Heonjae Jung Design Portfolio
Connecting people and technologies
Contact digimill@gmail.com July 2017
Brief Since I read the book “Being Digital” by Nicholas Negroponte at the age of 16, I have been fascinated by how digital technology can completely change our lives. A key role in this digital revolution has long been a goal. In order to pursue that goal, I learned how to get ideas and materialize through observation at the school. Recently, realizing this idea as reality at LG Electronics. I categorized the diagram into four categories on the right diagram. Most of my work is deeply connected and belongs to many intersecting areas.
User Experience Design Information Architecture
Interaction Design
Communication Design
Industrial Design
User Interface Engineering Usability Engineering
From Dan Saffer’s IxD Relationship
01 Projects at LG
Smart Hub Speaker Home IoT app LG UX 4.0 Dual Cover Wine Smart Mobile Phone UX
02 Coursework at DA
03 Undergraduate Program
04 Other Works
Sociociti Loupe table V-fit Samsung Built-in kitchen appliance
Digital camcorder for new lifestyle LG the secrets Bit typeface Graphic design
Mecycling Trend Square Websites design Connection spectrum Brand identity
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Projects at LG Electronics User experience design works in delivering compelling mobile products from concept to production. These references are only for recruitment and not able to use for other purposes.
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Projects at LG
Smart Hub Speaker
Design lead, Voice UI
Designed an AI speaker that can talk with the user. It can connect with home appliances and home IoT devices such as mart bulbs so you can easily control them with voice. It used LG’s own voice recognition solution. I also managed as governance role and wrote the VUI(Voice User Interface) design guideline for product designers to ensure better usability and consitent quality of home appliances with voice recognition technology like smart refrigerators, air conditioners etc. FEATURES Voice Agent
AIHC71G (2017)
Smart Home Control & Monitoring with Voice USER SCENARIOS youtu.be/iKlqDd7q8u0
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Projects at LG VUI Design Guideline
Applied to new speech recognized products Hub speaker, Air conditioner, Refrigerator, Washing machine, Water purifier and so on ...
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Projects at LG
Home IoT App
UI design proposal
Working on renewing the next version of the Smart ThinQ - LG’s Home IoT app. Adopted a card style UI, enhanced functions such as automation and room setting, while reflecting trends and aiming to enhance competitiveness compared to competitors’ products.
Service card
Rooms Dashboard
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Projects at LG
LG UX 4.0
UX concept packaging
Shaped a story line for the UX platform to create our UX brand as launching new flagship model, LG G4. This material was also used in online launching movies. PHILOSOPHY LG UX 4.0 당신만을 위한 배려
Under + Stand 우리는 겸손히 사용자 아래에 서서 사용자보다 사용자를 더 잘 이해하는 제품을 만듭니다.
맞춤화된 유용성
기술을 과시하는 것이 아닌 실생활에 진정한 가치를 제공하는 것, 그것이 우리가 만드는 UX입니다.
- UX1.0부터 4.0까지 FAVEN 기반의 본질적 가치 탐구 - 누구에게나 편리한 UX에서 개인의 특성에 기반한 맞춤화된 UX로
나에게 원하는 대로 “ 당신이 ” 딱 필요한 게 없어 만드세요
오히려 자잘한 일은 “ 신경 ” 게 많아졌다 제가쓸 알아서 할게요
Camera Manual mode Camera Quick Shot Calendar Qmemo+ 2.0
Smart Notice 2.0 Smart Bulletin 2.0 Smart Settings QuickHelp Voice Care
Newness Emotion
LG UX 4.0
