EAST HENDRED CATHOLIC PARISH St Mary’s East Hendred St Patrick’s East Ilsley Fr. Tom Taaffe EpV Assisted by Fr. Terence FitzPatrick OSB www.catholichendredandilsley.org.uk Week Commencing Sunday 4th January 2009 Sunday Cycle B Weekday Cycle SUNDAY MASSES: St. Mary’s, East Hendred 9.30am Bertha Ida Northcote RIP St. Patrick’s, East Ilsley 11.15 am Agnes Western RIP (It was her gift of the Tabernacle and candlesticks that started the plan to open a Mass Centre at East Ilsley) WEEKDAY MASSES: St Mary’s Wednesday 12.15pm Charles Eyston RIP There will be no 8.30am Mass at St Amands Chapel as Fr. Bob is covering for Fr. Tom at St Edmunds. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Friday between 3 and 4 pm. in St. Amand’s Chapel, Hendred House.
Anniversaries.Agnes Western, Minnie Curran, Joseph Bray,William Dearlove, Janice Biles, Denis Murphy, Lady Sarah Cumming-Bruce, Gilbert Jones, John O’Hara, Harriet Champ, Robert Purcell and Helen Hogan. May they rest in the peace of the Risen Lord
The collection on 14th December raised £541 of which 74% was Gift Aided. The collection on Sunday 28th December raised £404 of which 72% was Gift Aided.Thank you.
At the meeting of the Pastoral Area Leadership Team held on Wednesday Dec 10th the following items were discussed: Pastoral Area confirmation programme and arrangements; a meeting for all the parish pastoral councils with the pastoral area leadership team to explain what work the leadership team has already done and to discuss the scenario of all parishes being amalgamated into one parish within two years with perhaps two priests and one deacon in the new parish; this to take place on 19th January in St Edmund’s parish centre at 7.30; a series of talks on St Paul to be given on Thursday evenings in Lent by local, interesting and entertaining scholars: the dates will be March 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th and the speakers who have so far agreed to take part are: Nicholas King, S.J., Richard Ounsworth, O.P. and Fr Jerome Bertram. For more information contact Fr Tom or Denis Smith. Clutter in the parish rooms There seem to be quite a number of items, principally of crockery, on top of the work surface in the parish rooms which have not been claimed. If you would like to help yourself to any of these items, please do. A donation to
parish funds would be welcome. After January 18th unwanted items will be taken to a charity shop unless there is any other deserving cause which parishioners may want to suggest. Gathering together in Christ. For those of you who think that our attempts to practise lectio divina have anything to do with Harry Potter, we simply use the Bible to help us pray and discuss and to let the Lord work his magic on us. Our next meeting is on Wednesday 7th January, in the parish rooms at 7.30. We shall be concentrating on a passage in the ninth chapter of Mark’s Gospel and you are all welcome. For information contact Denis Smith. Mrs May Mulford’s funeral will take place on Wednesday 7th January at 2.30pm in St Marys Please keep her husband Norman and their family in your prayers.
Rosary Group will meet on Tuesday 6th January in St Amands Chapel, Hendred House at 7pm. All welcome. Fr. Livinus Donohue ODS
The funeral Mass of Fr. Livinus Donohue ODS takes place st St Edmund’s Church, Abingdon on Friday 9th January at 11am.