chance to explore Fredericksburg’s history through historic structures, authentic objects, and photographs is offered at Pioneer Museum, which is owned and operated by the Gillespie County Historical Society (GCHS). The GCHS and Pioneer Museum work together to create a shared narrative of Fredericksburg history. The GCHS manages historical collections from donors and the Pioneer Museum complex brings the collections to life through exhibits, demonstrations and educational programs.
GCHS The GCHS was formed in 1934 to preserve and share the history of Gillespie County. The first Pioneer Museum site was the Vereins Kirche, located in the 100 block of West Main Street. The Vereins Kirche is a 1935 replica of the original structure and is an extension of Pioneer Museum. In 1955, the society bought the historic Kammlah house, store and property, which included a
Pioneer Museum has several historic structures in its complex, including the White Oak School, which gives visitors a look into the old one-room schoolhouses that used to cover all areas of Gillespie County. — Standard-Radio Post file photo
smokehouse and barn. All are at the Pioneer Museum Complex site. With other purchases and donations by the GCHS, the Pioneer Museum site has grown to encompass three acres and 11 buildings. Nine of the buildings are historic structures included on a tour of the Pioneer Museum grounds. The society has over 30,000 artifacts within its rich and diverse collection.
PIONEER MUSEUM Located at 325 West Main Street, the museum complex features year-round activities, displays, and hands-on demonstrations for families. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, closed Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Regular museum admission is $7.50 for adults, $3 for youth ages 6 to 17 years and free for children 5 years of age and younger.