The Beat 23 September 2016

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23 September

Bela-Bela Mayor has big plans

Jeremia Ngobeni, the new Mayor of Bela-Bela. Photo: TK Mashaba

After little more than a month as the town’s first citizen, Bela-Bela Mayor Jeremia Ngobeni (34), made time in his schedule for an interview with reporters from The BEAT and The Post. He matriculated at Bela-Bela High School and studied Community Development at the University of Venda. Among other things, he was the leader of the Congress of South African Students (Cosas) and a member of the ANC Youth Council in Bela-Bela. He was also the Deputy Regional Secretary of the ANC Youth League and is currently the Branch Secretary of the local ANC branch, as well as a Ward Councillor. After a month in office, Ngobeni has instituted the 100 Days programme in cooperation with other departments. This programme is a list of projects that will be complete or will be initiated within 100 days. The list includes capital projects such as the completion of a service centre (the MultiPurpose Centre in Ward 6) which will be opening soon, as well as the roads project in Spa Park which should be nearing completion soon. In Vingerkraal, there are plans to improve the capacity of several boreholes and to improve the roads in Extension 2, 7, and 8. Ngobeni said that residents of the affected wards will be employed whenever possible in these projects, and that 99 beneficiaries of the EPWP (Expanded Public Works Programme) will be brought in.

These projects are all intended to alleviate unemployment among the youth, he explained. In other areas, talks are planned with departments and stakeholders in relation to the Special Development Framework, in order to identify and utilize land for specific purposes. The municipality will also confer with the Department of Agriculture to discuss the possibility of transferring stateowned land to municipal ownership. A pound for stray cattle and initiatives to reduce the housing backlog, are both under consideration. A Mayoral Imbizo is also planned where the community, various departments, and the business community will be able to discuss several issues. Ngobeni is also planning a breakfast meeting where relations will be established with, among others, the Bela-Bela Business Chamber and other businesspeople, in order to facilitate the exchange of ideas and to address the challenges facing the town. Ngobeni also aims to establish youth- and sports councils in order to promote progress, as well as the creation of Ward Committees. He also plans to organize various events where tourism, education, sports, and entrepreneurship will be promoted. A TVET college may also be on the cards for the town. On municipal level, however, it is vital that Ngobeni fills the positions of Chief Financial Officer and several positions in the Social and Cooperative department, which have been vacant for some time. He also plans to institute a suggestion box at the municipality’s Customer Service Centre in order to receive feedback from the community

about service delivery and services. The system may be implemented in other departments as well. The KPMG report has been discussed in council and was referred back to the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC). The Municipal Manager, Morris Maluleka, was placed on special leave pending the results of this investigation regarding municipal contracts. The community, as well as other political parties, put pressure on the Municipality to make the results public before the elections. Ngobeni said that the report, with the necessary legal advice and feedback, will be discussed in council again within the next three months, the recommendations will be followed, and the report will be made public. Ngobeni said that all decisions made during his term will be to put the municipality and the

town in a better position. Ngobeni was asked what happened to the original mayoral chain of office, since he was given a temporary replacement chain when he was sworn in. Ngobeni said that the chain was lost when the Municipality burned down several years ago, but added that a new mayoral chain will be unveiled during the mayoral dedication ceremony in October.

Bela-Bela store robbed again

Community corrections forum starts up again

Local band to host charity event

Spar takes the lead in local soccer

Andries van der Heyde

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23 September, 2016 Website:

Stakeholders attend crime imbizo

Man up for possession of suspected stolen property Lizzy Bapela

Lieutenant General Nneke Ledwaba was flanked by Mogalakwena Mayor Andrina Matsemela and local chief Kgosi Langa during the provincial crime awareness campaign in Mokopane. Photo supplied Lizzy Bapela Members of the SAPS and stakeholders in combating crime from across the province attended an imbizo held in Mokopane on Friday, 16 September under the leadership of Police Provincial Commissioner Lieutenant General Nneke Jimmy Ledwaba. The imbizo was used as a powerful one-day Crime Awareness Campaign, which was coupled with Heritage month celebrations, organised Lieutenant General Ledwaba. The event was meant to help tackle the deadly scourge of crime and drugs in the district and was well received by the attending communities. Major General Mathebula said that the Imbizo was also aimed at getting the community involved in assisting the police in

