a-emotional light 2023

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emotional light


a emotional light


light thinkers

light makers

new collections

cabana collection

era collection

blossom collection

cambo collection

parga collection

agasallo collection

anel collection

inn collection

lea collection

nebra collection

bold collection

venus collection

projects proyectos

permanent collections

hi pa ti a collection

vi rg in ia collection

tempo collection

c la ra collection

a ime i collection

my ti lu s collection

coral collection

ura collection

onn collection

pili collection

fluo collection

luisa collection

nevo collection

be ty ec o collection

woods collection

ballet collection

tati collection

gea collection

cors collection li collection k

i n n collection 2 3
ala collection
rvas collection index índice 06 08 10 14 17 18 22 24 26 34 40 48 54 58 64 68 70 72 79 80 82 86 90 94 98 104 106 110 118 120 124 126 132 136 138 140 142 146 148 150 152 154 156 162

This catalogue is dedicated to Lucía Viyuela Ballesteros who will light our way from now on.

Este catálogo está dedicado a Lucía Viyuela Ballesteros que nos iluminará de ahora en adelante.

Diesen Katalog widmen wir Lucía Viyuela Ballesteros, die unseren weiteren Weg fortan erhellen wird.

4 5 i n n collection

a-emotional light es el resultado de la evolución, innovación y experimentación. Creamos lámparas hechas a mano transformando materiales únicos e innovadores de forma artesanal. Esto, unido a más de 25 años de experiencia en iluminación y el saber hacer de nuestro equipo de artesanos, hacen de nuestras lámparas piezas exclusivas presentes en más de 80 países.

a-emotional light is the product of evolution, innovation and experimentation. We transform singular and innovative materials to craft handmade lamps. This, together with our more than 25 years in lighting and the experience of our team of craftspeople, makes our lamps truly exclusive pieces, which are present in more than 80 countries.

i n n collection 7

Nuestra filosofía Lighting life consiste en iluminar espacios, momentos y personas. Es energía emocional y vida—y nuestras lámparas son el catalizador. Lighting life es el resultado de la interacción entre lo que ilumina y lo que es iluminado, nuestra forma de entender la luz.

Our philosophy Lighting Life consists of lighting spaces, people and moments. It is emotional energy and life— and our lamps are the catalyst. Lighting life is the product of the interaction between what illuminates and what is illuminated, our way of understanding light.

9 i n n collection
8 ph ilos

lig ht th ink ers

Los Light thinkers son los que marcan un nuevo camino en nuestra filosofía de producto, manteniendo a través del diseño, los valores del hecho a mano. Incorporan nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al mundo de la iluminación, recuperan procesos manuales como el trabajo con cristal y piedra con el objetivo de poner en valor la luz, la materialidad y la producción cercana.

Light thinkers are those who forge a new path in our product philosophy, while adhering to the value of handmade design. They incorporate new technologies to lighting and bring back manual processes, such as glass and stonework, with the aim of enhancing the light, the materials and local production.

i n n collection 10 11
Isaac Piñeiro. Creative director Teresa Sapey + Partners Cenlitrosmetrocadrado Héctor Serrano

Aportan nuevos lenguajes al catálogo existente y lo dotan de aire fresco para ofrecer las soluciones necesarias a los proyectos de iluminación.

La evolución en los espacios de trabajo y domésticos, las maneras de relacionarse y la sostenibilidad han marcado el recorrido, para llegar al resultado de esta colección en la nueva etapa de a-emotional light.

They bring new languages to the existing catalogue, infusing it with a breath of fresh air, to offer the solutions needed in lighting projects.

