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Wills & Probate
Launched through a partnership in 2015 between the DIFC Courts and the Government of Dubai, the Wills Service was established to enable non-Muslims who are investing and living in the UAE to pass on their assets and appoint guardians for their children in line with their wishes through a Will registration service.
As a part of the UAE Government’s commitment to effectively employ advanced technologies and digital platforms to continue services to the public during COVID-19 restrictions, in 2020, the DIFC Courts leveraged its digital infrastructure to offer videoconferencing for Will registrations.
With individuals and businesses across the UAE now operating more ‘remotely’, the new video conferencing facility can be accessed via a smartphone, tablet, or desktop device, allowing residents and investors to register their Will, from the safety and comfort of their own homes. The new system now allows the Testator and two (2) Witnesses to join in on the video conferencing call from different locations.
The system also allows an approved Will to be directly uploaded to the system and to affix electronic signatures. Throughout 2022, 99% of our Will registrations were conducted virtually, transporting traditional walk-in appointments into the digital age.
Remote registration adds an additional layer of digital access to the current Virtual Registry System for Wills, which allows those living overseas to create and register a DIFC Courts Will. Investors and residents can access it from anywhere in the world and be connected, via video link, to a compliance officer sitting in Dubai.
To keep up with increasing demand and further to the DIFC Courts’ commitment to ensuring the best possible customer service standards for our clients, the Wills Service began offering registration slots on weekends, thus increasing its ability to accommodate investors and residents at their most convenient time.