거기서 예상하지 못한거기 즐거움을 새로운 게 없다 드릴게요
LG UX 3.0
Gallery Camera Selfie 2.0 Ringtone ID LG Health
보편적 효율성 2012
LG UX 1.0 바쁜 당신의 생활을 보다 효율적으로
Newness Frequency Easiness Value
복잡한 하루 간단하고 똑똑하게
LG UX 2.0 번거로움이 싫은 당신에게 편리함을
Smart Notice, Simple Camera, Selfie Gesture
지루한 일상에 지친 당신에게 특별한 경험을 카메라전문가모드UI Smart Notice 2.0 Bulletin 2.0 설정간소화 Smart Settings QuickHelp
Knock on, Knock code, Quick Cover
QMemo, QSlide
TEASER VIDEO youtu.be/Quo5E0xysXU
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Projects at LG
Dual Cover
UX concept proposal
Making UX Concept for teenager targeting phone with specially designed case which covered in half, the light from the LCD can be seen through fine holes. Defined key features for the cover and developed full UI design. YG Cover UX
UI Structure
Concept : New Cover
• 하단 영역만 반투명 재질로 덮는 형태의 커버
전면이 타공된 형태의 Cover 적용
• 퀵서클과 동일한 UI 구조로 Main 영역(상단)에는 주요 정보,
-‐ Intui6ve Formed -‐ Futuris6c Details -‐ LED Line Details -‐ Cu@ng Edge Modernity
Sub 영역(하단)에는 애니메이션 효과 제공
-‐ Intui6ve Interface -‐ Ligh6ng Effect -‐ Ra6onal Materials -‐ Neon Color -‐ SoI Silicon or Resin
< Music
Select Back
[Clock Screen]
[App Screen]
[Music Apps]
Feature2. 듣기모드
Feature1. 집중모드 • 커버를 거꾸로 씌우면 모든 전화수신 및 알림, 데이터 차단 • 전화는 자동으로 거절 메시지 발신 • 상단에 라이팅으로 집중모드 시간 표시
• 동영상 재생 중 커버를 덮으면 동영상의 소리만 들을 수 있는 모드로 진입 • 제약사항으로 듣기 모드 중에는 LCD 꺼지지 않음 • 설정에서 듣기 모드를 허용할 앱 선택 가능
• 커버 탈착 시 집중 모드 해제
Cover 하단 장착 Cover 상단 장착
집중 모드를 시작하시겠습니까? 집중 모드 중에는 전화나 알림이 울리지 않 고, 데이터 접속이 차단됩니다.
[듣기모드 설정]
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Projects at LG
Wine Smart
UX concept development
Barrier-free concept study for elderly smartphone customers. I led whole project from user research to overall concept construction and basic UI design. Easy Home 3.0의 구성
Research process 01
사용자들이 실제 겪고 있는 어려움을 파악하기 위해 사용자들의 사용 행태를 볼 수 있는 실험과 인터뷰를 진행
조사로부터 얻어진 데이터를 분석하고, 우선 순위에 따른 핵심 이슈를 정의
추출된 주요 문제의 해결을 위한 개선 방향을 세가지 관점으로 제시
[적용 범위 선정 기준] • 스마트폰 사용에 필수적인 영역
• 기존 폰 사용 영역
Home screen 요구사항 파악을 위한 사용자 조사
해결안 마련을 위한 Framework 설정
Key pain point 도출
주요 정보의 가독성 극대화
Status bar 영역 확대
조작에 충분한 크기와 공간 확보
Lock screen
Basic apps
텍스트 크기 확대
텍스트 크기 확대 돋보기 기능 제공
텍스트 크기 확대
충분한 Component 사이즈
충분한 Component 사이즈
화면 내 기능의 재배치
빈도 높은 설정만 제공
어려운 용어 변경
어려운 용어 변경
3 x 4 Grid 적용
불필요한 복잡함 배제
핵심 App 위주 배치
꼭 필요한 기능에는 행동을 유도할 수 있는 실마리 제공
위젯/바로가기 삭제
홈 터치 버튼 Affordance 강화
친근한 용어로 풀어서 설명
홈 터치 버튼 Label 추가
개선안 검증 결과
개선 방향 설정
• 홈 화면, 통화 중 화면, 간편설정은 개선 효과가 큼
Key paint points를 다음 방향으로 해결하여 개선
개선 안에 대한 만족도가 높고, 긍정적인 의견이 대부분으로 추가 개선 point를 반영하여 적용 • 잠금 해제 방식 및 잠금 상태의 통화 수신 방식은 현안 유지 기존 안의 성공률이나 선호도가 높은 것으로 나타나 개선 안 적용 없이, 추가로 발견된 pain point만 재검토 • 돋보기는 방식 별 큰 선호도 차이는 없으나, 모듈 별로는 선호도에 차이가 있어 각 장점을 취하는 방안을 검토
Unlock 성공률
개선안 vs 기존안 만족도
개선안 간 선호도 비교
Easy UI (Long-press) 7
잘 보이지 않는 문자와 그림들
신체적인 부담 경감
• 주요 정보의 가독성 극대화 • 조작에 충분한 크기와 공간 확보
많은 선택권으로 인지적 부담 증가
직관적이고 심플한 사용
• 불필요한 복잡함 배제
• 꼭 필요한 기능에는 행동을 유도 할 수 있는 실마리 제공
의미를 알 수 없는 아이콘과 용어들
심리적 배려
• 친근한 용어로 풀어서 설명
45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
6 5
5.8 5
6.5 5.2
6.1 5.2
6.3 5.6
5.8 6
5.8 5.7
Senior 타겟 고객층을 고려한 App선정 및 Senior UI guideline정의 1
추가화면 등 form의 입력필드 단순화
작성/추가 등의 버튼을 별도 line으로 분리 (아이콘 & 레이블 형태)
옵션 메뉴에는 필수 항목만 제공
System font 영향받지 않는 text 크기 확대
아이콘으로만 된 버튼은 label 추가로 제공
Main 기능은 눈에 잘 띄게 GUI개선
Label은 이해하기 쉽게 풀어쓰기
1. 추가화면 등 form의 입력필드 단순화 DIRECTIONS • 화면 요소 배치 시에는 ‘중요도, 사용빈도 순, 연관성’을 고려한다
• 중요 요소들만 중점으로 배치하고 그 이외 요소들은 숨긴다 • 스크롤 동작 없이 입력 가능하도록 한 화면을 넘지 않게 구성한다
0 잠금 화면 (해제 방식)
Overview A안
Easy UI
LG-F480L (2014)
Senior UX Principle
