Kailey and Derek

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Derek, We have b e e n wait i n g fo r t hi s d ay fo r so long, a nd I a m s o ha p p y t o f i na l l y b e c o me y o u r w i f e. W e ha v e g r o w n u p t o g e t he r o v e r the past eight years, and I promise to continue to grow with you and never let us grow apart. I promise to always be your best friend, your biggest fan, and your partner in crime.

I will continue to be happy when the Redskins win, and so sad when they lose. Even though they’ll never be my favorite team. I vow to be patient with you, encourage you, and trust you. But mostly, Derek, I promise to love you faithfully, forever, and always.

Kail, I promise to love, honor, and cherish you for the rest of my life. To always treat you as my best frie nd and e q ua l . I p ro m i se t o fo rever b e your P.I.C., your Nashville dance partner, and your senior quarterback that you swore to your poor mother you would never bring home. .

I promise to be the best friend, husband, and somed ay, fathe r tha t a wo ma n suc h a s you rse lf de s e rve s t o have. I p ro m i se t o a l w a y s b e t he r e f o r y o u i n g o o d t i me s a nd i n b ad . A nd lastly, I promise to love you more and more everyday for a s lo ng as we both shall live. I love you, Kail.



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