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Understanding the Nanotechnology Revolution
Soft Matter Gradient Surfaces Methods and Applications Edited by Jan Genzer
Magic of
Ceramics Second Edition
Understanding the Nanotechnology Revolution
at the Polytechnic Nanotechnology, Scanning Tunneling and written textbooks nergy. His teaching hysics, thermodynam-
Materials Science
Wolf · Medikonda
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The American Ceramic Society
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Methods and Applications
Soft Matter Gradient Surfaces
Methods and Applications
And the Optical Properties of Materials S econd E di t ion
Richard J. D. Tilley
“This book gives a perfect insight into light and colour and I can strongly recommend it to any scientist.”—Chemistry in Britain RICHARD TILLEY Now in its second edition, Colour and the Optical Properties of Materials contains a thorough scientific overview of all aspects of color and its relationship to the chemical and physical properties of materials. Penned for a wide audience, the book focuses on the ways that color is produced and how these govern device applications. Each chapter in this new edition was totally rewritten and every diagram redrawn to include extensive new material, including quantum dot nanoparticle colors, OLEDs, photonic crystals and plasmonic crystals, and sensors. Richly illustrated. Hardcover 526 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-74696-7 €162.00/£125.00/CAD $231.00/USD $210.00 Paperback 526 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-74695-0 €61.90/£47.50/CAD $87.95/USD $79.95
Chemistry, Physics, and Applications Quan Li, Editor
Featuring contributions from respected researchers from around the globe, this edited volume emphasizes the chemistry, physics, and applications of LCs in areas such as photovoltaics, light-emitting diodes, filed-effect transistors, lasers, molecular motors, nanophotonics, and biosensors. Specific chapters look at magnetic LCs, lyotropic chromonic LCs, LC-based chemical sensors, LCs in metamaterials, and much more. Introducing readers to the fundamentals of LC science through the use of illustrative examples, Liquid Crystals beyond Displays covers not only the most recent research in the myriad areas in which LCs are being utilized, but also looks ahead, addressing potential future developments. Quan Li
Hardcover 458 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-52265-3 €119.00/£90.50/CAD $149.00/USD $135.00
Edited by
Jan Genzer, Editor
Take a look at the latest advances in soft material gradients and learn how to harness the powerful properties of soft matter gradients in the design and development of modern functional materials. Contributed chapters from experts in diverse fields help bridge areas of materials science, chemistry, and biomaterials, covering fabrication techniques, gradients in self-assembled monolayers, polymer gradients, dynamic gradient structures, structure and assembly, mechanical properties, sensors, biomaterial applications, protein adsorption, and organization of cells on gradient surfaces. You will learn how to implement the techniques described in the book in your own work, while improving efficacy and lowering research and production costs.
Liquid Crystals beyond Displays
Chemistry, Physics, and Applications
Edited by Jan Genzer
Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays
Reference Works
Hardcover 600 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-07861-7 €152.00/£117.00/CAD $193.00/USD $175.00
Wear of Advanced Materials
J. Paulo Davim, Editor
Take a look at all of the recent advances in the wear of advanced materials. The purpose of this book is to present a collection Wear of of examples illustrating the state of the art Advanced Materials and research developments into the wear of advanced materials in several applicaEdited by tions. It can be used as a research book for J. Paulo Davim a final undergraduate engineering course (materials, mechanics, etc.) or as the focus of the effect of wear on advanced materials at a postgraduate level. It can also serve as a useful reference for academics, biomaterials researchers, mechanical and materials engineers, and professionals in related spheres, working with tribology and advanced materials.
New and Bestselling Titles
Soft Matter Gradient Surfaces
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Materials, Modelling and Simulation
r on v e k co o or ic Cl ook inf b e y e or u th r m to b fo
Hardcover 224 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-84821-352-4 €81.90/£63.50/CAD $105.00/USD $95.00
Bernard Raveau and Md. Motin Seikh
Cobalt Oxides From Crystal Chemistry to Physics
Cobalt Oxides From Crystal Chemistry to Physics Bernard Raveau, Motin Seikh
Unparalleled in the breadth and depth of its coverage of all important aspects, this book systematically treats the electronic and magnetic properties of stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric cobaltites in both ordered and disordered phases. Authored by a pioneer and a rising star in the field, the book summarizes, organizes, and streamlines otherwise difficult-to-obtain information on this topic. An introductory chapter defines the crystal chemistry of cobalt oxides, laying the groundwork for an understanding of the complex phenomena observed in this materials class. Special emphasis is placed on a comprehensive discussion of cobaltite properties in different allotropes, such as trigonal, hexagonal, and RuddlesdenPopper type. Hardcover 344 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-33147-5 €119.00/£100.00/CAD $182.00/USD $165.00
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Wiley Series on Polymer Engineering and Technology Richard F. Grossman and Domasius Nwabunma, Series Editor
Advanced Thermoforming Methods, Machines and Materials, Applications and Automation
Sven Engelmann
Energy Materials
Advanced Thermoforming
Methods, Machines and Materials, Applications and Automation Sven Engelmann
Take advantage of an overview and insight into the advanced technology of thermoforming by learning about the different processes and applications. Explore the possibilities of thermoforming from forming, filling, and sealing processes to using thermoforming technology for cost-saving purposes and maximum efficiency. Coverage addresses the simulation of formed parts as well as applications of technical parts and packaging. You’ll be guided through the path of development, design, and machine and mold technology and production, as well as the latest innovations, from thermoformed bottles to fully automated assembly lines. Hardcover 352 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-49920-7 €129.00/£100.00/CAD $164.95/USD $149.95
Electronic Materials
Metals and Alloys
W i l ey S e r i e s i n P u re a n d A p p l i e d O pt i c s • G l e n n B o re m a n , S e r i e s Ed i to r
Nonlinear Optics
Thin Films and Surfaces
Nonlinear Optics
Phenomena, Materials and Devices G.I. Stegeman
Based on more than twenty years of lectures at the College of Optics and Photonics (CREOL) at the University of Central Florida, Nonlinear Optics introduces all topics from the ground up. Beginning with the presentation of a simple electron on a spring model—to help readers make the leap from conGEORGE I. STEGEMAN ROBERT A. STEGEMAN cepts to applications—Nonlinear Optics offers comprehensive explanations of second-order phenomena, derivation of nonlinear susceptibilities, third-order nonlinear effects, multi-wave mixing, scattering, and more. Coverage includes nonlinear response of materials at the molecular level; second-order nonlinear devices, their optimization and limitations; the physical origins of second- and third-order nonlinearities; typical frequency dispersion of nonlinearities; and ultrafast and ultrahigh intensity processes. Phenomena, Materials, and Devices
Hardcover 488 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-1180-7272-1 €87.90/£66.95/CAD $109.95/USD $99.95
Artificial Materials
Artificial Materials
Numerical Simulation in Shaping Materials and Structures
Oliver Vanbésien
Artificial Materials includes photonic crystals (PC) and metamaterials (MM). The first part is devoted to design concepts: negative permeability and permittivity for negative refraction, periodic structures, and transformation optics. The second part concerns PC and MM in stop-band regime, from Olivier Vanbésien cavities to guides to high impedance surfaces. Abnormal refraction, less than one and negative, in PC and MM, are studied in a third part, which addresses super-focusing and cloaking. Applications for telecommunications, lasers, and imaging systems are also explored. Hardcover 2012 ISBN 978-1-84821-335-7 €152.00/£117.00/CAD $193.00/USD $175.00
K. Saanouni Virtual metal forming is nowadays inescapable when looking to optimize numerically various metal forming processes in order to design advanced mechanical components. To do this, highly predictive constitutive equations accounting for the full coupling between various physical phenomena at various scales under large deformation including the ductile damage occurrence are required. Also fully 3D adaptive numerical methods related to the time and space discretization are required in order to solve accurately the associated initial and boundary value problems are needed. This book focuses on these two main and complementary aspects with application to a wide range of metal forming and machining processes. Hardcover 544 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-84821-348-7 €212.00/£163.00/CAD $270.00/USD $245.00
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Materials, Modelling and Simulation
Sie Chin Tjong
Polymer Composites with Carbonaceous Nanofillers
Alberto Fernandez-Nieves
A compilation of self-contained chapters, this book covers a wide range of topics within the broad field of soft condensed matter. Each chapter starts with basic Coming definitions to bring the reader Soon up-to-date on the topic at hand, describing how to use fluid flows to generate soft materials of high value either for applications or for basic research. Coverage comprises topics related to colloidal suspensions and soft materials and how they differ in behavior. The book also acts as a roadmap for researchers looking to use soft materials to study relevant physics questions related to geometrical frustration.
Polymer Composites with Carbonaceous Nanofillers
Sie Chin Tjong
Interested in functional materials with applications in fuel cells, sensors, electromagnetic interference shielding, human implants, and scaffolds? Get an explanation of both the fundamentals and advances towards the understanding of properties of polymer nanocomposites holding conducting carbonaceous fillers. Written by an expert in the field, it includes novel applications of functional materials in biomedical and industrial fields and each chapter features an extensive list of up-to-date references. Properties and Applications
Hardcover 404 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-41080-4 €139.00/£115.00/CAD $187.00/USD $170.00
Carbon Nanotubes and Nanosensors Vibration, Buckling and Balistic Impact
Hardcover 400 pp 2013 ISBN 978-1-118-06562-4 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $187.50/USD $125.00
Isaac Elishakoff, Editor
The interest in CNTs and their potential use in a wide range of commercial applications Carbon Nanotubes and Nanosensors has rapidly increased in the last two decades. However, the performance of any CNT-based nanostructure is dependent on the mechanical properties of constituent CNTs. Therefore, it is crucial to know the mechanical behavior of individual CNTs, such as their vibration frequencies, buckling loads, and deformations under different loadings. This title is dedicated to the vibration, buckling, and impact behavior of CNTs and addresses methods and theories concerning carbon nanosensors, such as the Bubnov-Galerkin and the Petrov-Galerkin methods, and the BresseTimoshenk and the Donnell shell theories. Vibrations, Buckling, and Ballistic Impact
Edited by Bruno Pignataro
Molecules at Work Selfassembly, Nanomaterials, Molecular Machinery
Molecules at Work
Selfassembly, Nanomaterials, Molecular Machinery Bruno Pignataro, Editor
Providing a comprehensive overview of current developments in innovative materials science and related topics, Molecules at Work covers the core areas of materials science, inorganic, organic, and solid state chemistry. The authors are among the rising stars in European chemistry—a selection of participants in the 2010 European Young Chemists Award competition—and their contributions deal with most of the frontier issues in materials and nanoscience, as well as chemistry. They give a compelling account of the latest research results, as well as the outlook for the future. Hardcover 410 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-33093-5 €99.00/£85.00/CAD $154.00/USD $140.00
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Isaac Elishakoff Kevin Dujat Giuseppe Muscolino Simon Bucas Toshiaki Natsuki Chien Ming Wang
Demetris Pentaras Claudia Versaci Joel Storch Noël Challamel Yingyan Zhang Guillaume Ghyselinck
New and Bestselling Titles
Topics in Soft Condensed Matter
Reference Works
r on v e k co o or ic Cl ook inf b e y e or u th r m to b fo
Hardcover 448 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-84821-345-6 €169.00/£130.00/CAD $215.00/USD $195.00
Vladimir V. Tsukruk and Srikanth Singamaneni
Scanning Probe Microscopy of Soft Matter
Scanning Probe Microscopy of Soft Matter Vladimir V. Tsukruk, Srikanth Singamaneni
Clearly written with an instructive intent, this self-contained reference covers the fundamentals of scanning probe microscopy. It show readers exactly how to use techniques for investigating physical and chemical properties on the nanoscale and how those techniques can be used for a wide range of soft materials. The book—the first to focus on applications— concludes with a section on the latest techniques in nanomanipulation and patterning. A partial sampling of topics covered includes atomic force microscopy and other advanced imaging modes; probing of mechanical, thermal chemical, and electrical properties; multi-component polymer systems and fibers; and microcantilever-based sensors. Fundamentals and Practices
Hardcover 661 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-32743-0 €149.00/£125.00/CAD $182.00/USD $165.00
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Energy Materials
New and Bestselling Titles
Introduction to Materials Chemistry
Electronic Materials
Metals and Alloys
Wiley Series on Electrocatalysis and Electrochemistry Andrzej Wieckowski, Series Editor
Synthetic Diamond Films
Harry R. Allcock
Introduction to Materials Chemistry gives you a broad overview of how the fundamentals of chemistry are used to create sophisticated materials and devices that improve modern life. Proceeding logically from the basics to materials in advanced technology, you’ll gain insight into the principles of materials synthesis and materials characterization methods. The book also covers various classes of materials, including small molecules in solids, organic and inorganic polymers, glasses and ceramics, metals, semi-conductors, superconductors, alloys, and composite materials. How various materials are are used in technology is covered, including semiconductors, superconductors, solid ionic conductors, membranes, and more, as are the principles of device design and fabrication. Hardcover 460 pp 2008 ISBN 978-0-470-29333-1 €87.90/£66.95/CAD $109.95/USD $99.95
Preparation, Electrochemistry, Characterization, and Applications Edited by
Enric Brillas and Carlos Alberto Martínez-Huitle
Thin Films and Surfaces
Synthetic Diamond Films
Preparation, Electrochemistry, Characterization and Applications Enric Brillas, Carlos Alberto Martínez Huitle, Editors
The discovery that the extremely hard substance that constitutes synthetic diamonds can be produced as a polycrystalline film with mechanical and electronic uses introduces a number of exciting possibilities for its application in several fields of scientific study. Synthetic Diamond Films comprehensively explores the different types of conductive diamond electrodes that have been synthesized, their preparation methods, and their chemical properties and characterization. In addition, Synthetic Diamond Films illustrates the interdisciplinary uses of synthetic diamond films in resolving chemical, electrochemical, engineering, biological, and neurochemical problems. Real-world examples show practical applications in a number of industries. Hardcover 680 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-48758-7 €169.00/£130.00/CAD $215.00/USD $195.00
Ceramics Science and Technology Synthesis and Processing V olume Three
Ralf Riedel, I-Wei Chen, Editors
This four-volume reference work aims to illustrate the manifold research topics centered around ceramics: structural ceramics, functional ceramics, hard and superhard materials, electroactive and magnetoactive ceramics, glasses, cellular ceramics, and others. It gives a balanced account of both methods and technologies for their design, synthesis, and characterization, as well as material classes and modern applications as lightweight, non-corrosive, or functional materials, both as bulk as well as thin films, particles, or nanostructures. The evergrowing field of materials science makes a major work entirely dedicated to the ceramics materials class necessary, one that focuses on the dissemination of knowledge pertinent to the research, design, application, and production of materials of this class. Hardcover 554 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-31157-6 €249.00/£205.00/CAD $396.00/USD $360.00
Volume One: Structures Hardcover 612 pp 2008 ISBN 978-3-527-31155-2 €259.00/£210.00/CAD $438.99/USD $399.00
Volume Two: Materials and Properties Hardcover 888 pp 2010 ISBN 978-3-527-31156-9 €249.00/£205.00/CAD $396.00/USD $360.00
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Materials, Modelling and Simulation
Reference Works
David Plackett, Editor
Written by well-respected experts, this text systematically covers New Materials for the extraction and production of Sustainable Films selected biopolymers as well as and Coatings their properties and application Editor David Plackett as films or coatings in a variety of uses. The areas addressed include food packaging, edible coatings, paper coatings, and agricultural films. As an area of high topical interest, Biopolymers: New Materials for Sustainable Films and Coatings covers the development and utilization of polymers derived from bioresources. Included is the topic of sustainability and how it is defined, as well as a chapter on new developments in film production or coating technology in relation to existing technology (e.g., nanocomposites, plasma, or corona treatment technology and lamination) and the expanding field of bioplastics and their application as films or coatings in a variety of uses.
Biodegradable Polymers in Clinical Use and Clinical Development
Biodegradable Polymers in Clinical Use and Clinical Development Abraham J. Domb, Neeraj Kumar, Editors
The most comprehensive review of biodegradable polymers already utilized or under development for clinical use, Biodegradable Polymers in Clinical Use and Clinical Development looks at the state of biodegradable polymers now and over the next five years, with coverage of such applications as absorbable implants, orthopedic plates, nanoparticles, and drug delivery. It also covers the chemistry of each polymer (including synthesis, characterization, biodegradability, and mechanical properties), toxicity and safety aspects, and clinical applications. Edited by
Abraham J. Domb, Neeraj Kumar, and Aviva Ezra
New Materials for Sustainable Films and Coatings
r on v e k co o or ic Cl ook inf b e y e or u th r m to b fo
Hardcover 752 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-42475-9 €129.00/£100.00/CAD $164.95/USD $149.95
Hardcover 352 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-68341-5 €112.00/£85.00/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
An Introduction Julian Jones, Alexis Clare, Editors
Organic Bionics Gordon G. Wallace, Simon E. Moulton, Michael Higgins, and Robert M. I. Kapsa
Organic Bionics
Gordon G. Wallace, Simon Moulton, Robert M. I. Kapsa, Michael Higgins
This first reference on this emerging interdisciplinary research area at the interface between materials science and biomedicine is written by pioneers in the field, who address the requirements of the science, current status, and future challenges. Focusing on inherently conducting polymers, carbon nanotubes, and graphene, they cover all relevant aspects and concepts: synthesis and fabrication, properties, introduction of biological function, components of bionic devices, and materials requirements. Established bionic devices, such as the bionic ear are examined, as are emerging areas of application, including use of organic bionic materials as conduits for bone regrowth, spinal cord injury repair, and muscle regeneration. The whole is rounded off with a look at future prospects in sustainable energy generation and storage.
Bio-Glasses An Introduction Editors
Julian R. Jones Alexis G. Clare
“Understanding the science, technology and applications of bioactive glasses is a very important educational need for the healthcare and glass community. This unique book provides the fundamental level of comprehension needed . . . the contents are authoritative.’’— Professor Larry L. Hench, Department of Materials and Engineering at the University of Florida
Get coverage of all types of glasses: traditional, sol-gel, phosphate, borate, glass ceramics, composites, and hybrids, and explore how they are made, the reasons for their use, and their properties. You’ll also get a description of their applications, including tissue engineering, orthopedics, dentistry, and radiotherapy. This explanation of the science and engineering principles behind glasses and their properties is written in a style that is accessible to the non-expert. Hardcover 254 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-71161-3 €97.90/£75.00/CAD $132.00/USD $120.00
Hardcover 238 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-32882-6 €99.00/£85.00/CAD $187.00/USD $170.00
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Edited by João F. Mano
Biomimetic Approaches for Biomaterials Development
Energy Materials
Electronic Materials
Biomimetic New Approaches for Biomaterials Development
Metals and Alloys
Joao F. Mano, Editor
Keep up to speed with the most promising solutions provided by nature for the field of biomedicine, with a book that shows you how to achieve the desired functionality by using biomimetics. Instead of focusing on one aspect, you’ll review a multitude of applications attainable using biomimetic approaches, including an overview of natural, modifiable biomaterials; matrices for drug delivery; synthesis and self-assembly methods of hard and mineralized tissues; and biomimetic hydrogels.
Thin Films and Surfaces
Biomimetic, Bioresponsive, and Bioactive Materials
An Introduction to Integrating Materials with Tissues Matteo Santin, Gary J. Phillips, Editors
Take advantage of this comprehensive introduction to biomaterials, how they are selected, designed, and modified for integration with living tissue, and how they can be utilized in the development of medical devices, orthopedics, and other related areas. Examining the physico-chemical properties of widely used biomaterials and their uses in different clinical fields, you’ll explore applications including soft and hard tissue replacement; biointeractive metals, polymers, and ceramics; and in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo biocompatibility tests and clinical trials. A n Int r oduc t ion t o Int e gr a t ing Ma t e r ia ls w it h T issue s
Hardcover 648 pp 2013 ISBN 978-3-527-32916-8 €159.00/£130.00/CAD $220.00/USD $200.00
Hardcover 248 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-05671-4 €87.90/£66.95/CAD $109.95/USD $99.95
With a Foreword by Professor Riccardo A. A. Muzzarelli, University of Ancona
A Sustainable Approach to the Development of Renewable Biomaterials
New Due to the rapid advances over the past few years in the field of com-
puter aided biomanufacturing, the crucial information for researchers in the field is scattered throughout numerous journals and thus not readily available. This carefully compiled collection of selected articles from the top Wiley-Blackwell journals on the topic of computer aided biomanufacturing provides the fundamentals necessary to comprehend current computer aided biomanufacturing technologies while also developing new ones.
A Sustainable Approach to the Development of Renewable Biomaterials
Youssef Habibi, Lucian A. Lucia
Survey the composition, properties, characterization, and chemistry of biomaterials, as well as their applications in bioenergy, chemicals, and novel materials. Divided into three parts, the book studies cellulosebased biomaterials, chitin and chitosan biomaterials, and hemicelluloses and other polysaccharides. Each chapter addresses a separate biomaterial, discussing its chemical, physical, and biological attributes, and hones in on each compound’s intrinsic tunability for numerous chemical transformations.
Roger Narayan MD, PhD is a Professor in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University. He is an author of over one hundred publications as well as several book chapters on processing, characterization, and modeling of biological and biomedical materials.
Edited by
Paul Calvert, after his graduation at MIT, taught polymers and materials at Sussex University and the University of Arizona before assuming his position as Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. His research interests include bio-mimetic materials, freeform fabrication, soft electronic and bionic devices and most recently, strong hydrogels.
Computer Aided Biomanufacturing
From the contents: Towards a Multi-Scale Computerized Bone Diagnostic System Hierarchical Starch-Based Fibrous Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications Bacterial and Candida Albicans Adhesion of Rapid PrototypingProduced 3-D Scaffolds Electric Field Driven Jetting: An Emerging Approach for Processing Living Cells Inkjet Printing of Bioadhesives Laser Microfabrication of Hydroxyapatite-Osteoblast-Like Cell Composites Two Photon Polymerization of Polymer-Ceramic Hybrid Materials for Transdermal Drug Delivery Direct Printing of Bioceramic Implants with Spatially Localized Angiogenic Factors Structural and Mechanical Evaluations of a Topology Optimized Titanium Interbody Fusion Cage Monitoring Muscle Growth and Tissue Changes CAD-CAM Construction of a Provisional Nasal Prosthesis Individually Prefabricated Prosthesis for Maxilla Reconstruction The Use of Rapid Prototyping Didactic Models in the Study of Fetal Malformations Non-Invasive Archaeology of Skeletal Material
Narayan · Calvert (Eds.)
Polysaccharide Building Blocks
Edited by R. Narayan, P. Calvert
Computer Aided Biomanufacturing
Computer Aided Biomanufacturing
Paul Calvert, Roger Narayan, Editors
This carefully compiled collection of selected articles from the top WileyBlackwell journals on the topic gives readers the basic information they need to comprehend current rapid prototyping technologies while also developing new ones. A partial sampling of topics covered includes the history of rapid prototyping in medicine, the use of imaging modalities in rapid prototyping, computer-assisted modeling of tissues, fused deposition modeling, and inkjet printing, among many, many others. Hardcover 204 pp 2011 ISBN 978-3-527-40906-8 €99.00/£85.00/CAD $176.00/USD $160.00
Hardcover 430 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-87419-6 €119.00/£90.50/CAD $149.00/USD $135.00
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Materials, Modelling and Simulation
Volume Set
This first integrated approach to thermomechanics deals equally with
F ive - V olume S e t
Duncan W. Bruce
Gijsbertus de With is full professor in materials science and head of the Laboratory of Materials and Interface Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. He graduated from Utrecht University and received his Ph.D in 1977 from the University of Twente on the structure and charge distribution of molecular crystals. His research interests include the chemical and mechanical processing as well as the thermomechanical behaviour of materials. He is a member of the advisory board of the J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. and the recently founded Coating Science International Conference.
Volume 1 of 2
Hardcover 1654 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-68901-1 €420.00/£325.00/CAD $578.00/USD $525.00
Energy Materials Hardcover 304 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-99752-9 €97.90/£75.00/CAD $143.00/USD $130.00
1 Structure, Deformation, and Integrity of Materials
The Inorganic Materials series contains five volumes based on the physical properties of the material. Each themed volume is a self-contained reference, containing four to five topical review chapters. The chapters cover recent research areas within the contributors’ field of knowledge and provide a clear and useable introduction to that field. Authored by leading international researchers, each volume reflects the diversity of the subject areas, and together they provide an invaluable survey of the field of inorganic materials. Volume I: Fundamentals and Elasticity A. Overview Constitutive Behaviour B. Basics Mathematical Preliminaries Kinematics Kinetics Thermodynamics C, Q and S Mechanics Structure and Bonding C. Elasticity Continuum Elasticity Elasticity of Structures Molecular Basis of Elasticity Microstructural Aspects of Elasticity
Edited by M. Hanbücken, P. Müller, R. B. Wehrspohn
Mechanical Stress on the Nanoscale
Mechanical Stress on the Nanoscale
Margrit Hanbucken, Pierre Muller, Ralf B. Wehrspohn, Editors
Simulation, Material Systems and Characterization Techniques
Bringing together experts from the various disciplines involved, this first comprehensive overview of the current level of stress engineering on the nanoscale is unique in combining the theoretical fundamentals with simulation methods, model systems, and characterization techniques. Essential reading for researchers in microelectronics, optoelectronics, sensing, and photonics, the book is divided into three sections: fundamentals of stress and strain on the nanoscale, model systems with stressengineered properties, and characterization techniques of measuring stresses on the nanoscale. Hardcover 380 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-41066-8 €119.00/£100.00/CAD $171.00/USD $155.00
Energy Materials
the atomic scale, the mesoscale of microstructures and morphology, as well as the macroscopic level of actual components and workpieces for applications. With some 85 examples and 150 problems, it covers the three important material classes of ceramics, polymers, and metals in a didactic manner. The renowned author surveys mechanical material behavior at both the introductory and advanced level, providing reading incentive to both students as well as specialists in such disciplines as materials science, chemistry, physics, and mechanical engineering. Backed by five appendices on symbols, abbreviations, data sheets, materials properties, statistics, and a summary of contact mechanics.