Traditional dances were used as part of commemorating Heritage Month. Photo supplied

solving crimes and bringing crime rates down. He added that they want to have a good relationship with the communities that they serve. The police urged the community to effectively participate in the fight against crime in their areas. Various stakeholders and community representatives came together to address several burning issues, and to take back the streets from crime and drug lords. About 350 community members, youth, CPF members and religious leaders, as well as representatives from the police were present at the imbizo. Communities of the district had the opportunity to express their grievances about various burning issues. Mogalakwena Mayor Councillor Andrina Matsemela and her entourage accompanied and welcomed the provincial commissioner

during his visit at different villages in the area that experienced a number of challenges regarding criminal activities recently. Such activities include a very shocking incident where suspects were arrested for allegedly killing a woman and cutting off her head and genitals. Mayor Matsemela said that parents should keep the streets free from drugs, and children away from criminal activities and safe from drugs. One of the biggest challenges the community faces is nyaope and the mayor said that everyone has a part to play in the effort to fight this social ill. She also encouraged communities to commemorate Heritage Month with the promotion of human dignity in their minds while upholding the good value systems embodied in various cultures.

Taverns cause trouble

47-year-old Isaac Ndlovu appeared before the Modimolle Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, 15 September, after being found in possession of suspected stolen property. Modimolle police spokesperson Warrant Officer James Findlay said that Ndlovu was arrested on Monday, 12 September, after he was allegedly found in possession of a small quad bike. The police say that the quad bike was reported stolen in Venter Street, where the suspects are believed to have cut the fence in order to push the bike away. Warrant Officer Findlay said that the police were notified immediately after the crime was noticed on Tuesday, 13 September. Constable de Lange and Sergeant de Lange were patrolling at a local shopping area when they stumbled upon Ndlovu, who was allegedly trying to sell the bike. The officers approached and questioned Ndlovu, who fled the scene with the officers in pursuit. Warrant Officer Findlay said that Warrant Officer Johannes Serakwana saw the chase in progress and joined in as well, chasing after the suspect. The officers arrested Ndlovu, who was charged immediately. During his court appearance, Ndlovu was remanded to custody. The next court date has not yet been communicated.

Bela-Bela sports store robbed again

Justin Steyn

Unsafe taverns in Mookgophong are apparently giving police trouble with assault-related crimes on the rise in the area. Photo as illustration Justin Steyn The Mookgophong police say that they have been overwhelmed with incidents in local taverns. The region’s police spokesperson, Warrant-Officer George Ledwaba, said that the police have been receiving a number of violent occurrence reports in the township area. “We have had to deal with a lot of problems in local taverns recently,” Warrant Officer Ledwaba said. “The police have identified three problematic taverns in the township

area. Two of the taverns are in Extension 4 and one is in Extension 3.” Ledwaba said that the crimes include robbery, burglary, assault, and assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. “The majority of these crimes are assault-type crimes. Patrons become intoxicated and get into fights. Some of the fights occur outside of the establishments and thus end up having near-fatal consequences,” he said. Warrant Officer Ledwaba mentioned that many of the taverns lack security that should ensure that

rowdy patrons are escorted off the premises before causing harm or damage. He said that the police had had several meetings with the owners of the taverns to discuss the situation, but that no changes have been made. “Police are overwhelmed by these incidents,” Warrant Officer Ledwaba said. “I think harsher punishments should be implemented against offenders. We are here to protect and serve, but tavern owners have a responsibility to ensure that their places are secure and safe, especially those who drink responsibility.”

The Total Sports store at the Bela Mall has suffered their second robbery this year. According to provincial spokesperson LieutenantColonel Johnny Malesela, police in Bela-Bela have launched an intensive manhunt for three armed suspects believed to have been involved in the robbery. Lieutenant-Colonel Malesela said that on Sunday, 18 September at about 09:00, three unknown men held the staff at gunpoint, restrained them, and made off with 120 cell phone handsets of a variety of makes, and one pair of running shoes. Two of the men were inside the store while a third waited

at the entrance. Malasela said that the suspects left in haste after someone apparently whistled from the entrance of the store. The men apparently left behind a 9 mm pistol, but that the case is still under investigation. Lieutenant-Colonel Abel Phetla of the Bela-Bela Police said that one of the restrained staff members was able to free herself and contact the police from her cell phone. Bela Mall general manager J.P. Duncan said that the staff, while still upset, are back at work. Duncan said that the management of the centre are planning to find ways to improve security at the centre to stop such incidents from recurring, but could not elaborate further at the time.