• 홈 터치 버튼의 Label 추가 안은 만족도가 높으나, Outline 추가 안은 선호가 적고 인지에 큰 도움이 되지 않음
홈 화면
잠금 화면 (가이드 추가)
홈 터치 버튼 (Label 유/무)
통화 수신 방식
통화 중 화면
홈 터치 버튼 (Outline 유/무)
돋보기 (실행 방식)
돋보기 (확대 방식)
필수요소 외 설정 가능한 옵션들이 있어서 화 면을 복잡하게 하고, 한 화면안에 필수 항목 들이 다 안들어옴
사용자가 기본적으로 사용하는 옵션 들만 큼직하게 보여주고, 그 외 부수 적인 항목들은 화면아래에 숨겨서 화 면을 단순화함
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Projects at LG
Product UX
design lead
Successfully launched more than 15 models on the global market. Also optimizes the various requirements of carriers according to the platform specifications.
Models Pen UX
Contextual UX
LG UX 3.0
LG Uplus Co-work
Optimus EX SU880
Gesture UX
LG UX 4.0
Study mode
SK Telecom Co-work
G3 A
SK Telecom Co-work
G3 Screen LG-F410S
G4 Beat LG-H735
band play LG-F570S
2015 Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Coursework at DA
Interaction design course provided me with practical and conceptual skills to carry out a problem-solving activites as well as developing concepts, scenarios and strategies with more technical and market-oriented competence. During the course I completed five workshops. Workshop activities includes two investigations, focused on fundamental aspects of interaction design and three Crossing Design Seminars. The following pages show a sample of my work.
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Coursework at DA
VOLTA Master thesis project of interaction design, Domus Academy in conjuction with Hager Group. Volta is domestic energy monitoring system that translates electricity usage into a human-friendly language. CONTEXT Nowadays the importance of the environmental sustainability of everyday life has become significant among people. It is clear that rising role of interaction design is linking product and user with the sustainable concerns. The Objective of this project is to develop system that brings change in energy consumption through interaction design.
FRAMEWORK Personal Informatics is characterized as the monitoring and displaying of information about our daily activities through intelligent devices, services and systems. This information allows us to see trends and opportunities for change that we would otherwise miss. The framework of personal informatics may trigger radical improvements in everyday life behaviours like domestic energy consumption. The project aims to affect individual behaviour in the usage of electric energy through the set-up of personal/collective goals.
WHAT IS IT VOLTA is domestic energy monitoring system that converts intangible data into a very human language. The system consists of two parts that are main device and measuring sensor on house electricity meter. Not only the device visualizes ongoing consumption data, but the device also interacts with user constantly in many ways. In addition user can interact with other users who are using this system through the device.
$ kg CO2
The core value of concept is translating data such as kWh (kilowatts per hour) into more meaningful value to user in intriguing ways. Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
There are four steps of motivational process, which are derived from research framework: Recognize, Learn, Compete, Reward. Userâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s state of motivation toward sustainability is getting grown as user is engaged to the system. Even though some of steps not sequentially happen, degree of motivation will follow the steps and userâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s experience on it.
