Dighty Heritage Trail - the story so far

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Dighty Heritage Trail – The Story So Far Dighty Connect Stories Session 12 November 2013

Andy Llanwarne (in absen)a – apologies)


Why a “Dighty Heritage Trail”? Lots of historical sites Industrial heritage Folk memories Stories of people and how they lived •  Transforma>on into today’s easily-­‐accessible spaces for recrea>on and wildlife •  Educa>onal opportuni>es for the young and not-­‐so-­‐young •  Dundee Local Access Forum very suppor>ve •  •  •  •

Brainstorming at Dighty Connect workshop in Douglas – 18.08.09 Univ 3rd Age knowledge

Paths for All


The Mills



Outdoor performances

Linear Park

Flora & Fauna Bird-­‐ watching



Cairngorms NP, Angus Glens Exis>ng ini>a>ve or resource

Community & Group walks

Travel Ac>ve Around Dundee Core Paths

Coastal Route, Green Circular Long-­‐distance paths

Ranger Services

Access Officers Country Parks

Sidlaws, Glamis, Kirriemuir, Forfar Topic or opportunity

PossibiliRes agreed August 2009 •  BeSer promoRng exis>ng walking opportuni>es along the Dighty corridor •  IdenRfying gaps in provision of paths and seeking to address these •  Looking into new developments which may affect public access to the Dighty •  Developing routes along the Dighty as an integrated whole, linked to core paths network, circular routes and long-­‐distance footpaths •  Iden>fying cultural, historical and environmental features to add interest and link to other projects •  Links to neighbouring path networks

Geographical linkages






•  The Dighty runs through northern and eastern Dundee to Monifieth •  Links with exis>ng Green Circular, Heritage Trails in Dundee & Monifieth, coastal path •  Discussed with paths groups in Newtyle & Sidlaws since 2009 –  Opportuni>es to develop links –  Chance to learn from their experience

Historical associaRons •  One of the “Dighty Connec>ons” •  42 sites of industrial ac>vity iden>fied on map in Monifieth “House of Memories” –  Mills, bleachfields, manure works, tram depot at Monifieth

•  Best represented at Tro_ck

ExisRng provision already very good! Much along Green Circular Parks at Fintry, Mill o’ Mains Tro_ck Ponds paths & wildlife Adjacent to Caird Park New signage with WIAT in Broughty Ferry, Drumgeith etc •  STRIDE map for walking & cycling •  •  •  •  •

What is proposed A 16 page A4 booklet •  Covers & introduc>on = 4 pages •  6x double-­‐page spreads describing sec>ons of the trail •  Each with: –  –  –  –  –  –

route direc>ons & sketch map points of interest people’s stories in a nutshell parking & bus services toilets & play areas links to more detailed info

The SecRons to be covered 1.  Country sec>on Lundie Craigs to Baldovan Bridge via Bridgefoot (c. 10km) 2.  Baldovan Bridge via Tro_ck to Forfar Road (3.3 km, but 2km if star>ng from Emmock Bridge) 3.  Forfar Road to Drumgeith (2 km) 4.  Drumgeith to Baldovan Road (Sainsbury’s) (2km) 5.  Baldovan Road to Arbroath Road / Panmurefield (difficul>es over access to Dighty) (2 km) 6.  Arbroath Rd/Panmurefield to Balmossie StaRon (2 km)

Opportuni>es for circular walks & bike rides will be shown

Links for more detailed informaRon •  Booklet limited in size – lots to try and include! •  Detailed material can be held on Dighty Connect website •  Provide links to other sources e.g. Monifieth Local History Society •  Inves>ga>ng use of QR codes and GPS to provide details via smartphones

Access and route difficulRes •  Main Dundee gap at Linlathen (east of Sainsbury’s) –  Green Circular beside Arbroath Rd –  Iden>fied in Core Paths Plan (no 22) –  Linlathen East bridge now restored but hard to get to! –  Discussions on building a path, at an early stage – grazing & bridging issues –  Also, where to cross the Arbroath Rd?

•  Lack of access also at Baldovan end •  Maintenance a problem at some loca>ons – especially with hogweed

InformaRon Sources •  Research carried out by student Sam Wears in 2011 •  Avril Wilkinson’s research for Dighty Connect in 2011 •  David Drummond’s material on historic buildings •  Whilield History Group •  History of bleachfields & mills from Enid Gauldie disserta>on •  Monifieth Local History Society •  Nine Incorporated Trades website •  Published histories of Dundee (but they’re mostly on the old city, not the Dighty valley)

Any contribuRons please! Other contribuRons welcome (e.g. need to get info on wildlife – plants & animals) environ.project@dundeecity.gov.uk andyllanwarne@hotmail.com

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