The evolution in work and home spaces, the way people relate to one another and sustainability have set out the path towards this collection in a new stage for a-emotional light.

i n n collection 12 13
PF1 interiorismo Rafa Alonso La Mamba Studio

lig ht m ak ers

Light makers son aquellos que están en la sombra iluminándonos con sus manos, dando forma a las ideas a través de un lenguaje único: la luz. Son los que mantienen los valores de la marca incorporando técnicas de trabajo manual, materiales y también emociones para darle valor a la luz de nuestras lámparas. Con ellos, se incorporan al diseño nuevas formas para entender la luz de las luminarias que crean con sus manos.

Light makers are those who are in the shadow, illuminating us with their hands, giving shape to ideas through a unique language: light. They are the ones who uphold the values of the brand, incorporating manual techniques, materials and emotions to imbue our lamps’ light with value. With them, new shapes are incorporated into the design to comprehend the light of the lamps they create with their hands.

i n n collection 15 14

A new light, a new emotion.

col lect ions n e w

17 16
Material: Punto 3D 3D Knit
18 ca ba na collection
Designer: Isaac Piñeiro NEW! CB04G Ø 90x80 cm Ø 35.4x31.5 in
Material: Punto 3D 3D Knit
20 ca ba na collection
Designer: Isaac Piñeiro CB04 Ø 60x50 cm Ø 23.6x19.7 in NEW!

Material: Vidrio artesanal

Handcrafted glass

23 22 e r a collection
ER01 Ø 34cmx35cm Ø 13.4x13.8in Designer: Isaac Piñeiro NEW!

Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh

Teresa Sapey + Partners

25 24 bl os so m collection
BS02 26x22x55 cm 10.2x8.7x21.6 in Designer:
Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada y madera de haya Painted stainless steel mesh and beech wood
26 c am b o collection
Designer: Cenlitrosmetrocadrado CM104 Ø 26x45 cm Ø 10.2x17.7 in CM104G Ø 26x60 cm Ø 10.2x23.6 in
Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada y madera de haya Painted stainless steel mesh and beech wood
28 c am b o collection
Designer: Cenlitrosmetrocadrado CM304 Ø 26x60 cm Ø 10.2x23.6 in CM304G Ø 26x75 cm Ø 10.2x29.5 in
31 30 c am b o collection
32 i n n collection 33 c am b o
CM01 23x26x64 cm 9x10.2x25.2 in Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada y madera de haya Painted stainless steel mesh and beech wood Designer: Cenlitrosmetrocadrado
Material: Granito Granite
p a rg a collection
Designer: Cenlitrosmetrocadrado PA304 Ø 8x30 cm Ø 3.1x11.8 in
37 36 p a rg a collection
Material: Granito Granite Designer: Cenlitrosmetrocadrado PA204 Ø 10x24 cm Ø 3.9x9.4 in


Ø 12x18 cm

Ø 4.7x7.1 in

Material: Granito Granite

Designer: Cenlitrosmetrocadrado

39 p a rg a collection 38
40 41 ag asa llo collection
Material: Punto 3D 3D Knit Designer: Isaac Piñeiro


Ø 16x32 cm

Ø 6.3x12.6 in Outdoor version available


Ø 32x33 cm

Ø 12.6x13 in Outdoor version available


Ø 30x50 cm

Ø 11.8x19.7 in Outdoor version available


Ø 40x48.5 cm

Ø 15.7x19.1 in Outdoor version available

Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh

Designer: Héctor Serrano

42 ag asa llo collection
Material: Punto 3D 3D Knit
i n n collection 44 45 ag asa llo
Designer: Isaac Piñeiro
Material: Punto 3D 3D Knit
46 ag asa llo collection
Designer: Isaac Piñeiro
49 48 a ne l collection


