Parish Newsletter 2

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EAST HENDRED CATHOLIC PARISH St Mary’s East Hendred St Patrick’s East Ilsley Fr. Tom Taaffe EpV E-mail: Fr.Bob Jennings KHS Week Commencing Sunday 2nd March 2008 Sunday Cycle A Weekday Cycle 2

Fourth Sunday of Lent SUNDAY MASSES: St. Mary’s, East Hendred 9.30am Arthur Langley RIP Anniv. St. Patrick’s, East Ilsley 11.15 am People of the Parish WEEKDAY MASSES: St Mary’s Wednesday 12.15pm Pupils of St Amands School (FM) St Amands Chapel, Hendred House Friday 8.30am Louisa Goddard (FM) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Friday between 3 and 4 pm. in St. Amand’s Chapel, Hendred House. ************************************************** Matthew Castle, Thomas Regan, Patrick Barnes, Elizabeth Hunt, Amy Stibbs, George Dunn, Fr Michael Sexton, Ellen Cuddihy, Alice Couling, Alice Pilcherand Thomas Mulford


May they rest in the peace of the Risen Christ Last week’s total weekly offering was £344 of which 79% was Gift Aided. Thank you. GATHERING TOGETHER IN CHRIST The next ‘Gathering together in Christ’ session will be on Thursday 6th March at 7.30 in the parish rooms. We will be using the DVD ‘Catholics Listening to God: Sharing the Bible’ to help us explore our faith and as an aid in praying together. Please come and join us.

Teenage Liturgy of the Word during Sunday Mass at St Mary’s We are considering offering Liturgy of the Word during Mass on the second Sunday of the month for those attending secondary schools. The first occasion will be Sunday March 9th. Would those interested please see Denis Smith? MILTON MANOR MASS This will take place this evening at 6pm. All welcome. CARING FOR CREATION On Saturday 29th March there will be a conference in Oxford Town Hall, 10.30 – 5.00 p.m., on the theme of Caring for Creation; All Faiths for Peace, Justice and Sustainability. Admission is free and everyone is invited. There are posters in the church. SERVICE OF RECONCILLATION There will be no service at St Mary’s but there will be one at English Martyrs, Didcot on Thursday 13th March at 7.30pm, also one at St John Vianney, Wantage on

Wednesday 19th March at 7.30pm. Fr Bob is very happy to listen to individual Confession before Mass. PALM SUNDAY Next Sunday we will meet at the top of Hendred House drive at 10am to process with St Augustine’s parishioners to St Augustine’s, then returning to St Mary’s. There will be no coffee after Mass next week. If you are unable to walk in the process but would like transport to get to St Augustine’s and then to St Mary’s please let Chris Holmes or Denis Smith know. ST MARY’S EASTER FLOWER COLLECTION There will be a second collection after Mass next week for Easter flowers. Thank you. APF RED BOXES It is time for collection! Please hand your red box to your promoter or bring it to church. Thank you. R OSARY The Rosary Group will meet this Tuesday 4th March at 7pm in St Amands Chapel. All welcome. TODAY'S REFLECTION Learning anything, especially a language, is a gradual process, but there comes a moment of real clarity and understanding. The man born blind has his sight restored and comes to a deep insight about the identity of Jesus. Jesus is seen as simply a man, then a prophet, and eventually as Lord. A lesson we can learn from this incident, is that spiritual blindness stunts our spiritual growth. If we engage sincerely in the spiritual journey, this will result in our spiritual blindness being removed gradually, until like the blind man we can see clearly, and so fully acknowledge Jesus as Lord. CHRISM MASS - Tuesday, 18th. March. A coach will be leaving Abingdon at 08.00 and Didcot at 0.820. See sheet for full details . If you would like to go, please sign up as soon as possible. Cost: £12.20. payable on signing up. KINGSTON BAGPUIZE HOUSE AND GARDENS are open today: Gardens from 2.00pm. House from 2.30pm. Guided tours. Teas available and plants for sale. Leaflets at the back of the church. LENT 2008 STATIONS OF THE CROSS ST MARY’S Wednesday at ll.40am followed by the Angelus and Mass at l2.15pm Fridays 7.30pm ST PATRICK’S Thursdays 7.30pm LENT LUNCHES Thursday 12.30pm Parish Rooms PALM SUNDAY 10am Hendred House Drive

PASCHAL TRIDUUM 2008 MAUNDY THURSDAY St Mary’s 8pm followed by the Watch in St Amand’s Chapel. GOOD FRIDAY St Mary’s 3pm SATURDAY EASTER VIGIL MASS St Mary’s 8pm

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