23 September, 2016 | Website:

Local woman wounded TK Mashaba The wife of a Bela-Bela businessman whose name cannot be revealed at this time, was shot twice in the early morning hours of Monday, 19 September at around 04:00. The woman was wounded in the hand and leg, and was taken to a hospital in Pretoria for treatment. According to Bela-Bela police spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Abel Phetla, the police have established that six men came to the family’s home on the day in question and attempted to gain entry. They did not manage to enter the

house, but they did wound the woman. “We are investigating the case,” said Phetla. “The cartridge of the gun was found and we know when the weapon was fired, which will be a great help in the investigation.” Nothing was stolen during the incident. The woman’s son, who also cannot be named because he is a minor, said that the suspects tried to enter the family home. His father was not at home, and the men could not gain access to the house, so they fired random shots into the house, hitting the boy’s mother in the hand and leg. Lieutenant-Colonel Phetla said that the police are continuing to investigate.

Traffic facility allegedly behind with operation license payments Justin Steyn Residents of Bela-Bela have been unable to book license tests at the local traffic centre for two months. “This is despite the fact that our Traffic Department has recently moved into a newly built facility that cost the local ratepayers millions of Rands,” said NJ van Heerden of Change for Bela-Bela, a local organization. Van Heerden said that according to “reputable sources” the reason for this is that the license to operate the traffic testing ground allegedly needs to be renewed and the servicing of the machines needs to be done every year. This has allegedly not been done. “It is said that the Municipality needs to

pay the license fee and machine calibration and servicing. Neither has been done, and the reason according to our source is that they don’t want to release the funds,” he said. According to Van Heerden, the situation has existed for more than three months, with no end in sight. “We now ask our honourable Mayor, who has been responding well to complaints from the community, to intervene in this matter on behalf of the community,” he said The BEAT contacted the municipality’s project manager, Vleis van Zyl, who said that he bears no knowledge of the situation. Repeated calls to the Head of the Traffic Department in Bela-Bela, Isaac Monare rang unanswered.



Department introduces Community Corrections Forum The stakeholders were hands-on during the special monitoring. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Lizzy Bapela The Department of Correctional Services in Bela-Bela introduced a revived and revised Community Corrections Forum to stakeholders during a special monitoring programme in Lebotloane on Thursday, 8 September. Representatives from various government departments and communitybased structures attended the event to participate in the programme to experience the day-to-day life of an offender and the rehabilitation process. These stakeholders include local chief Kgosi Nawa and members of the local Traditional Council, the Bojanala District Substance Abuse Committee, Community Works Programme coordinators, the Orphans and Vulnerable Children Service, CPF (Community Policing Forum) and the Modimolle Community Corrections, among others. A total of 36 pople attended. Sixteen paroled offenders and probationers were visited during the monitoring process, and five violations

were recorded. The head of the department in the BelaBela satellite office, Fani Pholosi, explained how the department deals with parole violators. He also briefed the attendees about the objectives of the monitoring ahead of its occurrence, and reported back after its completion. Many of the participants were fascinated by the process of reintegrating criminals into society. The new chairperson of the reconstituted CPF Lydia Mpete said that the forum will work closely with the Department and other stakeholders in helping to correct or rehabilitate offenders, as well as with the community, to ask that the offenders to be given second chances. She extended her gratitude to the attendees. The other members are Joseph Ledwaba, Secretary, and his deputy Virginia Mataboge, as well as Pastor Dinah Kganyago, Naomi Molebatsi, Omphemetse Papola, Amanda Makgabo, and Innocentia Mailola. Other than the five violations registered during the operation, it proceeded smoothly.