Ø 60x20 cm

Ø 23.6x7.9 in

Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada

Painted stainless steel mesh

Designer: a-emotional light design team

50 51
Designer: Isaac Piñeiro
a ne l collection


Ø 60x20 cm

Ø 23.6x7.9 in

Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada

Painted stainless steel mesh

Designer: a-emotional light design team

52 53
a ne l collection
55 54
57 56 Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: a-emotional light design team IN04 Ø 38x32 cm Ø 15x12.6 in IN04-Mini Ø 24x21 cm Ø 9.4x8.3 in
59 58 l e a collection
60 61 l e a collection
63 62
inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh
LA04G 70x66x36 cm 27.6x26x14.2 in LA04 43x43x23 cm 16.9x16.9x9 in LA04-Mini 32x32x18 cm 12.6x12.6x7.1 in l e a collection
Material: Malla de acero
Designer: Rafa Alonso
65 64 n eb ra collection
66 67
Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh
Designer: Cenlitrosmetrocadrado n eb ra collection
NB04 100x30x3 cm 39.4x11.8x1.2 in
Material: Vidrio opal y aluminio anodizado Opal glass and anodised aluminium
69 b ol d collection
Designer: La Mamba Studio BO06 Ø 20x25 cm Ø 7.87x9.8 in BO04 Ø 18x25 cm Ø 7.1x9.8 in
Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: PF1 interiorismo 71 70 ve n us collection VE06 27x40x7 cm 10.6x15.7x2.7 in

With our over 20 years of experience in commercial projects, we can adapt to decorative trends and technological advances at the same pace as your project. Our emotion-laden lamps, designs of all styles, hand production system and broad retail network allow us to convey the requested message through lighting. Crafting by hand, everything you project can come to fruition. The work of our technical projects department and professional back-office in adapting and bringing to life ideas with light has helped us illuminate restaurants, hotels, retail facilities, homes and public spaces. All in more than 80 countries.

i n n collection
Material: Punto 3D 3D Knit Designer: Isaac Piñeiro
73 72 pr oj ec
Material: Punto 3D 3D Knit Designer: Isaac Piñeiro

more projects

75 74
Five Flowers Hotel. Formentera, Spain. Nevo Collection. VRBO offices. Austin, USA. Caos Collection. Globula Square Restaurant. Singapore. Tempo Collection. Lobito de mar Restaurant. Madrid, Spain. Onn Collection.
77 76
Natura Bistró Restaurant. Cuenca, Spain. Fluo Collection. Suite Hotel Atlantis Fuerteventura Resort. Fuerteventura, Spain. Coral Collection.

A light that perdures in time, an emotion that continues.

coll ecti ons per man ent

i n n collection 79 78
81 Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: a-emotional light design team 80 hi p at ia collection HI01 Ø 12x41 cm Ø 4.7x16.1 in Indoor / Outdoor version. Wireless
82 83 vir gi nia collection


Ø 38x40 cm

Ø 15x15.7 in Outdoor version available


Ø 35x30 cm

Ø 13.8x11.8 in Outdoor version available


Ø 38x163 cm

Ø 15x64.2 in


Ø 35x153 cm

Ø 13x60.2 in

Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh

Designer: Arturo Álvarez

84 85 vir gi nia collection
87 86 t em po collection

TEVI04 43x39x27 cm

16.9x15.3x10.6 in Outdoor version available

TEAN04 25x23x50 cm

9.8x9x19.6 in Outdoor version available

Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh

Designer: Arturo Álvarez

88 t em po collection
91 90 c la ra collection
Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: Arturo Álvarez 93 92 c la ra collection CL02 42x25x82 cm 16.5x9.8x32.3 in CL03 35x30x160 cm 13.8x11.8x63 in
95 94 a ime i collection
Material: Fresno Ash wood Designer: Arturo Álvarez 97 96 AI04 80x80x80 cm 31.5x31.5x31.5 in a ime i collection
Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh
99 98 my ti lus collection
Designer: Arturo Álvarez MY04 60x47x17 cm 23.6x18.5x6.7 in MY04G 90x74x22 cm 35.4x29.1x8.7 in
Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: Arturo Álvarez 101 100 my ti lus collection MY04-3 136x140x30 cm 53.5x55.1x11.8 in
Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: Arturo Álvarez 103 102 my ti lus collection MY06 60x16x43 cm 23.6x6.3x16.9 in


