The Beat 26 July 2013

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26 July 2013

Youth League welcomes Modimolle Monster’ sentence

Ina Bonnet was emotional at the sentencing of her attackers

The Limpopo ANC Youth League Provincial Task Team announced that they welcome the life sentence given to businessman Johan Kotze and his three accomplices Andries Sithole, Sello Frans Mphaka and Pieta Mohlane by the Pretoria High Court acting Judge Bert Bam. Kotze has widely been named the Modimolle Monster, following an incident where he mutilated and ordered the gang rape of his wife Ina Bonnette, as well as the murder of her son Conrad in January of 2012. The four men were found guilty on six charges ranging from murder, kidnapping, and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm, to rape. Both Sithole and Kotze were found guilty on the murder of Conrad, while Mohlaka and Mphaka received 10 years for kidnapping. All four men received life sentences on the rape charge. The Youth League took the opportunity to reaffirm their continuous congress resolution that the abuse of women in society is a punishable criminal offence irrespective of their stature in society. “These kind of deeds are unacceptable and should never be tolerated, not only in Limpopo but in the

country and global community as a whole,” said the league’ spokesperson Onicca Moloi. The league said they hope that the sentence will serve as a lesson to young people and the society in general that no one is above the law and that crime does not pay. They also commended the courage that Bonnette showed during this difficult times. They called upon members of the society to support her as she is recovering from the ordeal. “We hope that she can now find closure on the issue and rebuild her life again,” said Moloi. During recent court proceedings, Kotze denied his guilt, claiming that he could not be held accountable for his actions on the day. A defense psychologist had reportedly testified that Kotze had a narcissistic personality disorder and suffered from an acute stress disorder and serious depression, which resulted in a state of dissociation during the incident. A different psychologist testified for the state that Kotze did not suffer from any mental disorders and could be held accountable for his actions. Sithole, Mohlane and Mphaka told the court that Kotze had threatened to shoot them if

they did not co-operate, saying that they pretended to rape Bonnette because they could not get erections. Bonnette reportedly testified that she was tied to a bed with tape covering her mouth and then the three men took turns raping her and looked on while Kotze sexually tortured her and mutilated her breasts. She said that she heard her son repeatedly saying “Please uncle, don’t shoot”, followed by three shots as she was still taped and tied. Conrad died at the scene after being shot in the face, chest, and knee. Bonnette had to undergo reconstructive surgery and was put on antiretroviral treatment after it emerged that Sithole had tested positive for HIV following his arrest. The Youth League condemned these actions, encouraging the society to help intensify the fight against women and children abuse. According to media reports, Prosecutor Retha Meintjes argued that all the accused were guilty of attempting to murder Bonnette because of Sithole’s HIV status. Sithole’s advocate Jan van Rooyen and Mohlane and Mphaka’s Francois van As argued that their clients had not been aware of Sithole’s or their own HIV status, and could not be convicted of attempted murder. Van As argued that his clients had “played Russian roulette” because they did not know each other’s or the victim’s HIV status. Judge Bam also reportedly remarked that he had not heard of a rapist who first asked his victim if she had AIDS. The accused’s legal representatives indicated that they were just as traumatised as Bonnette because Kotze had threatened to kill them. They further said that the accused’s intention was not to rape her. The accused said that they had been there against their will and there was ample evidence to support their version that they were threatened. Spokesperson of the National Prosecuting Authority Medupi Simasiku welcomed the judgment, saying that he hoped it brings closure to the family. He also said he hoped the judgment would serve as a lesson that these types of crimes did not go unpunishedd.

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26 July, 2013

How to pack an emergency kit While your home will probably be safest place to be during an emergency or crisis, there may be times when you will need to evacuate the area or leave your home. Here are some essentials tips for your emergency kits. (1) Your emergency kit should be placed in portable containers located near an exit of your house. This is so you can grab them quickly on your way out of the house in a serious emergency or disaster. Do not overload your kit, backpack or portable container. If you wind up having to carry it a long distance to reach safety or shelter you will appreciate the lighter weight. (2) Each family member should have their own kit with food, clothing and water. You may want to include an extra emergency kit for any relatives or persons visiting you. In an emergency this will give you needed additional items and resources in an emergency. You can distribute heavy items between the emergency kits for adult members to keep the weight of children’s emergency kits at a minimum. (3) Enclose extra clothing, matches, personal documents, and other items damageable by smoke or water in plastic to protect them. Make sure it’s weather appropriate for the time of year. Don’t forget to include raingear. If it’s raining when you have to evacuate, you will appreciate having dry clothes. (4) Keep a small flashlight handy in the top portion of your kit. This way you can find it quickly and easily in the dark. Have more than one! If a flashlight gets lost or broken, you will need another one. (5) Personalize your kit. Be sure you fill the needs of each family member and don’t forget to provide any needed prescriptions for inhalers, medicines, eyeglasses, etc. (6) Inspect your emergency kit at least twice a year. Make sure there aren’t any missing items. Rotate your food and water. Check your children’s clothing for proper fit and size. Adjust clothing for winter or summer needs. Check the expiration dates on all batteries, light sticks, hand warmers, and any extra food items and water you have stored. Be sure to include appropriate foot gear, such as hiking or snow boots. (7) Consider the needs of elderly people as well as those with handicaps or other special needs. For infants, store diapers, washcloth, ointment, bottles and pacifiers, as well as other special supplies. (8) Be sure to make copies of important personal and business documents and store them in a safe place. Include photos and I.D. for all family members. (9) Identify an out of town contact person so family and friends can communicate with you during an emergency. Keep the information written down and easily accessible. (10) Plan for a meeting place if you cannot meet at home. Designate an emergency meeting place if you become separated during a disaster or emergency.