VALUE VOLTA gives the user easily perceivable information on the amount of energy being used in the house, which will ultimately lead to more awareness of domestic energy consumption. Moreover, emotional and economical reward will contribute to change their behavior and conserve that resource. Strictly it could be concerned that using more energy to save energy, and paying money at first to save money. As discussed earlier, it is worthwhile to spend little thing for pursuing bigger profit. Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
1. Interaction modalities Awake
Restricted tochable area
Mode shift
Condensed info like a real scroll
€€ $ $
1 2 To manupulate and see detail info
Change display mode
to prevent mistaken touch
2. IA Hierarchy
1. Home screen
Bar rg aph
- Set this to idle screen - Competition progress
- kWh - monetize
- Set this to idle screen - Current plan
View plan
Stepby tsep
- Make new - Invite friend
- People - Split - Discard
- Weekly - Monthly
New plan
Idle screen
- By location - Among same family weight
- Recommendation - Donation - make own
From recent usage analysis
2 / 71
You’re planning on
Today’s mission Energy coach
Fun stats
- Set this to idle screen - Current level
2. Main menu - Plan
Mauro’s family
- Set this to idle screen - Accumulation
Alert with ambient sound and pulsing light when event occurs
Go back (navigation)
4. UI Look & feel
Connection needed
screen area
Top button functionA
4 month left
512 days left
Battery health: 80%
3. Idle screens
- Daily - Weekly - Monthly
Feature Theme Share - Blog - Twitter, facebook
3. Wireframes Plan
family preference
Change light bu
Set temperature
Chronogr Fun stats
Today’s mi Energy coa
Competiti Ranking
Idle screen
View plan New plan
62th in Milan
23 days left for Bicycle
3.2 Coach
cocacola x 221
embed status on blog, website notify when reach the goal twitter
Less use in 1month
score is getting better
513kg load of laundry
Fridge cleanup Set temperature properly
Football ticket x 63
€ 32
ATM 230 days
you’re planning on
4 month left
512 days left
robot vacuum cleaner
In same weight group
Mr Park
1st in the town 6th in Milan 12th in Italy
Get recommendation and add more plan
If you’re interested in helping others
Customize your plan
Jamie Chris
<tempting bg img shows plan object c.f. zune artist>
2nd in the town 62th in Milan 132th in Italy
You, 5th
Change light bulb
My ranking
You have some imcompleted in the list
3.4 Plan
Unplugging appliances not in use can save about 12 euros per month Especially your house is ....
Did you know this?
Are you ready to try next?
Yes, continue!
185 hours
Last time you succeeded with the best record!
Feature - Challenge
3.3 Challenge battery
Today’s mission
Û 212
Level 5
Theme -
You’re makin 274 Days
Default - Daily
Share History
Roomba Challenge
c ris
Fridge cleanup 0
Ro om b
3.1 History General settings
days left
en a ins
2. Setting
1. Home screen Mauro’s family
112 kg
As user use energy level of blue dwindled away in proportion to setting goal.
As user use energy level of water dwindled away in proportion to setting goal.
Rotating wheel makes trace by consumption speed and takes one day for making a round.
The smiley and compliments changes by current usage.
Lower ranked avatars are The user’s level appears as horizontal line that could be seen in every angel.
to see other plans and blank bubble to add new plan
USER SCENARIOS http://vimeo.com/7735039 http://vimeo.com/7735065 Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Coursework at DA
Innovative urban information infrastructures for the 2015 Expo in Milan. Collaboration with the Master in Design.
WHAT IS IT Networking has become a key part of our daily lives nowadays; being online and connected is part and parcel of our social existence. We try to share all the interesting aspects of our day to day lives in the form of online status messages and by uploading pictures of our trysts and travels. Our project aims at satisfying this growing need of person to person interaction by creating a live and interactive journal for an individual. We have tried to create two systems, one that applies to people who decide to walk and explore the city of Milan during the Expo; we have a software that could be downloaded onto a mobile phone from the internet or from various information kiosks set up in public spaces. This software will create a live online journal for the user, which will constantly update itself according to the users movement and activity across the city, at the same time the software will use the GPS feature and help guide the user. The second system we have developed is essentially for people using the BikeMi bicycles, it will help them navigate through the city and at the end of a journey be able to provide them with a data log of their travels, which once again they can upload to blogs etc, or simply use it to compare other such trips. The essence of our project is that users can now share more detailed experiences online with friends or simply save them as a personal travel journal to enrich their own memories.
