the skin and prevent redness, ensuring an easy and beautiful tan. Formed entirely of Witch Hazel Water, it is enriched with Aloe Extract and can also be sprayed on the hair, to its great benefit.

Sun Shampoo with Extracts of Almond, Flax and Amaranth Seeds


Attenuates the negative effects of the sun, chlorine and sale

After Sun Bath and Shower Foam


Tan prolonging with Carrot & Walnut Hull. Stay tanned

Fragrant and invigorating during time spent in the sun or the perfect end to the day when on holiday, an after-sun shower is vital for the skin’s well-being, since it must eliminate all traces of sand, salt and impurities, but not ruin or ‘wash away’ your tan. This bath and shower foam is specifically formulated for this: its base is the extremely effective but highly delicate derivates of Coconut and Oats, with a low foaming action, to avoid excess exfoliation of the skin, which would cause the tan to fade. The natural extracts of Walnut Hull and Carrot, combined with a Tyrosine and Rice Protein complex, enhance and prolong your tan. The Bath and Shower Foam is also a precious ally when you return to the city and daily life and want to keep the holiday tan as long as possible. 165

Against the drying effect of the wind, sun and salt, this Sun Shampoo contains a range of carefully selected active substances. The surfactant Almond Oil, quaternised Honey and surfactant Sunflower Oil join together to create a product with a highly efficient but delicate cleansing action. Also, the extract of Sweet Almonds gives body and softness to the hair; the Extract of Linen spreads over the hair like a thin protective veil and the Extract of Amaranth moisturises and soothes the scalp. All to ensure that the only thing hair gets from the sun and life in the open air is renewed vigour and shine.

After Sun Cream 092 with Flower Pollen & Vegetable Proteins

Complex and Alphabisabolol, to moisturise and soften the skin.

Smoothing and refreshing


Immediately after showering, apply a small amount of this Pollen After-Sun Product: thanks to the effectiveness of its natural ingredients, it restores elasticity and freshness to dehydrated skin and enhances your tan beautifully. Soothing and refreshing and absolutely non-oily, it will help you to rediscover a better toned, fresh and youthful skin.

“Rinfresca✹Sole” Refreshing After Sun Cream


With Extracts of Water Mint and Cucumber

Restore the beauty of the skin after exposure to the sun. Pleasant to apply and gently fragranced, this after sun product has the combined action of active substances all selected for their moisturising and softening qualities. There is extract of Water Mint and extract of Cucumber, to immediately give the skin a pleasant sensation of freshness and refreshment. Then there is the Rice Bran Oil, to nourish and elasticise the skin, Pomegranate sterols, to moisturise and enhance the barrier action of the skin; Moisturising and Refreshing


Silky After Sun Fluid for the face and body. With Barley Wax and Shea Butter in Argan Oil

The sun product for the shade, rest and recovery. When it is time to rest after a day spent enjoying the sun, the skin has special requirements. Parched by UVA and UVB rays, overheated by

infrared rays and fatigued by the intense light, the wind and the salt, it needs to be refreshed and nourished and gently assisted in regaining its equilibrium and elasticity. Reward your skin with the Soleombra After Sun Fluid. With an amazing 12 active substances of vegetable origin, including the innovative Barley Wax and Shea Butter in Argan Oil complex, Soleombra will immediately: 1 - restore the right amount of moisture to your skin

stars on your skin, lightening the amber shades of your tan and highlighting your every move with fleeting sparkles. Precious active substances like Golden Palm Oil and Aloe Vera gel are there to care for your skin and keep it fresh, with their extremely important antioxidant and protective action, with the skin left well-nourished and moisturised by the Shea Butter and Olive and Mango Oils. 950 Before & After Protective Anti-age Serum

Prepares for and intensifies tanning with Extract of Kalahari Watermelon Pulp and Amaranth Oil

2 - nourish it deep-down, ensuring it stays soft and avoiding the risk of exfoliation 3 - strengthen its defence mechanisms, preparing it for the following day’s toils. All helping to ensure a splendid tan. In areas where the skin is tightest or very red, Soleombra can act as a face pack or mask.

