EAST HENDRED CATHOLIC PARISH St Mary’s East Hendred St Patrick’s East Ilsley stmaryseasthendred@fsmail.net www.catholichendredandilsley.org.uk Week Commencing Sunday 21st September 2008 Sunday Cycle A Weekday Cycle 2
The Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY MASSES: St. Mary’s, East Hendred 9.30am People of the Parish St. Patrick’s, East Ilsley 11.15 am People of the Parish WEEKDAY MASSES Wednesday 12.15pm St Mary’s East Hendred Louisa Goddard (FM) Friday 8.30am St Amands Chapel, Hendred House Edward Woods (FM) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Friday between 3 and 4 pm. in St. Amand’s Chapel, Hendred House. Anniversaries William Castle, Eddie Reavey, Fr Anthony Birrer and Charles Eyston .May they rest in the peace of the Risen Lord Last weeks total weekly offering was £ of which % was Gift Aided. Thank you AN EVENING WITH RICHARD BUDGEN. Deacon Richard, our Pastoral Area Deacon, will hold an informal evening talking about his journey to the Catholic Church and the Diaconate; what a Deacon is and does, on Friday. 3rd. October at our Lady and St. Edmund's Church : Abingdon. There will be Mass at 7.00pm. followed by the talk, at the end of which there will be an opportunity to ask questions. COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Finance and Property committee will meet on Thursday 25th September at 6.30pm in the Parish Rooms. The Parish Pastoral Council meeting will follow on at 7.30pm. CATHEDRAL COLLECTION There will be a second collection on Sunday 28th September for the upkeep of the Cathedral. GATHERING TOGETHER IN CHRIST A group of us meet once a month to read the bible, discuss and pray. Our next gathering will be Wednesday, October 1st, 7.30 p.m., in the parish rooms. We shall be concentrating on a passage in the sixth chapter of Mark’s gospel. Everyone is welcome and those wishing to come are encouraged to read prayerfully this chapter at least once before the meeting. We intend to continue meeting on the
following dates; Wednesday 1st October, Thursday 6th November, Tuesday 2nd December, Wednesday 7th January, Thursday 5th February and Tuesday 3rd March. For information contact Denis Smith, 01235 765564. LATIN MASS Sunday 28th September The L.M.S will be Celebrating Mass at 6pm in the Challoner Chapel, Milton House. They will be Celebrating Bishop Challoner's Birthday which was on the 29th 1691.Do join us." FATHER BOB thanks everyone for the kind and generous cheque and the book [presented to him at the Parish Lunch last Sunday. He is most grateful for these, and will continue to remember you all in thoughts and prayers. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION If your child is 7 years old and would like to make their first Holy Communion next year please contact Catherine Eckold 01235 833483. The programme will begin in the new year.
St Amand’s Catholic Primary School St Mary’s Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF Tel: 01235 833342Fax: 01235 861320 www.st-amands.oxon.sch.uk We have lots of activity planned at school this term. Next week Classes 4 and 5 will be taking part in history workshops. On October 2nd we will have out Harvest Festival, where everyone is invited to join us. We will also be preparing the school for our Open Day on Thursday 16th October when we hope to welcome lots of people to have a look around and see the children’s work.
Date for your diary: Friday 26th September – PTA Beetle Drive (7.30pm) Thursday 2nd October – Harvest Festival Wednesday 8thOctober - Sponsored Walk Thursday 16th October – School Open day Saturday 18th October – PTA School Ball. St Amand’s is your local Catholic primary school, with a free school bus from Didcot. You are welcome to visit at any time. Please phone Debbie, the school Administration Officer to make an appointment. Applications are also welcome from children new to the area for other classes. Please remember our school in your prayers.