HOW IT WORKS For our first system wherein users will be walking around the city, they can either download the Sociociti application from the expo website or they can download it from a SocioPort. These will essentially be Bluetooth towers set-up in and around some of the important locations of the city. These towers will create a Bluetooth hotspot, as soon as the user is within range of one of these towers they will receive a message on their phone, asking if they wish to download the desired application. Once the application is installed on the user’s phone they will get map readings according to their current location, they can now set a destination point on the phone and they will receive guidance on various routes and information pertaining to it. Simultaneously the application will create
a live journal for the user and keep updating their location to it. Along the route the user will encounter various Photostops; there will be cameras set up at these sites, where a user can get their picture clicked and automatically uploaded to their journal. Along the way users will receive information on their phone telling them about rest stops in the form of local restaurants and cafés. Users can visit these places and rate them on their phone, if a restaurant or café receives a good enough rating it can also be advertised on the user’s journal page for further references. The application will also inform users when they are in range of other public conveniences such as Metro stations and taxi stops. Once the user reaches his destination point the application stores all of the journey information on the online journal. After reaching home users can access their journal online and share it with their friends and family or simply upload it to their own blog, thus making the trip a very interactive experience for the user. Our second system relates to the Bike Mi project in Milan, it will actively encourage visitors to use the bikes by making it more interactive and user friendly experience in terms of sharing more information in regards to the city and sights to see. For this system a user simply has to purchase a USB key, which will be available at various vending machines set-up close to the Bike Mi stations around the city. The USB will contain vital information about the city such as maps and routes and it will also contain information about the via Di Terra project of Milan. The user then plugs the key into a small GPS unit attached to the handlebar of the bike. The GPS gets activated and displays the current location, now the user can enter his destination point and the GPS will help guide him there. On the way, once again users will encounter Photostops where they can get their pictures clicked, but in this case the images are downloaded to the bike GPS and stored on the USB key. The GPS also stores route information and distances covered by the user. Once the user arrives at his destination the GPS stores all the information collected onto the USB and the user can now detach it from the bike and take it with him. At home the user can check his data log and images collected along the trip. He can choose to print his own journal or upload it to his blog, he can also use this information to compare other such trips in the future.
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
17 SocioPort Bluetooth tower
BikeMi GPS module
Mobile Application
BikeMi Application
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Coursework at DA
The projects was developed within the context of exhibition design trying to find useful applications for interaction design solutions inspired by physical computing and tangible interfaces. WHAT IS IT Loupe Table is a kind of digital contents searching and displaying system which people can navigate and get the detailed multimedia information by controlling unique display. The idea is started that the many museums have a lot of slides film in their storehouse and could not find way to show them to visitors.
HOW IT WORKS Loupe Table is influenced by combination of digital technology and emotion of analog things. Interactivity of analog way can be more familiar with people in terms of communication. In addition, this system focuses on the interfaces to identify the classification and position of slide film. And this system encourages active participation of user in interesting and familiar ways, and to reduce his or her rejection as interactive role player. This system consists of two elements, the one is a physical table having many slides on cover of the top and LED light under the cover. And the other part is a circular LCD display looking like Loupe. User can move the Loupe by the controlling Loupe arms with hands to position of the slide where user wants to see. After moving the Loupe to the position of one slide, people can get more information and multimedia contents. As there are magnetic sensors underneath the slides, different content by position of the slide can be shown by triggering magnetic sensors with the magnet on the bottom of Loupe display. At the same time, by the same logic, LED light under the cover of table can be on and off. By controlling vertical height of display, user can zoom in and out the slides. As the data of height continuously is detected by distance sensor on the bottom of Loupe. Also user can control graphic interface on display by using dial knob on the side of loupe. By rotating it user can select digital contents such as video, photos, detail info.
VALUE AND POTENTIAL In particular, Loupe Table used the normal behavior of user which control analog thing, as a physical behavior of user to communicate with digital contents. It could have easy access and be used for rich digital information through â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;out-of-styleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; things. It could help museum to manage, utilize materials accessible that they already have. In other words, this system could be multimedia database searching solution based on the slides. And the other potential is that this system could be extendible and flexible. Even if there are different kinds of data or no slide film, this system could handle it in the various way and could be used as many different types of contents and models. Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
1.Stakeholder meetings
20 2.Concept generation, Presentation
3.Prototyping, Exhibition
PROTOTYPE VIDEO Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017 http://vimeo.com/5126571
Coursework at DA
The focus of the project is to reinvent the shopping experience into retail spaces through visual interfaces to create a meaningful interaction between users, the space and products. The specific scope of the project is to enhance the way the shop supports the moment of testing in fashion and accessories shops. The visual interface helps to describe a person in terms of height, width and overall body shape using different body language and gestures. It is very useful to visualize the person, who is not present in the shop, and choose the correct size of clothes for him. This gives certain added value to the overall shopping experience by engaging the user in an innovative way.
