20 January
Township flooded after heavy rains
The bridge between extension 6 and Leseding was heavily flooded and unusable as a result of floods. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
Bela-Bela Township’s drainage system, or lack thereof, is causing problems now that the town is experiencing heavy rains. Bela-Bela experienced serious flooding four years ago after a series of very heavy rains,
during which two dams burst. The incident resulted in two deaths when vacationers at Klein-Kariba were swept away by the flood. Although the road has been upgraded in the meantime, the township’s water drainage system remains lacking, and the streets were once again flooded when heavy rains hit the town on Saturday, 14 January.
Dog attack victim released from hospital
Toddler killed in car accident
TK Mashaba
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Bela-Bela Mayor Jeremiah Ngobeni said that the state of the drainage system is a matter of concern to the municipality, who are planning to begin upgrades this year. “We have noticed the lack of drainage systems in the township, which causes problems during heavy rains. We are currently busy laying pavement in some parts of the
township. The budget for upgrades to the storm drains and pavement this year is R9 million. “We all know that Bela-Bela is next to a mountain and all the water comes down to the township during the heavy rains, and we are planning upgrades to channel the stormwater,” he said.
Bela-Bela’s political drama continues
EFF plans to take council to court
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beateditor@gmail.com |
20 January, 2017 Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Women in assault case bound for regional court TK Mashaba Two of the women implicated in an assault case will be appearing in the Modimolle Regional High Court on 14 February. The pair spent the festive season behind bars after being arrested on 25 November after a video, which allegedly shows Ruhinga, Mapunga, and two other women pouring peri-peri on the private parts of another woman. The other woman is alleged to have had an affair with the boyfriend of one of the women. In other news, Jerimau Gazehany Woldemikael, who stands accused of wounding Joe Molekoa, a local businessmen, when he shot him in the arm
Nomatter Mapunga and Faith Ruhinga‘s case of assault will resume on 14 February at Modimolle Regional court. Photo: TK Mashaba in October last year, is expected to appear before the Bela-Bela Magistrate’s Court for
formal bail application. Woldemikael is standing trial for attempted murder.
Spare wheel thieves detained Lizzy Bapela The police in Modimolle have expressed concerns over the increasing rate of cases of theft from motor vehicles that are taking place in their area. Police spokesperson Warrant Officer James Findlay reported that during the period of June and October 20l6, several cases of theft from motor vehicles were reported at the local police station and all of them were theft of spare wheels. He added that mostly the stolen items were spare wheels from bakkies. The officer said that that the suspects would
park next to or behind the complainants’ vehicles and one suspect would slide under the bakkie and loosen the spare wheel. He added that the second suspect would then cover the one suspect that was busy removing the spare wheels with a blanket so no one could see him. Then the third suspect would sit inside a caddy to receive the spare wheels. “During investigations, we managed to trace the registration number of the Volkswagen caddy that the suspects use and also, information via Facebook that the same vehicle and suspects were arrested in Middelburg for theft from motor vehicle. We then went to the Middelburg police station
and learned when we interviewed the suspects that they were in Modimolle on several occasions. Our crime analysis shows that theft from motor vehicles occurred every time when they were in Modimolle and that they were also in many areas around Modimolle,” Findlay said. The accused are currently in custody, linked with nine cases and are and will be appearing before the Modimolle Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, 24 January for formal bail application. Warrant Officer Findlay said that the case in Middelburg, where they were released on bail was postponed to Monday, 23 January.
Witnesses to testify against alleged house burglar Justin Steyn The victims of alleged house burglar, Seun Maluleka, are set to testify against him after he allegedly attempted to steal a compressor machine on Thursday, 20 October 2015. On the day in question, Maluleka allegedly attempted to steal a large compressor machine from Bela-Bela resident, Amanda Ferreira. Ferreira, who resides in Swanepoel Street, said that she was woken up by the loud barking of her dogs in the early hours but did not realize the seriousness of the situation until she was informed that a man was attempting to climb over their wall with a compressor that belonged to them. “My roommate went to investigate the constant barking of our dogs and he found that a man was attempting to steal one of our compressors. The compressor was being balanced on the wall as the man attempted to climb over it. Shaun managed to fight the man off and recovered the compressor. I contacted the BBCS and Galven Security to assist in apprehending the man,” Ferreira said. Maluleka fled to an abandoned house but was found and apprehended at the dwelling. Lieutenant-Colonel Abel Phetla of the Bela-Bela police said that Maluleke was allegedly using the empty house to stow away goods he had stolen in the neighbourhood. Phetla added that the stolen goods varied from clothing and valuables to household items. During his latest court appearance on Wednesday 28 December, a trial had been set for Wednesday 25 January at the BelaBela Magistrate’s Court. All of Maluleka’s alleged victims have
Child attacked by dogs discharged from hospital
An alleged house burglar is expected to stand trial for numerous burglaries in BelaBela’s suburbs. Photo supplied been advised to have testimonies ready against his alleged crimes.