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23 September, 2016 | Website:

MEC’s last visit in Waterberg before switching portfolios

Former MEC for CoGHSTA Makoma Makhurupetje. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela Before being transferred to a different department, former MEC for CoGHSTA (Corporative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs) Makoma Makhurupetje made her last visit to the Waterberg. The MEC visited the Thabazimbi Local Municipality on Thursday, 15 September. Departmental Spokesperson Motupa Selomo said that the aim of the meeting

was to address some of the challenges faced by the municipality. The meeting was followed by a press conference that was also addressed by the MEC at the Thabazimbi Municipal offices. Meanwhile, the Limpopo Province’s Executive Council (EXCO) held an Executive Council meeting on Wednesday, 14 September and came up with some resolutions, which some were concerning the municipality. The EXCO resolved that

CoGHSTA, together with Treasury, should work out an amount that should be allocated to Thabazimbi Municipality. The Office of the Premier indicated that this is done in order to provide immediate financial relief to the current distress prevailing in the municipality. Other resolutions that the EXCO made include one that the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development should utilise an amount not exceeding R10 million from their equitable share for drought relief interventions. The amount will be appropriated to the Department during the adjustment budget process. They further resolved that the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture with the assistance of Provincial Treasury should prepare a submission to consideration to support the two soccer teams from the province that are in the Premier Soccer League with a once-off payments. On legal matters, the EXCO also resolved that all departments should seek legal opinions from the Office of the Premier before effecting precautionary suspensions. The EXCO further noted that the departments applied for a total of R586 461 million roll-over, however only R574 694 million was approved by the National Treasury.

Miss Mamelodi Sundowns 2016 entries open

Municipal spokesperson promises to respond to DA allegations Spokesperson for the Lim-368 Municipality in the Mookgophong area Naphtally Tloaela promised to respond to the allegations levelled by the DA in Limpopo against their municipality. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Lizzy Bapela Spokesperson for the Lim-368 Municipality in the Mookgophong area Naphtally Tloaela promised to respond to the allegations levelled by the DA in Limpopo against their municipality. This comes after the party alleges that the acting Municipal Manager of the newly established municipality Phineas Sebola failed to submit the Hand-Over reports to the new council during the first and second council meetings. The DA stated that they requested the Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister (CoGTA), Desmond Van Rooyen to take action against Sebola.

“According to the Circular 29 of 2016 titled Management of the various transition measures; Pre and Post the 2016 Local government election issued by the department instructed all municipal managers along with the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) to prepare hand over reports to be tabled during the first council meeting of the newly elected council but in this case, no reports have been handed over to date,” said DA Member of Parliament and Political Head in Modimolle/Mookgophong Desiree Van Der Walt. The reports are aimed to provide the new council with the important orientation information regarding the municipality, financial status, all the municipal programmes, service

delivery, outstanding projects, backlog and all the challenges facing the municipality. Amongst other items that must be handed over include revised IDP documents, the adopted 2016/2017 budget, the midyear budget, annual report for 2014 /2015, and the performance report. “The Hand-Over reports must also be submitted to the Provincial Department of Cooperative Governance and National Treasury but he opted to withhold the reports. This proves that this official cannot come to terms that the ANC lost power in that municipality and start cooperating with the new council. This tendency and arrogance is absurd and unacceptable as the acting MM is showing that he is not interested in prioritising to accelerate quality services to the residents to Modimolle and Mookgophong,” she added. Van der Walt further said that the DA-led government is operating without any reports and updates regarding the financial affairs of the municipality, which they say makes it impossible to start planning on how to accelerate quality services that the residents are desperate for. The DA is urging Minister Van Rooyen and National Treasury Minister Pravin Gordhan to intervene against officials who they say are on the mission to sabotage and prevent the new council delivery services to its community despite their political affiliation.

