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people who may have been exposed in a high-risk situation. Tests are available throughout the state at a variety of testing sites at in-person clinics and drive-through locations.
In-person testing is available by appointment only. Find the location near you and register to be tested at lhi.care/covidtesting. If you do not have access to the internet, call 1-888-634- 1123. Services are available in English and Spanish.
Drive-through testing requires screening beforehand. To complete your screening, go to www.projectbaseline.com/study/ covid-19/eligibility/. You will need a Google account in order to complete the screening. If you do not speak English, consider having a translator help you with the online form, as the initial instructions and Google account sign in is in English. gether interim guidance for agriculture workers and employers.#e guide includes information about exposure risks for farmworkers, hygiene and sanitation recommendations, worker housing recommendations, personal protective equipment requirements, etc. English: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/
Spanish: espanol.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/commu
California’s COVID-19 website, covid19.ca.gov, has a compre
hensive COVID-19 information guide for immigrant Californians. #e guide includes information about: state restrictions,
ways to protect yourself and others, immigration help, public ,e Future of Farming charge information for accessing public bene"ts, testing and #e agriculture industry is one of the treatment, information on jobs, wages, many sectors hit hard by the ongoing and bene"ts, small business support, houspandemic. #e president of the California Farm Bureau, Jamie Johansson, recently are all around you. ing, food and bills, community safety, and protection against scams and information. said that the state is expected to lose about #e guide is available in English and Span$8 billion by the end of the year. Part of ish. this loss is a result of restaurant closures, English: covid19.ca.gov/img/wp/listos_ especially now that restaurants are closing covid_19_immigrant_guidance_en_daf. indoor operations again. Restaurants are a pdf signi"cant part of the agriculture industry’s Spanish: covid19.ca.gov/img/wp/listos_ business in addition to grocery stores. #e covid_19_immigrant_guidance_es_daf. fact that so many restaurants are clospdf ing is detrimental to farming throughout For more immigration-related inforthe state. Johansson also reported that mation and resources, visit the Califorthe bureau is working hard to prioritize nia Immigrant Guide website. #ere, you farmworker safety by hosting seminars, educating farmers and employers, and Stay healthy. Wash your hands. will "nd answers to all of your questions about COVID-19, public charge, DACA distributing 10 million masks to CaliforCS294906-F www.cdc.gov/handwashing updates, disaster relief, adult education nia farmworkers. Going forward, experts are unsure about the programs, jobs, bene"ts, Census 2020 information, and so much full scope of the COVID-19 crisis and how it will impact the more. #e site is available in English and Spanish. agriculture industry, but for now, the state is hoping to mitigate English: immigrantguide.ca.gov/en the impact on farmworkers and farming through education and Spanish: immigrantguide.ca.gov/es personal protective equipment. To learn more about the coronavirus, how it spreads, and
For more information, check out the CDC and U.S. Departhow to protect yourself, please visit the Center for Disease ment of Labor’s guide for agricultural workers and employers, Control and California Department of Public Health websites listed. for regular updates and additional information. Information and Resources #e CDC and the U.S. Department of Labor recently put toCDC English webpage: faq.html www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/