Gijsbertus de With
Inorganic Materials
Reference Works
r on v e k co o or ic Cl ook inf b e y e or u th r m to b fo
Low-Dimensional Solids Hardcover 308 pp 2010 ISBN 978-0-470-99751-2 €97.90/£75.00/CAD $143.00/USD $130.00
Polymeric Materials for Solar Thermal Applications
Molecular Materials Hardcover 374 pp 2010 ISBN 978-0-470-98677-6 €97.90/£75.00/CAD $143.00/USD $130.00
Michael Köhl, Michaela Georgine Meir, Philippe Papillon, Gernot Wallner, Sandrin Saile, Editors
Functional Oxides Hardcover 318 pp 2010 ISBN 978-0-470-99750-5 €97.90/£75.00/CAD $143.00/USD $130.00
Porous Materials Hardcover 350 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-99749-9 €97.90/£75.00/CAD $143.00/USD $130.00
Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications Sergio Pizzini, Editor
With contributions from internationally recognized authorities, this book offers a comprehensive analysis of the state-ofAdvanced Silicon Materials the-art of process technologies and matefor Photovoltaic rial properties essential in the application Applications and development of photovoltaics. Indeed, finding a way to manufacture a specific solar grade feedstock in large quantities, at a low cost, while maintaining the quality needed, still remains a crucial issue. Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications addresses the full potentialities of silicon as a multipurpose material and covers production routes, including the promise of low-cost feedstock for PV applications, characterization techniques and advanced analytical techniques for metallic and non-metallic impurities, thin film silicon and thin film solar cells, third generation solar cells, and much more. Editor SErgio Pizzini
Hardcover 424 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-66111-6 €129.00/£100.00/CAD $160.00/USD $145.00
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Learn how the use of polymers makes solar thermal applications more economically attractive and the great benefits of the new type of polymeric materials in solar thermal collectors or other components that are more environmentally friendly, producible, and recyclable than the former conventional materials. The impact and improvements in design, manufacturing, and handling are also considered and background is covered. The application-oriented approach serves to bridge the gap between basic science and technological applications. Hardcover 414 pp 2013 ISBN 978-3-527-33246-5 €139.00/£115.00/CAD $209.00/USD $190.00
Stability and Degradation of Organic and Polymer
SOLAR CELLS Frederik C. Krebs
Stability and Degradation of Organic and Polymer Solar Cells Frederik C. Krebs, Editor
Covering both small molecule and polymer solar cells, this book summarizes the state-of-the-art understanding of stability and provides a detailed analysis of the mechanisms by which degradation occurs. Following an introductory chapter that compares different photovoltaic technologies, the book focuses on organic photovoltaics (OPV) degradation, discussing the origin and characterization of the instability and describing measures for extending the duration of operation. This book is an essential resource for researchers in academia and industry, engineers, and manufacturers working on OPV design, development, and implementation. Hardcover 360 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-119-95251-0 €129.00/£100.00/CAD $176.00/USD $160.00
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t C fo he b lic rm o k o ok o n t o r e i co bu n f o v e r y or
Biomaterials Editors Mikhail Baklanov, Paul S. Ho and Ehrenfried Zschech
Energy Materials
Advanced Interconnects for ULSI Technology
Electronic Materials
Mikhail Baklanov, Paul S. Ho, Ehrenfried Zschech, Editors
Advanced Interconnects for ULSI Technology
Advanced Interconnects for ULSI Technology is dedicated to the materials and methods that might be suitable replacements. It covers a broad range of topics, from physical principles to design, fabrication, characterization, and application of new materials for nano-interconnects. The book includes coverage of interconnect functions, characterizations, electrical properties, and wiring requirements. Low-k materials—fundamentals, advances and mechanical properties—are also addressed, as are conductive layers and barriers. Hardcover 606 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-66254-0 €169.00/£130.00/CAD $226.00/USD $205.00
Metals and Alloys
Edited by K. N. Subramanian
From Materials to Devices Rodrigo Martins, Elvira Fortunato, Pedro Barquinha, Luis Pereira
From Materials to Devices
Written by a team of renowned world experts, Transparent Oxide Electronics gives an overview of the world of transparent electronics and showcases groundbreaking work on paper transistors. It describes the concept of transparent electronics, passive and active oxide semiconductors, and multicomponent dielectrics and their importance for a new era of novel electronic
materials and products. Hardcover 312 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-68373-6 €129.00/£100.00/CAD $176.00/USD $160.00
Silicon Photonics
Materials Reliability for Electronics K. N. Subramanian, Editor
Materials Reliability for Electronics
Providing a viable alternative to leadbased solders is a major research thrust for the electrical and electronics industries. While mechanically compliant lead-based solders have been widely used in the electronic interconnects, the risks to human health and to the environment are too great to allow continued wide-scale usage. Presenting a comprehensive understanding of the current state of lead-free electronic interconnects research, this book approaches the ongoing research from fundamental, applied, and manufacturing perspectives to provide a balanced view of the progress made and the requirements that still have to be met. Wiley Series in Materials for Electronic & Optoelectronic Applications
Hardcover 520 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-97182-6 €162.00/£125.00/CAD $215.00/USD $195.00
Wiley Series in Microwave and Optical Engineering • Kai Chang, Series Editor
Design, Fabrication, and International Standards Kyunghwan Oh, Un-Chul Paek
From basic physics to new products, this book examines all aspects of silica optiK Y U N G H WA N O H cal fibers. Moreover, the inclusion of the U N - C H U L PA E K latest international standards governing optical fibers enables readers to move from research to fabrication to commercialization. As readers progress through the book, they’ll learn about key differences among standard single-mode fibers, multimode fibers for highspeed Ethernet LAN, and dispersion-managed fibers for long-haul applications, as well as the design concept in photonic crystal fibers. Hardcover 472 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-471-45558-5 €95.90/£73.50/CAD $121.00/USD $110.00
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M. Jamal Deen, Prasanta Kumar Basu
Fundamentals and Devices
The creation of affordable high-speed optical communications using standard semiconductor manufacturing technology is a principal aim of silicon photonics research. With applications such as telecommunications and information processing, light detection, spectroscopy, holography, and robotics, silicon photonics has the potential to revolutionize electronic-only systems. Providing an overview of the physics, technology, and device operation of photonic devices using exclusively silicon and related alloys, this book explores the basic properties of silicon; quantum wells, wires, dots, and superlattices; absorption processes in semiconductors; light emitters in silicon; photodetectors, photodiodes and phototransistors; raman lasers, including raman scattering; and much more. Wiley Series in Materials for Electronic & Optoelectronic Applications
Hardcover 454 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-51750-5 €155.00/£120.00/CAD $215.00/USD $195.00
Silica Optical Fiber Technology for Device and Components
Fundamentals and Devices
Silicon Photonics
Lead-free Solders
Thin Films and Surfaces
Transparent Oxide Electronics
M. Jamal Deen and P. K. Basu
Lead-free Solders
Electronic Materials
Maksim Skorobogatiy
Nanostructured and Subwavelength Waveguides
Nanostructured and Subwavelength Waveguides Fundamentals and Applications Maksim Skorobogatiy
Fundamentals and Applications
This book presents semi-analytical theory and practical applications of a large number of subwavelength and nanostructured optical waveguides and fibers operating in various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, including visible, near, and mid-IR and THz. A large number of approximate, while highly precise, analytical expressions are derived that describe various modal properties of the planar and circular isotropic, anisotropic, and metamaterial waveguides and fibers, as well as surface waves propagating on planar and circular interfaces. A variety of naturally occurring and artificial materials are also considered, such as dielectrics, metals, polar materials, anisotropic all-dielectric, and metal-dielectric metamaterials. Wiley Series in Materials for Electronic & Optoelectronic Applications
Hardcover 334 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-119-97451-2 €122.00/£95.00/CAD $171.00/USD $155.00
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Materials, Modelling and Simulation
Geotechnical Problem Solving
Confidently approach and solve problems in real-world geotechnical situations. Where various competing solutions are proposed, the author systematically guides you through each option, weighing the benefits and drawJohn C. Lommler backs of each. The scope of material covered includes a range of geotechnical topics, such as soil classification, soil stresses, and strength and soil self-weight settlement. Shallow and deep foundations are analyzed, including special articles on laterally loaded piles; retaining structures including MSE and tieback walls; slope and trench stability for natural, cut and fill slopes; geotechnical uncertainty; and geotechnical LRFD (load and resistance factor design).
Geotechnical Problem Solving
Hardcover 358 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-119-99297-4 €105.00/£81.50/CAD $149.00/USD $135.00
Gijsbertus de With
Fritz Appel, Jonathan D. H. Paul, and Michael Oehring
Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys Science and Technology
Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Fritz Appel, Jonathan David Heaton Paul, Michael Oehring
Structure, Deformation, and Integrity of Materials
This book, the first entirely dedicated to titanium aluminide alloys, tackles a broad range of topics ranging from basic research to processing technologies for real applications in key industries such as aerospace, automotive, and power conversion. As such, it describes microstructural complexity down to the nanometer scale and important structure/property relationships. The result is a more detailed coverage of fundamental aspects than is typically found in textbooks, making the book relevant reading not only for the TiAl research community, but also for a wide range of physical metallurgists, product developers, and industrial companies with interests in advanced lightweight components for elevated temperature applications. Hardcover 762 pp 2011 ISBN 978-3-527-31525-3 €199.00/£165.00/CAD $286.00/USD $260.00
Metallurgy and Mechanics of Welding
Regis Blondeau, Editor
The first part of this comprehensive overview on welding contains a review of the various different welding processes in use, including both traditional and more recent high-energy input welding techniques. It then goes on to deal with the entire set of thermal, metallurgical, and mechanical phenomena in the heat affected zone (HAX) of base metals and molten metals. Particular attention is paid to the problems of rupturing, as well as to fatigue and brittle fracturing. The second part of the book concentrates on the applications of welding for various materials and in various industrial fields. Finally, the evolution of standardization in welding is examined.
Reference Works
Dieter M. Herlach, Douglas M. Matson
Solidification of Containerless Undercooled Melts
Solidification of New Containerless Undercooled Melts
Dieter M. Herlach, Douglas M. Matson, Editors
Learn the fundamentals and applications, and get all the information needed to make solids from melts with defined properties—on earth and in space, such as on the International Space Station. The unique combination of experiments and theory gives you a comprehensive overview of the solidification processes of metallic melts processed and undercooled containerlessly by drop tube, electromagnetic and electrostatic levitation, and in reduced gravity. The experiments are accompanied by model calculations of the thermo- and hydrodynamics, as well as the crystal growth and nucleation mechanisms before and during solidification, thus helping to improve the processing techniques and performance of metallic construction materials. Hardcover 578 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-33122-2 €149.00/£125.00/CAD $220.00/USD $200.00
Solidification and Crystallization Processing in Metals and Alloys
Solidification New and Crystallization Processing in Metals and Alloys Hasse Fredriksson, Ulla Akerlind
Analyze solidification and crystallization processes in depth. Starting from the thermodynamic point of view, you’ll review a complete description that takes into account kinetics and mass transfer, down to the final structure, and learn about the important relationship between the theory and the experimental results. Topics covered include fundamentals of thermodynamics; properties of interfaces; nucleation; crystal growth in vapours; liquids, and melts; heat transport during solidification processes; solidification structures—faceted, dendritic, eutectic and peritectic and metallic glasses and amorphous alloy melts. Includes many solved examples and exercises (with answers). Hasse Fredriksson and Ulla Åkerlind
Hardcover 832 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-119-99305-6 €119.00/£90.00/CAD $154.00/USD $140.00
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Hardcover 512 pp 2009 ISBN 978-1-84821-038-7 €182.00/£141.00/CAD $249.00/USD $226.00
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Metals and Alloys
John C. Lommler
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t C fo he b lic rm o k o ok o n t o r e i co bu n f o v e r y or
Thin Films and Surfaces Su · Sanchez · Yang (Eds.)
aterials with asis on the ds of hierarsis strategies. sis strategies d perspecng, biology g experts, ference for
polymers s materials
Hierarchically Structured Porous Materials
Intelligent Surfaces in Biotechnology
Scientific and Engineering Concepts, Enabling Technologies, and Translation to Bio-Oriented Applications
Electronic Materials
Energy Materials
Intelligent Surfaces in Biotechnology
Scientific and Engineering Concepts, Enabling Technologies, and Translation to Bio-Oriented Applications H. Michelle Grandin, Marcus Textor, Editors Foreword by George M. Whitesides
Your comprehensive overview of smart and responsive surfaces in biotechnology and their applications, including coverage of the physico-chemical properties, characterization methods, smart coating technologies, and demonstration of performance in vitro and in vivo. Applications in the fields of biosensing and biodiagnostics are covered first, followed by more on coatings for medical devices, drug delivery, and tailored cell-surface interactions. You’ll also explore intelligent surface applications such as tissue engineering, drug targeting and delivery, wound healing and anti-infection strategies, biosensors, nanopatterning, and bioinspired design of novel responsive materials and multifunctional surfaces. Each chapter is written by a respected expert and features examples taken from the most state-of-the-art developments in the discipline. Edited by
H. Michelle Grandin and Marcus Textor With a Foreword by George M. Whitesides
Hardcover 400 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-53650-6 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
Edited by B.-L. Su, C. Sanchez, and X.-Y. Yang
Hierarchically Structured Porous Materials From Nanoscience to Catalysis, Separation, Optics, Energy, and Life Science
Hierarchically Structured Porous Materials Bao-Lian Su, Clément Sanchez, Xiao-Yu Yang, Editors
This authoritative exploration of this hot field of science covers materials with bimodal, trimodal, and multimodal pore size, with an emphasis on the successful design, synthesis, and characterization of all kinds of hierarchically porous materials. The book details formation mechanisms related to different synthesis strategies while also introducing natural phenomena of hierarchy and perspectives of hierarchical science in polymers, physics, engineering, biology, and life science. Examples are given to illustrate how to design an optimal hierarchically porous material for specific applications ranging from catalysis and separation to biomedicine, photonics, and energy conversion and storage. Hardcover 678 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-32788-1 €159.00/£130.00/CAD $242.00/USD $220.00
Metals and Alloys
Thin Films and Surfaces
Surface Science
SURFACE SCIENCE Foundations of Catalysis and Nanoscience
Foundations of Catalysis and Nanoscience Third E di t ion
Kurt K. Kolasinski
Now in its third edition, this Third Edition successful textbook aims to provide students with an understanding of chemical Kurt W. Kolasinski transformations and the formation of structures at surfaces. The chapters build from simple to more advanced principles, with each featuring exercises, that act not only to demonstrate concepts arising in the text but also to form an integral part of the book, with the last eight chapters featuring worked solutions. This completely revised and expanded edition features more than 100 new pages of extensive worked solutions; new topics, including second harmonic generation (SHG); sum frequency generation (SFG) at interfaces and capillary waves; an expanded treatment of charge transfer and carbon-based materials, including grapheme; and extended Frontiers and Challenges sections at the end of each chapter. Hardcover 574 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-119-99036-9 €155.00/£120.00/CAD $215.00/USD $195.00 Paperback 574 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-119-99035-2 €61.90/£47.50/CAD $88.00/USD $80.00
Edited by Gianfranco Pacchioni and Sergio Valeri
Oxide Ultrathin Films Science and Technology
Oxide Ultrathin Films Gianfranco Pacchioni, Sergio Valeri, Editors
Written by international experts from multidisciplinary fields, this in-depth exploration covers all aspects of the field—preparation, characterization, and geometrical and electronic structure, as well as applications in current and future systems and devices. A sampling of topic areas covered includes synthesis and preparation of oxide ultrathin films; characterization tools of ultrathin oxide films; ordered oxide nanostructures on metal surfaces; unusual properties of oxides and other insulators in the ultrathin limit; silica and high-k dielectric thin films in microelectronics; oxide passive films and corrosion protection; oxide films as catalytic materials and models of real catalyst; oxide films in spintronics; and oxide ultrathin films for solid oxide fuel cells; among others. Hardcover 368 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-33016-4 €139.00/£115.00/CAD $204.00/USD $185.00
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Information Processing at the Nanoscale
Information Processing at the Nanoscale
Experimental Micro/Nanoscale
Thermal Transport
Konrad Szacilowski
Reference Works
Experimental Micro/Nanoscale Thermal Transport Xinwei Wang
The first of its kind to focus on thermal characterization of the thermophysical properties of micro/nanoscale materials, this book will help researchers in material design and characterization tackle XINWEI WANG challenging thermal transport problems, quickly establish their own measurement techniques, and gain invaluable insight into experimental design. The book walks readers through the entire process of setting up and implementing advanced new technologies, including physical principles and data analysis for measuring the thermal conductivity/diffusivity of micro/nanoscale films and wires, while giving clear instructions on how to conduct experiments, assess uncertainties, and interpret physical results.