Tshego Monggae is the reigning Miss Mamelodi Sundowns. Photo supplied Mzamane Ringane The sixth edition of the prestigious Miss Mamelodi Sundowns was expected to take place in December, where one lady will be crowned Miss Mamelodi Sundowns 2016. Miss Mamelodi Sundowns has over R2 million in prizes to be won, while the main winner will also be given an opportunity to become the brand ambassador of one of the biggest football clubs in South Africa, Mamelodi Sundowns FC. Women between the ages of 18-25, are encouraged to submit their entries for this year’s pageant. Entries for this year’s edition of Miss Mamelodi Sundowns FC will close on 30 September. Out of all the entries received, two semi-finalists will be selected from each of the nine provinces of South Africa. Each finalist will win R60 000 and then further become part of the 18 provincial semi-finalists who will compete for the main prize of the Miss Mamelodi Sundowns title, taking home R200 000 in prize-money and a brand new car. The first princess will receive a whopping R175 000, while the second princess will win R150 000. “What makes Miss Mamelodi

Sundowns so different from other pageants is that we ensure that each of our nine provinces is represented in the final. There are beautiful South African women in all corners of our country, and through this dynamic pageant they will have the opportunity to represent their province, while also being the fresh new face of Mamelodi Sundowns Football Club,” says Sizwe Nzimande, General Manager of Mamelodi Sundowns. Entries are submitted through the online system will allows interested young women to submit their entries with ease. Entrants are required to submit their entry forms and photographs online, and also create and upload an entry video. The Miss Mamelodi Sundowns team will travel around the country during October and November, to meet the chosen semi-finalists in all nine provinces. Two princesses per province will then be selected, and then go through to the final of the Miss Mamelodi Sundowns 2016. “Miss Mamelodi Sundowns is about more than just beauty, it’s also about using football, a male-dominated platform, to empower women from across the country,” said Nzimande.

23 September, 2016 | Website:

Modimolle band hosts charity event



International literacy Day celebrated Freddy Hlungwane attended the National Literacy Day celebrations on behalf of Waterberg Executive Mayor Morris Mataboge. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Members of the TRV Live Band are currently preparing for the upcoming Gospel Charity Event. Photo supplied Mzamane Ringane Modimolle popular band The Rudiments Virtuoso (TRV) will be hosting a gospel event next month, to raise funds for charity organisations and other less fortunate members of the community. The Gospel Charity Event will be held at the new park, next to Lekkerbreek Primary School, on Sunday, 9 October. Activities will commence at 15:00, with members of the community required to pay an entrance fee of R30 to contribute to this good cause. According to TRV CEO and manager, Neo Mokhonoana, the aim of this charity event is to help those who are less fortunate during this coming festive season. “The aim of this charity drive is to help and uplift people who are less fortunate, by providing them with food, clothes and toys for children. As The Rudiments Virtuoso, we feel that these coming months, especially during November and December many people will be enjoying themselves while there will be others who are not able to even afford any sort of meal,” Mokhonoana said. The band manager said their aim is to reduce the level of poverty in local communities.

He indicated that he believes that with the support from the locals, they can be able to achieve this goal. Mokhonoana said that the success of this event will translate into the success of the community, as they would have raised enough funds to make this initiative possible. “There will be lots of fun, as we have invited many gospel artists who will be performing on that day. After hosting this event, we will also invite members of the community once again to come and witness when we visit our beneficiaries,” he said. He also told The BEAT that they will seek for assistance from the authorities, including the municipality to help in identifying those that are in need of assistance. According to the organisers William Sejake, who is known for his voice in the popular gospel group Joyous Celebration, will be among the artists who are expected to perform at the event. Many other local artists including the TRV Live Band will also be entertaining the audience. For more information on the event, members of the public can contact Neo on 072 354 5244 or Tebogo on 072 577 2230.

Lizzy Bapela Former mayor of Bela-Bela and now ward

councillor Freddy Hlungwane was given a very big responsibility at the International Literacy Day celebrated recently in Rustenburg outside Northam. Hlungwane was tasked to be the acting Executive Mayor of the Waterberg District and to welcome the dignitaries attending the event on behalf of the actual Executive Mayor Morris Mataboge. Amongst the dignitaries present at the event were Minister of Minerals and Energy Mosebenzi Joseph Zwane, MECs for Education from Limpopo and the North West, Chairperson of NUM Thamsanga Piet Matosa and Sammy Feeva of Motsweding FM a programme director of the day. During an interview with The BEAT, Hlungwane said that the event was very interesting and Waterberg was well represented, and added that it would be good to transfer the experience other young people. He added that he was honoured to hold such a highly acclaimed position even if it was just for the day. International Literacy Day 2016 was observed on Thursday, 8 September and has been celebrated for over 40 years now. The day is meant to remind communities that literacy is a human right and the foundation of all learning. Research states that Literacy is a cause for celebration since there are now close to four billion literate people in the world. However, literacy for all; children, youth and adults is still an unaccomplished goal and an ever moving target.