A basic emergency kit should contain LED flashlight: These reliable torches are a must. The new technology is far superior to battery-draining incandescent bulbs and provides a brighter, more visible light than any other light source available. Remember to include two LED torches and extra batteries. First-Aid kit: Stock a complete kit with basic medical items like bandages, disinfectant, basic pharmaceuticals, etc. If your family members require daily medication, make sure to store extras in the kit as well. Multi-tool or pocketknife: A sturdy multi-tool provides you with basic tools in an easy to carry package. A good multi-tool will have screwdrivers and knife blades in various sizes for a number of different applications. Non-perishable food: Include food that doesn’t need to be cooked in your kit supplies. Pack enough for at least a 72hour (3-day) period. Nuts, granola bars, dried foods, and peanut butter are all excellent choices. Canned food has a good shelf-life too. Just be sure to include a can opener (or make sure your multi-tool has one)! Bottled water: Pack about four litres of water per person per day. This not only serves as your drinking water (which your body desperately needs) but will provide enough to use for sanitation purposes. Warm blankets: For your home, any warm, dry blankets will suffice, preferably made of wool. Waterproof matches/lighter: It is important to have fire-starting tools in the event that extra warmth is needed. Important Kit Items AM/FM radio: Important information is often broadcast across radio waves in the event of an emergency. Keep extra batteries in your kit for the radio if you choose to include one in your kit. Extra clothing: If inclement weather is involved, the value of warm, dry clothes increases dramatically. Put extra clothes in a waterproof bag. Dust mask: Natural disasters can produce a big mess, stirring up dust and other harmful particles. Bleach: This common household cleaner serves a number of purposes, the most important being purifying drinking water. Four drops per litre will provide you safe, drinkable water. Cash (and change): ATMs and credit card machines don’t work when the power is out. Keep extra cash in a safe place within your kit in case you need to buy supplies during an emergency. Whistle: Often overlooked, do not underestimate the importance of a good whistle. These little wonders are simple to use, safe to carry, and easy for e m e r g e n c y p e r s o n n e l t o h e a r. Nice-to-have items include moist towelettes, plastic garbage bags, tarps or plastic sheeting, feminine hygiene products, baby diapers and formula, and duct tape. It is difficult to prepare for every emergency situation that you may face, but this should be a good start., Website:

Bela-Bela Municipal workers down tools Justin Steyn The Bela-Bela Municipality was littered by angry workers on Tuesday 23 July. The protestors demanded that municipality withdraw the suspension of local South Africam Municipal Worlers Union (SAMWU) Secretary, Lucky Masesane. “We are here to demand that the current municipal management withdraw the suspension of Mr Masesane but they are refusing” said a municipal worker. The issue of corruption within municipality has risen again among those present and they have called for the resignation of Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Morris Maluleka. Those present alleged that Maluleka is trying to bring municipal councillors into dispute with one another as well as bringing the municipality into complete bankruptcy. To show their support for the municipal protest, the Bela-Bela Concerned

Residents (BBCR) group united infront of the municipality in their light blue atire. BBCR spokesperson, Oupa Machoshane, said he is tired of the allegred corruption. “The municipality must understand very well that the public is tired of the lack of service delivery and this will have dire consequences” he said. Machoshane warns that the municipality could face another mass protest march within the coming week should their demands not be met. “The last protest march seems to not have made an effect on the municipality so we are planning a another one untill our demands are met” he said SAMWU and local municipal management had a meeting on Wednesday to resolve the issues raised. At the time of going to press municipal spokesperson, Matome Sebelebele could not be reached for comment.

Ramaphosa’s visit impresses the youth Lizzy Bapela The youth in Limpopo used the ANC Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa’s visit as a platform for them to raise concerns with regards to challenges they are faced with on a daily basis. Ramaphosa engaged with the youth of the province during a public dialogue that was held at the Peter Mokaba Stadium on Friday, 12 July. Spokesperson for the ANC Youth League Limpopo Provincial Task Team Onicca Moloi said that the Deputy President’s visit aimed to touch on a number of fundamentals issues including socio-economic challenges that confront the youth on a daily basis. More than 1 000 young people from different youth sectors around the province attended the dialogue. During the interactions with the Deputy President, the young people raised concerns including unemployment and lack of access to higher education, which rob them of the opportunity to sustain themselves. Corruption and poor service delivery in government were also touched on. The ANC Youth League in Limpopo expressed gratitude to the young people for being part of the dialogue. The League is encouraged by the continuous efforts by government agencies in fighting fraud and corruption in the province. The league also called upon the ANC’s Integrity Committee

to speed up its investigation amongst its members deployed in Government. Students also raised serious allegations of embedded corruption in the higher education sector. The league respects the autonomy of institutions of higher learning and called on the Minister for Higher Education Department Blade Nzimande to intervene. The league keenly awaits progress regarding the calls that President Jacob Zuma made during his 2013 State of the Nation Address to build additional institutions of higher learning in the Mpumalanga and Northern Cape provinces. The frustrations faced by young entrepreneurs in the agricultural and other sectors of the economy were also touching during the interactions with the Deputy President. The Youth League called for relevant state agencies to make strategic interventions regarding funding and training of the young entrepreneurs to advance their aspirations. Meanwhile, the league’s Provincial Task Team in Limpopo conducted a series of subregional councils in the Vhembe and Sekhukhune regions on Sunday, 14 July. Moloi said that this is in pursuant of rebuilding the branches and realigning the organisation towards the 2014 general elections. She said that similar interactions will be conducted in other regions in due course.


Algemene Praktisyns / General Practitioners Dr. V.G. Emslie MB.Ch.B(Pret) Nr. 0332747 (014) 736-5616 (h) 082 490 6242 ABSA Bosveld Pick ’n Pay Sentrum h/v Marx & Potgieter straat Bela-Bela 0480

Na-ure After Hours 014 736 2032/3 Tel: (014) 736-2032/3 Faks: (014) 736-4809

Dr. T.M. De Jonge MB.Ch.B(UP) Nr. 0380342 (014) 736-3019 (h) 082 450 8411 Postnet Suite 80 Privaatsak X1604 Bela-Bela 0480


Former Bela Bela Mayor Henrietta “Die-Bang” Ledwaba led a team of volunteers in cleaning at the Bela-Bela High School. The volunteers, from Ledwaba’s ward also helped the school helpers in dishing up for the learners at lunchtime, with an aim to contribute to the 67 minues of community work conducted throughout the world. Photo: Lizzy Bapela, Website:

26 July, 2013

12 Million “Not missing” Justin Steyn ANC spokesperson Sello Ledig, dismissed a recent report stating that R12 million was unaccounted for in the Limpopo ANC’s books. “The provincial task team (PTT) of the African National Congress in Limpopo categorically denies media reports that an amount of R12 million is unaccounted for in its books, we have no idea where this figure comes from” he said in a statement on Sunday. “Last week it was reported that the PTT, which dissolved the party’s provincial leadership and was restructuring its representation there, found only R700 in its account, and that the larger amount was unaccounted for,” he added. The ANC said that following its appointment in March this year, the PTT had received numerous claims for payment from suppliers. The claims had strained the organisation’s limited resources, causing the PTT to verify its debtors’ book in order to validate the accuracy of the claims. However Lediga said it was correct that

there was R700 in the account when the team arrived. “To conduct a proper and credible verification process, the organisation decided to put one official on leave until the time that the verification was concluded. The official has since resigned,” he said. The process was said to still be underway. According to a report in The Star newspaper, the money came from the legislature and was given to each party represented there. The amounts varied according to the size of the party’s representation, and were meant for party political work. In December 2011, it was reported that five provincial government departments were placed under administration because of allegations of corruption and violations of the Public Finance Management Act. Apart from dissolving structures, other changes in the province since the PTT arrived included premier Cassel Mathale resigning after being recalled, new premier Stanley Mathabatha being sworn in, and a shuffling of MECs.

