Parish Newsletter

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EAST HENDRED CATHOLIC PARISH St Mary’s East Hendred St Patrick’s East Ilsley Fr. Tom Taaffe EpV Fr.Bob Jennings KHS Week Commencing Sunday 16th March 2008 Sunday Cycle A Weekday Cycle 2

Palm Sunday SUNDAY MASSES: St. Mary’s, East Hendred 10am People of the Parish St. Patrick’s, East Ilsley 11.15 am Mr & Mrs Brown(FM) WEEKDAY MASSES: St Mary’s, East Hendred Wednesday 12.15pm Dolly Boyce (FM) Anniversaries William Dearlve, Pietro Melotti, Beatrice Burgess, Martin Power, Jane Dunn, Dorothy Aldworth and Albert Midwinter,.May they rest in the peace of the Risen Christ CARING FOR CREATION On Saturday 29th March there will be a conference in Oxford Town Hall, 10.30 – 5.00 p.m., on the theme of Caring for Creation; All Faiths for Peace, Justice and Sustainability. Admission is free and everyone is invited. There are posters in the church. SERVICE OF RECONCILIATION There will be no reconciliation service at St Mary’s but there will be one at St John Vianney, Wantage on Wednesday 19th March at 7.30pm. Fr Bob is very happy to listen to individual Confession before Mass. APF RED BOXES It is time for collection! Please hand your red box to your promoter or bring it to church. Thank you. THOUGHT FOR TODAY. Lord, remember not only people of good will, but also people of ill will. Do not remember only the sufferings that have been inflicted on us, but remember too the fruit we have both as a result of this suffering: the comradeship and loyalty, the humility and courage, the generosity and greatness of heart that has grown out of it. And when they come to judgement, let all the fruits that we have borne be their forgiveness. (Prayer found in Auschwitz). TODAY the Palm Sunday Liturgy begins in the drive of Hendred House at 10.00am. and the Procession goes to St. Augustine's Church for the LIturgy of the Word. Afterwards we return to St. Mary's for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. MAUNDY THURSDAY. The Liturgy is at 8.00pm. Volunteers still needed for the washing of the feet. Please add your name to the list by the church door (St Mary’s). GOOD FRIDAY. The Liturgy is at 3.00pm. HOLY SATURDAY. The Liturgy is at 8.00pm. JOHN YOUNG and PAULA ELSON (from St. Patrick's) will be baptised, received into the Church, confirmed and receive their First Communion. Please pray especially for them this week. NEXT SUNDAY - EASTER DAY. Masses as usual.

PRAY FOR THE SICK and especially for ARCHBISHOP KEVIN McDONALD, Archbishop of Southwark, having a heart bypass operation. CONFESSIONS Wednesday from 11.30am. VOLUNTEERS WANTED!! We will be decorating the church for Easter from 10:00am on Holy Saturday. If you have time please come along to help. COLLECTION FOR THE HOLY PLACES We are asked to support the upkeep of the places in the Holy Lad which feature so prominently in the events of Holy Week. Traditionally this is taken up on Good Friday. The Easter Offering is traditionally for the personal use of the priest, forming part of their income

St Amand’s Catholic Primary School St Mary’s Road, East Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8LF This week has been Maths week in school, with the children learning that maths can be fun! There were various cafes, fete’s, and shops being run by different classes. The school also had a visit from a “Maths Magician”, who entertained as well as helped the children learn about figures, shapes, sizes – and all things mathematical! The week was a great success. The PTA are collecting old mobile phones to raise funds for the school. If you have an old mobile you would like to donate, the school will get £2.50 per phone. There is a collecting box in the church porch. St Amand’s is your local Catholic primary school, with a free school bus from Didcot. You are welcome to visit at any time. Please phone Debbie, the school Administration Officer to make an appointment. Applications are also welcome from children new to the area for other classes. Please remember our school in your prayers. PASSOVER LITURGY AT THE MONASTERY — please see the notice in the porch or the details on the web site at

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