Successful young women do it for their community

Speakers at the charity event and some of the beneficiaries display some of the items to be distributed to needy children. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela A group of successful young people from Modimolle motivated young boys and girls from local primary schools during a charity event that was held at Laerskool Eenheid at Modimolle on Saturday, 10 September. The hosts revealed items to be distributed to the identified beneficiaries who are from disadvantaged family backgrounds. These good Samaritans targeted children who are in their puberty or menstrual cycle stage, whose parents or guardians cannot afford to buy them the protective measures. These young adults are currently employed and also studying and they aim to motivate, inspire and groom the children, especially the girls into becoming responsible young adults in future, regardless of their current family situations or personal difficulties, whether in schools

The founder of the charity organization from Modimolle named the Paul Dave Foundation, Karabo Mokgosi, addressed people during the charity event. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

or within the community. For now, only learners from Dagbreek and Maokeng will be benefiting from the distribution of sanitary towels and roll-on deodorant. In her address, founder of the Paul Dave Foundation Karabo Mokgosi shared her life experiences and told all about the organization. “I lost my dad when I was 6, my mom at 10, got sexually harassed at 13, got depressed and couldn’t cope and that forced me to grow up quicker than my mates. I did not have parents to go to for anything I needed, I was broken inside and ended up attempting suicide three times as I was feeling alone and that no one really understood what I was going through. My Grade 10 teacher adopted me and raised me like her own and never made me feel otherwise. She told me to go into the community and implement what she taught me throughout the years, hence the Paul

Attendees were treated to a meal after the event. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Dave Foundation which I started in early 2015 and named it after my parents, Pauline and David. I am where I am because of many people and I really appreciate their love, support and patience and for believing in me. If I was able to make it in life, then why can’t I help others to? Even if I can touch just one soul, that will be a huge difference,” Mokgosi said. A thriving thinker Kgotso Castro Motau talked about implementation rather than talks with no action; and advised young people to choose careers that will help contribute to the economic growth of the country. He said that focusing on skills that are scares in the country will make the young ones much needed hopefuls in future. A 17-year-old Hoërskool Nylstroom learner Barbara Makomene rendered a poem about ignorance. She emphasized that if young

girls choose to ignore education as their weapon for future success, they will end up seeking deliverance from “blessers” who will dethrone them of their self-respect and confidence. She described blessers as father figures who disfigure young girls and leave them with diseases, mostly AIDS. Local businessman Patrick Mudau highlighted that today we are faced with social ills that threatens the future and success of the youth. He advised children to prolong their lives by respecting elders and never let anger rule them. He also advised them to report any form of abuse, saying that today’s world is better than the previous one as nowadays the government protects children. He added that being silent or resolving to commit suicide is never solution. Other guests included singer Keneilwe Nkwinika, performing artist David Magatsele, speakers Bonolo Dacket and Mathabo Dolo; and poet Tybalt Lehutso.



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LEGALS BELA BELA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 Notice is hereby given that in terms of clause 21 of the abovementioned Land Use Scheme, I, JOHN DEAN, the undersigned of the AURECON GROUP

(PTY) LTD, intend applying to the Bela Bela Local Municipality for consent to use Erf 1547, Bela Bela township for the purpose(s) of constructing a cellular telephone mast on the property. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during normal office hours at the, Bela Bela Loca Municipality, Department of Land Use Management, Civic Centre, Chris Hani Drive, Bela Bela. Any person having any objection to the granting of this application, must lodge such objections together with the grounds thereof in writing, with the Manager: Land Use Mnagement, Bela Bela Local Municipality, Private Bag x1609, Bela Bela, 0480, within 28 days from the first date of publication: 16 September 2016. First date of advertisement: 16 September 2016 Second date of advertisement: 23 September 2016 Objection expiry date: 14