Exploring the unique combination of chemistry and information technology, Infochemistry, Information Processing at the Nanoscale defines this new field of science and its future possibilities for advanced information processing. The book describes the processes, systems, and devices employed in infochemistry. It also characterizes chemical systems according to their role as potential elements in information technology. A partial listing of topics covered includes theory of information; limitations of traditional devices; low-dimensional metals and semiconductors; carbon and carbon-rich nanostructures; photocurrent switching and related phenomena; supramolecular assembly; bioinspired and biomimetic logic devices; and molecular scale electronics; logic gates, and computing systems.
Publishing Partners
Materials, Modelling and Simulation
r on v e k co o or ic Cl ook inf b e y e or u th r m to b fo
Hardcover 280 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-00744-0 €105.00/£80.00/CAD $132.00/USD $120.00
Hardcover 496 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-71072-2 €142.00/£110.00/CAD $171.00/USD $155.00
Wiley Series in Biomedical Engineering and Multi-Disciplinary Integrated Systems Kai Chang, Series Editor
Gero Decher is a Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at the University of Strasbourg, France, a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) and a member of the International Center for Frontier Research in Chemistry. His research team is located at CNRS Institut Charles Sadron in Strasbourg where he continues to develop the layer-by-layer assembly method in collaboration with his colleagues Pierre Schaaf and Jean-Claude Voegel. This method is applied in many laboratories worldwide in various scientific disciplines, including chemistry, materials science, and biotechnology. Gero Decher has received numerous awards, including the ECIS-Rhodia prize in 2010 and the Grand Prix of the French “Académie des Sciences” for Nanobiotechnology in 2009. Joseph B. Schlenoff is MandelkernProfessor of Polymer Science of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the Florida State University, USA. His laboratory is engaged in multidisciplinary research centered on the use of novel structures made from polyelectrolytes that are deposited by using the layer-by-layer technique. His work, supported by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health, among others, focuses on fundamental polymer science aspects of polyelectrolyte complexes and on their interactions with biological materials. In 2011, Joseph Schlenoff received a Gutenberg Chair at the University of Strasbourg.
Introduction to Nanomedicine and Nanobioengineering offers readers an integrated description of nanomedicine and nanobioengineering for nextgeneration diagnostics and therapy. It presents a basic introduction to a broad range of topics in an integrated manner so that individuals in all disciplines can rapidly acquire the background needed for research and development in this field. It is intended to serve both as a textbook for education and training and a reference book that aids further advancement in areas integrating nanotechnology with medicine and bioengineering. The book encompasses the fundamentals of nanomaterials design, bioengineering, nanodiagnostics, and nanotherapy. Paras N. Prasad
1 2nd Edition
Paras N. Prasad
From a review of the 1st edition: “...highly recommended to anyone in the field...and to scientists and researchers active in materials development...”
Multilayer Thin Films
Introduction to Nanomedicine and Nanobioengineering
field has been completely revised and extended, now stretching to two volumes. The result is a comprehensive summary of layer-by-layer assembled, truly hybrid nanomaterials and thin films, covering organic, inorganic, colloidal, macromolecular, and biological components, as well as the assembly of nanoscale films derived from them on surfaces. For anyone working in the field, as well as scientists and researchers active in materials development, that needs the key knowledge provided herein for linking the fields of molecular self-assembly with the bio- and materials biosciences.
Decher · Schlenoff (Eds.)
This second, comprehensive edition of the pioneering book in this
Volume 1 of 2
the atomic scale, the mesoscale of microstructures and morphology, as well as the macroscopic level of actual components and workpieces for applications. With some 85 examples and 150 problems, it covers the three important material classes of ceramics, polymers, and metals in a didactic manner. The renowned author surveys mechanical material behavior at both the introductory and advanced level, providing reading incentive to both students as well as specialists in such disciplines as materials science, chemistry, physics, and mechanical engineering. Backed by five appendices on symbols, abbreviations, data sheets, materials properties, statistics, and a summary of contact mechanics.
Hardcover 608 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-09343-6 €122.00/£93.50/CAD $154.00/USD $140.00
Volume I: Fundamentals and Elasticity A. Overview Constitutive Behaviour B. Basics Mathematical Preliminaries Kinematics Kinetics Thermodynamics C, Q and S Mechanics Structure and Bonding C. Elasticity Continuum Elasticity Elasticity of Structures Molecular Basis of Elasticity Microstructural Aspects of Elasticity
Structure, Deformation, and Integrity of Materials
Volume 1 of 2
Sequential Assembly of Nanocomposite Materials
Sequential Assembly of Nanocomposite Materials S econd E di t ion
Second, Completely Revised and Enlarged Edition
Gero Decher, Joe Schlenoff, Editors
This second, comprehensive edition has been completely revised and the result is a comprehensive summary of layer-bylayer assembled, truly hybrid nanomaterials and thin films, covering organic, inorganic, colloidal, macromolecular, and biological components, plus the assembly of nanoscale films derived from them on surfaces.
Joachim H. Wendorff, Seema Agarwal, Andreas Greiner
Electrospinning Materials, Processing, and Applications
Gijsbertus de With is full professor in materials science and head of the Laboratory of Materials and Interface Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. He graduated from Utrecht University and received his Ph.D in 1977 from the University of Twente on the structure and charge distribution of molecular crystals. His research interests include the chemical and mechanical processing as well as the thermomechanical behaviour of materials. He is a member of the advisory board of the J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. and the recently founded Coating Science International Conference.
Multilayer Thin Films
Multilayer Thin Films
Hardcover 1112 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-31648-9 €329.00/£220.00/CAD $292.00/USD $265.00
Gijsbertus de With
This first integrated approach to thermomechanics deals equally with
Edited by Gero Decher and Joseph B. Schlenoff
Electrospinning Materials, Processing, and Applications Joachim H. Wendorff, Seema Agarwal, Andreas Greiner
Electrospinning is the most versatile technique for the preparation of continuous nanofibers obtained from numerous materials, including polymers, metals, and ceramics. Electrospinning summarizes the state-of-the art in electrospinning with detailed coverage of the various techniques and material systems and their resulting fiber structures and properties, theoretical aspects, and applications. Hardcover 254 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-32080-6 €99.00/£85.00/CAD $154.00/USD $140.00
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t C fo he b lic rm o k o ok o n t o r e i co bu n f o v e r y or
Energy Materials
Nanoscale Multifunctional Materials
Nanoscale Multifunctional Materials
Science & Applications S. Mukhopadhyay
Electronic Materials
Metals and Alloys
Nanoparticulate Materials
Thin Films and Surfaces
Nanoparticulate Materials
Synthesis, Characterization, and Processing K. Lu
True to its title, Nanoscale Multifunctional Materials covers various aspects of nanoScience and Applications materials, highlighting their versatility and edited by Sharmila M. Mukhopadhyay showing how the same materials can be used in diverse applications across multiple disciplines. Chapters address the key attributes of nanoscale materials that make them special and desirable as novel materials; the functionality that emerges based on these unique attributes; and the multiple uses of nanomaterials, including combining properties and materials selection. Additional chapters are devoted to energy, biomedical materials, environmental applications, and chemical engineering applications.
Serving as the only systematic Synthesis, Characterization, and Processing and comprehensive treatment on the topic of nanoparticle-based materials, this book covers synthesis, characterization, assembly, shaping and sintering of all types of nanoparticles including metals, ceramics, and semiconductors. This title is suitable as a graduatelevel text in nanomaterials courses and scientists working on or with nanomaterials, physicists, chemical, materials, biomedical, and biological engineers.
Hardcover 426 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-50891-6 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
Hardcover 470 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-29142-9 €129.00/£100.00/CAD $164.95/USD $149.95
Hydrogel Micro and Nanoparticles Gijsbertus de With
ually with phology, as kpieces for overs the metals in l material ing readdisciplines gineering. heets, matenics.
1 Structure, Deformation, and Integrity of Materials
ls science and ace Chemistry, erlands. He ed his Ph.D tructure and esearch intercessing as well als. He is a eram. Soc. and ional Confer-
of 2
Edited by L. Andrew Lyon, Michael J. Serpe
Hydrogel Micro and Nanoparticles
L. Andrew Lyon, Michael Joseph Serpe, Editors
Clear and succinct, this exceptional volume offers readers a topical view of the vibrant field of soft nanotechnology. Linking chemistry, biology, and materials science, the book shows how to obtain and apply artificially made hydrogelbased materials with properties comparable to biological tissues. In addition to elucidating the underlying concepts and principles, major parts of each chapter are devoted to a detailed discussion of the potential and already realized applications of micro- and nanogel-based materials such as biocompatible coatings for implants, multilayer films for controlled drug release, self-healing soft materials, or responsive hydrogels that react to varying pH conditions, temperature, or light. Hardcover 430 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-33033-1 €149.00/£125.00/CAD $220.00/USD $200.00
Nanofiber Composites Paul Calvert, Roger Narayan, Editors
Nanofiber Composites is a comprehensive, one-stop source of review articles on nanofiber with up to 20 percent updated content. Containing more than 30 individually selected papers to suit a variety of needs, this text covers all relevant aspects of the subject, including electrically conducting composites, mechanical properties of hard and soft matrix composites, carbon nanotube dispersion, and much more. Containing the best content from the best journals—compiled, enhanced, and made available to users as unique reference—the book aims to bridge the gap between related disciplines and is ideal for materials scientists, physicists, engineers, and graduate students.
New S. C. Singh, H. B. Zeng, Chunlei Guo, Weiping Cai, Editors
The first in-depth treatment of the synthesis, processing, and characterization of nanomaterials using lasers, this reference is divided into two main sections. After introducing the concepts of lasers, nanomaterials, nanoarchitectures, and laser-material interactions in the first two chapters, the book goes on to discuss the synthesis of various nanomaterials in vacuum, gas, and liquids. The second half discusses various nanomaterial characterization techniques involving lasers, from Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopies to light dynamic scattering, laser spectroscopy, and such unusual techniques as laser and photo acoustic, laser ultrasound, and laser-induced thermal pulses. The authors adopt a practical approach throughout, with an emphasis on experiments, set-up, and results. Hardcover 779 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-32715-7 €169.00/£140.00/CAD $220.00/USD $200.00
Hardcover 400 pp 2013 ISBN 978-3-527-40978-5 €129.00/£105.00/CAD $187.00/USD $170.00
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Nicola Pinna, Mato Knez, Editors
Polymer Nano-, Micro- & Macrocomposites
The book series “Polymer Nano-, Micro- and Macrocomposites”
Vikas Mittal is Polymer Engineer at BASF Polymer Research in Ludwigshafen, Germany. He obtained his PhD in 2006 in Polymer and Materials Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. Later, he worked as Materials Scientist in the Active and Intelligent Coatings section of SunChemical in London, UK. His research interests include polymer nanocomposites, novel filler surface modifications, thermal stability enhancements, polymer latexes with functionalized surfaces etc. He has authored over 40 scientific publications, book chapters and patents on these subjects.
