EAST HENDRED CATHOLIC PARISH St Mary’s East Hendred St Patrick’s East Ilsley Fr. Terence FitzPatrick OSB Douai Abbey Upper Wolverhampton Reading, Berkshire RG7 5TQ Tel : 0118 9715356 mobile : 07973 295927 Email terence@douaiabbey.org.uk
stmaryseasthendred@fsmail.net www.catholichendredandilsley.org.uk Week Commencing Sunday 22 February 2009 Sunday Cycle B Weekday Cycle 1 nd
Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time SUNDAY MASSES: St. Mary’s, East Hendred 9.30am Mr and Mrs Brown (FM) St. Patrick’s, East Ilsley 11.15 am People of the Parish WEEKDAY MASSES Ash Wednesday 12.15pm St Mary’s East Hendred Arthur Robert Langley (FM) St Mary’s, East Hendred 7.30pm Friday 8.30am St Amandrs Chapel, Hendred House Rev. Michael Mahon (FM) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Friday between 3 and 4 pm. in St. Amand’s Chapel, Hendred House. Anniversaries. May they rest in the peace of the Risen Lord Last weeks collection was £774 of which 66 % was Gift Aided. The collection for the Catholic Education Service raised £99.98 Thank you CABRINI CHILDREN’S SOCIETY There will be a second collection after Mass today to support the work of this organisation (formally The Catholic Children’s Society) Talks on St Paul during Lent. The following talks on St Paul will be given during Lent at English Martyrs’ church, Manor Crescent, Didcot OX11 7AJ. They begin at 7.30 p.m. 5th March: Fr Nicholas King SJ, Who is St Paul? 12th March: Fr Richard Ounsworth OP, St Paul and being Human 19th March: Fr Mark Elvins OFMCap, St Paul and building Community 26th March: Fr Jerome Bertram Cong. Orat. St Paul and being Catholic
LENT 2009 ASH WEDNESDAY St Mary’s 12.15pm & 7.30pm Stations of the Cross at St Patrick's Church, East Ilsley From Friday March 6th to Friday 3rd April we will pray the Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm on Fridays during Lent. Do come to this short and simple though powerful prayer, and bring friends from other Christian denominations, all are welcome. Stations of the Cross at St Mary’s This will take place before Mass on Wednesdays during Lent. Starting at11.45am. All welcome SATURDAY 4TH April 11am St Mary’s Service of Reconciliation PASSION/PALM SUNDAY 5th April 10am meet at the top of Hendred House then process to St Mary’s MAUNDY THURSDAY 9th April 8pm GOOD FRIDAY 3pm EASTER VIGIL 8PM
WALK WITH ME LENT PRAYER BOOKS These are on the book table at the back of church. There are also Lent Calendars for children. CAFOD LENT DAY Sunday 8th March Family Fast Day Friday 6th March Envelopes are available at the back of church. CHILDREN LITURGY This will take place next Sunday, 1st March at St Mary’s during Mass. All primary school aged children welcome. Gathering together in Christ. We shall be meeting on Tuesday March 3rd for reflection and prayer on chapter 14 of Mark’s gospel in the parish rooms at 7.30 p.m. All are welcome. For more information contact Denis Smith, 01235 765564 The Pastoral Areas of Southampton Eastleigh and Winchester seek to appoint a Youth Development Leader Salary scale: £20,000 to £22,000 This post is fulltime and carries an initial 3 year contract. Download the application pack from http://forum.catholicyouthwork.com or for further details and application pack, contact:Father John O’Shea St Josephs and St Edmunds Parish Southampton 14 Rockstone Place,SouthamptonSO15 2EQ Telephone: 023 8033 3589 Email: parish@catholic.co.uk Closing date for applications: 27th February 2009Interviews: 20th March 2009