Buying clothes for someone not there in the store with you
You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know his/her size exactly
Then you use Body Language to describe his/her appearance
The system is based on human gesture recognition technology. The system mainly comprises of three components: Infrared rays led array, Camera-based Recognition, Capacity Sensor-based Recognition. In the standby mode the interface displays different images from the visual library and the users can choose the image which closely resembles the person to be described. The interface reacts to the gestures and hand movement and enables the user to modify the image to suit his requirement. It is possible to modify the image in terms of height, width and overall body shape in the front and side profile. After completing the image description the system gives the recommendation for a suitable size of clothes for the person described. Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
VALUE AND POTENTIAL The visual interface enhances the overall shopping experience driven by consideration of moments of engagement between people and space. It helps to add a certain value to the moment of testing and provide a new entertainment to the user within the retail environment. The solution, V-fit, serves as a high adaptive interface for variable fashion stores.
Further potential development would be a printable version of the interface feedback which people can take away as a souvenir of their experience.
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Undergraduate Program
Samsung Built-in kitchen appliances
I contributed to this project during my internship at Experientia as a design researcher.
OBJECTIVES The project aim is to support the Samsung Digital Appliances Division in gaining better knowledge of the European built-in kitchen market current products and future trends, to provide insights and ideas for future 2012 concepts. The objective is to understand peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs and behaviors, issues and annoyances, desires and expectations in three European countries (France, Germany and Italy).
SCOPE & METHODOLOGY Research methods divides into two phases - benchmark analysis and contextual user research. The results was used to create USP ideations and PUI guidelines, which will help to improve the design and finally the user experience of selected products.
phase 1
phase 2
phase 3
Competitor analysis in three countries: France, Germany, Italy.
User analysis of physical user interfaces (PUI) and graphical user interfaces (GUI) in three countries: France, Germany, Italy.
USP ideation and PUI guideline development using the analytical insights from phase 1 and 2.
Desk research
16 Expert interviews
Opportunity mapping
Competitive benchmark evaluation of the usability and design aspects of two French, German and Italian well-known white goods brands.
In-depth interviews with 3 UI Tech experts, 2 food and culture experts, 2 built-in journalists, 1 architect, 1 furniture designer, 1 futurist, 4 kitchen specialists, 2 installers.
Define opportunities, experience paradigms and suggestions for product improvement based on user research insights.
Benchmark analysis
MY ROLE Carry out background research which is called benchmarking phase Participate in mid-term workshop with clients Prepare materials for field researchs
Contextual user research
9 Focus groups Shop visits Visits and observation in appliances stores and kitchen showrooms.
Participatory understanding sessions on emerging usage requirements, proving conceptual appliances ideas.
14 Home visits IFA Berlin 2009 Visit at the IFA Berlin 2009, observing built quality, general usability and user interfaces of different appliances.
Visits & observations in peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s houses.
USP ideation & PUI guidelines
Opportunity map
Concept development Applying user-research insights into concept development of 2-3 design directions for UI and PUI.
Design directions
11 Mystery shopping visits
Guidelines development
Visits and observations in kitchen specialist stores and showrooms.
Develop design guidelines for selected products, platforms and tasks.
PUI guidelines
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Benchmarking Phase
The following is just a short example of analysis because of the project is under Non-disclosure agreement.
COMEPTITOR OVERVIEW Exploration of six prominent competitors in Europe, documenting their approaches in user interface, brand strategy and key innovative aspects.
User interface characteristics Pros
• Consideration of cultural aspects in language and regional settings.
• Fairly standard and neutral controls.
Opportunities for Samsung
• Inconsistent design language. UI for each appliance is optimized for
• Software flexibility can provide more
that appliance and not for unification
• Touch sensitive control panel lacks feedback • Stovetop mapping and meaning of controls are confusing and • •
• Cooktop: Unevenly spaced labels for cooktop heating levels
• Oven: Cooking time is indicated by showing the planned finish time • General: Consistent use of red LEDs
• Additional features do not
• Oven: Large display area communicates the menu
• Oven: Combination use of rotary control and directional arrow
• Appliance should not require complex
Electrolux •
allows easier control where people need more often. Cooktop: Feature for instantly putting cooking process on hold without losing heat and quickly resuming.
interaction well
• General: Minimized and symbolic use of icons.
• Cooktop: Use of simultaneous touch on more than one button or • •
USER INTERFACES EXPLORATION Exploring existing user interfaces of five key appliances and some out-of-the-kitchen interfaces that can be applied in the kitchen space.
