Tessera Guide On Corporate Crisis Management And Communication

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Tessera Guide On Corporate Crisis Management And Communication Tessera, a security risk and crisis management firm based in UAE, provides effective solutions around risk management which are crucial to an organization’s seamless function. The company experts are providing a guide on corporate crisis management and communication to deal with any risk situation effectively. Crisis management is a critical business function that every organization must consider. Every business runs at a risk of crisis at some point. Since risks are inevitable, businesses must have a plan to deal with the situation. Crisis can take a toll on an organization’s health, its people, operations, finances, and reputation. In addition to risk management, effective communication is the key to respond to PR crises to minimize damage effectively.

Three phases of crisis management 1. Pre-crisis situation – Planning well in advance for preparation through training 2. Responding to crisis – If crisis occurs, how to respond to the situation 3. Post-crisis management –Taking care of commitments made during crisis, and preparing for next crisis

The impact of social media on crisis

Social media proves to be a threat for organizations during crisis because information spreads faster than ever to a wider audience. Rumors can propagate rapidly in a visible manner, putting the reputation of a company at stake. If this was not enough, international brands can become big news in the global market. A single approach can never work to mitigate the losses or minimize damages.

Advance preparation and planning

Planning for prevention must beginbefore the crisis actually occurs. Risk assessment, security audits, planning for crisis and testing the plan, and drafting crises management messagesshould be a part of the process. In the lack of planning, operation response could break down; stake holders may not be able to understand, become confused, and react negatively; and the impact on the financial and reputational bottom line could be painful.

A crisis management plan encompasses steps of what should be done in a crisis and how to respond to the situation. It also includes training the spokesperson on how to handle the media. There shouldn’t be anything like ‘no comment’ as this silence may force people to think that the organization is guilty of something.

Crisis response

Be quick to provide accurate information through the right media channels and right expression of emotions. Ignoring the possibility of social media backlash could lead to nowhere. It is important to accept it and prepare for it. Acting humane is suggested. Apologize and take actions to improve the image through effective communication. Staying prepared for the situation is the key to manage crisis. Hiring one of the best crisis management firms ensures everything essential for handling crisis is at place. Tessera, a leading crisis management firm offers adaptable and ready to implement solutions to protect businesses.

About Tessera

A UAE-based security risk and crisis management firm, Tessera provides integrated solution in corporate risk management,risk audits, consultancy,planning, and crisis communication. Tessera’s approach ensures that their business clients are fully prepared for potential risks. The approach also includes effective crisis communication to protect people, finances, assets and reputation from damage due to crisis. Tessera delivers affordable, immediately deployable, adaptable, and enduring risk management solutions to protect businesses.

Source- https://justpaste.it/7j9ps

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