He has since abandoned bail and remains in custody.
Lizzy Bapela A dog attack on a three-year-old boy from Bela-Bela’s Extension 6 is making the lives of family members difficult, putting some strain on their minds. The father of the boy who was badly bitten by dogs fetched his son from the Mankweng Provincial Hospital on Tuesday, 17 January. The child’s father, Hendrick Mothokwa, had to hitch-hike from Bela-Bela to Polokwane, since the local and provincial hospitals could not assist with any form of transport to the family. The boy, Charles Kobe, was discharged from the hospital on Friday, 13 January. According to Mothokwa, his son has heavy bandages on his legs, where the doctors had to remove flesh from his legs and use the tissue to substitute for the loss of his cheeks. Mothokwa added that his son’s ears are gone, and that his face is badly damaged. Mothokwa was happy to be able to report, however, that Charles is not deaf from the injuries, and is still able to walk. “We are deeply hurt by this incident and have sleepless nights thinking about our son. I did see the owner of the dogs at the hospital and also at the police station when we went there for the first time, but he never spoke to us. He did not even answer my mother-in-law when she asked him about the issue. He passes by our houses every day to and from his place but he never stops to say anything, not even a greeting or to show signs of remorse. We are emotionally affected and this hurts a lot every time we look at our boy,” said the heartbroken father. During an enquiry with the police, Detectives’ Commander LieutenantColonel Abel Phetla said that the case has been put off the roll pending the doctor’s medical report and another report from the SPCA. He added that the doctor could not give his report while the child was still in hospital, but now that he has been discharged, the report can be expected soon. Mothokwa told The BEAT that he went to the police station several times looking for the investigating officer Detective Jerry Mongatane, hoping he would give him an update on the case but had no luck in finding him. He said that he always found different staff who told him that the docket was not yet back from court, and ended up giving him Mongatane’s contacts when he kept pushing for an update.
20 January, 2017 beateditor@gmail.com | Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Family distraught after toddler’s tragic death
The last hope for learners Phagameng township-based schools remain closed, while the local SGB forum continue their talks with the Department of Education. Photo: Mzamane Ringane
Yvonne Mmushi and her daughters Tshegofatso (7) and Rebecca (5) are mourning the loss of a family member. Photo: Mzamane Ringane
Mzamane Ringane A Modimolle family is still reeling in shock after little Kearabetswe Mmushi met his untimely death, as a result of an accident several meters away from his home on Saturday, 14 January. The deceased, who would be turning two in February, was reportedly playing with other children including his sister when the accident occurred. Kearabetswe was reportedly hit by a neighbour’s car. Kearabetswe’s mother Yvonne Mmushi could not hold her tears as she recalled the dreadful event, which claimed her son’s life. The 28 year old mother said she was called to the scene, where she found her daughter Tshegofatso crying helplessly next to the deceased. Yvonne said she was hoping to watch his son grow, after he successfully underwent a cleft lip surgery. “We went through difficult times, but eventually things were coming together. I am hurt that his life was cut short,” she told The BEAT. She said that although nothing will bring her son back, she will find peace only if
justice prevails. Kearabetswe’s uncle Phenyo Steyn Motsomane said his family struggles to sleep at night, following this horrific misfortune. He said he was disturbed by the fact that he had to prevent the driver of the car from leaving the scene. “The driver of the car did not even seem remorseful. I had to take the keys to prevent her from driving away,” he said. Motsomane said the driver eventually took the baby to the hospital with her own car, instead of calling an ambulance and the police. He said his nephew was always cheerful and his absence was already noticed in the house. “It’s less than one month since we buried my father, and now we have to suffer another severe pain. It’s terrible,” said the uncle. Modimolle SAPS spokesperson James Findlay confirmed that a case of culpable homicide has been opened. Warrant Officer Findlay said an investigation is underway, which would determine whether there was negligence or not. The identity of the driver cannot be revealed at this stage.