Lightening Cream


With Golden Palm Oil & Aloe Vera Smoothing after-sun cream for the body

Your skin will be as bright as the summer sunshine, thanks to this soft and light aftersun cream. At sunset or under the pale moonlight, the Mica particles start shining like tiny 167

Just a few drops of serum before exposure to the sun will prepare the skin of the face for the sun’s rays; rapid application once sunbathing is over, on the other hand, will help the skin regain its freshness and moisture as rapidly as possible. An incredible combination of antioxidant and protective active substances works to ensure the production of free radicals, which cause premature skin ageing, is limited to a minimum, whereas the tanintensifying lipo-amino acid ensures rapid tanning to the desired shade.

The Home Products


n the L’Erbolario catalogue the fresh, floral and balmy scents for making the air in your home more pleasant had to be included, so that you can imagine it faces a fragrant garden with distant gentle meadows and dark woods. In order to make you forget smoke, the smells - not always pleasant of the kitchen, and that vaguely stuffy smell which heating in towns often involves, we have introduced for you a small collection of herbs, flowers and essences, so that each time you open the windows onto a lilac garden, a honeysuckle hedge or the balmy air of a forest of firs. 169


eirs of a century-old tradition, today, like many years ago, they bring to your home a note of sophisticated good taste.The perfumed sachets of L’Erbolario are available in two sizes, one for wardrobes and one for drawers, and in the following fragrances:


o that the flowers and spices of L’Erbolario accompany you even when travelling, these sachets were designed to refresh the interiors of cars discreetly but persistently. Pleasant to the eye, left in a corner inside the car, they give out for many weeks a subtle scent which will make you forget smog and unpleasant smells. There are three fragrances:


Honeysuckle Iris Lavender Lily-of-the-valley Magnolia Rose Spices Vanilla

WARDROBE 158 997 159 160 670 294 161 287


Green Bouquet May Flowers Spices


166 167 168

Honeysuckle Iris Lavender Lily-of-the-valley Spices

162 998 163 164 165


f you are looking for practicality, but also an unusual and refined fragrance, or need to eliminate unpleasant odours from a room quickly, these Room Scenters are ideal, with their elegant but practical glass atomiser, which naturally has a mechanical, gas-free spray.

Balsam of Essences

Cinnamon & Carnation Leaf


Incense & Amber


Cedar Wood & Sharp Cedar


Orange & Cardamom


Chinese Mandarin & Cassis


Scent of the Sea


Winter Scent




Formulated with essential oils of lavender, red thyme, myrtle, eucalyptus, niaouli, peppermint and dwarf pine, the Balsam of Essences is particularly recom-mended for the winter: it is vaporised in living-rooms, the bedroom, children’s room, in the office and in closed and crowded areas. It is also extremely suitable for saunas. Pour a few drops of Balsam into humidifiers for radiators, in a vaporiser for rooms or directly into boiling water. The exquisite balsamic vapours which are immediately released make the atmosphere in the home more pleasant, maintaining the delicate perfume of an alpine forest for a long time in the room.


centing the places where we spend most of our time can help improve our moods, our mental lucidity, calm and concentration ‌ to make this easy and practical, L’Erbolario proposes its bouquet of incenses: nine different fragrances for the same number of situations and moods or, simply, to keep the places where we live fresher every day.

In packets of 15 sticks

Orange & Cardamom


Chinese Mandarin & Cassis

Cinnamon & Carnation Leaf


Scent of the Sea


Winter Scent


Incense & Amber


Cedar Wood & Sharp Cedar





On holidays, in the hours of domestic harmony, in the relaxing moments of a bath, when the pace of modern life slows for a while, light and fragrance come from the gentle flame of a candle.