• Minimizing the steps required to execute numerous functions.
Smeg Hotpoint Ariston
suitable programs for different cultures with relatively lower cost
difficult to understand. Stovetop icons are ambiguous. Arrangement of UI elements is crowded and hard to grasp quickly.
• Thoughtful navigation design with constant feedback on user’s current menu position.
• Focus on visual feedback that is intuitively understood
• Very strong and conscious choice of analog interactions
(including digital interface mimicking analog behavior).
• Consistent design language
different touch patterns on a single button. Oven: Limited attention to details of invisible aspects of menu navigation. General: Inconsistent design language.
• Frequent use of touch sensitive control panels either with or without dial knobs.
• Hood: visual information design (e.g. icons) are not optimized for touch sensitive controls
compromise the people’s original intentions (e.g. Immediate stop button does NOT stop the heating completely)
inputs such as pushing multiple buttons at the same time.
• Appropriate use of text and graphical labels can differentiate the core functions people need and optional ones people can take time to learn
• It needs to be made sure touch
sensitive controls are accommodated with very good feedback
• Menu navigations that cannot be
simplified must provide clear indication of what and where user input is.
• Style-driven: controls are designed to fit retro design, which makes
• Exploit the intuitiveness and comfort
• Very inconsistent design language • Relatively traditional use of both analog and digital UI, and colors
• Attention to every details makes an
it difficult to adopt digital controls.
on displays.
• Control panel area is not centered, nor right or left aligned.
people have with analog controls
overall impression far better
• Keep the design language of UI as consistent as possible
EMERGING TREND Existing appliance innovations based on emerging themes.
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Undergraduate Program
User Experience Design is the practice of designing products, processes, services, events, and environments with a focus placed on the quality of the user experience and culturally relevant solutions, with less emphasis placed on increasing and improving functionality of the design. The following pages include my undergraduate thesis project in school and a project as intern in global UX consultancy.
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Undergraduate Program
Digital Camcorder for New Lifestyle Thesis project, product design major at Handong Global University In conjuction with digital AV division of Samsung Electronics / Exhibited at Seoul Design Olympiad 2008
OBJECTIVES To propose a video camera UI design that can provide user extraordinary experiences which fits to their new lifestyle.
CHALLENGES Analyze new using pattern and behavior in user-generated contents age Propose UI design strategy based on the analysis. Find way to overcome the stereotyped image of camcorder which is hard to use, troublesome. It was huge opportunity to experience whole process related to design research and UI design with taking into account the competitive industry.
MY ROLE User research Concept generation Product design, model making (only for OMO model) Graphic user interface design for working prototype
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Digital Camcorder for New Lifestyle
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
OMO has a revolutionary 360 degree swivel grip. More comfortable shooting position, diverse angle is now enabled. When camcorder is turned off, the lens portion is completely disappears and changes to a compact and simple appearance. New interaction way with analog type jog under LCD screen allows fast browsing of recording list and accurate recording setting control.
3 Smart tagging
Based on OCR technology, you can manage thousand of videos with very little efforts
1 Instant start
As soon as you grasp the camera, powers on, lcd screen half-opened automatically. Everything is ready for your unexpected recording.
2 No more wrist pain
360ยบ rotating grip parts ensure freedom of angle without any wrist pain.
4 Tutorial mode
Digital Camcorder for New Lifestyle
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Undergraduate Program
LG the SECRET 2008 Won LG Electronics display idea competition ‘space & motion 2008’ Collaborated with School of Mechanical Engineering students. Proposing useful, innovative yet realistic idea for digital display products and implementing OBJECTIVES
it through capstone design process.
CHALLENGES I joined this project to help enginnering students who are doing this as their thesis capstone project. We were asked to set up a hyphothetical company by ourselves, and progress planning and marketing of a product like real company. All of our ideas should meet cost-effectiveness, value of commodity and possibility of mass-production by building prototypes at the end. During this four months period, we received mentoring and evaluation from the company regularly mainly about technical issues of production and usage.
MY ROLE Giving idea from designer’s point of view Product design Design and managing deliverable documents
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Undergraduate Program Approach
SPACE Space saving
Main concept
Invisible wall-mount
By hiding ugly wall-mount braket can achieve ZERO gap between TV and wall. This is secret of the first real wall-mount TV.
Toe-in speaker
Rotational speakers make better sounds. Different sounds depends on what youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re doing, game, movie, news.