“Doom prophet” to appear in court Justin Steyn The controversial “Doom Prophet”, Lethebo Rabalago, is expected to appear before the High Court soon. This comes after the Limpopo Department of Health had successfully obtained an interdict against self-proclaimed prophet last month, which prevents Rabalago from spraying Doom insecticide into the faces of those who attend his prayer sessions. The 24-year old Mount Zion General Assembly leader from Polokwane is expected to provide reasons why the interdict should not hold. “We want him to stop spraying his congregants with insecticide so we approached the court last Friday. He has been given time to come forward before the court order is made permanent. For now, he is not allowed to spray his congregants with insecticide,” said the department’s spokesperson Derrick Kganyago after the application was granted on Friday 2 December. Rabalago caused a national stir after reports of him spraying the insecticide into the faces of congregates who attended one of his midnight prayer sessions at the Mookgophong community hall in November last year. His actions have been panned by the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) and Tiger brands, who is responsible for manufacturing Doom. “The ACDP strongly condemns self-styled “prophets” who abuse their congregations. In yet another scandalous event Lethebo Rabalago has been spraying Doom into his congregants’ faces to “heal” them. Insecticide is dangerous when it is inhaled or ingested and can even be fatal, “said ACDP President, Reverend Kenneth Meshoe.
“Doom Prophet” Lethebo Rabalago, is expected to appear before the High court to supply reasons why he should be allowed to use Doom insecticide during his spiritual healing sessions. Photo supplied “We find this practice alarming and extremely concerning, and want to make very clear that it is unsafe to spray any Doom or any aerosol onto people’s faces. Doom has been formulated to kill specific insects which are detailed on the cans, and the packaging has very clear warnings which must be adhered to,” said Tiger brand’s spokeswoman Nevashnee Naicker. In a telephonic interview, Rabalago said that he is not aware of any interdict against him.
Mzamane Ringane While the learners in Modimolle are sitting at home waiting for a message prompting them to go back to school, behind-thescenes talks are continuing between the local SGB forum and the Department of Education at both circuit and district level. The fate of the learners is in the hands of the two parties, with both learners and parents hoping that these engagements yields positive results. Learners who attend school at Maokeng Primary School, Modimolle Primary School, Dagbreek Primary School, Lekkerbreek Primary School, Hector Peterson Primary School, Solomon Mahlangu High School and Phagameng High School have only been to school once since the reopening on Wednesday, 11 January. The next day learners were told not to go to school, while a number of them had to be sent back home. It is, however, business as usual for learners who are attending schools in town. The local SGB forum has challenged the Department of Education to speed up the process of building a high school in
Extension 10, to curb the issue of overcrowding at the two available high schools. SGB forum Secretary Lolo Selamolela said the erection of the school was long overdue, since it was approved about five years ago. “We are currently in discussions with the Department of Education. We do not want only promises, but a written commitment,” he said. He indicated that as soon as they reach an agreement with the department, they will convene the parents and update them on the progress and learners will subsequently return to classes. Non-delivery of stationery at local schools has also been a thorn in the flesh. The Department of Education has since indicated that they are working around the clock to deliver stationery to schools across the province. “We are monitoring closely the delivery of this important learner support material and would like to apologise to the school community for any inconvenience that might have been caused by this delay. We are working around the clock to ensure that delivery is completed by the end of January,” Limpopo Department of Education spokesperson Naledzani Rasila said.
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20 January, 2017 beateditor@gmail.com | Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Short-lived escape for charged man Justin Steyn A man who was allegedly charged with house burglary managed to escape from the Bela-Bela police station, but was apprehended about two hours later. According to the Bela-Bela police spokesperson Sergeant Hester van Zyl, a man who may not be named until he has appeared in court, was escorted from a holding cell at the station for processing at the charge offices on Thursday 11 January. At the offices the man then fled the station on foot. Van Zyl said that the polices’ mounted unit and local neighbourhood watch initiatives were called in and a two hour
DA concerned about road fatalities in Limpopo
This man was apprehended after he managed to escape from police in Bela-Bela. Photo supplied manhunt ensued. The man was later apprehended at the Bela-Bela Central business district. “Thanks to the dedication and quick response, the suspect had no chance of escaping. It is a proud moment when an arrest is made by working hand in hand with the police and the community,” Van Zyl said. Additional charges of escaping police custody have been laid and it is yet to be announced when the man is to appear in court.
