Growth oF E-commerce The e-commerce industry has seen a dramatic shift in recent years. Customers have finally accepted ecommerce stores than the typical brick and mortar stores for their needs.
Industry Growth Mobile usage Convenience Customer-friendly
Mobile usage A sharp increase in mobile users has been the most significant reason behind the growth of the e-commerce industry. The increase in mobile users has forced website owners to ensure that their website works well on mobile users and tablets.
Convenience Convenience is another major factor while driving massive traffic to your e-commerce store. Audience convenience is the reason why e-commerce is growing at a fast pace. Unlike physical stores, online stores are available 24 hours a day for 365 days a year.
The types of e-commerce
Business to business(B2B) occurs when the exchange of products and services is between companies. This mostly takes place between manufacturers and wholesalers.
Business to consumers (B2C) refers to the exchange of goods and services between businesses and consumers. The retailer follows this type of e-commerce to deliver its products and services to the final consumers.
CUSTOMER-TOCUSTOMER (C2C) Consumer to consumer (C2C) usually takes place between customers only. Here customers use a third-party website or application to offer products and services to each other.
BUSINESS TO ADMINISTRATION (B2A) A B2A transaction takes place between businesses to administration for using their services. When companies make a transaction to administration for services like legal documentation, registries, social security, etc., it comes into B2A.
A C2A involves all kinds of transactions made by individuals to customers. In this, individuals made all the transactions to the administration, such as education, tax fillings, health, social security, etc.
Conclusions Now you must have understood why ecommerce is growing? Since the world is moving at a fast pace towards the digital front. E-commerce will likely increase only. If you are still not taking advantage of this great platform, you are loosing great opportunities to boost your sales. Transform your offline business now into an e-commerce store to grow better.
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