Volume 1
ISSN 2191-0421
Hardcover 472 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-32797-3 €139.00/£115.00/CAD $198.00/USD $180.00
Organic Electronics II
Organic Electronics II
Edited by Vikas Mittal
In-situ Synthesis of Polymer Nanocomposites
In-situ New Synthesis of Polymer Nanocomposites Vikas Mittal, Editor
Surface Modification of Nanotube Fillers
Structure, Deformation, and Integrity of Materials
provides complete and comprehensive information on all important aspects of polymer composite research and development, including, but not limited to, synthesis, filler modification, modeling, characterization as well as application and commercialization issues. Each book focuses on a particular topic and gives a balanced in-depth overview of the respective subfield of polymer composite science and its relation to industrial applications. With the books the readers obtain dedicated resources with information relevant to their research, thereby helping to save time and money. In this first volume in the series, authors from leading academic institutions and companies share their first-hand knowledge of nanotube-surface enhancements for use in polymer composites. All the important methods for the functionalization of nanotube fillers, including polymer wrapping, non-covalent modification with nanoparticles, silica layers or entrapped micelles, chemically induced growth of multilayers, techniques based on covalent bonding, such as polymer or quantum dot attachment, and direct polymerization approaches are covered.
Clearly structured, the introductory part of this first book on atomic layer deposition (ALD) provides great insight into all aspects of the technique, while the second part focuses on nanomaterials and fields of application. As a result, readers are led from the fundamental processes and uses of ALD to building nanostructures in various areas that have academic or industrial significance. ALD is already the technique of choice in the semiconductor industry and its importance in other booming scientific areas—microelectronics, photonics, coatings, nanotechnology, and nanostructures—is booming as well. ALD will be of interest to all of those looking to produce perfectly structured nanomaterials with optimal process control.
Edited by Hagen Klauk
Reference Works
In-situ Synthesis of Polymer Nanocomposites familiarizes readers with the proven strategies—as well as the pitfalls—involved in successfully synthesizing the different types of composites, together with their various demands concerning the processing conditions and other influencing factors. Following an overview of the synthesis methodologies, the text goes on to discuss the most relevant polymer materials, including polyamides, polyolefines, polyacrylates, polyethylenes, polyurethanes, polyesters and polyepoxides.
Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials
Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials
Mittal (Ed.)
Gijsbertus de With 1
Edited by Nicola Pinna and Mato Knez
Publishing Partners
Materials, Modelling and Simulation
r on v e k co o or ic Cl ook inf b e y e or u th r m to b fo
Hardcover 418 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-32879-6 €139.00/£115.00/CAD $198.00/USD $180.00
Hagen Klauk, Editor
Bringing together renowned experts from academia and industrial research labs, this text and ready reference offers a joint perspective on the latest developments in the field of organic thinfilm transistors, thus providing the essential knowledge for readers from both sectors. This edition retains the proven concept and the clear division of the book into the three parts—materials, manufacturing, and applications—while adding new content to keep the reader up to date on the most recent advancements in the chemistry, materials science, physics, manufacturing technology, and integration of organic transistors. More Materials and Applications
Carbon Meta-Nanotubes Synthesis, Properties and Applications
Marc Monthioux
Hardcover 440 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-32647-1 €139.00/£115.00/CAD $204.00/USD $185.00
Inorganic Nanostructures
Petra Reinke
Inorganic Nanostructures
Properties and Characterization Petra Reinke
This comprehensive resource offers an advanced treatment of the topic that extends beyond an introductory work. As such, it systematically covers the inorganic nanostructures in the breadth needed, while presenting them together with the surface science tools used to characterize them, such as electron spectroscopy and scanning probe techniques. The unique challenges in the fabrication of nanostructures are illustrated and set into the context of controlling structure, dimensionality, and electronic properties. Major topic areas include dimensions and surfaces, experimental techniques for nanoscale materials analysis, semiconductor nanowires, metal clusters, quantum dots, pure carbon materials, and a few applications of inorganic nanostructures. Properties and Characterization
Carbon MetaNanotubes
Synthesis, Properties and Applications Marc Monthioux
Meta-nanotubes are a new generation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) which result from the chemical transformation of regular CNTs and their subsequent combination with foreign materials by various means such as functionalization, doping, filling, and substitution. This work examines these third-generation carbon nanotubes and the unique characteristics they possess. Beginning with a general overview of the subject, this book covers the five main categories of meta-nanotubes, namely doped carbon nanotubes, functionalized carbon nanotubes, decorated or coated carbon nanotubes, filled carbon nanotubes, and heterogeneous nanotubes. Offering unparalleled coverage of these metananotubes, and possibilities for future development, this book is essential for anyone working on carbon nanotubes. Hardcover 448 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-51282-1 €129.00/£100.00/CAD $182.00/USD $165.00
Hardcover 202 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-40925-9 €79.90/£65.00/CAD $154.00/USD $140.00
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t C fo he b lic rm o k o ok o n t o r e i co bu n f o v e r y or
of more than a hundred anning tunneling microscopy, and superconductivity. He Society and received teaching oly. His career has included Department Head, and Science Foundation.
y pursuing her PhD in Nanocale Science and Engineering, ee in Electrical Engineering YU and a Bachelors degree ions from Sir M.V.I.T, a Software Engineer with nd also at NYU Poly, as
Understanding New the Nanotechnology Revolution
The book series “Polymer Nano-, Micro- and Macrocomposites”
Understanding the Nanotechnology Revolution
provides complete and comprehensive information on all important aspects of polymer composite research and development, including, but not limited to synthesis, filler modification, modeling, characterization as well as application and commercialization issues. Each book focuses on a particular topic and gives a balanced in-depth overview of the respective subfield of polymer composite science and its relation to industrial applications. With the books the readers obtain dedicated resources with information relevant to their research, thereby helping to save time and money. In-situ intercalative polymerization in the presence of filler provides distinct advantages when compared to other nanocomposite synthesis techniques including the possibility to polymerize a large range of thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers, improved handling of gaseous or liquid monomers or high pressure polymerization and improved control of heat of polymerization. This volume aims to highlight these advantages of the generation of polymer nanocomposites with a large spectrum of polymer matrices. Following an overview of the synthesis methodologies, the text goes on to discuss the most relevant polymer materials, including polyamides, polyolefines, polyacrylates, polyethylenes, polyurethanes, polyesters and polyepoxides.
Edward L. Wolf, Manasa Medikonda
A unique introduction to the subject, this book explores the underlying concepts of nanotechnology, covering a wide spectrum ranging from biology to quantum computing. The material is presented in the simplest possible way, including a few mathematical equations, but not mathematical derivations. It also outlines, as simply as possible, major contributions to the modern technology of physics-based nanophysical devices, such as the atomic clock, global positioning systems, and magnetic resonance imaging. As a result, readers are able to make the connection between nanotechnology and its day-to-day applications, and with advances in information technology based on fast computers, the internet, dense data storage, Google searches, and new concepts for renewable energy harvesting.
Vikas Mittal is an Assistant Professor at the Chemical Engineering Department of The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi. He obtained his PhD in 2006 in Polymer and Materials Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. Later, he worked as Materials Scientist in the Active and Intelligent Coatings section of SunChemical in London, UK and as Polymer Engineer at BASF Polymer Research in Ludwigshafen, Germany. His research interests include polymer nanocomposites, novel filler surface modifications, thermal stability enhancements, polymer latexes with functionalized surfaces etc. He has authored over 40 scientific publications, book chapters and patents on these subjects.
Volume 2
ISSN 2191-0421
the atomic scale, the mesoscale of microstructures and morphology, as well as the macroscopic level of actual components and workpieces for applications. With some 85 examples and 150 problems, it covers the three important material classes of ceramics, polymers, and metals in a didactic manner. The renowned author surveys mechanical material behavior at both the introductory and advanced level, providing reading incentive to both students as well as specialists in such disciplines as materials science, chemistry, physics, and mechanical engineering. Backed by five appendices on symbols, abbreviations, data sheets, materials properties, statistics, and a summary of contact mechanics.
Paperback 214 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-41109-2 €29.90/£24.95/CAD $43.95/USD $39.95
Volume I: Fundamentals and Elasticity A. Overview Constitutive Behaviour B. Basics Mathematical Preliminaries Kinematics Kinetics Thermodynamics C, Q and S Mechanics Structure and Bonding C. Elasticity Continuum Elasticity Elasticity of Structures Molecular Basis of Elasticity Microstructural Aspects of Elasticity
Gijsbertus de With is full professor in materials science and head of the Laboratory of Materials and Interface Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. He graduated from Utrecht University and received his Ph.D in 1977 from the University of Twente on the structure and charge distribution of molecular crystals. His research interests include the chemical and mechanical processing as well as the thermomechanical behaviour of materials. He is a member of the advisory board of the J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. and the recently founded Coating Science International Conference.
Volume 1 of 2
Victor E. Borisenko, Stefano Ossicini
“Borisenko and Ossicini, both professors of physics, have filled a gap in nanoscience by writing this book. Overall, it promises to be a valuable source of information for scientists, researchers and research students who are dealing with materials and nanotechnology.”—Materials World The third, revised and enlarged edition of this exemplary reference summarizes the terms and definitions, most important phenomena, and regulations occurring in the physics, chemistry, technology, and application of nanostructures. Each of the more than 2,200 entries, from a few sentences to a page in length, interprets the term or definition in question and briefly presents the main features of the phenomena behind it. Hardcover 615 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-41141-2 €149.00/£125.00/CAD $204.00/USD $185.00
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Characterization Techniques for Polymer Nanocomposites
Thin Films and Surfaces
Characterization Techniques for Polymer Nanocomposites Vikas Mittal, Editor
With its focus on the characterization of nanocomposites using such techniques as x-ray diffraction and spectrometry, light and electron microscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis, as well as nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy, this book helps the reader correctly interpret the recorded data. Each chapter introduces a particular characterization method, along with its foundations, and makes the user aware of its benefits, but also of its drawbacks. As a result, the reader will be able to reliably predict the microstructure of the synthesized polymer nanocomposite and its thermal and mechanical properties, and so assess its suitability for a particular application.
Edited by Tapan K. Sau and Andrey L. Rogach
Complex-shaped Metal Nanoparticles
Complex-shaped Metal Nanoparticles Tapan K. Sau, Andrey L. Rogach, Editors
Covering all important aspects and techniques of preparation and characterization of nanoparticles with controlled morphology and architecture, this book provides a sound overview—from the basics right up to recent developments. Renowned research scientists from all over the world present our existing knowledge of the field, covering theory and modeling, synthesis, characterization, and the properties of these novel nanomaterials. By emphasizing the underlying concepts and principles in detail, the book enables researchers to fully recognize and exploit the application potential of complex-shaped nanoparticles, thus laying down the state of the art but also inspiring further research. Bottom-Up Syntheses and Applications
Structure, Deformation, and Integrity of Materials
What Is What in the Nanoworld
Edited by Vikas Mittal
Metals and Alloys
Hardcover 378 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-33148-2 €129.00/£105.00/CAD $187.00/USD $170.00
Gijsbertus de With
This first integrated approach to thermomechanics deals equally with
Polymer Nano-, Micro- & Macrocomposites
In-situ Synthesis of Polymer Nanocomposites
Physics at the Polytechnic rt on Nanotechnology, luding Scanning Tunneling ourses and written textbooks able Energy. His teaching tate physics, thermodynam-
Edward L. Wolf and Manasa Medikonda
Electronic Materials
Energy Materials
Mittal (Ed.)
nals working in law, otechnology in a broad mical and computer and mathematicians,
Understanding the Nanotechnology Revolution
sible way, including tical derivations. It tributions to modern s, such as the atomic resonance imaging. ction between nanos with advances in , the internet, dense for renewable energy
Wolf · Medikonda
s to the underlying ctrum ranging from
Hardcover 582 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-33077-5 €149.00/£125.00/CAD $220.00/USD $200.00
One-Dimensional Nanostructures
One-Dimensional Nanostructures
Principles and Applications Tianyou Zhai, Jiannian Yao
One-dimensional nanostructures are both at the forefront of fundamental materials research and becoming part of our daily lives. This book consolidates a wealth of current and complex information regarding onedimensional nanostructures into one volume for practicing chemists, physicists, materials scientists, and engineers in industry and academia. More than 15 worldwide experts provide in-depth chapters on their specific areas, including photodetectors, gas sensors, biosensors, chemical sensors, field-emitters, lasers, lithium-ion batteries, supercapacitors, lightemitting diodes (LED), photovoltaics, nanogenerators, thermoelectrics, piezoelectrics, and field-effect transistors. Principles and Applications Edited by
Tianyou Zhai and Jiannian Yao
Hardcover 544 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-07191-5 €129.00/£100.00/CAD $164.95/USD $149.95
10/10/12 6:11 PM
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Materials, Modelling and Simulation
Polymers for Electricity and Electronics
Processes and Applications
Containing a comprehensive overview of how electrical polymers function and how they can be applied in the electronics, automotive, medical, and military fields, Polymers for Electricity and Electronics presents intensive and accessible coverage with a focus on practical applications. Including a review of state-of-the-art scientific issues, the book evaluates new technologies—such as light-emitting diodes, molecular electronics, liquid crystals, nanotechnology, optical fibers, and soft electronics—and explains the advantages of conductive polymers as well as their processibility and commercial uses. Hardcover 352 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-45553-1 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
Leno Mascia
Your first-stop personal reference for the polymer field. 1,500 entries provide a comprehensive yet concise overview of the materials, manufacture, structure and architecture, properties, processing, and applications within this vast field, all in one handy volume. A unique mix of theory and application is presented, displaying only the essential information, extensively cross-linked and with references to the recent scientific literature. Entries include a working definition highlighting the polymer’s significance, followed by a brief illustration of the concepts and principles, including tables, drawings, and core equations as appropriate. Hardcover 380 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-32964-9 €99.00/£85.00/CAD $149.00/USD $135.00
Micro/Nano Replication: Processes and Applications offers an overview of the fundamentals, processes, and applications involved in micro and nano Processes and Applications replication in the manufacturing of product parts. Designed to help the SHINILL KANG reader understand and learn to work with the growing number of tools for molding plastic components, the book covers the key topics related to replication, including patterning technology, the modification of mold surface properties, and much more. In addition, it addresses the strengths and weaknesses of different molding processes. Packed with real-world examples drawn from a variety of fields, including information storage devices, optoelectronic elements, optical communication, and biosensors. Hardcover 388 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-39213-3 €95.90/£73.50/CAD $144.00/USD $110.00
Polymers in Industry from A to Z
A Concise Encyclopedia
Shinill Kang
Materials, Properties, and Applications
Polymers in Industry from A-Z
Reference Works
Micro/Nano Replication
Jiri George Drobny
Leno Mascia
Publishing Partners
r on v e k co o or ic Cl ook inf b e y e or u th r m to b fo
Polymer Composites Edited by Sabu Thomas, Kuruvilla Joseph, S. K. Malhotra, Koichi Goda, M. S. Sreekala
Polymer Composites Volume 1: Macro- and Microcomposites
Macro- and Microcomposites V olume 1
Sabu Thomas, Kuruvilla Joseph, S. K. Malhotra, Koichi Goda, M. S. Sreekala, Editors
The first of three volumes, authored by leading researchers in the field, this work focuses on macro and micro composites. Clearly divided into three sections, the first offering an introduction to polymer composites and discussing the state of the art, new challenges, and opportunities of various polymer composite systems, as well as preparation and manufacturing techniques. The second part looks at macro systems, with an emphasis on fiber-reinforced polymer composites, textile composites, and polymer hybrid composites. The final section deals with micro systems, including micro-particle reinforced polymer composites, as well as filled polymer micro composites. Plus it covers applications and the recovery, recycling, and life cycle analysis of synthetic polymeric composites. Hardcover 814 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-32624-2 €199.00/£165.00/CAD $270.00/USD $245.00
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t C fo he b lic rm o k o ok o n t o r e i co bu n f o v e r y or
Electronic Materials
Energy Materials
Thin Films and Surfaces
Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites
Manufacture, Properties, and Applications Brian P. Grady
A much-needed and thorough overview of polymers in carbon nanotubes (CNTs), Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites offers a fundamental understanding of achievements in the field and highlights key studies that have had significant impact. The author summarizes widely scattered information (8,000 journal papers) into one accessible resource, complemented by references to key papers for readers wanting more in-depth information. The text comprehensively examines CNT-polymers from synthesis to manufacturing and applications, making this a valuable tool for polymer scientists and engineers, chemists, physicists, and materials scientists.