Man run over by truck Bricks were placed where the victim had been lying. Photo: Justin Steyn

Despite this nostopping sign in Ritchie Road drivers still stop to pick up and drop off passengers. Photo: Justin Steyn

Justin Steyn Traffic at Ritchie Rd in Bela-Bela came to a standstill on Saturday, 23 July when an alleged hitch-hiker was struck by a truck owned by BarloWorld Logistics. A witness told The BEAT that the man had allegedly been travelling in the truck and was dropped off in Ritchie Road despite a nostopping sign being placed on the road. “I saw the truck drop off that man close to the no stopping road on the side of the road but did not exactly see how he was run over” he said. Another witness said that about seven taxis gave chase to the truck as he was travelling on route to Thabazimbi but could not confirm what happened from there on. It is believed that as the victim walked on the side of the road the truck accidently bumped into him and drove over him without the driver noticing. Paramedics and the police responded quickly to the scene but apparently the victim had died on impact. Bricks were found to have been placed where the victim had been. The taxi rank was closed down for the remainder of the evening. Bela-Bela Police confirmed that the truck had indeed belonged to BarloWorld

Logisitics but a rundown on their database has yet to be done to determine who the exact driver of the truck was as the company has many vehicles. Police said that all road users should abide by the rules of the road to avoid tragic matters like these. The incident is currently under investigation.


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New Premier reshuffles MEC Cabinet

Limpopo’s new premier wasted no time in beginning to reshuffle his cabinet. Photo supplied Justin Steyn South Africa’s former ambassador to Ukraine, Stanley Mathabatha, was sworn in as the new Premier of Limpopo in a special sitting of the legislature on Thursday 18 July. Mathabatha succeeds Cassel Mathale who resigned on Monday 15 July. The ANC in Limpopo has meanwhile welcomed the reshuffling of its MECs stating that it reflected the ruling party’s drive to deliver to the people of Limpopo. “Over the past few months we have recorded define success in certain areas. However, we still have many challenges, and these frankly overshadow our successes to date” said ANC Parliamentary Task Team Secretary Joyce Mathshoge in a statement. “We are acutely aware that these challenges have led to a loss of confidence in the administration amongst the electorate” she added. In response to this, the Premier decided on a number of changes needed to strengthen the performance of the ANC in and outside of government, in order to deliver responsive government to the people of Limpopo. These include the appointment of new MECs in the following roles. Education: Dikeledi Magadzi, a veteran ANC member, who currently sits on the party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) and has been a public servant since 1994. She was Health MEC, but was replaced by Dr Norman Mabasa. Public Works: Dickson Masemola was the province’s deputy chairperson before the Provincial Executive Committee was disbanded in March. Masemola comes from Sekhukhune and is respected within the party’s provincial structures. Roads and Transport: Lehlogonolo Masoga, former chairperson of the Limpopo ANC Youth League, has also aligned himself with President Jacob Zuma’s faction ahead of the Mangaung conference in December. Health: Dipuo Letsatsi-Duba became a member of the Limpopo legislature in 2009. Mathale first appointed her MEC of Agriculture then moved her to Sport, Arts and Culture in March. Treasury: Rudolph Phala, a lawyer, was the legislature’s Speaker before his appointment as MEC. The former chairperson of the legislature’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts has a no-nonsense stance towards corruption. Local Government: Ishmael Kgetsepe

described himself as a member of the ANC “through and through”. The trade unionist joined the legislature in 2009. Before that, he was the municipal manager of the Sekhukhune District Municipality. He has also served as the ANC’s Limpopo spokesperson. Cooperative Governance: Joyce Mashamba, a member of the SA Communist Party’s central committee, has served as MEC in different capacities since 1994. She is the wife of another long-time politician, George Mashamba, a member of the Limpopo legislature. Economic Development: Charlie Sekoati is a businessman and politician whose property business has received Limpopo government tenders. During the previous political term, he served as MEC for Health. He is also a former chairperson of the Limpopo Youth Commission. Agriculture: Rosina Semenya has held various senior positions in the Limpopo ANC Women’s League. She has also served as MEC in different capacities, including local government and Public Works. Semenya is a member of the ANC’s National Executive Committee. Sport, Arts and Culture: Miriam Ramadwa is a unionist who served trade union Cosatu and Nehawu in different capacities in the province. Ramadwa is a former Deputy Speaker of the provincial legislature and a member of The Provincial Task Team (PTT). The ANC thanked those members who were recalled and those remaining in their portfolios to join the party’s efforts to deliver services to the people of Limpopo. PTT secretary, Joyce Matshoge, is pleased with the reshuffling and said that Mathabatha has sent the right men and women to the right places. “Such a move is intended to strengthen the Premier`s constitutional responsibilities in areas of planning, policy formulation, and supervision of the executive. The reshuffling will make government “more active and vibrant” she said.

Lizzy Bapela 072 264 7740

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26 July, 2013, Website:

Mayor and partners houses a destitute family

Mogalakwena Mayor Councillor Tlhalefi Mashamaite flanked by E.H Hassim Marketing Manager Mohammed Fakir and Black Management Forum Limpopo Provincial Chairperson Sam Maloka, as they were spending 67 minutes of community work by building an RDP house for a needy family. Photo supplied Lizzy Bapela As 18 July is known as Mandela Day and is celebrated annually across the globe, the Mayor of Mogalakwena, Councillor Tlhalefi Mashamaite joined stakeholders in playing their part in the celebrations. The

stakeholders, including members of the municipal executive committee, councillors and social partners, EH Hassim Builders World, the Black Management Forum and the local Department of Forestry and Fisheries joined the mayor in the celebrations.

