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Kaizen Leading The Way with Excellent Tech Service Support
Kaizen has proven itself as one of the leading tech support companies in India by providing best-in-class technology support to customers. Kaizen has successfully won the trust of leading tech brands which includes MSI, Crucial by Micron, Galax, ADATA, INNO3D, Nextron, Wipro, Mercury, Corsair, Cooler Master, Array Networks, Zotac, Plutus and etc. Kaizen has enabled all the brands in its por olio to leverage its exper se and create a stronger bond with the customers.
In line with making the customer support be er, Kaizen is upgrading the service offerings with addi on of WhatsApp. Also, Kaizen has built the team for its contact centers which will take the feedback from each customer on call. This ini a ve will result in delivering the service support in a be er way. Customer sa sfac on is paramount and being the market leader, Kaizen plans to take every possible step for customer delight.
Commen ng on the service upgrada on, Murali Krishnan, Director, Kaizen Infoserve said, “We at Kaizen strive to offer industry-leading tech service support to every customer. We work with an aim to redefine the service standards and make all customers feel happy. In 2023, we have adopted a new approach to give a quick response to customers and resolve their queries as soon as possible. Our plans are very clear and we have a strong vision which will lead us to strengthen our leadership posi on in 2023.

Kaizen has been growing leaps and bounds and has garnered tremendous growth over the years. It has significantly expanded its footprints in India with an aim to reach all areas and improve the last mile connec vity. The remarkable growth achieved by Kaizen is driven from Its capabili es to offer excep onal service support experience to huge customer base across India.