October 2016 APPLICANT: AURECON GROUP (PTY) LTD, 4 Daventry Street, Lynwood Manor, 0081, P.O. Box 74381, Lynwood Ridge, 0040. Tel: (012) 427 2454. Fax: (086) 566 7288. E-mial: SITE REF: ETO - 13 1138 Tambo (16&23/09). NOTICE I, MATLOU PAUL SILAS (full name) being the owner/authorized agent of the owner of erf 3988 Phagameng Ext 5. Complete description of property as set out in title deed hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have applied to the Modimolle Local Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme in operation known as

23 September, 2016 | Website:

Modimolle Land Use Scheme 2004, by the rezoning of the property(ies) described above, situated at Marutha Street from Residential 1 to Residential 3. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of: The Divisional: Town Planning, Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, Field Street, Modimolle, for a period of 28 days from (the date of first publication of this notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Divisional Manager: Town Planning at the above address or at Private Bag x1008, Modimolle, 0510, within a period of 28 days from (the date of first publication of this notice). Address of owner/ authorized agent:

(Physical as well as postal address) 3988 Marutha Street Phagameng 0510. P.O. Box 4241 Modimolle 0510 Telephone no: 082 737 7275. (23&30/09).


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23 September, 2016 Website:

Lerato Makomene on succeeding in life


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Indoor aerobics a weekly event

Lerato Makomene has made it in life against all odds. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Former Bela-Bela mayor Hendrietta Ledwaba next to Mandla Maluleka in full swing during the indoor aerobics held at Bela-Bela community hall on Saturday 17 September. Photo: TK Mashaba

Lizzy Bapela A popular local feminist continues the awareness on celebrating and honouring women even after Women’s Month, talking to young girls of Modimolle about being mocked as a child and growing to succeed in life against all odds. Makomene is currently working as a provincial spokesperson for the Limpopo Department of Labour and is a former Mookgophong Municipal spokesperson. She is also a motivational speaker, political activist, Evolutionary magazine founder and editor, university graduate in journalism studies, former journalist of the UJ Observer and Rise n Shine, mother to her two-year-old daughter Mohluri, a wife, sister to four siblings, and a daughter. She has had her challenges in life but never let that deter her from working towards where she wants to be in life or achieving her set goals. She told a gathering of young women that we live in a world today where women feel that they need to justify anything about them including working in male dominated fields, wearing doeks, being young or single mothers, and so forth. She said that young people turn to make a mistake of thinking that one’s intelligence is measured through their dress code, accent or the kind of English that they speak. Makomene added that every person should build their own life and future and not envy what others do, have or achieve. “Growing up, I had very few friends because I was always mocked about my pigmentation, looks, everything about me. I became unemployed for a long time after completing matric and that was very stressful, considering what others were achieving. As I became a young adult, I always asked God when I pray; will I ever get a job, a house and car; become someone’s wife and a mother, further my studies and so forth. I never thought I could be where I am today because life was difficult at that time. I joined politics because I wanted to be at the forefront of where things are done and decisions are made. I wanted to be part of the fight that results in our nation’s goals being achieved. I wanted to be that woman

whose name is read for doing great things within the community. A young person should empower themselves by reading and always strive for better education as it is the key to succeed in life. I fail to understand why some girls justifies sleeping their way to the top or relying on sugar daddies to make a living or put food on the table. If you get educated you will get a good job and be able to maintain any lifestyle you wish for. You won’t have to wait for any man to give you that life because they will say in future that you made it through them,” she said. Makomene strongly opposes the discrimination against women, even on a public platform. She recently expressed her feelings against what she described as a trend of posts on Facebook, where people said that dark skinned girls or women wearing a pink or red lipstick look like a vernacular bible. She said that she personally thinks that that is funny because she has seen a lot of dark skinned women, including herself, rocking the lipstick and they look beautiful. She advised people to stop hating. “I might not know the challenges young men or boys might be facing but know that the young man that you are today is a reflection of the kind of father and leader that you are going to be one day. It is a reflection of the kind of career that you will choose so if you are going to live your life recklessly, if you are going to disrespect people just to seem cool, then that is the kind of adult that you will become. Because I believe that an ordinary child becomes an average adult. And the reason why our society is moving in the direction that it is moving is because it is full of average people. Stand up against what is not good in your life or your community and never let life challenges like being an orphan or sexually harassed become a stumbling block in your life. I may not have the accurate statistics but the reality is that in South Africa, many children are raped. Take something from the experiences of those who made it big in life. You might not become an entrepreneur or government employee but do something about your life regardless of your situation,” she concluded.