Taxi association gives back Lizzy Bapela The Warmbaths (Bela-Bela) Taxi Association (WATA) has made it its mission to help their local senior citizens in need of transport assistance. Chairman of the association Peter Mohale told The BEAT that their goal is to give back to the community within their operating area. He said that the community contributes towards the success of the association with their support and it is only fair that needy citizens taste the success. Such citizens benefiting in the success of the association are members of the charity community based organization called Concerned Parents Fighting Against Drug Abuse (COPFADA). The organization consists of parents with the interest of seeing a drug free Bela-Bela, with the youth getting skilled and brightening the future of its economic growth instead of using drugs. Mohale said that WATA has transported the members on several occasions, including the court appearances

The team gathered in Sekgakgapheng Village in Mokopane to spend their 67 minutes doing the community work on the day. The stakeholders gave their 67 minutes building an RDP House and planting fruit trees for the needy Mashaba family. The family consists of 17 members. They depend on social grants being paid to the grandmother, one family member and the ten grandchildren. The family has never had a house before and have been living in a shack. One family member, Petrus Mashaba, expressed delight and gratitude for what their municipality and its partners have done for them, saying it meant a lot to them. In the afternoon Mayor Mashamaite proceeded to Mokopane Bus taxi rank, where he launched the new Great North Transport Buses. Mashamaite said the municipality prided itself in being able to change the lives of the people for the better. He also thanked their partners for helping to give shelter to the Mashaba family. Mashamaite also sent words of appreciation to efforts by the Great North Transport for introducing the new buses, saying this shows that they really care about the commuters. The stakeholders and audiences observed a moment of silence for former president Nelson Mandela, who is in currently in hospital. Mandela is known as the father of the nation, the first democratically elected president of South Africa, a global icon of peace, a freedom fighter and many others. The mayor said Mandela personifies

democracy, peace and unity in diversity, and needs the nation’s prayers during this critical time. “On this day the call is out for people everywhere to celebrate Tata’s birthday by acting on the idea that each person has the power to change the world,” he said. “We acknowledge that every day ought to be Mandela Day given the importance of the things we are required to do for 67 minutes on this day. We ought to change the lives of the vulnerable in the world on a day to day basis. Although there is service delivery taking place every day and every minute in our municipality, we place special emphasis on touching the lives of people in a special way during Mandela Month,” said Mashamaite. The municipality in collaboration with social partners pledged to continue with community work beyond the month of July. The mayor said that they will, among others, conduct gardening services such as planting fruit trees with the Department of Forest and Fisheries. Mandela said at the time of the campaign’s launch that he would be “honoured if such a day can serve to bring together people around the world to fight poverty and promote peace and reconciliation”, so the municipality wants to lead by example. “Let us all go out and make the difference. It is only our collective efforts that can see us building sustainable communities. As the Chinese parable states, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” said Mashamaite.

Church strengthens leadership

of local accused drug dealers, free of charge. Recently, the members were also transported to the official opening of Madiba Park in Leseding and a Mandela Day celebration at the local community hall. The park was named after the internationally acclaimed former South African President Nelson Mandela, in honour of his legacy and contributions to the freedom of the country, also to celebrate his birthday and wish him a speedy recovery. WATA believes that empowering the elderly is a key to a priceless wisdom and they decided to honor the community’s grandparents while they are still alive so they can witness the efforts with pride. “We help the members because we are also affected by the drug abuse problem and we are contributing towards the fight against it, as we also are parents. We also plan to contribute to more community empowerment programmes in the future and hopefully, the community of Bela-Bela will engage with us,” said Mohale. Members of Christian Men’s Ministries from various branches attended the ceremony. Photo supplied Lizzy Bapela

Employees of the Bela-Bela Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) recently received certificates from Mayor Freddy Hlungwani after completing the programme. The employees were awarded according to their expertise and new other candidates are expected to take over shortly, as the programmes is conducted on a continuous basis. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

The Uniting Reformed Church of Southern Africa under the Bela-Bela circuit conducted a training workshop for 27 church leaders of various branches. Church leaders from Rapotokwane, Mamehlake, Phake, Pankop, Bela-Bela and Modimolle gathered for the training at the church on Saturday, 13 July. Leader of the Bela-Bela branch Reverent Pheto Mosima said that the training aimed at strengthening leadership within the church and motivate the leaders to be active and effective. Mosima conducted the whole training and attendees were awarded with certificates for their participation. Earlier the church launched 42 new Christian Man ministries at one of their wards, Mamehlake. Some members of the ministry were robed from churches in Pankop, Phake’s Rankaila and Rahlagana sections; and Mametlhake. Local churches such as Methodist, Anglican, African and Saint Phila-

delphia Apostolic attended the event. Christian Men Ministries from Lebotloane, Mookgophong, Modimolle, Elandsrivier and Bela-Bela also graced the event. Reverent Mosima said that the robing of 42 members has increased the membership at their presbytery. He expressed gratitude over the church’s rapid growth. Reverent Peter Rakgalakane from Sekhukhuni Branch preached from the book of 2 Chronicles chapter 20, verse 15, which reads “do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army, for the battle is not yours but God’s”. Chairperson of the Bela-Bela Christian Man Ministry Presbytery Alpheus Lelaka read the constitution of the ministry after the sermon. Coordinator of the Sub Region Number 5, comprising of the Wrambaths (Bela-Bela), Mokopane and Buersforth Circuits, Livy Makau also attended the event and Reverent Mosima conducted all the robing for the new members., Website:


26 July, 2013

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Photo of the Week Treat others as you would have them treat you “If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the man who said this, was a German author and poet who died in 1832. His words seem self-evident — the way you see people, the way you act toward them, influences and ultimately determines how they act toward you. If you consistently treat someone as though they were going to do something bad any minute now, they will eventually stop trying to prove you wrong. They might not actually start acting like the person you treat them as, but they will certainly modify their behaviour around you to reflect the way you treat them. If you consistently treat someone as though they were an excellent human being and capable of greatness, they will eventually start trying to prove you right. Again, modifying their behaviour to match yours. This does not mean that people are weak, or anything in that vein. It is a perfectly natural tendency — treat others as you would be treated, because the way you treat them is going to be the way they treat you. So what does Goethe mean when he says, “But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be”? The meaning there is simple. If you look for the best possible aspect of every person you meet and make a conscious effort to treat them according to that, highlighting the best parts of themselves, you are showing them how the world could see them. In the end, all we know about who we are is what we see in others’ perceptions. If the mirror we hold up to the people we meet is one that showcases the worst parts of each other, that is what they will see. But on the other hand, if we take care to make the mirror show the best parts, then that is also what they will see. And when you see your possibility and goodness highlighted in the way others treat you, it becomes much easier to actually be the person they see. Defying negative expectations may be satisfying, but conforming to positive expectations is even more so. Feel free to have high expectations of each other. Show each person you meet the kindest and best aspect of themselves in the way you treat them, and they will treat you the same. Be kind. It’s really not that hard.

