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Business Unit. Under his leadership, Micron launched its first highbandwidth memory product into high volume production and ramped the industry’s fastest graphics memory. Montierth joined Micron in March 2021 after serving as vice president and general manager at Marvell and NXP Semiconductor. His track record includes driving strong business results and product leadership across wireless connectivity, custom silicon, mobile application processor and mobile power management businesses.
Montierth will be responsible for leading Micron’s mobile business, including building world-class mobile
Prior to this appointment, Montierth was vice president and general manager of high-bandwidth and graphics memory product lines in Micron’s Compute and Networking

Montierth, an inventor on more than 50 U.S.-issued patents, earned a master’s degree in electrical engineering and computer architecture from Stanford University and a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University. Montierth succeeds Raj Talluri, whose five-year Micron tenure led to significant growth and established the company as a leader in mobile memory and storage solutions. Talluri is leaving Micron to pursue a new opportunity.
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IInd Floor,
Rajeev: What are the newly evolving challenges impac ng digital transforma on journey of organiza ons in India?
Ashok: Digital transforma on (DX) was a sudden need among organiza ons of all ver cals when the pandemic began back in 2020. Three years down the line, most of the ver cals have tremendously come to terms with revolu onary digital transforma on reforms that have brought the organiza ons to an op mum level. We at RAH Infotech understand that the challenges of digital transforma on have also evolved:
• Digital Transforma on Strategy: While ini ally, the DX strategy was to implement the basics and enable remote and at the next stage hybrid work model, now the strategy needs to change. Many are s ll finding it difficult to understand their next strategy when someone says digital transforma on. If the ini al implementa on has been done without much planning, then it would be a challenge to build the next steps.
• Innova on & budge ng: There is a need for organiza ons to keep innova ve steps of DX in check and implement them in the best possible way. The challenge however is keeping it updated with the latest technology and yet reining in the budget for the DX. Without the support of the right strategy, cost op miza on cannot be achieved; hence, it is a real challenge to keep innova on and budge ng in check.
• Security: The expected and an cipated challenge that DX brought in was in terms of security risks. With the DX expanding and reaching higher levels, induc ng the right security measures to combat threats thrown in by threat actors has been an impossible task. So, keeping up with the evolving security threats is a challenge that will not subside.
• Lack of the right IT team and knowledge: The biggest challenge any organiza on