Remarketing: Does It Work? The Why And How

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Remarketing: Does it work? The why and how

Remarketing is this: A visitor walks through your businesses front doors, ask about a product of service you offer, then leaves without even a goodbye wave. Later, you send your salespeople to follow that person around wherever they go to remind them you exist and how you can benefit them. If this happe ed to e i perso , I’d pro a ly e really creeped out. Fortunately, this only happens online, and it happens all the time.

Such a large percent of companies add remarketing to their digital repertoire for a y reaso s, here’s hy.

Why Remarketing Actually Works First and foremost, there are tons of big stats skewed in favor of remarketing that are re-hashed by lazy marketers all over the internet. Here’s a breakdown of what those stats are trying to say, with our own numbers.

Here’s a look at hy re arketi g orks:

These numbers show the vast disparity between the cost we pay to get a conversion with our remarketing campaigns vs the cost we pay to get a conversion in conventional search advertising.

By targeting those who know who you are and what you can offer, the chances of them coming back to buy what you have to offer are drastically higher, so conversions are where remarketing really shines. “o esse tially, if you’re thi ki g a out ad ertisi g o Google or a other platform with remarketing like Facebook, beginning with remarketing is a great place to start.

Okay it works, but how is it so successful? When it really comes down to it, remarketing is limited by one major bottleneck.

Landing pages, landing pages, landing pages.

It is impossible to stress this enough. Here are the things we see companies do wrong all the time. 1. A deal mentioned in the ad copy not found in the landing page (Boom, bounce rate!) 2. Cluttered landing page 3. Redirecting the click to a services/product/homepage as the landing page (seriously, why??) 4. No clear click path 5. No form or clear contact point

6. Inconsistent branding or styling with ad and landing page 7. Poorly constructed value proposition

You can tweak your ad copy all day and have no improvements in conversions if your landing pages are suffering from one of these fatal errors.

With this said, ad copy does matter.

Good ads have a specific set of rules they abide by to not be annoying and drive customer away.

I stead of o i g e ery si gle thi g you should do, here’s the ig oo’s i re arketi g.

How to address a

oyi g re arketi g

 Use a frequency cap on your remarketing ads to show viewers less than a certain amount of times. We choose 7 as our maximum.  Do ’t use distra ti g or irrele a t pi tures.  Never use heavily animated ads or ads with sound.  Address what the visitor wanted when they first visited your site as directly as possible. This ea s do ’t flood your ad ith unnecessary jargon.  Offer to solve the problem for the ex-visitor instead of simply promoting yourself.

 “et up egati e re arketi g lists to dete t users ho ha e already completed the desired conversion to not waste budget and annoy the visitor.  Offer relevant deals, discounts, and promotions.

Just looking at the length of this list should tell you that remarketing has huge potential to be annoying. It is our sole responsibility as marketers to not pollute the internet with awful, intrusive, and irrelevant ads. Not only this, but helping the people who really need our product/service is infinitely more rewarding in terms of revenue and customer satisfaction. We’ e ee studyi g a d lear i g fro

our re arketi g de isio s e ery day.

If you thi k you’re ready to egi re arketi g, talk to us here.

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