The BEAT wants to hear from our readers. If you have a great story or something that you want us to bring to light, please email or send an SMS to one of our reporters. Lizzy: 076 609 7644 or TK: 076 756 9740. We would also LOVE to see some of your weird and wonderful photos for our editorial page. Do not delay, just contact us today!

The Cashbuild netball team recently won the Councillor Hlungwani cup during a tournament that took place at the Phomolong Sports Fields on Sunday 7 July. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Letter to the editor Daleen Steynberg, Bela-Bela, writes: I want to thank the residents in the Townships that reported some discrepancies in their areas. Please carry on to report this, we are in the process to combine an enormous report regarding all the problems experienced in Bela-Bela, to be reported to the authorities. However, you have to be a little patient for a little longer, because it takes time to address all the problems at once. As you are aware, there has been a huge

change in the Limpopo Constituency with regards a new Minister and his delegates and we are trying to drive this project with results as soon as possible. Please do not stop to report problems experienced in your area. We need you and we have to take hands and stand together to reach our goals for all residents. Contact Daleen on 074 1997 338. We will endeavour to meet with your requirements. Thank you Bela-Bela residents.

Tel: (011) 447-1264/5/6

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Mind of Christ Bishop Silas Tlou The Bible talks about the types of mind (mind-set/attitude) people have. The word of God refers to many kinds of minds. But I want to expand on the Mind of Christ. I Corinthians 2:16 “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ. Romans 12:2“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Philippians 2:5“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” We have the mind of Christ. What a powerful statement. Too many Christians do not know what this phrase means. To have the mind of Christ must indicate that we don’t think and operate quite the way we did in former times. When we have the mind of Christ we will begin to see things the way they really are in the eyes of God, rather than how we imagine they are. The mind of Christ is a mind of love. Philippians 2:1-2 “Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfil my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” Love is what motivates God to reach out to a lost generation. The mind of Christ will motivate us to respond to those around us in a spirit of love The mind of Christ is a mind desiring to establish fellowship. Philippians 2:3-4 “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.” The desire of Christ is that we become a family that cares about one another. According to John 17:20-23 Family sticks together through thick and thin. True fellowship means that we desire the best for our brothers and sisters. The mind of Christ is a mind of humility. Philippians 2:8“And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” Humility or humbleness is a quality of being courteously respectful of others. It is the opposite of aggressiveness, arrogance, boastfulness, and vanity. Rather than, “Me first,” humility allows us to say, “No, you first, my friend.” Humility dissipates anger and heals old wounds. Humility allows us to see the dignity and worth of all God’s people. God rewards the humble. .Matthew 18:4“Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” The mind of Christ is the mind of a servant. Philippians 2:5-7“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.” The real servant of God will light up his/her world.

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LEGALS MODIMOLLE AMENDMENT SCHEME 219 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE MODIMOLLE LAND USE SCHEME, 2004, IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE 1986 (15 OF 1986) I. Kenneth Maluleka, being the authorized agent of the registered owners of the land mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56 (1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Modimolle Municipality for the amendment of the Land Use Scheme known as the Modimolle Land Use Scheme 2004, to rezone and sub-divide the Remainder of the Farm PROVIDENCE 746 KR, Limpopo (previously Portion 1 of the Farm Grootfontein 31 KR, Limpopo) from “Resort” to “Residential 1” and subdivide the property into 30 erven and the remainder. The relevant plans, document and information are available for inspection at the Madikela Game Lodge, contact numbers: 083 759 0088 or 014 755 4332, or the office of Misava Integrated Development Services, 16A Bok Street, Polokwane and the office of the Municipal Manager, Modimolle Local Municipality, Civic Centre, Modimolle. Any person having an interest in the application may, within a period of 28 days from the date of publication (19 July 2013) of this notice, provide the Applicant with the written representation of comments, objection, etc. Applicant: MISAVA INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 16A Bok Street, Polokwane, 0700, Tel: 072

26 July, 2013 609 1953, e-mail: (19&26/7) BELA BELA AMENDMENT SCHEME 69/08 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TOWN PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56 (1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE 1986 (ORDINANCE No 15 OF 1986) We, Geo Projects, authorised agents of the owner of Portion 5 of the farm Vlakplaats 483 KR Bela Bela hereby give notice in terms of section 56 (1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Bela Bela Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme, known as the Bela Bela Land Use Scheme, 2008, by the amendment of the zoning of the property by the addition of an annexure to the existing Agriculture zoning, to make provision for over night accommodation, landing strip, training centre and additional uses as indicated in the annexure to the amendment scheme. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Municipal Offices, Bela Bela, for a period of 28 days from 19 July 2013. Objections to or presentations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to: The Municipal Manager at the above address or Private Bag x1609, Bela Bela, 0480, within a period of 28 days from 19 July 2013. Address: P. O. Box 919, Bela Bela, 0480, Tel: 082 881 7252 (19&26/7) BELA BELA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 “Special Consent Use in terms of Clause 21 - Cellular Mast” Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 21 of the Bela Bela Land Use Scheme,

