Make intelligent use of the #hashtag for effective Social Media Marketing (SMM)

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Make intelligent use of the #hashtag for effective Social Media Marketing (SMM)

It’s been quite some time that hashtags took off in 2007. This explosion of usage on social media sites has tapered off in the last few years to form into something that we no longer view as new, but instead more as something that just is. The hashtag has the power to group messages together while spreading new information to aid people in their search for you. With this boosted spread of information, hashtags inevitably increase your marketing efforts overall exposure. The trouble many marketers run into is that they either don’t use hashtags in posts that they could fit well into or that the hashtags they use aren’t completely relevant because of poor research. Additionally, hashtags can easily be monitored and placed into a visual representation of their popularity for use by marketers. Below are a few websites and extensions that allow you to get information on how to use the hashtag and how they can fit into your social media marketing strategy.

Rite Tag

Want to get the dl on if your tags are appropriate and what you can do to achieve a better reach? Rite tag does this withrecommendations on other hashtags you can use that could improve your overall post’s performance. If you want a lightweight social media tool that functions in this manner, then this is your best bet as it runs as an easy extension in your browser. We recommend this as a good place to start if you’re struggling with hashtag usage.

Would you like to see the hashtags that have the strongest correlation to the keyword you want to use? This tool can do this in an easy to understand visual format while telling you the specific numbers with specific pictures of the tweets that used these hashtags. This tool is highly recommended to take the guesswork out of social media managementin the use or creation of hashtags.


For a more advanced and real-time approach,TalkWalkerprovides some valuable analytical data both in rich image form and textual form. This hashtag trackercan work with HootSuite and detects tweets that mentioned the hashtag you’re researching while displays displaying real-time results. With engagement, sentiment, and reach tracking it’s not so difficult to measure the general buzz around any hashtag anymore.


Looking for a way to visualize the major trends going on around the globe hashtag style? Trendsmapis a hashtag tracker that allows you to do exactly that as you can even zoom in to the state or city level like you can see above. This awesome social media marketing tool allows focus on exactly what is happening around the world hashtag wise. This effectively removes the guesswork in trying to paint a mental picture for what areas are tweeting about what topics. Besides being a great way to track current hashtag trends, this can give you a bit of an idea about where to start when planning out a new hashtag. So go ahead, give these free tools a run and see which fit your needs best. If you’re a trendsetter into creating a new hashtag or heating up some conversation on a topic, try heading over to and see what you can ignite. With the availability of these free tools, there’s no excuse for an online marketer to not be able to use a hashtag in an intelligent manner.

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