Digital Banker Africa Autumn 2023

Page 24




he African continent,

This revolutionary shift from

also in other African countries such

renowned for its diverse

traditional banking methods to

as Ghana, Zambia, Guinea, South

culture, breathtaking

digital platforms has not only

Africa, Mozambique, Sierra Leone,

scenery, and extensive history, has

expanded access to financial

Kenya, Rwanda, Congo, and Gambia,

long served as an ideal environment

services but has also fostered

which has contributed to financial

for resiliency and resourcefulness.

greater efficiency, transparency,

inclusion. With access to mobile

However, it has faced considerable

and accessibility, ushering in a new

banking, people can now send and

difficulties in the financial services

era of financial empowerment for

receive payments online, avoiding

sector. Africa’s financial landscape

millions of Africans. Here are some

the risks associated with carrying

has been marked by limited

of the landmark contributions of

cash for long distances. This

access to banking services, low

Digital Banking in Africa:

newfound convenience empowers people to save, invest, & secure a

financial literacy, and a lack of

better future.

However, introducing digital

Financial Inclusion: Bridging the Gap

banking has contributed to

Digital banking has helped

reducing these issues, providing

overcome geographic limitations

a beacon of hope for millions. In

because even the most isolated

Digital banking has become a

addition to changing the financial

areas may now obtain financial

potent ally for African businesses.

environment, this wave is also

services. Thanks to the widespread

Today’s startups, micro-businesses,

impacting people’s lives on a

usage of e-wallets and

and SMEs can access effective

personal, professional, and social

mobile banking, people

lending platforms, payment


can now participate in


CONTRIBUTIONS OF DIGITAL BANKING IN AFRICA Digital banking has brought about transformative changes in Africa’s financial landscape, redefining how people access and manage their finances across the continent. Digital banking has significantly contributed to financial inclusion, economic growth, and overall development with its innovative technologies and services. 24

the financial economy. For example, Access Bank’s super mobile app, Access More, with over 5,041,831 subscribers, has users in both urban and rural areas, not just in Nigeria but

Business Growth: A Catalyst for Prosperity

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