Antimicrobial Polymers
Antimicrobial Polymers
Jose Maria Lagaron, Maria Jose Ocio, Amparo Lopez-Rubio
This first integrated approach to thermomechanics deals equally with
the atomic scale, the mesoscale of microstructures and morphology, as well as the macroscopic level of actual components and workpieces for applications. With some 85 examples and 150 problems, it covers the three important material classes of ceramics, polymers, and metals in a didactic manner. The renowned author surveys mechanical material behavior at both the introductory and advanced level, providing reading incentive to both students as well as specialists in such disciplines as materials science, chemistry, physics, and mechanical engineering. Backed by five appendices on symbols, abbreviations, data sheets, materials properties, statistics, and a summary of contact mechanics.
Gijsbertus de With is full professor in materials science and head of the Laboratory of Materials and Interface Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. He graduated from Utrecht University and received his Ph.D in 1977 from the University of Twente on the structure and charge distribution of molecular crystals. His research interests include the chemical and mechanical processing as well as the thermomechanical behaviour of materials. He is a member of the advisory board of the J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. and the recently founded Coating Science International Conference.
Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers
Volume 1 of 2
Hardcover 608 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-59822-1 €119.00/£90.00/CAD $149.00/USD $135.00
Radiation Processing of Polymer Materials and Its Industrial Applications
Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers Isolation, Synthesis, Characterization and Applications Andreas Lendlein, Adam Sisson, Editors
A comprehensive overview of biodegradable polymers, covering everything from synthesis, characterization, and degradation mechanisms while also introducing useful applications, such as drug delivery systems and biomaterial-based regenerative therapies. An introductory section deals with such fundamentals as basic chemical reactions during degradation, the complexity of biological environments, and experimental methods for monitoring degradation processes. The result is a reliable reference source for those wanting to learn more about this important class of polymer materials, as well as those seeking a deeper insight. Hardcover 426 pp 2011 ISBN 978-3-527-32441-5 €149.00/£125.00/CAD $215.00/USD $195.00
Keizo Makuuchi, Song Cheng This first integrated approach to thermomechanics deals equally with
the atomic scale, the mesoscale of microstructures and morphology, as well as the macroscopic level of actual components and workpieces for applications. With some 85 examples and 150 problems, it covers the three important material classes of ceramics, polymers, and metals in a didactic manner. The renowned author surveys mechanical material behavior at both the introductory and advanced level, providing reading incentive to both students as well as specialists in such disciplines as materials science, chemistry, physics, and mechanical engineering. Backed by five appendices on symbols, abbreviations, data sheets, materials properties, statistics, and a summary of contact mechanics.
Volume I: Fundamentals and Elasticity A. Overview Constitutive Behaviour B. Basics Mathematical Preliminaries Kinematics Kinetics Thermodynamics C, Q and S Mechanics Structure and Bonding C. Elasticity Continuum Elasticity Elasticity of Structures Molecular Basis of Elasticity Microstructural Aspects of Elasticity
Gijsbertus de With is full professor in materials science and head of the Laboratory of Materials and Interface Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. He graduated from Utrecht University and received his Ph.D in 1977 from the University of Twente on the structure and charge distribution of molecular crystals. His research interests include the chemical and mechanical processing as well as the thermomechanical behaviour of materials. He is a member of the advisory board of the J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. and the recently founded Coating Science International Conference.
Volume 1 of 2
Hardcover 444 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-58769-0 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $164.95/USD $149.95
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Jörg Friedrich
The Plasma Chemistry of Polymer Surfaces
The Plasma Chemistry of Polymer Surfaces Jörg Friedrich
More than 99 percent of all visible matter in the universe occurs as highly ionized gas plasma with high energy content. The intention of this book is to present new plasma processes and new plasma reactions of high selectivity and high yield. As such it aims to bridge classical and plasma chemistry, focusing on polymer chemistry in the bulk and on the surface under plasma exposure. The stability of surface functionalization and the qualitative and quantitative measurement of functional groups at polymer surface are featured prominently. Special attention is paid to the smooth transition from inanimate polymer surfaces to modified bioactive polymer surfaces. A wide range of techniques, plasma types, and applications are demonstrated. Advanced Techniques for Surface Design
1 Structure, Deformation, and Integrity of Materials
Offering a unique perspective on the industrial and commercial applications of the radiation processing of polymers, this insightful reference examines the fundamental scientific principles and cutting-edge developments advancing KEIZO MAKUUCHI SONG CHENG this diverse field. Through a variety of case studies, detailed examples, and economic feasibility analyses, Radiation Processing of Polymer Materials and Its Industrial Applications systematically explains the commercially viable ways to process and use radiation-processed polymeric materials in industrial products. In addition, this one-of-kind text covers important chemistry and processing fundamentals, while emphasizing their translation into practical applications of radiationprocessed polymers. It incorporates new applications in nanotechnology, biomaterials, and recycling. And it systematically discusses new developments in the field and summarizes past achievements.
Gijsbertus de With
Edited by Andreas Lendlein and Adam Sisson
Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
Structure, Deformation, and Integrity of Materials
Volume I: Fundamentals and Elasticity A. Overview Constitutive Behaviour B. Basics Mathematical Preliminaries Kinematics Kinetics Thermodynamics C, Q and S Mechanics Structure and Bonding C. Elasticity Continuum Elasticity Elasticity of Structures Molecular Basis of Elasticity Microstructural Aspects of Elasticity
Hardcover 352 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-59641-8 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
Gijsbertus de With
Antimicrobial Polymers focuses on the coupling of plastics and biocides, with particular emphasis on natural biocides and the nanofabrication of biocides and their final properties and activities. Chapters address the key technologies employed JOSE M. LAGARON MARIA J. OCIO to impart antimicrobial behavior to polyAMPARO LOPEZ-RUBIO mers, including chemical modification of the polymers themselves. Applications in food packaging, medical devices, nanomaterials, and coatings are also discussed. The coverage balances an examination of the technologies with explanations of the mechanisms of antimicrobial behavior. Concluding chapters cover regulatory matters, along with human safety and environmental risks associated with antimicrobial polymers.
Metals and Alloys
Hardcover 473 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-31853-7 €139.00/£115.00/CAD $176.00/USD $160.00
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Reference Works
Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites Ming Qiu Zhang, Min Zhi Rong
In this comprehensive work, authors Ming and Min cover the fundamentals, theory, design, fabrication, characterization, and application of self-healing polymers and polymer composites. They also outline a systematic route for developing techniques and materials to advance the research and applications of self-healing polymers. Throughout the book, the authors emphasize the integration of existing techniques and/or novel synthetic approaches for target-oriented materials design and fabrication. Experienced readers will gain a comprehensive view of this emerging field, while new researchers will understand the framework for creating new materials or new applications. Practical and Applied Considerations
Ming Qiu Zhang & Min Zhi Rong
Hardcover 448 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-49712-8 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
Handbook of Multiphase Polymer Systems Two - V olume S e t
Abderrahim Boudenne, Laurent Ibos, Yves Candau, Sabu Thomas, Editors
This two-volume work examines recent advances covering the physical, interfacial, and thermophysical properties of multiphase polymer systems. It includes manufacturing and processing techniques, characterization techniques, materials modeling, and applications and also covers aging, degradation, and recycling. It pays particular attention to characterization at different length scales (macro, micro and nano), which is necessary for a full understanding of the structureproperty relationships of multiphase polymer systems. Ideal for researchers in both industry and academia who wish to learn about these promising new materials, the Handbook of Multiphase Polymer Systems is also useful for plastic and rubber technologists, filler specialists, and researchers studying thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties. Hardcover 1034 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-71420-1 €379.00/£295.00/CAD $506.00/USD $460.00
Applied Polymer Rheology
Applied Polymer Rheology
Publishing Partners
Polymeric Fluids with Industrial Applications Marianna Kontopoulou, Editor
Polymeric Fluids with Industrial Applications
Bridging the gap between theory and application, this guide explores state-of-the-art polymer rheology to help readers understand the relationship between molecular structure and the flow behavior MARIANNA KONTOPOULOU of polymers. An excellent reference on the technical approaches to polymer rheology, its focus is on common industrially used polymer systems. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the rheological characteristics of polymeric fluids. Edited by
Polymer Materials
Macroscopic Properties and Molecular Interpretations
Macroscopic Properties and Molecular Interpretations
Jean Louis Halary, Francoise Laupretre, Lucien Monnerie
“Molecular modeling of polymers . . . is a subject that cannot be found in any other [book] in any appreciable detail. . . . The detailed chapters on specific polymer systems are a great idea.”—Gregory Odegard, Michigan
Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites
Materials, Modelling and Simulation
r on v e k co o or ic Cl ook inf b e y e or u th r m to b fo
Technological University
Based on the authors’ extensive research and writing in the field, Polymer Materials emphasizes the relationships between the chemical structure and the mechanical behavior of polymer materials, providing authoritative guidelines for assessing polymer performance under different conditions and the design of new materials. Here, the authors focus on a few representative polymer systems— polystyrene, poly (methyl methacrylate), aliphatic polyamides, and epoxy resins—using them to investigate and demonstrate the different deformation and fracture mechanisms of pure polymers and their toughening by fillers. The specific deformation and fracture mechanisms active in pure and filled elastomers are also explained in detail. Hardcover 432 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-61619-2 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
I. M. Ward J. Sweeney
Mechanical New Properties of Solid Polymers Third E di t ion
Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers
Ian I. Ward, John Sweeney
Fully updated and revised, this latest edition of the highly regarded original Third Edition combines introductory material with comprehensive coverage of the properties of solid polymers. All aspects of mechanical behavior are discussed, including finite elastic behavior, linear viscoelasticity and mechanical relaxations, mechanical anisotropy, non-linear viscoelasticity, yield behavior, and fracture. New to this edition is coverage of polymer nanocomposites and molecular interpretations of yield. Polymer scientists and engineers will learn how different polymers behave under stress and discover how to choose the right polymer for the job. Hardcover 496 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-4443-1950-7 €142.00/£110.00/CAD $176.00/USD $160.00
Hardcover 368 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-41670-9 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
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t C fo he b lic rm o k o ok o n t o r e i co bu n f o v e r y or Gijsbertus de With
eals equally with nd morphology, as nd workpieces for ms, it covers the rs, and metals in chanical material providing readsuch disciplines ical engineering. , data sheets, matemechanics.
