Getting Started With Google Plus
In this module I want to show you how to get started with Google plus. And the first step in doing that is just setting up your own personal Google plus account and profile. And to do that just go to and see this gray strip at the top which is what is called the Google bar. And you see plus here on the top left. Just click that and that’s how to get to the Google plus page. And there are feed up and options and things here going on. But all we have to do here now is click on create an account and enter your current email address, password, another password, keep you singed in and enable web history. You turn it off if you want. Then you go to some basic profile information here. Your date of birth, where you’re from, captcha code and agree to the terms and service. So I’m just gonna enter some domain information here to create a test account coz I already have my proper one. It’s pretty straightforward so we can see, it’s like signing up for anything really so I’ll do it quickly and show you around. And I accept create my account at the bottom just click that. Account creation information so it’ll send a verification email which I will get and when I get that note then I’ll come back. And actually Google has taken me to verify my account page. So you could get it by your text message or voice call so you can choose your option that you want. So I wanna go for text message once so I’ll do that now. And just click send verification code. I should get that to my phone now. Yeah it has arrived so I’ve got a verification code to my phone now so I’m gonna type that to verify my new account. And click verify. It’s quite similar to the Facebook verification thing. So here now I have the option to sign up for the actual Google plus account itself or the profile. So click Join at the bottom once you’ve got in your name and your gender. And there we go. We’re now signed up. We’ve got a new Google plus profile. And the first off you can see an option is to add people you know into your circles main menu and I think they post all these from your email or whatever but I’m going to skip this for the moment. Some famous people here you’ve got an option to add those into your circles to follow them as well. This part is almost like twitter so in a way Google plus is trying to meld Facebook and Twitter together and combine them into a new improved system. I’m gonna skip for now and continue anyway. As you can see you can plan your personal profile information your school, where you work, where you live. You don’t have to add these if you don’t want. So we’ll leave it blank for now. So this is my profile it’s now saved successfully. Here we are. The standard basic profile. Now this is basically like a Facebook profile not to be confused with Facebook page. So this is like your Google plus profile and not to be confused with the Google plus page. They both look quite similar but as we go on in the course I’m gonna show you how to tell them apart quite easily and also make sure you don’t inadvertently start posting things as yourself on your mentally edited page and things that got there. So everything is quite simple and the whole set up I’m sure is really great. Just follow the steps and everything will be opened on pretty quickly. On the top here we’ve got the different sections I showed in Module One.
Digital Organics: Web Design Sunshine Coast - 1/102 Howard Street, Nambour, QLD 4560 T 617 5476 3800, SEO Sunshine Coast
We have the Stream, we have Photos. So this will show my own photos or ones from my friends and circles but as this is just a new account I just made this is blank for now. And this my profile here that appears when someone comes to the page. This got lots of spaces here for information which I’m gonna leave blank for now. And then we could the stuff like Posts, About me, Photos, Videos, and Plus one. So any pages I plus one which is just like a Facebook like they’re gonna appear here. So you can see there’s a lot of similarities but I think the Google Plus One is making big strides to improving than a lot of the other social media system that are there at the moment. Which is why I want to make this course. At the top here is the… of circles. This is gonna be a very important one in your business pages which I will show later. But this is your organizer contacts so let’s say you have 200 friends. Most will be Facebook friends and some of them are acquaintances, some of them are business people. This lets you drop the name form here into the circle r create a new circle. So I’ll just create a new circle called IM meaning internet marketing and create a circle. So here we go now. So let’s say I’ve added a few of you guys of my customers. I will drag you down here in my IM circle and I could connect directly with you. This is very powerful a very powerful feature and in particular it’s gonna be very powerful for the business pages and it’s one of the big selling points I want to, I want to get across to you so you can sell the services yourself to your businesses. And then which got a lot of games section as well if you have some free time. There’s a lot of games in Google plus. Okay guys, so that concludes the set up of your own personal Google plus account. You can search and share you content here as normal and that’s about it. You’ve got everything in one place here so the real power of the system is for business. It comes with the business pages. So this is just step one of many. Stay tuned for more social media guides, tips and tricks on my next module.
Digital Organics: Web Design Sunshine Coast - 1/102 Howard Street, Nambour, QLD 4560 T 617 5476 3800, SEO Sunshine Coast