One of the Biggest Producer of Unconventional Oil and gas: Austin Chalk The Austin Chalk is a formation in the Cretaceous physiography in the gulf coast region of America. The formation is made out of chalk and marl. Many kinds of dinosaur remains and fossils have been discovered from the establishment. It consists of recrystallized; interbed and fossiliferous marl and chalk. The exposures of the formation are visible in the road turns, steam beds and quarries where the soil gets eroded due to water.
The Austin Chalk was established at the dawn of the 20th century in Texas. We are the proud producers of unconventional oil and gas working right from the 1920s. We have produced an overall production of about 940 million barrels of oil and produces around 5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas was produced by the end of 2016. The Giddings field is our largest Austin Chalk field ever, which is situated in about 7 nations. The field has done a production of approximately 520 million barrels of oil and 4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. We have overpowered the massive Eagle Ford Formation, the primary source of oil and gas.
The Austin Chalk has produced unconventional oil and gas since the 1920's with the use of vertical wells. Extensive use of stimulation from fractures in the vertical well of Austin Chalk began as a reaction to the Middle East Oil Embargo of the Middle East in 1973. The next transition was created in technology by Austin Chalk in 1989 with the widespread use of horizontal drilling. The application of this method further gave a power boost to the oil production through the drilling of horizontal wells from 50 MBOPD to 165 MBOPD and natural gas from 171 MMCFPD to 1,390 MMCFPD in 1989 and1996 respectively. The combination of horizontal drilling by Austin Chalk with the proper usage of multi-fracture stimulation in horizontal wells created the shale revolution. This is the single most substantial innovation in the oil and gas industry in 50 years. SOURCE URL: -