Ø 30x30cm

Ø 11.8x11.8 in


Ø 24x37 cm

Ø 9.4x14.6 in


Ø 20x60 cm

Ø 7.9x23.6 in


Ø 35x25 cm

Ø 13.8x9.8 in


Ø 44x32 cm

Ø 17.3x12.6 in


Ø 70x41 cm

Ø 27.6x16.1 in


70x70x68 cm

27.6x27.6x26.8 in


80x80x95 cm 31.5x31.5x37.4 in


135x135x123 cm

53.1x53.1x48.4 in

Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh

Designer: Arturo Álvarez

104 co r a l collection
i n n collection Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: Arturo Álvarez 106 107 u r a UR04-3 71x75x47 cm 27.8x29.3x18.6 in UR104 Ø 50x26 cm Ø 19.7x10.2 in UR204 Ø 20x43 cm Ø 7.9x16.9 in UR304 Ø 33x26 cm Ø 13x10.2 in
acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer:
108 u r a collection UR01 Ø 17x49 cm Ø 6.7x19.3 in UR03 Ø 52x156 cm Ø 20.5x61.4 in
Material: Malla de
Arturo Álvarez
110 111 o n n collection

Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: Arturo Álvarez

112 o n n collection
ON04-1 Ø 27x27 cm
Ø 10.6x10.6 in ON04- MINI
16x15 cm Ø 6.3x5.9 in ON04 Ø 35x33 cm Ø 13.8x13 in ON04G Ø 46x47 cm Ø 18.1x18.5 in
114 115 o n n collection
116 i n n collection
Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh
Arturo Álvarez 117 o n n ON06 50x18x42 cm 19.7x7.1x16.5 in ON06G 73x22x65 cm 28.7x8.7x25.6 in
i n n collection PL04 Ø 40x38 cm Ø 15.7x15 in PL04-MINI Ø 30x30 cm Ø 11.8x11.8 in Material: Hilo de acero inoxidable pintado Painted stainless steel thread Designer: Arturo Álvarez 118 119 p i li
120 121 f l u o collection
123 122 f l u o collection FL04 Ø 75x60 cm Ø 29.5x23.6 in FL04-4 Ø 140x70 cm Ø 55x28 in FL04-16 Ø 260x120 cm Ø 102x47.2 in
Material: Malla de acero galvanizado pintada Painted galvanized steel mesh Designer: Arturo Álvarez
Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: Arturo Álvarez 125 124 LS04 Ø 40x40 cm Ø 16x16 in LS04G Ø 45x50 cm Ø 18x20 in l uis a collection


Ø 53x25 cm

Ø 20.9x25 in


Ø 90x30 cm

Ø 35.4x11.8 in


Ø 38x20 cm

Ø 15x7.9 in


Ø 31x22 cm

Ø 12.2x8.7 in


Ø 38x70 cm

Ø 14.9x27.6 in

Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh

Designer: Arturo Álvarez

127 n ev o collection 126
129 128 n ev o collection
130 131 Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: Arturo Álvarez NE06P 31x17x31 cm 12.2x6.7x12.2 in NE06 38x23x38 cm 14.9x9x14.9 in n ev o collection
133 132 be ty ec o collection
Material: Celulosa prensada Pressed Cellulose Designer: Arturo Álvarez 135 134 be ty ec o collection BECO03 Ø 50x183 cm Ø 19.7x72 in BECO01 Ø 23x67 cm Ø 9x26.4 in BECO04 Ø 42x52 cm Ø 16.5x20.5 in
Material: Abedul Birch
w oo d s collection
Designer: Héctor Serrano WD04 Ø 60x90 cm Ø 23.6x35.4 in

