Twitter Marketing Course
Are you surprised to find how Twitter use as a successful marketing method to increase brand image, enhance conversions, generate conversations regarding your brand, and increase website traffic?
Are you surprised to find how Twitter use as a successful marketing method to increase brand image, enhance conversions, generate conversations regarding your brand, and increase website traffic?
We promise that students will be employed immediately after the program with the assistance of our area professionals and up-to-date course materials
Student Placement: Since 2010 we have been 100% successful in delivery of our promise to students.
We have rigorous weekly assessments for after each module that students have to clear.
Students also work on Live assignments and projects to understand the actual Process , systems and Dynamics in that environment.
Marketers engage Pinterest users by providing content and information about the product that is too good to pass up. With over 290 million users on Twitter marketing. Note to add that 83 percent of consumers have purchased a product based on Pinterest content. Now, how would you use Pinterest as a marketing tool to increase brand recognition.
Digital marketing is significant since its a Vital links a company to its consumers in this Virtual World and is effective in 90% Business sectors.
The Twitter marketing course will teach you the principles of Twitter and how to successfully use this social platform for outreach. This program’s hands-on demonstrations will show you how to create spectacular boards and work with pin photos to boost your brand’s presence online
Introduction to Twitter Marketing-Learning
Set up Twitter Pages
Getting More Twitter Followers
How to make tweet using has tag, Tagging
Getting More Retweets And Engagement-Learning Outcomes Start Topic
Getting More Twitter Followers
Twitter Branding
Advanced Twitter Marketing Strategy
SEO, SEM ,Digital Marketing, Email marketing, Content creation
Key Highlight
Instructor-led learning by experts
Live projects provide real-time knowledge.
Domain knowledge and training make you more marketable.
After completion, you will be guaranteed with job.
Interaction with industry professionals and peers
Students receive 360-degree career support.
Each student receives individual mentoring.
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