Bela-Bela political unrest continues
The R101 is regarded as one of the high accident zones in Limpopo. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
Lizzy Bapela Change for Bela-Bela founder and businessman NJ van Heerden denies allegations that he sent out security guards to escort two ANC councillors out of a meeting in Pienaarsrivier on Saturday, 14 January. The current chief whip of the Bela-Bela Municipality and ward councillor Henrietta Ledwaba and former chief whip councillor Spando Maluleka were allegedly escorted out of the Branch ByMonthly General Meeting that was held at the Pienaarsrivier Community Hall on the day. The meeting, which the two councillors allegedly aimed to attend forcefully, was for the local ANC branch and had to be postponed to this weekend due to the unrest that erupted. It is rumoured that the two attended the meeting in order to disrupt it from taking place since they lost their branches in BelaBela. A Bela-Bela political activist, Jonas Aphiri, told The BEAT that Van Heerden called his people to remove both the councillor as they were forbidden entry into the hall when the meeting was about to start and they tried to force their way in. He added that he and other ordinary members wondered what Van Heerden was doing at a political meeting, since he said that his organization is not a political party and neither affiliated to any party. “The allegations are incorrect and malicious in nature. It is not going to be entertained by me. As for Change for Bela-Bela’s political status or affiliation, it is still a nonpolitical community upliftment initiative. Nowhere will you see Change for Bela-Bela ever endorsing, promoting or affiliating with any particular political party. We are neutral when it comes to politics and exactly for that reason we currently enjoy the support and cooperation of all three major political parties namely the ANC, DA and EFF and that is how it will stay,” Van Heerden responded. Aphiri further said that he wanted Van Heerden to publicly apologise to him and Bela-Bela mayor Jeremiah Ngobeni for telling the media that they are allies and joined forces, also calling Ngobeni corrupt. He said that the allegations are misleading to the public and tarnishing both their names. He further said that he wants to know in which capacity and on what basis
Lizzy Bapela
Bela-Bela mayor Jeremiah Ngobeni. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
Bela-Bela Municipal chief whip and ward councillor Henrietta Ledwaba. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
did Van Heerden and his organization declare Ngobeni the worst performing mayor like he recently announced on Facebook. Change for Bela-Bela shared on their Facebook page in December that Ledwaba urged the provincial leadership to have Bela-Bela Municipal Administration cancel the implementation of the KVA — basic charges on electricity with immediate effect as the councillors and the community did not agree to it. Ledwaba also reportedly indicated to Change that she is also keen to see the findings of the full KPMG Forensic Report and assured them that its recommendations will be implemented upon that stage. She also allegedly elaborated to Change about the urgent intervention she requested from the province in regards to the status of the municipality which is said to take place soon.
“She was very confident that this intervention will expose the rot that has been hidden from councillors and the public, and that it will help to address many of the demands that were contained in our Memorandum of Demands. Which is concerning is that fact that our mayor has still not responded to any of the demands handed to him, especially on the demands about the basic fees on electricity which should be revoked, and the KPMG Report that should be revealed and its recommendations implemented,” the post continued. Ledwaba denied that she and Maluleka were escorted or that there were any unrest on the day. She said that Van Heerden never sent any security guards after them. There were guards as usual at the hall but no disruptions occurred. Ngobeni could not be reached for comment.
The DA in Limpopo expressed their concern regarding the death toll across the province’s roads. The party announced on Friday, 13 January that they are saddened to note that Limpopo has recorded the highest increase of road fatalities during the 2016 festive season, with an unacceptable 31%. This is an increase from the 186 fatalities in 2015 to the 244 in the 2016 festive season. The DA Limpopo spokesperson on Transport Katlego Suzan Phala said that Limpopo has together with KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and Eastern Cape contributed to 61% increase of the total number of people who died on the roads nationally during the festive season. The DA extended their condolences to the families, friends and loved ones of every person who tragically lost their life on the roads over the past month. “It is apparent from these
increasing figures that the approach adopted by the Transport Department is not effective to curb the roads fatalities. The DA believes that the Department is running out ideas on how to curb the carnage and a new approach is needed to save the lives of road users. Roads such as the R37, R81, N1 and R101 have become high accidents zones despite pronouncements by the Department to increase the number of traffic officers during this period,” said Phala. The DA further announced that they will write to the head of the Portfolio Committee on Transport, Dickson Masemola, urging him to summon the MEC for Transport Nandi Ndelani to provide a detailed account of the Department’s resources. The MEC will also have to determine whether the current plan is effective and efficient enough to stem the devastating tide of death on our roads before the exodus to Moria over Easter period.
Temporary offices stalls court’s relocation Justin Steyn Temporary portable offices are said to be installed at the Bela-Bela police station to assist employees of the BelaBela Magistrates Court while renovations are underway. This is according to a source within the Magistrates Court who wanted to remain anonymous. The source informed The BEAT about the court’s plans to renovate the court building in September last year. This, according to the source, may take between a year to 18 months to be completed and was started expected to
commence in December. The court manager, Sherley Phalatse, confirmed in a telephonic interview that such a move was on the table, and the police’s barracks was to be considered to be occupied during the renovation period. In a follow up, the source said that a meeting with the court’s management, which will take place during the month, will discuss when and where the move will take place. She added that there is serious consideration for the court to utilize portable offices but this has yet to be finalized before the buildings can be constructed.
