E-Commerce platform for Laboratory Equipment The place where technological or scientific researches carried out under specific conditions is called laboratory. To carry out such research and experiments we need certain instruments or equipment’s. These laboratory equipment’s are used in school /colleague labs, medical labs, scientific labs and the instruments but its use in every lab varies. To provide us with such equipment matching the specifications and requirements of the experiment to be carried out there are numerous manufacturers and suppliers. The MedLab is one such firm where they manufacture as well as supply the equipment needed. The equipment are usually made of plastic for cost effectiveness and convenience but glass is preffered as it is relativelytransperant and inert. There are various fields where the laboratory equipments used from the schools and colleagues to small and large firms and universities, clinical research labs, hospitals, international labs and also government agencies. Laboratory equipment suppliers supply the necessary equipment for these labs and there are numerous websites portraying the supplier lists across USA. Example include:Metlabs, Bionicscientific technology Ltd and many such firms.
The laboratory instruments commonly used in various different labs are as below: Ø Microscope – View microscopic specimens Ø Reagent bottles – Holding caustic chemicals
Ø Florence flasks –Hold and heat liquids Ø Thermometers – Measuring temperatures Ø Triple beam balance – Finding mass Ø Graduated cylinders - Measure small volumes of liquids The laboratory equipment manufacturers make instruments for various labs like the food and beverages, Medical research labs, environment research labs and many such labs. There instruments vary from glass beakers, burette, inductioncoils, calorimeter, flasks and many more. The top five laboratory equipment manufacturers in India are ACMAS Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Advance Scientific Equipment Pvt. Ltd, Bionics Scientific Technologies (P) Ltd, Biotechnologies INC and many more manufacturing firms.
Source- https://bit.ly/2DXtTO3