Structure, Deformation, and Integrity of Materials
n materials science and and Interface Chemistry, the Netherlands. He nd received his Ph.D e on the structure and tals. His research internical processing as well of materials. He is a J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. and e International Confer-
lume 1 of 2
Edited by A. Dieter Schlüter, Craig J. Hawker and Junji Sakamoto
Synthesis of Polymers
Electronic Materials
Energy Materials
Synthesis of Polymers
J. Verdu
Due to the extraordinary range of their properties, polymers have come to play an essential and ubiquitous role in everyday life—from plastics and elastomers on the one hand to natural biopolymers such as DNA and proteins on the other. The study of polymer science begins with the understanding of the methods by which these materials are synthesized. Polymer synthesis is a complex procedure and can take place in a variety of ways. This book brings together a who’s who of polymer science to give the readers a remarkable overview of the large field of polymer synthesis. It is a one-stop reference and a must-have for all chemists, polymer chemists, chemists in industry, and materials scientists. Hardcover 1184 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-32757-7 €379.00/£310.00/CAD $479.00/USD $435.00
Polyolefin Reaction Engineering
Polyolefin Reaction Engineering
Joao B. P. Soares, Timothy F. L. McKenna
Functional Polymers by Post-Polymerization Modification
Patrick Theato, Harm-Anton Klok, Editors
Concepts, Practical Guidelines, and Applications
The first comprehensive handbook on this emerging hot topic provides polymer scientists with fundamentals and experimental protocols, as well as an overview of industrial applications. The book provides a thorough and up-to-date review of recent developments in the field of post-polymerization modification. It covers a wide range of topics, such as new synthetic techniques utilizing different reactive groups for post-polymerization modifications of synthetic polymers, modification of biomimetic and biological polymers, the industrial applications of polymers that are synthesized by post-polymerization techniques, and experimental procedures. Compiled by an international team of experts, this book will become an invaluable daily tool for polymer chemists and scientists entering the field. Hardcover 442 pp 2013 ISBN 978-3-527-33115-4 €139.00/£115.00/CAD $209.00/USD $190.00
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Jacques Verdu
Hardcover 352 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-31710-3 €119.00/£100.00/CAD $187.00/USD $170.00
Functional Polymers by Post-Polymerization Modification
Intended to revolutionize the process, this informative work proposes a renewed approach of lifetime predicOxidative Ageing tion in polymer oxidative ageing. This of Polymers approach is based on kinetic models built from relatively simple mechanistic schemes but integrating physical processes (oxygen diffusion and stabilizer transport), and use property changes (mechanical failure, for instance). An important chapter is dedicated to radiation-induced oxidation and its most important applications: radiochemical ageing at low dose rates and photochemical ageing under solar radiation. There is also a chapter devoted to the problem of ageing under coupled oxidation and mechanical loading. Hardcover 2012 ISBN 978-1-84821-336-4 €142.00/£110.00/CAD $182.00/USD $165.00
Written by two world-renowned authors pooling their experience from industry and academia, this book takes a unique engineering approach in its use of elegant mathematical modeling techniques to relate polymerization conditions, reactor and catalyst type to polyolefin properties. Readers will discover how they can design and optimize polymerization conditions to produce polyolefins with a given microstructure. The book concludes with a discussion of such recent developments as combined metallocene catalysts and polyolefin/ clay nanocomposites.
Edited by Patrick Theato and Harm-Anton Klok
Thin Films and Surfaces
Oxydative Ageing of Polymers
Dieter A. Schlüter, Craig Hawker, Junji Sakamoto, Editors
New Structures and Methods
J. B. P. Soares, T. F. L. McKenna
Metals and Alloys
Polymeric Chiral Catalyst Design and Chiral Polymer Synthesis Shinichi Itsuno
Polymeric Chiral Catalyst Design and Chiral Polymer Synthesis covers the chemistry, properties, and applications of PVP, including chiral polymer synthesis and its application to asymmetric catalysis. It discusses the design and use of polymer-immobilized catalysts and their design and synthesis, as well as peptide-catalyzed and enantioselective synthesis, optically-active polymers, and continuous flow processes. Focuses on both the design of the polymer-immobilized asymmetric catalysts and the synthetic aspects of chiral polymers and dendrimers and organizes otherwise-scattered topics into a single source. Edited By SHINICHI ITSUNO
Hardcover 528 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-56820-0 €129.00/£100.00/CAD $164.95/USD $149.95
Science, Technology, and Applications Maurizio Galimberti, Editor
Along with valuable details on synthesis, processing, and mechanics, this book includes applications of rubberclay nanocomposites in automotive tires and as polymer fillers. In addition, it helps scientists understand processing methods for nanocomposites preparation and nanostructure characterization. Plus, it helps promote common knowledge and interpretation of the important aspects of rubber-clay nanocomposites, clarifying the main results achieved in the field of rubbers and crosslinked rubbers—material not covered by the more general books on polymer-clay nanocomposites. Science, Technology, and Applications
Edited by
Hardcover 632 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-56210-9 €129.00/£100.00/CAD $164.95/USD $149.95
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Materials, Modelling and Simulation
Introduction to Physical Polymer Science
Publishing Partners
Reference Works
Bestseller Third Edition
This updated version of the classic, bestselling introductory book to physical polymer science emphasizes interrelationships between molecular structure and the morphology and mechanical behavior of polymers. New topics for this fourth edition are nanocomposites, including carbon nanotubes and exfoliated montmorillonite clays; the structure, motions, and functions of DNA and proteins, and the interfaces of polymeric biomaterials with living organisms. In addition, there are new sections on fire retardancy, friction and wear, and optical tweezers, to name a few. Hardcover 880 pp 2005 ISBN 978-0-471-70606-9 €99.90/£77.50/CAD $131.99/USD $120.00
Principles of Polymerization
Third E di t ion
Christopher S. Brazel, Stephen L. Rosen
With its balanced presentation of polymer chemistry, physics, and engineering applications, the third edition of this classic text continues to instill readers with a solid understanding of the core concepts underlying polymeric materials. Readers familiar with the previous edition of this text will find that the organization and style have been updated with new material to help them grasp key concepts and discover the latest science, techniques, and applications. The text also features new techniques for polymer analysis, processing, and microencapsulation, as well as emerging techniques such as atom transfer radical polymerization. Problems at the end of each chapter—including many that are new to this edition—test the reader’s grasp of core concepts. CHRISTOPHER S. BRAZEL STEPHEN L. ROSEN
F our t h E di t ion
L. H. Sperling
Fundamental Principles of Polymeric Materials
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Hardcover 432 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-50542-7 €87.90/£66.95/CAD $109.95/USD $99.95
F our t h E di t ion
George Odian
This comprehensive yet accessible resource enables you to achieve an advanced, up-todate understanding of polymer synthesis. Learn about different methods of polymerization, reaction parameters for synthesis, molecular weight, branching and crosslinking, the chemical and physical structure of polymers, and more. Extensively updated, Principles of Polymerization is an excellent resource for today’s students of polymer chemistry, chemical engineering, and materials science, as well as a current reference for the researcher or other practitioner working in these areas. Hardcover 832 pp 2004 ISBN 978-0-471-27400-1 €119.00/£91.95/CAD $153.99/USD $140.00
Principles of Polymer Processing
S econd E di t ion
Zehev Tadmor, Costas G. Gogos
“The long awaited new edition . . . provides an extensive discussion of all relevant topics . . . usable as a . . . course resource, also of great value to practitioners.” —CHOICE
Introduction to Polymer Rheology Montgomery T. Shaw
Designed for practicing scientists and engineers interested in polyMONTGOMERY T. SHAW mer rheology science, Introduction to Polymer Rheology is a comprehensive yet accessible guide to the study of the deformation and flow of matter under applied stress. This book makes grasping the fundamentals of a somewhat complicated subject easy by presenting information in an approachable way and limiting the use of complex mathematics. It covers stress, velocity and rate of deformation, generalized Newtonian fluids, normal stresses and elastic behavior, small and large strain, the molecular origins of rheological behavior, quality control in rheology, the flow of modified polymers and those with supermolecular structure, and much more. Hardcover 416 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-38844-0 €87.90/£66.95/CAD $121.00/USD $110.00
A completely updated version of the classic first edition, this applications-oriented work gives you the tools you need to conduct the practical design of polymers with specific properties. It also includes the complete panorama of polymer processing. Moreover, it covers new developments in the field, including blend and alloy microstucturing, reactive processing and compounding, foam extrusion, compounding, on-line monitoring, and much more.
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Hardcover 984 pp 2006 ISBN 978-0-471-38770-1 €135.00/£105.00/CAD $190.99/USD $174.00 47925_MatSci - SAW - Multi - Ebooks - Sept2012.indd 1
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t C fo he b lic rm o k o ok o n t o r e i co bu n f o v e r y or
Petr A. Nikrityuk
Theory, Modelling and Simulation
Computational Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
Energy Materials
Computational Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Petr A. Nikrityuk
Combining previously unconnected computational methods, this monograph discusses the latest basic schemes and algorithms for the solution of fluid, heat, and mass transfer problems coupled with electrodynamics. It presents the necessary mathematical background of computational thermo-fluid dynamics, the numerical implementation, and the application to real-world problems. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of electromagnetic fields to control the heat, mass, and fluid flows in melts and on phase change phenomena during the solidification of pure materials and binary alloys. However, the book provides much more than formalisms and algorithms; it also stresses the importance of good, feasible, and workable models to understanding complex systems and explores them in detail. In Materials Science and Engineering
Electronic Materials Edited by G. J. Schmitz and U. Prahl
Integrative Computational Materials Engineering Concepts and Applications of a Modular Simulation Platform
Introduction to
Modeling and Simulation of Technical and Physical Systems with Modelica
Peter Fritzson
Endorsed by the founder of Modelica himself, this excellent primer will soon have you operating this PETER FRITZSON amazing modeling program like a pro. The instruction is clear and straightforward, making the learning easy, even for people with no previous background in modeling, simulation, or object orientation. Many, many topics are covered, everything from building models to using models and simulation in product design. You’ll find out how to get started with Modelica, then quickly move on to object-oriented mathematical modeling, algorithmic constructs, and even simulating a moon landing. An ideal introduction for novices or those looking to hone their Modelica skills. Paperback 232 pp 2011 ISBN 978-1-118-01068-6 €53.90/£40.50/CAD $65.95/USD $59.95
Concepts and Applications of a Modular Simulation Platform
Hardcover 344 pp 2012 ISBN 978-3-527-33081-2 €129.00/£105.00/CAD $182.00/USD $165.00
Computer Modeling for Injection Molding Simulation, Optimization, and Control
Computer Modeling for Injection Molding Simulation, Optimization, and Control Huamin Zhou
Computer Modeling for Injection Molding covers a wide range of applications and uses of simulation and modeling techniques in polymer injection molding, filling a noticeEdited By able gap in the literature of design, manuHUAMIN ZHOU facturing, and the use of plastics injection molding. The authors help readers solve problems in the advanced control, simulation, monitoring, and optimization of injection molding processes. The book provides tools for researchers and engineers to calculate the mold filling, optimize processing control, and make quality estimates before prototype molding. Hardcover 344 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-60299-7 €119.00/£90.50/CAD $149.00/USD $135.00
Developments in Data Storage S.N. Piramanayagam s Chong Tow Chong
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Integrative Computational Materials Engineering
Georg J. Schmitz, Ulrich Prahl, Editors
Materials Perspective
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Thin Films and Surfaces
Presenting the results of an ambitious project, this book summarizes the efforts made towards an open, web-based modular and extendable simulation platform for materials engineering that allows simulations bridging several length scales. In so doing, it covers processes along the entire value chain and even describes such different classes of materials as metallic alloys and polymers. It comprehensively describes all structural ideas, the underlying concepts, standard specifications, and the verification results obtained for different test cases, and additionally how to utilize the platform as a user and how to join it as a provider.
Hardcover 370 pp 2011 ISBN 978-3-527-33101-7 €109.00/£90.00/CAD $154.00/USD $140.00
Introduction to Modeling and Simulation of Technical and Physical Systems with Modelica
Metals and Alloys
Developments in Data Storage Materials Perspective S. N. Piramanayagam, Tow C. Chong, Editors
Covering the recent developments in the field of materials for advancing recording technology, the chapters in Developments in Data Storage, by experts worldwide, provide sufficient information on the fundamentals, as well as a few chapters related to optical data storage. In addition to helping you quickly grasp the subject, the book can also serve as a useful reference for the advanced researcher.
Hardcover 352 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-50100-9 €105.00/£80.50/CAD $144.00/USD $120.00
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The American Ceramic Society-Wiley Since 2005, The American Ceramic Society and Wiley have partnered together to provide the ceramic and glass materials community high-quality content for professionals in academia, government laboratories, and industry. Current titles cover topics such as biomaterials, nanotechnology, energy, advanced coatings, processing, properties, composites, cement and concrete, armor ceramics, electronic ceramics, and material solutions for energy and the environment. Wiley-ACerS is seeking new authors or volume editors for textbooks, handbooks, or reference books on ceramics and ceramics-related topics. For a full listing of titles visit www.wiley.com/go/acers.
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society-Wiley Partners since 2009, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and Wiley publish books and proceedings encompassing the entire range of materials science and engineering subjects, from minerals processing and primary metals production to basic research and the advanced applications of materials. As experts in their respective fields, our Wiley–TMS authors share a commitment to providing timely and effective information to meet the professional and educational needs of metallurgical and materials engineers, scientists, researchers, educators, and administrators from six continents. Wiley–TMS is seeking new authors or volume editors for textbooks, handbooks, or reference books on minerals, metals, or related materials. For a full listing of titles, visit www.wiley.com/go/tms.