2008, that I, Theo Kotze from Developlan intents applying to the Bela Bela Local Municipality for special consent to establish the following: A 60m cellular (lattice type) mast and base station on Portion 3 of the farm Witlaagte 173-JR. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Planning and Development, Bela Bela Local Municipality, Chris Hani Drive, Bela Bela, for a period of 28 days from 19 July 2013. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made to the Manager: Planning and Development at the above address or at Private Bag x1609, Bela Bela, 0480, within a period of 28 days from 19 July 2013. Address of agent: DEVELOPLAN P.O.Box 1883, Polokwane, 0700 (3 General Joubert Street) Fax: 086 218 3267. (19&26/7) BELA BELA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSENT IN TERMS OF CLAUSE 21 OF THE BELA BELA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008, TO PERMIT A CRECHE Notice is hereby given that, in terms of Clause 21 of the Bela Bela Land Use Scheme 2008, I/we, the undersigned, intend applying to the Bela Bela Municipality for Special Consent to establish a Creche on erf/portion 734 Warmbaths zoned “Residential” 1, situated at 23 Swanepoel Street, Bela Bela. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at 23 Swanepoel Street, Bela Bela or at the offices of the Manager: Planning and Development, Bela Bela Municipality, Chris Hani Drive, Bela Bela. Any person having any objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof in writing, with both the Manager: Planning and Development, Bela Bela Munici-

pality and the undersigned not later than 16 August 2013. Applicant’s Details: Full Name: PETRUS JOHANNES NEL 23 Swanepoel Street Bela Bela Tel: 072 856 4976. (19&26/ 7) MODIMOLLE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY AMENDMENT SCHEMES NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TOWN PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) I, NICOLA LUDIK being the autohirized agent for the registered owners of the following properties hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986, (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Modimolle Local Municipality for the amendment of the Town Planning Scheme in operation known as the Modimolle Land Use Scheme, 2004 by the rezoning of the properties described below, situated within the juriction of the Modimolle Local Municipality as follows: Modimolle Amendment Scheme 291 Erf 6985 Phagameng Ext 8, in Phagameng Ext 8, Modimolle, from “Residential 1” to “Business 1”, subject to certain conditions; Modimolle Amendment Scheme 292 Erf 395 Phagameng, located in Motau Street 395, Phagameng, Modimolle, from “Residential 1” to “Residential 3”, subject to certain conditions; Modimolle Amendment Scheme 293 Erf 1/99 Nylstroom, located in Van Riebeesck Street 73, Nylstroom, Modimolle, from “Residential 1” to “Residential 2”, subject to certain conditions;, Website:

Modimolle Amendment Scheme 294 Erf R/1658 Nylstroom Ext 6, located in Minerva Street, Nylstroom Ext 6, Modimolle, from “Special” to “Special” for residential accommodation, business, and light and service industries, subject to certain conditions; Modimolle Amendment Scheme 295 Erf 2070 Nylstroom Ext 6, located in Fourth Street 2, Nylstroom Ext 6, Modimolle, from “Industrial 1” to “Special” for residential accommodation, business, and light and service industries, subject to certain conditions; Modimolle Amendment Scheme 296 Erf 1/682 Nylstroom Ext 4, located in Booysen Street 7A, Nylstroom Ext 4, Modimolle, from “Residential 1” to “Residential 2”, subject to certain conditions; Modimolle Amendment Scheme 297 Erven 3/264 & 4/264 Nylstroom, located in Plein Street 85 and Thabo Mbeki Street 111, Nylstroom, Modimolle, from “Residential 1” and “Business 3” to “Business 1”, subject to certain conditions; All relevant documents relating to the applications will be open for inspection during normal office hours at the offices of the Modimolle Local Municipality, The Divisional Manager: Town Planning, Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, Harry Gwala Street, Modimolle for a period of 28 days i.e. 26 July 2013 to 23 August 2013. Any person who wishes to object to the applications or submit representations in respect thereof must lodge the same in writing to Private Bag x1008, Modimolle 0510 or lodge it with the Modimolle Local Municipality at its address and room number specified above on or before 23 August 2013. Name and address of agent: NICOLA LUDIK ALTO AFRICA TOWN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS P.O. Box 3007, Modimolle, 0510, 076 606 6372 (2/8)

BELA BELA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY INVITATION FOR TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BULK INFRASTRUCTURE IN BELA BELA EXTENTION 9 Bids are hereby invited for the CONSTRUCTION OF BULK WATER SERVICES IN BELA BELA X9. The project entails the construction of a 4Ml concrete reservoir, booster pump station with related pipe work and a 200mm x 900m bulk water line.

The royal baby’s birth was announced via a doctor’s report framed and placed on a solid gold easel just inside the fence of Buckingham Palace. Photo supplied

On Tuesday, 23 July, the British Royal Family announced that Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, had been safely delivered of a baby boy. The 31-year-old duchess — known to the media as Kate — was in labour for ten hours but safely gave birth to the Royal Baby, whose name had not been announced at the time of writing, early on Tuesday morning. The baby weighed 3.8 kg and was reported to be in excellent health. Messages of congratulations immediately began streaming in from across the world, with US President Barack Obama wishing the couple well on the ‘joyous

occasion’. The baby will be third in line for the throne, coming after his father William and grandfather Charles. Politicians breathed a sigh of relief when it was announced that the baby was a boy, as this meant that new succession laws would not have to be rushed through to ensure that a girl child would not be supplanted by a younger brother. The Queen, now 87, is said to be ‘delighted’, while her son and heir Charles, 64, said that he was ‘overjoyed’. “It is an incredibly special moment for William and Catherine and we are so thrilled for them on the birth of their baby boy,” he said in a statement.


Private Bag X1609 Bela Bela 0480

TENDER NO: 9/3/1/122

England’s future king born on Tuesday

Private Bag X1609 Bela Bela 0480

TENDER NO: 9/3/1/121 INVITATION FOR TENDERS FOR THE REFURBISHING OF SPORT COURTS Bids are hereby invited for the REFURBISHING OF SPORT COURTS in Bela Bela. The project entails the re-surfacing of one tennis -, one netball - and one basket ball court. It further entails the replacement of existing diamond mesh fence and posts. Only bidders who comply with the following requirements are eligible to submit tenders:

Only bidders who comply with the following requirements are eligible to submit tenders:

Registered with CIDB and have a grading of 3CE/GB or higher

Registered with CIDB and have a grading of 6CE or higher

Employ staff which satisfy EPWP requirements.

Employ staff which satisfies EPWP requirements.

Bids will be evaluated on the 90/10 points system. Tenders will be evaluated on functionality with a minimum qualifying score of 70%.

Bids will be evaluated on the 80/20 points system. Tenders will be evaluated on functionality with a minimum qualifying score of 70%.

Tender documents will be obtainable as from 29th July 2013 at the offices of Bela Bela Local Municipality, in Bela Bela, upon payment of a non-refundable amount of R500.00. Only cash or bank guaranteed cheques made out to Bela Bela Local Municipality will be acceptable.

Tender documents will be obtainable as from 29th July 2013 at the offices of Bela Bela Local Municipality, in Bela Bela, upon payment of a non-refundable amount of R250.00. Only cash or bank guaranteed cheques made out to Bela Bela Local Municipality will be acceptable.