BAPI04 73x60x25 cm 28.7x23.6x9.8 in Outdoor version available

BARE04 46x20x40 cm 18.1x7.9x15.7 in Outdoor version available

BALA04 47x36x42 cm 18.5x14.2x16.5in Outdoor version available

BA06 36x15x35 cm 14.2x5.9x13.7 in

BA04-3 110x110x102 cm 43.3x43.3x40.2 in

Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh

Designer: Héctor Serrano

138 139
b all e t collection

Malla de acero inoxidable pintada

141 140 t a t i collection TA04-1 Ø 45x19 cm Ø 17.7x7.5 in
Designer: Arturo Álvarez TA02 Ø 38x67 cm Ø 15x26.4 in TA06G Ø 38x22 cm Ø 15x8.7 in TA06P Ø 31x19 cm Ø 12.2x7.5 in TA06 Ø 19x15x23 cm Ø 7.5x5.9x9 in TA04G Ø 80x28 cm Ø 31.5x11 in TA04 Ø 54x22 cm Ø 21.2x8.7 in
stainless steel mesh
acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer:
142 GE03 18x24x180 cm 7.1x9.4x70.9 in GE04 Ø 19x45 cm Ø 7.5x17.7 in Outdoor version available g e a collection
Material: Malla de
Arturo Álvarez
Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh
144 145 g e a collection
Designer: Arturo Álvarez GE06 16x13x26 cm 6.3x5.1x10.2 in
i n n collection Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: Arturo Álvarez 147 146 CR06 30x15x40 cm 11.8x5.9x15.7 in c o r s
Material: Celulosa Prensada Pressed Cellulose Designer: Arturo Álvarez 148 149 LI06 51.1x6.5x15.5 cm 20.3x2.6x6.1 in LI06G 103.5x6.5x16 cm 40.7x2.6x6.3 in l i collection
i n n collection 150 Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: Arturo Álvarez 151 k i t e KT06-LD 92x9x84 cm 36.2x3.5x33.1 in KT06G-LD 134x9x120 cm 52.7x3.5x47.2 in
153 Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: Arturo Álvarez 152 PM06R-LD 96x8x96 cm 37.8x3.1x37.8 in p l anu m collection PM06PR-LD 47x8x96 cm 18.5x3.1x37.8 in
155 Material: Malla de acero inoxidable pintada Painted stainless steel mesh Designer: Arturo Álvarez 154 k a l a collection KL06 22x14x24 cm 8.7x5.5x9.4 in


Ø 80x29 cm

Ø 31.5x11.4 in

Material: Policarbonato


Designer: Héctor Serrano

Material: Punto 3D 3D Knit Designer: Isaac Piñeiro

157 156 v collection


Ø 105x29 cm

Ø 41.3x11.4 in

Material: Policarbonato Polycarbonate

Designer: Héctor Serrano

158 v collection
160 v collection Material: Policarbonato Polycarbonate Designer: Héctor Serrano 161 VV03 Ø 80x173 cm Ø 31.5x68.1 in
Material: Vidrio Glass Designer: Arturo Álvarez 163 162 cu rv as collection CV04-7 102x102x18 cm 40.1x40.1x7.1 in CV01 Ø 15x33 cm Ø 5.9x13 in CV04C-3 72x66x18 cm 28.3x26x7.1 in CV04-1 Ø 15x11.5 cm Ø 5.9x4.5 in CV04 Ø 32x18 cm Ø 12.6x7.1 in CV04G Ø 50x23 cm Ø 19.7x9.1 in CV06 45x12x17 cm 17.7x4.7x6.7 in CV03G Ø 50x165 cm Ø 19.7x65 in
165 164
Emotion continues.
167 166 Headquarters: a-emotional light (Calor Color S.L.) C/ Castiñeiras 108A. 15895 O Milladoiro, A Coruña, Spain. T. +34 981 814 600 www.a-emotionallight.com ©2023 Calor Color S.L. All rights reserved. Legal deposit: C 00-0000 Printed by Agencia Gráfica. Santiago de Compostela. Spain.

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