BellerbysThaiSociety Bellerbys College offers a high quality British education, trusted by Universities and focused on international students. Located in Brighton, Cambridge and London, Bellerbys College offers a wide range of courses from GCSE, A Level, Pre-Foundation, Foundation, Undergraduate Year 1 and Summer School programmes. A Bellerbys education will help you reach your full potential so you can progress to the university of your choice. Bellerbys students get top results. Many go on to study at prestigious Russell Group universities. Our experienced teachers and personal tutors ensure that all students have the support and teaching needed for them to reach their full potential. To ensure that students thrive during their time at Bellerbys College, we also provide a unique enrichment programme. These extra circular activities prepare students for university, as well as developing
their confidence and skills in leadership, debating and critical thinking. Oxbridge preparation, the law society, debating club, as well as visits to The London Stock Exchange and Bank of England are just some of the enrichment activities available. Bellerbys College also proudly offers an Elite Medics Preparation programme for students interested in a career in Medicine. This specialist programme is run in partnership with the Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS), and students are guaranteed an interview to progress on to study Medicine with BSMS. WHY A UK EDUCATION AT BELLERBYS? • Gain a high quality British education within a supportive, international environment.
• Experience British life, including world-class art, music, sport and literature. • Discover culture, architecture, history and heritage. • Enjoy life in the UK in comfortable student accommodation or with a host family. • Benefit from individual support to complete your UCAS application, including help writing your personal statement. • Personalised academic support, including specialist preparation for Oxbridge and Medical students.
SCHOLARSHIPS Up to 70% Scholarships
• Learn to value different opinions and develop confidence through international friendships.
Be Better By Bellerbys! The Best University Preparation For You. Student age range: 14 - 23 Tuition fee/year (min-max): £15,000 - £28,000 16
Guide to UK Schools, Colleges, and Pathways to Higher Education 2020