20 January, 2017 beateditor@gmail.com | Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Limpopo fire warriors ready to tackle 2017 fires Lizzy Bapela The Department of Environmental Affairs’ Working on Fire (WOF) Programme that deals with the suppression and prevention of veld and forest fires in Limpopo has opened their doors after a well-deserved resting period. 31 WoF teams from across Limpopo Province have resumed their duties at their respective base for this year. Working on Fire Limpopo provincial spokesperson Matema Gwangwa told The Beat Newspaper that their participants have already started preparing for the upcoming winter fire season. She added that fitness has taken priority amongst these fire warriors as they are working very hard to get their bodies and minds into shape. Gwangwa further said that apart from the fitness activities, the fire fighters have already started with the plans for rolling out the integrated fire management systems to land owners, schools and the community at large. She also said that it is never too early to start preparing for the fire season. “During the festive holidays, the province has received more rain which will also impact in the density of the fuel load in most areas. Some of our teams have already started assisting various stakeholders and farmers with the manual fuel load reduction where they are creating fire breaks. With the schools also opening their doors, we will also be tipping into their programs as our fire awareness campaigns are also aligned with the CAPS (Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement) method that they are using,” said Gwangwa. More than 600 fire fighters from WoF Limpopo are on alert to respond to the veld fires that may occur in the Province. According to Gwangwa, two teams in the province are also on standby to be deployed to the Western Cape Province, should there be a request for assistance. “Though the number of fires in the province has reduced, we are still pulling our socks and going an extra mile to create a fire safe community,” Gwangwa concluded.
The team from Marakele Nature Reserve in Thabazimbi have also started with their training session. Photo supplied
Working on Fire Limpopo fire fighters are ready to tackle the 2017 fire season. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
The fire warriors are already undergoing fitness training to remain alert to respond to fires that may occur in the Province. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
A hectic start for Mmamakwa School on reopening day Lizzy Bapela It was not a great start of the first day at Mmamakwa Full-Service School — some school beginners could not hold back their tears as they were left in classes with their new guardians, teachers for the whole day. Several Grade R learners at the school were seen crying non-stop on the schoolsreopening day on Wednesday, 11 January. Bela-Bela mayor Jeremiah Ngobeni and school Principal Tladi Lelaka had to step in and help the teachers calm the little ones down as many cried, saying they wanted their mothers, aunties and sisters. Ngobeni visited the school as part of his back to school campaign, where he was motivating learners and staff members, also checking on what challenges the schools face especially since it is the beginning of the academic year. Most children seemed calm on the second visit. Meanwhile, the school welcomed a few new teachers to help lessen the burden on the current teachers in some overcrowding classes. Some of the new teachers were posted in heads of departments positions to assist the school in relevant matters. This group were filling the spaces left by teachers who went on pension in 2016.
Some Grade R learners at Mmamakwa School cried their lungs out when they had to face their first day at school. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
Bela-Bela mayor Jeremiah Ngobeni received a cold shoulder while trying to cheer up another crying learner. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
The school Principal Tladi Lelaka had to step in to help the teachers calm the little ones down. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
Municipality is facing risk of collapse NJ van Heerden, BelaBela, writes: I am a proud supporter of anybody and everybody from within the ANC, DA and EFF that is serious about service delivery, jobs, education and economic freedom amongst others to our people, especially the poorest of the poor living in the township. I am a fierce opponent of those that do not have the best interest of our people at heart. I have friends and foes from within all the political establishments. We sometimes fight, but in most situations we also find each other midway. Our beloved Bela-Bela Local Municipality is facing the risk of imminent collapse. I feel I have to inform the community of my views so they can also make their own informed decision in this regard. I strongly suspect, as mentioned in the Memorandum of Demands from Change for Bela-Bela which I handed to our Mayor, Cllr Jeremia Ngobeni, in late 2016, that our Municipality is captured by a criminal cartel which are enriching themselves from our hard-earned rates and taxes. This cartel has been in the making for a number of years, pushing the envelope to ever more extremes as time goes by. The pot is now empty. Or so we thought. What do they do? The Municipality goes ahead by acquiring a brand new BMW X5 for the mayor as well as a new Mercedes Benz for our new Speaker of Council (Councillor Zacharia Moeletsi) in late 2016 without following due process at great expense to the Municipality. Why would the Administration (which we declared a motion of no confidence in the Memorandum of Demands) continue to do that, given the extra financial commitments that would cause? Is there an ulterior motive behind it such as ensuring they have the full support of the new Mayor and Speaker? But nevertheless, they then continue to make the financial problem that they created over a number of years, ours by ensuring that the new basic fees for electricity (R 500 per month per connection) for all consumers except indigents. They have no shame or accountability to us as ratepayers. Then that brings me to the severe political infighting currently taking place within the ANC that is not only hampering service delivery to our people, but might very well be the root cause of all our problems. As things stand now there are two factions within the ANC at Bela-Bela. One is fighting for the community. The other is fighting for survival. Money can also play a big role. The reason for the severe infighting can be attributed to the fact that the ANC’s Regional Conference is happening soon and whatever faction wins there, will be able to make drastic changes to the administration and bring forth a