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The Hill Country’s top artifact show is set for two more days.

The Hill Country Indian Artifact Show is held three times annually in the winter, spring and fall, but the Jan. 23 date was called off, due to COVID-19.

The next show is scheduled for Saturday, April 3. The show runs from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Masks will be mandatory.

This event will feature a wide variety of some of the finest Native American Artifacts from Texas and the United States, including arrowheads, pottery, trade era beads, artifact cases, related books, Indian jewelry and many other items.

As many as 70 tables will be set up by collectors from all over Texas to display historic artifacts for the benefit of buyers, sellers, traders or lookers interested in stopping by the pavilion that day.

Admission is $5 for everyone 15 years of age and older, while children 14 and under will be admitted free of charge.

All walk-in frames are $10 each. No solicitation of artifacts is allowed on Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park property.

Beverages, snacks and barbecue will be available to purchase from Buzzie’s Barbecue in Kerrville.


www.hillcountryindianartifacts.com, call (830) 329-2636, or email


Fun for the whole family, arrows and other Native American artifacts will be on display at the Hill Country Indian Artifact Show. The next show is set for April 3. — Standard-Radio Post file photo

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