Slim structure of wall mount
the secret by GTB
MOTION New mechanism Easy of adjust in large size display
Customer insight Distintive style Interior sensitive Sleek and clean surface
Radiation through space
Easy cable management
Advantage of moving input/output box from back to side of TV is that you can just open side wing speaker and plug cable without creeping into back of TV.
40 23
Push and Adjust
Oil pressure powered semi-automatic bracket makes extreamly easy to tilt or swivel your huge screen demo of working mockup
e.g. want to hide wall moundt braket
e.g. concerns about heat
Easily adjustable 600
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Undergraduate Program
BIT Typeface
BIT is a combination type Hangul font that I designed in typography class. Hangul is the native alphabet of the Korean language. The alphabet is organized into syllabic blocks. Each block consists of at least two of the 24 Hangul letters, with at least one each of the 14 consonants and 10 vowels. These syllabic blocks can be written horizontally from left to right as well as vertically from top to bottom. Hangul fonts are classified into two categories, complete type and combination type which have their own strengths and weaknesses. The complete type shows a high quality of fonts, while the combination type takes less time, effort, and storage space to develop.
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Undergraduate Program
Editorial design
Assignments of visual graphic design foundation course, Handong Global University
Hemingway and Cuba Brochure
From Amsterdam to Seoul to Buenos Aires. Each month experience one of the world’s 16 most beautiful cities through color, typography and icons.
Promotion for Cuban Tourism through Hemingway’s literary work and his life. Put his traces left in Cuba and Havana’s atmosphere in some photos.
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Other Works
User interface design is the design of computers, appliances, machines, mobile communication devices, software applications, and websites with the focus on the userâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s experience and interaction. As far as UI design is concerned, keeping the balance between visual aesthetic and usability is always important. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s some sample works mostly built on web platforms and software applications.
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Other Works
Interactive art installation, worked as a member of Debakinteractivegroup. 11th exhibition â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Sharing Ideasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; at Gallery B-E, Seoul http://www.spacebe.co.kr Debakinteractivegroup aims to create an interactive space where people can see, feel, learn, and enjoy, not just passing and seeing. The exhibition space was designed to use a recyclable material called airbag to design an exhibition space with a sense of volume. It could be used as a screen depending on the spatial context and re-created as a chair so that the audience could sit down and talk and watch the work . Through the interactive video work using Kinect, we tried to talk about the circulation of nature which is the present problem to the audience with the keyword of water which is a basic element of human being. By creating a virtual layer in the actual space, a simple graphic symbolizing the circulation of the water is expressed in each layer so that the audience can understand it. The audience can go through the actual space separated by the virtual layer one step, While experiencing the circulation of the water projected on the body, it also unintentionally pollutes the water, recognizing that self-pollution eventually occurs, and the human being sends a message that he unconsciously contaminates himself through unintentional intervention of the virtuous cycle of nature .
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Other Works
connection SPECTRUM Self-initiated experiment of visualizing connected individuals and interconnection. Shown at Mutual Response’s 4th online exhibition ‘connection’ http://www.mutualresponse.com/res/4th
connection MATCH (2005) followed work, not completed
connection SPECTRUM is an interactive artwork which shows, at a glance, the variety of people who are connected to the network. This is shown through different colors visually. IP address is composed of 4 digits from 0 to 255 which can correspond by 1:1 in the color value (RGB) in a 24 byte computer system. Among this, the first digit is determined by the nation and institution in general so the color should be determined by the remaining three digit. Every connected person will be given his or her own color from a palette of 16,777,216 possible colors, and each saved color will gather up to form a beautiful spectrum. Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Other Works
Trend Square is a marketing and brand electronic-magazine for the internal staff of SK Communications, a leading Korean internet service company. I worked on the identity and layout of the magazine. Tentative draft
Final design
Logotype study
The concept is your pleasurable bento (lunchbox) of brand and marketing concerns Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Other Works
Website designs at Dazone Tech
2003 - 2007
Worked on over 20 websites renewal projects. Clients were mainly educational and non-profit organizations.
Handong Global University Intranet
Grace and Victory Church
Anyang Technical College
Suwon Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College
Sungshin Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s University
Rex Motors (proposal Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
Other Works
Brand Identity
2003 - 2009
FusionTech Security Solutions (Canada)
DazoneTech - Groupware
Grace & Victory Church Identity
Newtech (S.Korea) Golfware Brand Identity
DazoneTech - CMS Software
Debakinteractivegroup - Interactive art
Heonjae Jung Portfolio 2017
+82 10 6564 8678 digimill@gmail.com
Heonjae Jung