EAST HENDRED CATHOLIC PARISH St Mary’s East Hendred St Patrick’s East Ilsley Fr. Tom Taaffe EpV E-mail: stedmundabingdon@tiscali.co.uk Fr.Bob Jennings KHS stmaryseasthendred@fsmail.net www.catholichendredandilsley.org.uk Week Commencing Sunday 24th February Sunday Cycle A Weekday Cycle 2
Third Sunday of Lent SUNDAY MASSES: St. Mary’s, East Hendred 9.30am People of the Parish St. Patrick’s, East Ilsley 11.15 am Bridget Farrelly (FM) WEEKDAY MASSES: St Mary’s Wednesday 12.15pm Nancy Farrelly (FM) St Amands Chapel, Hendred House Friday 8.30am Rachel Hunt (FM) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Friday between 3 and 4 pm. in St. Amand’s Chapel, Hendred House. **************************************************
Anniversaries Charles Eyston, Donato Giacoma, Arthur Langley, Agnes Yardley and May Rush May they rest in the peace of the Risen Christ. RCIA. Thursday at 7.30pm. in the Parish Room. COFFEE AFTER MASS Just to remind you that coffee is served in the Parish Rooms after Mass at St Mary’s. Please do join us. FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT Fairtrade has improved the lives of millions of people farmers, workers and their families - in developing countries. We need to keep promoting Fairtrade and buying Fairtrade products to continue to make a positive difference. Fairtrade products include bananas, citrus fruits, coffee, cotton products, tea, mangoes, sugar, fruit juice, honey, snacks, chocolate, cocoa, flowers, wines and beers and can be purchased at many supermarkets and on-line shops. Let us keep this especially in mind and in our prayers from Feb 25th to March 9th which is Fairtrade Fortnight GATHERING TOGETHER IN CHRIST The next ‘Gathering together in Christ’ session will be on Thursday 6th March at 7.30 in the parish rooms. We will be using the DVD ‘Catholics Listening to God: Sharing the Bible’ to help us explore our faith and as an aid in praying together. Please come and join us. ST MARYS LITURGY COMMITTEE There will be a meeting of the liturgy committee this coming Tuesday, Feb 26th. We will be discussing liturgy arrangements for Holy Week and Easter, the preservation of church linen, enhancing the singing at mass, the occasional Sacrament of the Sick perhaps during mass at St Mary’s, investigating the appropriate construction material for the
tabernacle, sending congratulation cards to children on the anniversary of their having received the Sacraments of Baptism, Communion and Confirmation, publicising the minutes of the meeting and printed resources for use in services. If you have anything you wish to be discussed please contact any member of the committee; names and contact details on St Mary’s church door. We are always looking for new members; if you would like to serve for a time on the committee please see Denis Smith or Fr Bob.
Teenage Liturgy of the Word during Sunday Mass at St Mary’s We are considering offering Liturgy of the Word during Mass on the second Sunday of the month for those attending secondary schools. The first occasion will be Sunday March 9th. Would those interested please see Denis Smith? MILTON MANOR Milton Masses for 2008. Mass will be Celebrated in the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin, Milton Manor (known as Bishop Challoner's Chapel) at 6pm on Sunday 2nd March and on the first Sunday of each month untill 5th Octorber. Do join Us, for further information 'phone Maureen Eyston 01235 835 642. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD This will take place at St Mary’s next week during the Mass. All 4-7 year olds welcome. Do join us! LENT 2008 STATIONS OF THE CROSS ST MARY’S Wednesday at ll.40 am followed by the Angelus and Mass at l2.15 and before all Wednesdays Masses Fridays 7.30pm ST PATRICK’S Thursdays 7.30pm LENT LUNCHES Thursday 12.30pm Parish Rooms Please check the Parish Website for updates and events.