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Demolition and reconstruction of a rural building Grosseto, 2021
Demolition and reconstruction of a rural building Grosseto, 2021
The project involves the demolition of the roof and the inner walls of the existing building, its subdivision in smaller unities and a general reconfiguration of the volume, in order to repurposing this stable for an agritourism. The design choices are simple, the volume of the long stable will be reutilised in compact house-like building with big openings and characterised by a front porch and the materials are very traditional: stone, plaster, terracotta and copper. The general design of the houses is a reinterpretation of the Tuscan rural buildings, a nice modern touch but grounded in tradition and respectful of the surroundings. The actual construction work is set to begin in the Autumn 2021 .
_Render of the front porch

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