radical reshuffle of critical positions within our municipality such as who is the mayor, speaker and chief whip. The ANC now has an absolute majority in Council. The faction that I oppose, is currently and has been for a long while in charge of the Region (hence the imminent collapse of our Municipality) and it would thus be in everybody’s interest (even if you are not an ANC supporter) that they be replaced as soon as possible otherwise nothing will change and the status quo will be maintained. Therefore, within the ANC, I support the faction that is fighting for the community as I have had numerous interactions with them and I believe that they are sincere in their commitment to bring forth a better life for all who lives here. That faction is known as the Big 5which consists of Cllrs Henrietta Ledwaba (Ward 5), Spando Maluleka (Ward 2), Freddy Hlungwane (Ward 4), Bonnie Malete (Ward 7) and Angelina Maluleka (PR). The faction that I oppose is the one being led by the Mayor. This faction consists of the Mayor and a number of councillors, Jeremia Mfiti Ngobeni (Ward 6), Lerato Mpete (Ward 3), Petros Aphane (Ward 8) and Zacharia Moeletsi (PR). This faction, although in minority in the ANC at our Municipality, also enjoys the support of the outgoing Chairperson of the Region, Morris Mataboge, as well as the current Administration of the Municipality (which includes the Municipal Manager Morris Maluleka, acting HOD of Corporate Gloria Seleka, the HOD of Planning Precious Raputsoa, and acting HOD for Social Mabes Mothapo of which some are reportedly implicated by the yet to be released KPMG Forensic Report as well as many of the wrongs mentioned above — hence my decision not to support them). May 2015
LEGALS BELA BELA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSENT IN TERMS OF CLAUSE 21 OF THE BELA BELA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008, TO PERMIT A TRANSPORT USE Notice is hereby given that, in terms of Clause 21 of the Bela Bela Land Use Scheme 2008, I/we the undersidned, intend applying to the Bela Bela Municipality for Special Consent to establish a Transport Use on Erf/Portion
12 Noodhulp zoned “Farm 492 KR, situated at Bela Bela Limpopo.” Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at Bela Bela Local Municipality or at the offices of the Manager: Planning and Development, Bela Bela Municipality, Chris Hani Drive, Bela Bela. Any person having any objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof in writing, with both the Manager: Planning and Development, Bela Bela Municipality and the undersigned not later than 27 January 2017. Applicant’s Details: Full name: ADéL VILJOEN Address: Plot 12 Noodhulp Bela Bela Tel: (Home) 082 566 7819 Tel: (Work) 082 433 1468. (13&20/01). AMENDMENT SCHEME I, TEHIO ALBERT RODRIDGUE (full name) being the owner/authorized agent of the owner of erf/ erven/portion(s) 571/2 Smith Street.
Complete description of property as set out in title deed hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have applied to the Modimolle Local Municipality for the amendment of the townplanning scheme in operation known as Modimolle Land Use Scheme 2004, by the rezoning of the property(ies) described above, situated at Modimolle from Residential 1 to Residential 2. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of: The Divisional: Town Planning, Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, Field Street, Modimolle, for a period of 28 days from 20 January 2017(the date of first publication of this notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Divisional Manager: Town Planning at the above address or at Private Bag x1008, Modimolle, 0510, within a period of 28 days from 20 January 2017(the date of first publication of this notice).Address of owner/ authorized agent: Physical as well as postal address) 571/2 Smith Street Modimolle 0510 Telephone no: 083 774 5341. (20&27/01).
20 January, 2017 beateditor@gmail.com | Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
EFF to approach courts about council meetings Andries van der Heyde The EFF in Bela-Bela have expressed concern that the municipal council, allegedly because of infighting among the ANC members, have yet to hold the necessary council meetings to address matters that are of concern to the community. Sello Mosweu, an EFF council member, told The BEAT’s sister paper The Post that, since the local government elections in August 2016, no official council meetings have been held. Instead, the council has held special meeting after special meeting. An organized march saw the light in December, during which several community organizations protested in front of the municipality and stated their demands. Among the demands were the
EFF councillors in Bela-Bela are planning to approach the courts to force the council to hold regular meetings. Photo: Andries van der Heyde scrapping of the new electricity tariffs and the publication of the KPMG report of the investigation into a number of council members. A Motion of No Confidence was also handed in to the municipality. Residents are upset with the municipality due to the controversial new electricity tariffs, which were implemented months after the beginning of the financial year in 1 July 2016. Residents are now expected to pay a Rand per ampére tariff, a
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basic tariff, and a usage tariff (Rand per unit) for electricity in Bela-Bela. Rumours also abounded in December that Municipal Manager Morris Maluleka had handed in his resignation. According to Mosweu, he then retracted his resignation – another matter that should have been addressed at an official council meeting. It is also a matter of concern to the EFF that no ward committees have been established, despite notices having been posted. “As council members, we are receiving a massive number of questions from the community. People want to know what the situation is, but because no council meetings have taken place and we have to do our work with any answers, the community is being neglected as a result of the infighting between ANC council members,” Mosweu said. The EFF aims to approach the courts with an application to force the council to hold a meeting. They also plan to insist through the court, on the publication of the KPMG report. “We are being paid to serve the community,” he said. “If the other council members can’t or won’t do that, they can resign from their positions so that we can finally get something done for the community.” He also said that the new electricity tariffs should be scrapped, and the monies collected be paid back to the residents. The Post’s reporter attempted to contact the municipality’s communication department and mayor Jeremiah Ngobeni, but had received no reply by the time of going to press.