The people who attended the indoor aerobics held at Bela-Bela community hall on Saturday 17 September. Photo: TK Mashaba

Julias Mtsweni the exercise conductor during the indoor aerobics held at Bela-Bela community hall on Saturday 17 September. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba The indoor aerobics event that was held at the Bela-Bela Community Hall on Saturday, 17 September, will now be hosted weekly at various venues throughout town, according to the event organizer Mandla Maluleka. “I have noticed that people love this kind of exercise, and it helps them. With good music, it makes exercise easy,” he said. The venue for the next event will be

communicated online. The event on the 17th saw a determined few attending, including former Bela-Bela Mayor Hendrietta Ledwaba, who was among the eldest attendees. “I am feeling fresh and energetic,” Ledwaba said. “Even though the exercise was hard, I stood strong and completed the time, and I’d love to do it again.” The session was attended by two guest trainers from Mabopane in Tshwane, Julias Mtsweni and Smathi Kgaatle, who were helping the attendees with their exercises.

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23 September, 2016 | Website:

Spar tops local league

Terrors FC fails to score a goal in their hometown Metro Hyperland can take the top spot on the log if they win against Cashbuild on Saturday, 24 September. Photo: TK Mashaba

TK Mashaba With four matches played so far in the Bela-Bela Super Soccer League, Spar FC is topping the league with 11 points. Spar cannot relax yet, however, as Metro Hyperland is trailing them by only two points, with a score of nine. If they lose a game, Metro Hyperland will have the opportunity to reclaim the top spot.

Daybreak FC (Midway Chix) is on third place with seven points and one game in hand. If both Spar and Metro loses their next fixtures while Daybreak win both of theirs, Daybreak may be in with a chance at the top spot. Game FC, on the other hand, has been the weakest link since the league kicked off. They have lost all four the games they have played so far, and have no points. They may still recover, however.

During the past weekend Spar beat Metro 5-2, while SAPS smashed Game 4-1 and the Bela-Bela Municipality received a 4-2 whipping from Shoprite. Daybreak was expected to face Spar on Friday, 23 September. This should be an interesting match, as Daybreak, Spar, and Metro all have a shot at the top spot hanging on this match. Metro was expected to face Cashbuild on Saturday, while Game was expected to play against the Municipality, and Brenner Mills was due to clash with the SAPS on Sunday, 25 September.

The boys from Terrors FC hope to improve on last season’s dismal performance. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela Fans of the Modimolle founded soccer team Terrors FC say it is better to play a draw than to lose. This was said after the team played a 0-0 draw against another Waterberg team, Lephalale Young Killers FC over the past weekend. The match took place at the Ephraim Mogale Stadium in Modimolle, Phagameng Township on Sunday, 18 September. Terrors FC’ recent game landed the team on the number 14 spot, with only a single point to them. They follow Lephalale Young Killers FC on the 13 th position, with only one point also from suffering a three goals difference against the team. The well- attended game between both teams had spectators praying for goals, expressing a fear of losing following a previous 6-0 loss against Boyne FC played at Moria on Saturday, 10 September. The first season game was deemed challenging and tough but the team had hope to will the second game. On the issue of missing out on chances of scoring goals that were observed, Sarel Marakalla’s moment was the most highly noted as he failed to capitalise on three chances through passes during the first half. Secondly, Butter Papo failed in the second half as well. Despite that, Terrors seemed to be playing well, if not quite up to the level of their opponents. “We really have to commend the fans for their utmost support as the stadium was packed and the majority of spectators were rallying behind the boys. It is the fans and spectators’ support that motivate the players during a game and great management also contributes to the players’ performance and goal scoring,” said Terrors FC’s spokesperson John Mabusha.

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