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Electronic Materials
Energy Materials
New publications from
Thin Films and Surfaces
Metals and Alloys
Ceramics and Composites Processing Methods
Narottam P. Bansal, Aldo R. Boccaccini, Editors
Examine the latest processing and fabrication methods as well as a broad selection of key processing techniques for ceramics and their composites, enabling you to manufacture ceramic products and components with the properties needed for various industrial applications. Content is contributed by internationally recognized experts in the field of ceramics, and traditional fabrication routes as well as new and emerging approaches (in order to meet the increasing demand for more reliable ceramic materials) are included. Each chapter focuses on a particular processing method or approach. Collectively, they offer you comprehensive, state-ofthe-science information on the many approaches, techniques, and methods for the processing and fabrication of advanced ceramics and ceramic composites. CERAMICS AND COMPOSITES PROCESSING METHODS
Edited by
The American Ceramic Society
David Richerson
Magic of
Ceramics Second Edition
The New Magic of Ceramics S econd E di t ion
David W. Richerson
Explore the many exciting applications of ceramics, from creating cellular phones, radio, television, and lasers to its role in medicine for cancer treatments and restoring hearing. You’ll also learn how ceramic material functions, while reviewing key scientific concepts like atomic structure, color, and the electromagnetic spectrum. With many real-world examples of the ways in which ceramincs make advanced products possible, the second edition also addresses the newest areas in ceramics, such as nanotechnology. The American Ceramic Society
Ceramic Integration and
Joining Technologies From Macro to Nanoscale
Mrityunjay Singh, Tatsuki Ohji, Rajiv Asthana and Sanjay Mathur
The American Ceramic Society
From Macro to Nanoscale Mrityunjay Singh, Rajiv Asthana, Sanjay Mathur
Written by acknowledged experts, this book addressess integration issues in such areas as space power and propulsion, thermoelectric power generation, solar energy, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), multi-chip modules, prosthetic devices, and implanted biosensors and stimulators. The text presents science and engineering design data, facts, cases, and industrial and research insights, balancing engineering and scientific information to serve the needs of practitioners and researchers alike. Hardcover 830 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-39122-8 €155.00/£120.00/CAD $193.00/USD $175.00
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Ceramic Transactions (CTs), Volumes 230-238, contain papers presented at the annual meeting of the American Ceramic Society and other regional and division conferences, as well as meetings held by the related societies and organizations. Fractography of Glasses and Ceramics VI, Ceramic Transactions Volume 230
New Fractography of Glasses and Ceramics VI
Hardcover 324 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-27373-9 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
Edited by James R. Varner Marlene Wightman
Processing, Properties, and Applications of Glass and Optical Materials, Ceramic Transactions Volume 231 Hardcover 254 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-27374-6 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
eramic ransactions Volume 230
Advances in Sintering Science and Technology II, Ceramic Transactions Volume 232
Pr oc ess ing , Pr op ert ies , an d Ap pli cat ion s of Gl ass an d Op tic al Ma ter ial s
Hardcover 202 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-27375-3 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $150.00/USD $125.00
Advances in Inorganic Phosphate Materials, Ceramic Transactions Volume 233
Edited by
Arun K. Varshn eya Helmut A. Schaef fer Kathleen A. Richardson Marlene Wight man L. David Pye
eramic ransactions
Schaeffer Richardson Wightman
Volum e 231
Vol. 231
Hardcover 206 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-27376-0 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites IV, Ceramic Transactions Volume 234 Hardcover 336 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-27336-4 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
Advances in Sintering Science and Technology II
Edited by
Ceramic Integration and Joining Technologies
A Selection of Titles from the Ceramic Transaction Series.
Proc essin g, Prop Glas s and Opti ertie s, and Appl icati ons of cal Mate rials
Hardcover 344 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-63805-7 €53.90/£40.50/CAD $65.95/USD $59.95
Hardcover 596 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-55344-2 €152.00/£117.00/CAD $193.00/USD $175.00
Advances and Applications in Electroceramics II, Ceramic Transactions Volume 235
Advances in Sintering Science and Technology II Edited by
Suk-Joong L. Kang Rajendra Bordia Eugene Olevsky Didier Bouvard
eramic ransactions Volume 232
Bordia Olevsky Bouvard
Vol. 232
Hardcover 218 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-27335-7 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
PMS 3165 green PMS 1235 yellow
Advances in Materials Science for Environmental and Energy Technologies, Ceramic Transactions Volume 236 Hardcover 200 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-27342-5 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $150.00/USD $125.00
Biomaterials Science Processing, Properties and Applications II, Ceramic Transactions Volume 237 Hardcover 250 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-27332-6 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $150.00/USD $125.00
Advances in Synthesis, Processing, and Applications of Nanostructures, Ceramic Transactions Volume 238 Hardcover 135 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-27327-2 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $150.00/USD $125.00
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Publishing Partners
Materials, Modelling and Simulation
Reference Works
For a full list of titles from The American Ceramic Society, visit www.wiley.com/go/ceramics
Glass-Ceramic Technology Second Edition Wolfram Höland and George H. Beall
GlassCeramic Technology
Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings Set 2012
72nd Conference on Glass Problems
S econd E di t ion
Wolfram Höland, George H. Beall
Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings Volume 33, Issue 1, 2012
Take an in-depth look at glass-ceramic materials, their scientific and technological background, the methods of their development, and their countless uses across a range of industries. Two leading authorities in the field, Wolfram Höland and George H. Beall, provide cutting-edge coverage of the most recent developments, look at new high-strength glass-ceramics, new composite materials containing glass-ceramics and high-strength polycrystalline ceramics, and new glassceramics with special optical properties. You’ll also get an in-depth discussion of development trends, with an emphasis on controlled nucleation and crystallization in specific materials systems, placing a particular emphasis on applications within the medical and dental fields. The American Ceramic Society
Hardcover 440 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-48787-7 €109.00/£107.00/CAD $175.95/USD $159.95
Charles H. Drummond, III Editor
The American Ceramic Society
r on v e k co o or ic Cl ook inf b e y e or u th r m to b fo
The 2012 set of proceedings is divided into 10 issues. Issue 1 includes papers presented at the 72nd Conference on Glass Problems, held at the Ohio State University, October 18 –19, 2011. Issues 2–19 include papers presented at the 36th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 22–27, 2012, in Daytona Beach, Florida. Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceeding issues are also available on Wiley Online Library.
Hardcover 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-20608-9 €540.00/£417.00/CAD $780.00/USD $650.00
72nd Conference on Glass Problems Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings V olume 3 3 , I ssue 1
Hardcover 272 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-20587-7 €69.90/£53.50/CAD $87.95/USD $79.95
Mechanical Properties and Performance of Engineering Ceramics and Composites VII Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings V olume 3 3 , I ssue 2
Hardcover 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-20588-4 €69.90/£53.50/CAD $95.94/USD $79.95
Advanced Ceramic Coatings and Materials for Extreme Environments II Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings V olume 3 3 , I ssue 3
Hardcover 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-20588-4 €69.90/£53.50/CAD $95.94/USD $79.95
Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells VIII Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings V olume 3 3 , I ssue 4 S T E P H E N W. F R E I M A N
J O H N J . M E C H O L S K Y, J R .
Hardcover 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-20594-5 €69.90/£53.50/CAD $95.94/USD $79.95
The New Fracture of Brittle Materials
Advances in Ceramic Armor VIII
Testing and Analysis
Hardcover 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-20595-2 €69.90/£53.50/CAD $95.94/USD $79.95
Stephen Freiman, John J. Mecholsky
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V olume 3 3 , I ssue 5
Advances in Bioceramics and Porous Ceramics V Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings
Learn to confidently Testt i n g and Analys Tes Analy s is test and analyze a broad range of brittle materials in order to make the best use of existing materials as well as to support the development of new materials using key scientific and engineering concepts underlying the selection of test procedures for fracture toughness, strength determination, and reliability predictions. The authors explain the importance of microstructure in these determinations and describe the use of quantitative fractography in failure analysis. Figures and illustrations help you understand key concepts and methods. Other topics include theory and mechanisms of environmentally enhanced crack growth, test and analysis methods to assess the strength of ceramics, methods for predicting the lifetime of brittle components under stress, and more. Hardcover 196 pp 2012 ISBN 978-0-470-15586-8 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $119.95/USD $125.00
Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings
V olume 3 3 , I ssue 6
Hardcover 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-20596-9 €69.90/£53.50/CAD $95.94/USD $79.95
Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology VI Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings V olume 3 3 , I ssue 7
Hardcover 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-20597-6 €69.90/£53.50/CAD $95.94/USD $79.95
Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials VI Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings V olume 3 3 , I ssue 8
Hardcover 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-20598-3 €69.90/£53.50/CAD $95.94/USD $79.95
Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications II Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings V olume 3 3 , I ssue 9
Hardcover 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-20599-0 €69.90/£53.50/CAD $95.94/USD $79.95
Developments in Strategic Materials and Computational Design III Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings V olume 3 3 , I ssue 1 0
Hardcover 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-20600-3 €69.90/£53.50/CAD $95.94/USD $79.95
Also available as online books! Volume 1-32 now Online!
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t C fo he b lic rm o k o ok o n t o r e i co bu n f o v e r y or
Electronic Materials
Energy Materials
New publications from The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
INTEGRATED COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS ENGINEERING (ICME) FOR METALS Using Multiscale Modeling to Invigorate Engineering Design with Science
Metals and Alloys
Thin Films and Surfaces
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Metals Using Multiscale Modeling to Invigorate Engineering Design with Science Mark F. Horstemeyer
Use this comprehensive overview of the methods of integrated computational materials engineering (ICME), and get clear examples to demonstrate the multiscale modeling methodology. The book walks you through the various aspects of modeling and simulation related to materials processing. Moreover, it captures M A R K F. HORSTEMEYER important constitutive relations and the material constants for those relations for different materials in a single collection and joins the worlds of manufacturing and design by capturing the appropriate physics throughout the various processes and ensuring the physics is correct in the models. Foreword by
Dr. Dierk Raabe
Hardcover 472 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-02252-8 €109.00/£83.50/CAD $138.00/USD $125.00
Foreword by Charles
Shaping Our World
M. Vest
President, National Academy of Engineering
Handbook on
Material and Energy Balance Calculations in Materials Processing THIRD EDITION
Engineering Education for the 21st Century Gretar Tryggvason, Diran Apelian, Editors
Engineering education is currently on the verge of a major Engineering Education for the 21st Century transformation. However, while the need has been much discussed and several proposals for change have been put forward, relatively little focus has been put on actual implementation of the proposed changes. This book shows readers how they can implement engineering educational programs that align with changes, such as those proposed in the NAE Engineer Grétar Tryggvason Diran Apelian of 2020 reports. Focusing on outcomes-based/project-centric engineering educational paradigms, it discusses the practicalities of instituting changes and tells how to engage the faculty. Recordable and measurable best practices are also relayed. It’s a work that condenses current discussions of engineering education into specific changes and actionable proposals. Edited by
Includes CD-ROM
Handbook on Material Bestseller and Energy Balance Calculations in Materials Processing
Paperback 340 pp 2011 ISBN 978-0-470-92974-2 €43.90/£33.50/CAD $54.95/USD $49.95
Third E di t ion
Arthur E. Morris, Gordon Geiger, H. Alan Fine
Engineering Solutions for Sustainability
Organized by: ®
Lately there has been a renewed push to minimize the waste of materials and energy that accompany the production and processing of various materials. The third edition of this bestselling reference emphasizes the fundamental principles of the conservation of mass and energy and their consequences as they relate to materials and energy. New to this edition are numerous worked examples, illustrating conventional and novel problem-solving techniques in applications such as semiconductor processing; environmental engineering; and the production and processing of advanced and exotic materials for aerospace, electronic, and structural applications. Hardcover w/CD-ROM 640 pp 2011 ISBN 978-1-118-06565-5 €129.00/£100.00/CAD $164.95/USD $149.95
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Materials and Resources The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)
This publication presents topics of discussion from the Engineering Solutions for Sustainability: Materials and MATERIALS AND RESOURCES Resources workshop held at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2009. It includes a summary of key, cross-cutting initiatives recommended as priorities because of their potential to create common principles for advancing societal sustainability through technological, educational, and public policy solutions. The resources, tools, and concepts delivered in this report draw from the unique perspectives and expertise of an array of engineering disciplines, represented by delegates from the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). Workshop Report and Recommendations
Paperback 88 pp 2011 ISBN 978-1-118-17585-9 €34.90/£26.95/CAD $43.95/USD $39.95
To view the full collection of Wiley-TMS books, visit www.wiley.com/go/tms
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Materials, Modelling and Simulation
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TMS Proceedings 2012 EPD Congress 2012
2012 Extraction & Processing Division
Lifeng Zhang, Joseph A. Pomykala, Arjan Ciftja, Editors
EPD Congress
Hardcover 530 pp 2012 ISBN 978-1-118-29140-5 €85.90/£66.50/ CAD$109.00/USD $99.00
Editors: Lifeng Zhang Joseph A. Pomykala Arjan Ciftja
CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing
CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing
Carbon Dioxide Management and Other Technologies
Edited by
Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials Jiann-Yang Hwang, S. N. Monteiro, Chen-Guang Bai, John Carpenter, Mingdong Cai, Donato Firrao, Byoung-Gon Kim, Editors
Edited by
Jiann-Yang Hwang S.N. Monteiro Chen-Guang Bai John Carpenter Mingdong Cai Donato Firrao Byoung-Gon Kim
Maria D. Salazar-Villalpando, Neale R. Neelameggham, Donna Post Guillen, Soobhankar Pati, Gregory K. Krumdick, Editors
Magnesium Technology 2012
Suveen N. Mathaudhu, Wim H. Sillekens, Neale R. Neelameggham, Norbert Hort, Editors
Suveen N. Mathaudhu Wim H. Sillekens Neale R. Neelameggham Norbert Hort
CD-ROM Included
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3rd International Symposium on HighTemperature Metallurgical Processing Tao Jiang, Jiann-Yang Hwang, Patrick Masset, Onuralp Yucel, Rafael Padilla, Guifeng Zhou, Editors
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Superalloys 2012 Eric S. Huron, Roger C. Reed, Mark C. Hardy, Michael J. Mills, Rick E. Montero, Pedro D. Portella, Jack Telesman, Editors
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13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys
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Renewable Polymers Synthesis, Processing, and Technology Vikas Mittal
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