EAST HENDRED CATHOLIC PARISH St Mary’s East Hendred St Patrick’s East Ilsley Fr. Tom Taaffe EpV Fr. Terence FitzPatrick OSB Week Commencing Sunday 16th November 2008 Sunday Cycle A Weekday Cycle 2
ST EDMUND OF ABINGDON Patron of the Diocese
SUNDAY MASSES: St. Mary’s, East Hendred 9.30am Canon Luck (FM) St. Patrick’s, East Ilsley 11.15 am WEEKDAY MASSES Wednesday 12.15pm St Mary’s East Hendred Friday 8.30am St Amandrs Chapel, Hendred House Annie Maud Eyston (FM) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Friday between 3 and 4 pm. in St. Amand’s Chapel, Hendred House. Anniversaries. Marjorie Mockler and Anthony Castle May they rest in the peace of the Risen Lord The collection on 2nd Nov raised £770 of which 53% was Gift Aided. Thank you SACRAMENT OF THE SICK
This will take place at St Patricks on Sunday 23rd November during the 11.15am Mass. All welcome. CHRISTIANS ENGAGING IN A SECULAR SOCIETY A one day forum to address this challenge is open to all at Park Place Pastoral Centre, Wickham, Hants, PO17 5HA on Saturday 22nd November 2008 10.00 – 15.30 There is no cost, a finger buffet lunch will be provided, but booking is essential by 7th November for catering purposes. Please contact Mairead Boyce by phone, 01367 242494, or email: HYPERLINK "mailto:boycemairead@aol.com" \t "_blank" boycemairead@aol.com . HEALING MASS Wed. 12th NovAfter Mass there will be a time of Praise & Worship, and the opportunity to receive Prayer Ministry. All welcome! More details from 01235-528528
TRUE LIFE IN GOD The True Life in God discussion and support group will meet on Thursday 27th November in St Mary's Rooms at 7.30pm. We shall read and discuss a passage from True Life in God, the divine inspirations given to Vassula Ryden since 1985 for this present time. For further details about True Life in God see HYPERLINK "http:// www.tlig.org" \t "www.tlig.org" www.tlig.org or contact Mary Harrison 01235 833584. All welcome, especially those who know little or nothing about it!"
St Amands Catholic Primary School St Mary’s Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF Tel: 01235 833342 www.st-amands.oxon.sch.uk Dates for your Diary Saturday 22nd November – PTA Christmas Market
St. Amands is your local Catholic primary school, with a free bus from Didcot. You are welcome to visit the school at any time. Please contact Debbie in the school office to make an appointment. Applications are welcome from children for all classes. Please remember our school in your prayers. ECUMENCIAL ADVENT SERVICE
Advanced notice of the Ecumenical Advent service to be held this year in St. Augustine’s on Sunday, 7th December at 6pm. Please come join with our friends in the St. Augustine’s Benefice in an uplifting, thoughtful musical evening service. The choirs of St. Augustine’s, St. Mary’s and the churches of Lockinge and Ardington will all join together for this service. Wine and nibbles are served after the service. ADVENT APPEAL FOR OXFORD NIGHT SHELTER As a parish we regularly support the Night Shelter in Oxford which helps the homeless with accommodation but also assists with getting people back into work by helping with re-training, health issues and education. Leading up to Christmas they have need for soap, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste, other small toiletries for gifts, blankets, underwear, belts, woollen gloves and hats. If you can donate any of these gifts we will be collecting them on SUNDAY 30TH NOVEMBER. Advent at the Monastery This year we shall be taking a look at the liturgy of Advent, especially the prayers and readings of the four Sundays of Advent. We shall begin on 26/27 November with a brief overview of the Advent season before tackling the 1st Sunday readings and prayers and end on 17 December with a talk on the "O antiphons" and liturgy of the week before Christmas. Meetings are open to all and will take place in the monastery as follows: 1. Wednesday, 26 November at 7.30 pm, repeated Thursday, 27 November at 2.30 pm 2. Wednesday 3 Decmber at 2.30 pm, repeated at 7.30 pm 3. Wednesday 10 December at 2.30 pm, repeated at 7.30 pm 4. Wednesday 17 Decemberat 2.30 pm, repeated at 7.30 pm. Please bring a Sunday missal if you have one. Refreshments will be served.