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beateditor@gmail.com |
20 January, 2017 Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Leaders on back to school campaigns Lizzy Bapela Bela-Bela mayor and Ward 6 councillor Jeremiah Ngobeni conducted his first back to school campaign since appointed as mayor by doing schools reopening visits to several primary and high schools in his area. During the visits, the mayor addressed and motivated learners, encouraging them to always work for a higher percentage each year. The mayor visited Khabele, Mamakwa and Hleketani primaries and then proceeded to Raeleng Secondary School and Bela-Bela High School. He was accompanied by personnel from the Office of the Mayor and Peter Mabunda from the communications office. The team then visited the rest of the schools in their second day of school visits of the campaign. In his address, Ngobeni emphasized that he was taught by the teachers that are teaching the learners currently and if the learners take in their teachings, they will also make it in life, giving himself as an example. He said that he had his fair share of challenges and mistakes as a young person and still continued to take his studies serious and today he goes back to the schools he attended to give back motivational messages and land a helping hand where needed. In some of the schools he visited, the mayor was asked to step in and help with challenges that the schools were facing. Hleketani and Khabele need assistance with cleaning material for their bushed playing sites and the muddy sports grounds that lessen the learners’ opportunities to engage in sporting activities. Ngobeni pledged to help where he can and even promised to donate old computers to schools that need them as soon as they are done with the logistics. He also congratulated all the schools that performed well in their 2016 academic year, pledging to visit the worst performing ones to seek plans to improve them. He said that they intend to do away with neglecting a school after showing an improvement as this usually lead to the school then dropping in performance. “We know that cleaning schools is not the municipality’s responsibility but Public Works’ but we are willing to help out while they are still waiting for the department’s procedures to take place. We have also noted that the schools face challenges and no if not enough, cleaning materials to clean and maintain their fields. We will also host an educational summit sometime next week, where we will be engaging with all education stakeholders to zoom in educational matter and chat a way forward in helping improving the conditions and performance of our schools. Our back to school campaign is on-going and in this process, we will be looking into what the schools or learners need so we can assist where possible, “said the mayor. Meanwhile, the SACP (South African Communists Party) Govern Mbeki
Last year started on a high note for Raeleng High School at Bela-Bela, with the news that they had managed a 72% pass rate. However, the school lost 25% off its pass rate by the beginning of 2017. Learners and educators at the school are now feeling sour. In an interview, with the principal, Joseph Mashishi, he said that he could not understand what had happened, and said that he was shocked by this development. “We all know that there was great pressure for us to keep doing well after we did so well in 2016, but we cannot determine what had gone wrong,” she
Bela-Bela entrepreneurs to be empowered Lizzy Bapela
Bela-Bela mayor Jeremiah Ngobeni visited several schools in the area where he addressed and motivated the learners. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
SACP Goven Mbeki Regional Secretary Sello Molekwa also led a team visiting schools in Pienaarsrivier. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
Young entrepreneurs of Bela-Bela will be empowered with business tools and skills to boost their businesses or help take their ideas off the ground. A local Non-Profit Organization Order My Steps Foundation will host a Small Business Development Summit on the morning of Thursday, 26 January at the Bela-Bela Community Hall. CEO of the foundation Jacqui Mashampa said that the summit will be held for free, targeting both existing small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. She added that they saw a need to host such an event, inspired by the fact that many upcoming business entities need relevant skills and tools to establish their businesses and keep them sustainable. The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) and Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) are expected to grace the summit and will share information about their services. Through this Summit, small local businesses will obtain information on how to apply for funding for their businesses and how to access programmes that will assist in growing their businesses. “I have noted that 30% of the youth in Bela-Bela are unemployed. This is a considerably high number of young people who should be actively contributing to the local economy. This summit aims to get them in a position to manage successful and sustainable businesses,” said Mashampa. Entrepreneurs who would love to know more about the summit are advised to like and follow the Order My Steps Foundation’s Facebook page or contact the CEO on 082 976 7029 or email jacqui.mashampa@gmail.com
Headmaster’s suspension allegations denied Justin Steyn
(Waterberg) Regional secretary Sello Molekwa also conducted school reopening visits, accompanied by the organization’s other regional executive committee
members. They visited the Bathopele High School and Pienaarsrivier Primary School in Pienaarsrivier, where they also motivated the learners.