Liquidambar Iris Almond MĂŠharĂŠes Sublime Narcissus Neroli Neroli White Tea


306 727 617 594 993 265 744

Orange & Cardamom Cinnamon & Carnation Leaf Incense & Amber Cedar Wood & Sharp Cedar Chinese Mandarin & Cassis Scent of the Sea Winter Scent



524 523


521 526

T H E F R A G R A N CES F O R P E R F U M E D WOODS The perfumed woods are a refined item of decor and practical room scenter all in

one. No flame is needed, so they can continue to release their discreet fragrance into


the room even in your absence, leaving rooms with a fresh and pleasant scent.







Fruity Woods




For your Gifts


’Erbolario is proud of the quality of its products and the work to improve them constantly, always finding new applications for the treasures concealed in nature, is what absorbs its greatest energies. It is also convinced that elegant clothes have a certain importance and therefore has always taken great care with packaging. This has led to highly attractive packaged products, in our opinion, which frequently become scented gifts. In order to contain them in the best possible way, here are bags and boxes, both small and large, which are appealing even before they are opened. 177


Above all because creams, lotions and perfumes are the fruit of a successful combination of herbalist wisdom, tried and tested over the centuries, and the scientific scrupulousness inherent in modern cosmetics. You can be sure of giving well-being and beauty, of promising a minimum of happiness!

With around 400 different products, there are infinite possibilities of choice and combination.

extract, a pot-pourri … All you need is a personalised ribbon, or packaging with an elegant bag which will turn it into a sophisticated gift.

Do you prefer a slightly, much or considerably more expensive gift? Here there is unlimited choice and, for the combinations, your imagination is required. You can choose from specific categories (face, body, home etc.) or perfumes (lily-of-the-valley, honeysuckle, jasmine, rose, moss, sandalwood etc.) or simply by choosing and matching products which are liked most: the


t is easy to satisfy all tastes and keep within your budget.


ou can amuse yourselves by imagining what will be most appreciated by your energetic and sporting partner, by mum who does not hide her fear of ageing, by a daughter harassed by the minor beauty traumas of adolescence, by a vain woman friend who is also concerned about the environment, by the sophisticated lady who is also house proud, by granny who prefers the fragrance of happier years …


o you have to or want to make a small present? You can start with a talc, an 179

patchwork effect will in any case be highly effective.


he ranges are well assorted and the game can be extended further, matching for example, with a single fragrance: bath salts, soaps, bath foam, perfumed oil, talc, eau de parfum, extract, scented sachets (for drawers, wardrobes, luggage, cars), room fragrance etc.

F or every use and every category there will be the appropriate box. A bed of helichrysum, roses or lavender will create a background and enhance the colours and patterns of the packagings.

With L’Erbolario phytocosmetics you are in harmony with the environment and animals, favouring sustainable development. L’Erbolario: has adopted an Environmental Management System (UNI ENISO 14001 certification), n. 497-2002-AE-MIL-SINCERT DNV; use electricity derived exclusively from renewable sources; certifies all its agricultural activities through ICEA, Istituto per la Certificazione Etica Ambientale (Institute for Environmental Ethical Certification), according to the EU Regulation 2092/91 on organical farming (certification code n. C517); supports the Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity; is approved under the international Humane Cosmetics Standard, managed in Italy by LAV and in the UK by the BUAV. All its products are independently audited by ICEA. supports the FAI “Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano”: a trust set up on the model of the “NATIONAL TRUST” in England. The safety and efficacy of L’Erbolario products are certified by clinical tests carried out at the University of Pavia. Formulated and manufactured in the Lodi production site, our cosmetics are produced without discrimination or exploitation of workers.

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Because at L’Erbolario we think that real beauty always has an ethical profile.

Design: Angelo Sganzerla Text: Marina Bergamaschi, Franco Bergamaschi e Laura Stolfi Illustrations: Gionata Alfieri - Alfonso Goi - Andrej Dugin Pictures: Italo Pozzi - Andrea Zani - Giacomo Artale Photolitho: Actualtype © Copyright: L’Erbolario - Lodi


L’ E R B O L A R I O



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