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Latest in Digital Marketing DigiGYAN Institute for Professional Training

Youtube App now helps you to livestream •Did you know what is the craze this season? Yes guessed it right! It is Live video. •Now for those who do not know what it is. It’s a powerful, spontaneous way to share your life and interact with people. •So, YouTube is finally ready to take on this trend with Periscope, Facebook Live, and other livestreaming mobile services, as the company is building live mobile video broadcasting right into the core YouTube app.

•Youtube says "You won’t need to open anything else, just hit the big red capture button right there in the corner, take or select a photo to use as a thumbnail, and you can broadcast live to your fans and chat in near real time".

•Like most existing YouTube livestreaming functions, the blog post says these live videos will "have all the features your regular videos have" including search, recommendations, and controls for who can view them. •Live video alerts will be sent to your subscribers when they view your profile, and creators can enable a chat function if they want to hear from viewers. •YouTube promises that because this is on YouTube, "it’ll be faster and more reliable than anything else out there." •The feature launched at "VidCon," a conference for online video producers.

•For now, live mobile broadcasting from the core app is only available to a few VIPs, but YouTube promises it will be "rolling out more widely soon."

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