igital raphics Inc.
NAME OF FIRM Street/Building Address Mailing Address City Type of business Fax#
Zip Code Is Business Incorporated? Years Est. Tax Identification # State
* Name of Principal Officers or Owners Physical Addresses Social Security #’s
Phone #’s
Accounts Payable Contact
Phone #’s
Are Your Purchases Taxable? Yes City:
If TAXABLE where will printed material be delivered: State:
No If NOT TAXABLE the following information will be needed: Copy of Sales Tax Permit with filled out Certification of Sales/Use Tax Exemption for Resale Letter; Copy of Manufacturers Limited Exemption Certificate or Copy of letter from the Tax Commission recognizing them as tax exempt by Statute
Bank Reference Address City State
Account Number Phone Number Fax Number Zip Code
Opening Date
Contact Person & Title Trade Reference Address City Contact Person & Title
Account Number Phone Number State Opening Date
Trade Reference Address City Contact Person & Title
Account Number Phone Number State Opening Date
Zip Code
Zip Code
ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY: For good and valuable consideration, the undersigned absolutely and unconditionally guarantees and promises to pay for any printed materials and other goods and services provided by Digital Graphics, Inc. as set forth on all invoices provided by Digital Graphics, Inc. to the undersigned. The undersigned agrees to pay such sum within thirty (30) days from the date of delivery of the printed product provided by Digital Graphics, Inc. unless other arrangements have been made with the Credit Manager. The undersigned further agrees that any unpaid balance beyond the thirty (30) day period shall be considered past due and shall bear interest at a rate of 18% per annum and an additional $100.00 charge beyond forty five (45) days from the date of delivery. In the event the undersigned does not pay such balance including interest, the undersigned shall be obligated to pay Digital Graphics, Inc. reasonable collection charges including court cost and reasonable attorney’s fees. Any invoice paid by credit card will have a 2% sur charge added to the total portion paid by the credit card.
Print Name
***Application must be signed by an authorized representative (owner, officer or partner)*** * Please use attachment if necessary