Raeleng drops the ball on matric results TK Mashaba
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We all know that there was great pressure for us to keep doing well after we did so well in 2016
said. Hoërskool Warmbad, Vingerkraal and Bela-Bela High school are among the three who did well with Hoërskool Warmbad obtaining a 98% pass rate, Vingerkraal 83, 33% while Bela-Bela managed a 72% pass rate. Bathopele’s pass rate was 54,38% while Ulando’s was 37, 50 with Maope managing 35, 50 and Raeleng was only able to manage a 23, 33% pass rate. Speaking to the circuit manger in BelaBela, Sabian Mathabathe, she said they still have a long way to go. ‘We didn’t do well as our overall passing rate is supposed to be 60 but we only got 56,3%’. She added. She further said that they will be working hard to make sure that in 2018 they produce the best in pass rate.
The Department of Education says that rumours that the headmaster of Settlers Agricultural High, Chris Mabunda, has been suspended are unfounded. Rumours of the alleged suspension circulated within the school’s hostel and reached the ears of local media houses. The BEAT contacted the Department of Education to verify the merits of these rumours, but their spokesperson, Naledzani Rasila, dismissed the claims after a short investigation. Rasila said that there is no intention to suspend Mabunda but there will still be thorough investigations into alleged substance and alcohol abuse at the school. “There is no intention to suspend the school’s headmaster, however we are still launching stern investigations about worrisome accusations of alleged misconduct at the school. A new school governing body has been assigned after the previous body disbanded.” The investigations come after allegations that students at the school have been acting violently towards one another and fellow teachers. There have also been several reports of underage sex, drinking and drug use among students. Rasila said that the department are handling each reported case at a time. Since December last year, the school has been targeted with a number of accusations involving alleged drugs and violence which left parents and guardians with no option but to relocate their children to a different school.
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20 January, 2017 beateditor@gmail.com | Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Qualitho FC humbles Troublemakers FC Mzamane Ringane
Qualitho FC remains on top of the log, following an impressive win last weekend. Photo: Mzamane Ringane
Mmamakwa School athletics day Photos: Lizzy Bapela
Qualitho FC resumed their Waterberg SAB Regional League title race with an impressive win against Modimolle Troublemakers FC when the league recommenced on Saturday, 14 January. The Rapotokwane team beat the hosts 3-1, during a soccer match which was graced by light drizzles. Qualitho FC’s Joseph Ayoba Sibanda scored the opener in the 31st minute of the match. His teammate Jack Moholo who is known to his followers as Parker, took an advantage while Troublemakers were still trying to regroup and scored a second goal for his team in the 33rd minute. Through desperate measures, Troublemakers FC coach Njobo Mphasha urged his team to retaliate, and ultimately managed to make the score 2-1 before halftime. The goal for the hosting team was scored by Terrence Modise. Sibanda sealed the victory for Qualitho FC when he scored his second goal of the day to make it
Mmamakwa Full-Service School has already begun with their athletics period for the school level this week, preparing for the circuit level competitions scheduled for Warmbad Laerskool on Friday, 27 January. Boys and girls from all classes gathered outside the school yard to compete for the number 1 and 2 spots in the competitions.
On your marks, get set, ready and go! The learners were in high spirits during the competition. Girls from the same level fighting for the accepted spots in the competitions.
Spectators watched as the learners competed for the spots in the competitions.
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3-1. Coach Mphasha said his team’s loss could be attributed to lack of proper training. He said the grounds were not up to standard as they were not maintained since the holidays. Mphasha said they had to settle for non-favorable facilities, like the local tennis courts for training. “We are now focusing on the next game. We are still in the race. Remember, we were neck and neck with Qualitho FC and they are one game ahead of us. We still have a chance to go to the top,” he said. Qualitho FC director Reginald Mahlangu was pleased with the three points, and further stated that he is hoping for the best this season. “I am extremely happy with the result, but a bit disappointed with our performance. I think it will take us about two to three games before we can find our feet again,” he told The BEAT. Mahlangu said their next home match against Happy Hearts FC its a must win. The wounded Troublemakers FC will visit Diesel N Dust in Bela-Bela on Saturday, 21 January.
Boys from the Intersen phase – Grade 4, 5, 6, and 7 - showed each other what they are each made of in their school level competitions.