TURMERIC Root Oil Suppliers
TURMERIC Root Oil Suppliers Turmeric (curcuma longa) is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant which grows up to 1m tall and it is highly branched with aromatic rhizomes. It requires range of temperature between 20° to 30° C & sufficient amount of rainfall for the growth of rhizome. It can grow in most types of soil but it grows better in rich well drained thick clay soil.
TURMERIC Root Oil Suppliers
Extraction Turmeric oil is extracted by solvent extraction method from the rhizomes (root).
properties It is Dark Reddish brown color and watery in viscosity with typical odor of turmeric.
components The chemical constituents of turmeric oil is Valeric acid, dborneol, d sabinene, cineol, d-a phellandrene, zingeriberene, sesquiterpene.
blending It blends well with Cistus, clary sage, Ginger, Ylang ylang, Patchouli, Lavender, bergamot, cinnamon, sea buckthorn oil.
Uses It is used in preparation of anti-inflammatory & pain relieving formulas. It is also useful for arthritis & joint care. It is used as spice in food industry. It stops formation of gas in gastrointestinal tract. It is used to make skin look younger. It supports liver & keeps it healthy.
Safety & precautions ďƒ˜ Pregnant women should use turmeric oil after consulting doctors. ďƒ˜ Excess consumption of oil should be avoided.
Contact us A.G.Essential Oils B - 55 Sector 83 Noida Uttar Pradesh India 201305 Mobile—9910839839,9999998778 Email Id-- agimentha@gmail.com agimentha@hotmail.com /agessentialoils01
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