4 Reasons Why A Mirrorless Camera Is Better Than A Normal DSLR

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4 Reasons Why a Mirrorless Camera Is Better Than A Normal DSLR

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you talk about buying a camera? Should you buy a DSLR or a mirrorless camera? DSLR came first and got popularity for its image quality, interchangeable lens and manual controls. But like all things tech, this has become obsolete too. The industry has moved on and new breed of photographers demand new features.

DSLR stands for Digital Single Lens Reflex, and means that once light has passed through the lens, it hits a mirror angled at 45 degrees. The light shoots straight up and into a viewfinder that, when you hold your eye to it, shows you precisely what the lens is seeing at that moment. When you take a photograph, the angled mirror swings out of the way, revealing an image sensor behind it and the image is captured. That’s the old way of shooting photographs and starting your photography portfolio. Here are 4 reasons why you should go in for a mirrorless camera instead:

How it works

In a DSLM camera, the light goes through the lens, straight onto the sensor, where it is processed. It is simultaneously displayed either on the monitor on the back of the camera or on a very small monitor called Electronic Viewfinder (EVF). When you press the shutter button, the camera records what’s on the sensor. Autofocus job can be done by the sensor which means fast read times, in short amazing picture quality.


When amateurs go out to buy a camera, the major misconception is that mirrorless camera is expensive and they go in for out-dated technology to buy a DSLR. The fact is that only few brands are offering these cameras at very high price but if you become a part of Panasonic Lumix ecosystem where all cameras are mirrorless even the beginners, you can start your journey at a very affordable price. Not only they provide you a fine piece of equipment, they also give you workshops where you can get a ton of photography ideas.

Size & Weight

DSLRs are big & bulky and DSLMs are light in weight as there is no mirror & optical viewfinder system to reflect light. DSLR lenses can also be as heavy as the camera so we recommend that if you’re going in for a Lumix DSLM camera, you checkout Leica lenses which work perfectly with it. Why does it work with Lumix cameras? The four thirds sensor format in these micro four thirds models is smaller than APS-C sized sensors which mean Lenses are lighter too.


Yes there are more options in DSLR lenses but so is the case with everything old. DSLM lenses are gaining ground and Panasonic’s range of lenses are established and has the most comprehensive list of lenses in association with Leica offering a broad range of optics, from ultra-wide-angle zooms to fast prime telephoto lenses. This is because of the L-mount alliance between Panasonic, Sigma & Leica. Different lenses also help you execute different photography ideas. If you’re a beginner, we recommend you invest in a DSLM camera, stand out from the crowd and create your photography portfolio in an unmatched quality which other people in the herd might not have. This increases your chance to success. Image Source: buzz-caribbean.com, price2spy.com, seekingalpha.com

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