EAST HENDRED CATHOLIC PARISH St Mary’s East Hendred St Patrick’s East Ilsley Fr. Tom Taaffe EpV Fr. Terence FitzPatrick OSB stmaryseasthendred@fsmail.net www.catholichendredandilsley.org.uk Week Commencing Sunday 5th October 2008 Sunday Cycle A Weekday Cycle 2
The Twenty-seveth Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY MASSES: St. Mary’s, East Hendred 9.30am People of the Parish St. Patrick’s, East Ilsley 11.15 am People of the Parish WEEKDAY MASSES Wednesday 12.15pm St Mary’s East Hendred Friday 8.30am St Amands Chapel, Hendred House Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Friday between 3 and 4 pm. in St. Amand’s Chapel, Hendred House. Anniversaries Cyril Smith, Edward Eyre, Edward Dearlove, Horace Tuson, Denis Murphy, Brian Marshall, Charles Elphick, Ethel Brown and George Dearlove .May they rest in the peace of the Risen Lord GATHERING TOGETHER IN CHRIST A group of us meet once a month to read the bible, discuss and pray. Everyone is welcome. Forthcoming meeting dates:Thursday 6th November, Tuesday 2nd December, Wednesday 7th January, Thursday 5th February and Tuesday 3rd March. For information contact Denis Smith, 01235 765564. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION If your child is 7 years old and would like to make their first Holy Communion next year please contact Catherine Eckold 01235 833483. The programme will begin in the New Year. THANK YOU Thank you to all those parishioners who attended Jane Curley’s funeral Mass and who contributed £160 for the St Barnabus Charity. CHILDREN’S LITURGY
This will take place at St Mary’s next Sunday, 5th October. All primary school aged children welcome. MILTON MANOR The last Mass of the year to be held in Milton Manor will take place this evening at 6pm. All welcome. ROSARY GROUP
This group will meet on Tuesday 7th October at 7pm in St Amands Chapel, Hendred House. All Welcome.
Representatives of all the parishes in the Thames Isis Pastoral area met in Didcot on Tuesday 16th September to review and discuss plans for a new website which will serve the needs of the Pastoral Area and each of its constituent parishes. Advised by the Diocesan Web Development Consultant we addressed basic questions about what we wanted the website to do. We were agreed that it needed to provide information to parishioners as well as present an attractive face of the Catholic Church to outsiders and inquirers. Mindful that not everyone has access to computers, we see this as an exciting opportunity to improve our communications, internally and externally and hope that the leadership team of the Pastoral Area will commission the work at its next meeting. If you are interested in seeing an example of the kind of website that is being proposed take a look at HYPERLINK "http:// www.3rivers.org.uk" \t "_blank" www.3rivers.org.uk and let Denis Smith know what you think. Hopefully the site will be launched before Christmas
St Amand’s Catholic Primary School St Mary’s Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF Tel: 01235 833342Fax: 01235 861320 HYPERLINK "http://www.st-amands.oxon.sch.uk" www.st-amands.oxon.sch.uk Date for your diary: Wednesday 8th October - Sponsored Walk Thursday 16th October – School Open day Saturday 18th October – PTA School Ball.
St Amand’s is your local Catholic primary school, with a free school bus from Wantage, Grove and Didcot. You are
welcome to visit at any time. Please phone Debbie, the school Administration Officer to make an appointment. Applications are also welcome from children new to the area for other classes. Please remember our school in your prayers.