Things You Would Want to Know About Vacuum Oven A Vacuum oven is a quite useful tool that is used to dry out herbs, fruits and vegetables. It is a handy tool for drying out marijuana after harvesting to obtain highquality products. Vacuum oven is great for delicate drying processes that include drying smaller items as well as removal of flammable solvents. In terms of plant processing, vacuum ovens are helpful in removing residual solvents such as CO2 and butane from the concentrate before putting them on market. During this process, a vacuum oven combines heat and negative pressure (i.e. vacuum technology) to strip the concentrate of any residual solvent used in the extraction process. Rosin Power sheds light on important facts about vacuum ovens:
Functions of a vacuum oven Herbs are harvested from the parent plant and then dried carefully in order to make them usable. The natural process of harvesting and drying is quite time consuming and frustrating, even if it done in a hot, arid region that is good for natural drying. On the other hand, regions with lower temperature and high humidity levels are naturally not fit for drying.
Vacuum ovens have been designed to make lives easier. They can operate efficiently in both the conditions explained above. They can operate at low temperatures, and feature an exhaust port to vent the moisture away from the drying herb. Inside the over, a low pressure area is created to reduce the temperature at which water in liquid state transforms to gas. The entire arrangement speeds up the drying process while allowing it to happen at lower temperature that is not possible otherwise. A vacuum oven can dry any other type of plant, herbs, fruits, or vegetables. Vacuum ovens in other industries Vacuum ovens are used in many industries such as aerospace industry, medical industry, electronics and others. Source URL: