Facts About Mag Welding That You Must Be Aware Of If you are into metal working or associated with an industry related to building then you must have come across or have used MAG welders. Yes, they are special nature of welding which you can have. What is MAG welding? It is a specialized nature of arc welding which is used by many. Mig Transformer Gasless Welder, on the other hand, does have the use of any gas for the performance of welding. For MAG welding mixture of certain gases like argon is mixed with oxygen to have the flame used for welding. There can be an arc of different nature. Let us be aware of the various arcs that can be had.
Short arc: This nature of arc is used for a thin sheet of metal which is located in a difficult position. You can have a smooth transition of metal using this nature of arc. Long arc: This is used for metal sheets which are thicker. Using this nature of arc you can have a transition of metal which is circuit-free. Spray arc: If you wish to have speed while welding thick sheets then you can use this nature of welding which is had by the usage of argon mixed gases. Pulsed arc: If you wish to have uniformity while welding then you can use this nature of arc. It can be used in any position and that is the reason for its popularity. Advantages that can be achieved There are various advantages that you can have using such nature of welding. The advantages are:
The process is protected against any nature of oxidation Slag is not produced The speed of working is high Heat effect to the surrounding is less It can be used in nature of welding position
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SOURCE URL: http://bit.ly/2vdMwIP