A compulsory site inspection will be held on the 2nd August 2013 at 12:00. Prospective bidders are expected to meet the representative of the Engineer at the main entrance of the Bela Bela Local MUNICIPALITY in Bela Bela, 59 Chris Hani Drive, from where they will be accompanied to the site.

A compulsory site inspection will be held on the 2nd August 2013 at 10:00. Prospective bidders are expected to meet the representative of the Engineer at the main entrance of the Bela Bela Local MUNICIPALITY in Bela Bela, 59 Chris Hani Drive, from where they will be accompanied to the site.

All bids will remain valid for a period of ninety days after the time and date of opening. Late submissions, telegraphic, telefax or e-mail transmission tenders will not be accepted. Bela Bela Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the right to accept a tender as a whole or in part.

All bids will remain valid for a period of ninety days after the time and date of opening. Late submissions, telegraphic, telefax or e-mail transmission tenders will not be accepted. Bela Bela Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the right to accept a tender as a whole or in part.

All tenders and supporting documents must be sealed in a cover clearly marked “TENDER 9/3/1/122 BULK WATER INFRASTRUCTURE” and must be deposited in the tender box, at the Bela Bela Local Municipality, 59 Chris Hani Drive, Bela-Bela, 0480 not later than 12:00 on 16th August 2013.

All tenders and supporting documents must be sealed in a cover clearly marked “TENDER 9/3/1/121 “REFURBISH SPORT COURTS” and must be deposited in the tender box, at the Bela Bela Local Municipality, 59 Chris Hani Drive, Bela-Bela, 0480 not later than 12:00 on 16th August 2013.

Supply Chain Management related enquiries can be directed to the procurement office of Bela Bela Local Municipality on 014 736 8000

Supply Chain Management related enquiries can be directed to the procurement office of Bela Bela Local Municipality on 014 736 8000

Technical related enquiries can be directed to the PMU Manager on 014 7368023.

Technical related enquiries can be directed to the PMU Manager on 014 7368023.



Notice number: 52/13

Notice number: 50/13, Website:


26 July, 2013

67 minutes of fixing road signs

Page 7

Busy Mandela Day for Waterberg The parolees helping at FH Odendaal Hospital in Modimolle. Photo: TK Mashaba

Lambert Moloto of the Waterberg Department of Agriculture used his 67 minutes of community work to plant vegetables with learners at Ulando Combined Schools. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Officials of the Correctional Services’ Bela-Bela Satellite Office re-marked road signs to make them visible for all road users on Mandela Day. Photo supplied

Lizzy Bapela

a hand in making road markings visible for all road users to obey. He added that these efforts will help traffic officials to enforce street laws and make citizens feel safe. Pholosi made a call to all road users to obey street laws and exercise care throughout the year and not only during festive seasons. He also urged drivers to help keep roads deaths as low as possible. Both the departments expressed delight that working together, they were able to achieve more for the day. They both wished Madiba a happy birthday and a speedy recovery from his illness. Meanwhile, the Department of Agriculture in Waterberg also conducted Mandela Day activities by planting vegetables at schools. Learners from various primary schools in the district joined the department’s Lambert Moloto in 67 minutes of gardening duties while officials educated the learners on how to plant and care for vegetables. Learners from Ulando Combined School took part in the activity held at their school on Monday, 22 July. Motolo said the aim was to educate the learners and contributes to poverty alleviation, by ensuring food security within the community. The learners were given an opportunity to take part in creating the garden and planting a cabbage each for practical experience. Moloto also taught the learners about the vegetables they were planting on the day.

A management team from the departments of Correctional Services and Roads and Transport in Bela-Bela and the Waterberg District embarked on a partnership and contributed to the 67 minutes of community work on Mandela Day, Thursday, 18 July. The team consisted of Correctional Services’ Bela-Bela Satellite Office (Bela-Bela, Thabazimbi and Skilpadfontein/Marapyane) Head Fani Pholosi, Bela-Bela Roads and Transport Manager Damaris Mahlatse and colleagues Sam Lebelo and Marriam Phasha, and Waterberg Department of Roads and Transport Manager Anikie Moloisi. The team led the departments’ officials in taking to the streets on the day, painting roads to make road signs visible for all road users. The volunteers started in the early morning of Mandela Day, painting pedestrian crossings at all schools in BelaBela. The project commenced at Khabele Primary School and proceeded to Mmamakwa, Mmampatile and Albert Lithuli primary schools, Maope Secondary and Laër Skool Warmbad. Bela-Bela Local Municipality donated brooms and painting materials for the project. Mahlatse confirmed that a total of 70 square metres production was covered on the day. Pholosi said that as one of the law enforcement departments it feels great to lend

Mookgopong residents were seen cleaning and repainting the school patrol road. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba The Waterberg District and its municipalities, like many others, took part in helping their communities with various projects on Mandela Day. The Waterberg District Municipality teamed up with the Department of Health and the Department of Correctional Services, and spend their 67 minutes cleaning the FH Odendaal Hospital in Modimolle. Mangezi Hlungwane, who was in charge of the 30-man team of parolees who were helping out at the hospital told The BEAT that they were happy to be able to help. “This is a special and respected day for all of us so we were proud to be

Comedian to visit Modimolle

Heurex-Deep ready for more

Lesego “Heurex-Deep” Maopnya busy in his studio. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba Locally born musician Lesego ‘HeurexDeep’ Maponya says he is more than ready to take on the country. Maponya, who produces deep house music and is also a DJ on the side says that he

believes that now is the time to share his music with the world. He recently contributed to a remix of the song World Harmony by Deepternal Brothers ft. Zeeto, which the original artists seemed quite pleased by. Maponya joined heavyweight musicians such as Beatbangers, Zeesto, TaIce and Geonix on the project. The remix package is due to drop on Internet download site among others. Maponya says that he spends most of his time at the studio, where he just finished his second EP. Maponya, who is studying Electrical Engineering at Tshwane South College, is still working on releasing all his productions sometime this year. “I have done a lot of deep house sounds and this is some of the best,” he said. He added that the mix was well selected and featured a female vocalist on some tracks, while his first EP had seven remixes from other South African artists.

helping on this day for a great man who has shown us about helping one another,” he said. In Mookgophong, the local municipality partnered with the Extended Public Works Program and the Department of Correctional Service to once again clean up medical facilities. The BEAT also spotted the team painting a patrol entrance at one of the local schools. Municipal spokesperson Lerato Makomene, who was also spotted painting the road, said that this was a day to sacrifice one’s time. “We spend so much time, days and years not helping one another. This day is marked to be one of the days to revive the spirit of togetherness and helping each other.” In Bela-Bela, the local municipality spent their 67 minutes on a new park in Leseding section. Ward 6 Councillor Jeremiah Ngobeni said that he is happy about the new park that has been built in his ward. “It won’t only be for my Ward 6 residents but for all the residents of BelaBela,” he said. Matome Sebelebele, spokesperson for the local municipality, acknowledged the residents who took the time to join municipal employees in building the new park. Among the people who helped at the park were former mayor Hendiretta Ledwaba, current mayor Freddy Hlungwani, acting municipal manager Morris Maluleke and former municipal chief whip Zakes Moeletsi, among others.

Limpopo comedian Mashabela Galane will be performing at Modimolle’s Ephraim Mogale Stadium. Photo supplied

TK Mashaba Waterbergers can expect a treat when one of Limpopo’s top comedians, Mashabela Galane, performs at Modimolle’s Ephraim Mogale stadium on Sunday, 28 July. The show is being hosted by Yahweh Productions, a live band formed by local Modimolle residents, and will also showcase local talent. According to political activist Mabusha Mitsenga, the group’s lead vocalist, Galane will be the main act on the day. They are also hoping that he will give them advice on

production and the do’s and don’ts of the music business. “As we know he is an artist himself and we trust his judgement. He will be giving us his performances on the day,” he said. Mabusha said that there will also be other local artists who will be warming up the crowd. He urged people to come early, as the gates will open at 2pm while the actual comedy show is only due to start at 4pm. Galane was one of the top for of the Annual Savanna Comics Awards, along with Khanyisa Bunu, Sfiso Nene and Thapelo Seemise.

Page 8


26 July, 2013

Ocean Birds optimistic ahead of playoffs, Website:

Provincial promotion play offs halted pending case TK Mashaba

TK Mashaba

Ocean Birds head coach head coach Mr Aaron Motlogeloa (left) with some of his players. Photo: TK Mashaba

The Lephalale-based Ocean Birds team has set the bar high this year, reaching the cluster playoffs in their first year in the SAB League, and is still aiming for the top. Ocean Birds only joined the SAB League after SAFA’s integration last year, and they haven’t looked back since leaving the Local Football Association League (LFA). “We are working very hard and our aim is to be in the SAFA Promotional League come the new season,” said Aaron Motlogeloa, who told The BEAT this week that the team is ready and uninjured. Motlogetloa’s boys are savouring a hardfought 2-1 win over Yster United, as well as a 1-1 draw with Total Surrender in BelaBela recently, and are waiting for SAFA to inform them of the date and venue for the playoffs. Mogotloa said that he is confident that his team is going for gold. “We came as underdogs to many teams, being newcomers to the League, but we did wonders and ended up topping Stream C and winning the Waterberg SAB Championship,” he said. He added that he was proud of his team’s fighting spirit which had them fighting until the last minute of the game.

Pat Seema SAFA Promotional league manager. Photo: Supplied

Five soccer teams in the SAB League due to play in the SAFA Promotional League are still waiting for the date of the playoffs to be announced pending the results of a disciplinary case. Pat Seema, manager of the SAFA Provincial League, said that they are still awaiting the outcome of the case, which was apparently brought by a team from Capricorn District. Controversial team Dynasty FC is in the process of filing yet another court case against SAFA. The team refused to play the Waterberg cluster knockouts held earlier this month in BelaBela, after a delay of more than three months due to the team’s ongoing legal matters. Waterberg Disctrict will be represented by Ocean Birds from Lephalale, while Joe Express will be playing for Vhembe District and Mopane District will be represented by Winners Park.

SAFA women’s trials postponed after poor attendance

All eyes on Khotso this weekend

Carling Black Label winner coach of Orlando Pirates Kgotso Mfati. Photo: TK Mashaba

Mfati showing off the Orlando Pirates jersey he was given during the nomination sessions. Photo Supplied

TK Mashaba

ment practitioner at the Bela-Bela Department of Social Development, was expected to make media headlines this week, with television and national media interviewing him about his approach to the game. Mfati said that he was looking forward to the weekend with an open mind, ready to make his team win the Carling Black Label Challenge again. The Carling Black Label Challenge, introduced in 2011, has been won by the Orlando Pirates every year since then, and the pressure is on them to win it again. Mfati was expected to meet with the team on Friday for a camp ahead of the game on Saturday, 27 July at the FNB Stadium. If the Pirates win on Saturday, Mfati will donate half of the prize money to a charity. When asked to predict the teams’ scores, Mfati said that he was not sure how many goals the Pirates will need, but added that he would be working closesly with Pirates head coach Roger de Sa and his assistants Eric Tinckler and Tebogo Moloi.

This weekend’s derby match between the Orlando Pirates and the Kaizer Chiefs will be the event of a lifetime for one Khotso Mfati. Mfati was chosen from among thousands to coach his favourite team, the Orlando Pirates during their match on 27 July. Mfati appeared this week on SABC1 and said that he was very excited to have been chosen. During the last phase of the challenge he and two others were brought before a panel of judges, among which were former Bafana Bafana soccer stars like Edward Motale and Marc Williams. “I kept my cool,” said Mfati. He added that he thought his clear answers to the panel’s questions scored him high points, which led to him being chosen above the other candidates. “It was hard thinking it was also possible for the other two to be selected by I have always had faith that I have a chance to be the coach,” he said. Mfati, who is a Community Develop-

The few who attended the trials last week Saturday at Ephraim Mogale Stadium. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba The SAB women’s League trials, scheduled for Saturday, 20 July in Modimolle, have been postponed due to poor attendance. Only seven determined ladies made it to the trial, eleven short of the necessary 18, and organizers rescheduled the trials for Saturday, 27 July instead. If they obtain sufficient attendance, an 18-member team will be going to Polokwane for the second leg of selections. Refiloe Khoza, a SAFA Waterberg official, SAFA was surprised at the poor attendance. “We invited them on time and we think

they may have been having problems with transport,” she said. The Lephalale team could not attend due to transport issues, while only four players came from Bela-Bela, Total Surrender coach Zwakala Mokoma among them. The other three players were from Modimolle. Arrangements have apparently been made with the Lephalale team for transport and it is hoped that a larger number of ladies will be attending Saturday’s trials. Players selected at Polokwane will make up a provincial squad to compete in the national trials in the Free State, where a scouting team will be selecting players for the national team.

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