Welcome Issue January 2013
A personal message
Help us StartUp Britain
What is the Digital Youth Enterprise?
Contents A personal message from the founder 4 What is the Digital Youth Enterprise? 8 Digital Youth Enterprise Training 10 Online Marketing 12 2IÀLQH 0DUNHWLQJ 13 Presentation Skills 14 Team Building 16 Personal Development 18 PopUp Britain 20 Social Media 22 What to look for when choosing a digital marketing agency 25 Web Design and Development 28 Branding 30 Motivational Skills 32 Advertise in Go Digital 33 Generate Leads for Free with LinkedIn 34 Help us StartUp Britain 36 Business Skills 38 NJ Creative 39 Young Enterprise School 40 Visit our blog 42
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Welcome  Issue
:HOFRPH WR WKH ÂżUVW HYHU LVVXH RI *R 'LJLWDO <RX KDYH UHFHLYHG WKLV GLJLWDO PDJD]LQH DV D FRPSOLPHQWDU\ EHQHÂżW RI \RXU RQ JRLQJ VXSSRUW WR ZZZ GLJLWDO\RXWKHQWHUSULVH RUJ XN DQG \RXU LQWHUHVW LQ WKH LQFUHGLEOH DQG H[FLWLQJ GLJLWDO JHQHUDWLRQ WKDW ZH DUH DOO OLYLQJ LQ :H ZLOO FRQWLQXH WR GHOLYHU HDFK IUHVK QHZ FXUUHQW LVVXH HYHU\ PRQWK GLUHFWO\ WR \RXU LQER[ DQG RQ RXU ZHEVLWH IRU WKH GXUDWLRQ RI \RXU VXSSRUW This  is  a  taster  of  what  you  can  expect  from  future  issues  of  Go  Digital.  Obviously  everything  will  be  new  and  up  to  date  with  the  very  latest  news,  views  and  comments,  but  youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll  see  the  sort  of  articles  and  features  that  will  be  coming  your  way  in  this  issue.
We  will  also  be  featuring  other  businesses  and  events  such  as  seminars  and  workshops  that  will  be  happening  within  your  local  area  too. Â
The  main  purpose  behind  this  issue  is  to  explain  to  you  exactly  who  the  Digital  Go  Digital  will  feature  regular  articles;Íž  how-Âto  Youth  Enterprise  is  and  what  is  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  guides,  reviews  and  advice  to  get  you  started  in  purpose.  This  way  we  know  weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  business  and/or  improve  your  business  covered  all  the  basics  from  day  one  success.  This  publication  will  keep  you  up  to  and  hopefully  this  will  inspire  you  to  date  with  the  latest  Social  media  news,  get  involved  and  share  what  we  are  Internet  Marketing  systems,  the  products  and  doing  with  your  own  network  of  friends,  services  that  can  help  you  run  your  online  colleagues  and  clients  too.  business  smoothly,  and  the  techniques  and  strategies  that  have  been  working  for  others. Â
$ SHUVRQDO PHVVDJH IURP WKH IRXQGHU 3DXO :DNHÂżHOGÂŤ +HOOR WKHUH And  a  very  warm  welcome  to  the  FIRST  EVER  EDITION  of  the  brand  new  digital  monthly  PDJD]LQH *R 'LJLWDO Âą WKH RIÂżFLDO GLJLWDO magazine  of  the  digitalyouthenterprise.com  website. So  who  am  I,  and  what  is  the  Digital  Youth  Enterprise  I  hear  you  ask. $OORZ PH WR TXLFNO\ LQWURGXFH P\VHOI ÂżUVW ,ÂśP a  passionate  entrepreneur  who  left  behind  the  hustle  and  bustle  of  the  South  East  of  England  in  2005  and  moved  up  to  Northumberland,  North  East  of  England  and  where  I  took  a  massive  career  change. Â
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  been  very  honest  and  RSHQ DQG WKH ÂżUVW RQH WR admit  that  such  a  massive  move  has  changed  me  as  a  person  and  the  way  I  look  at  life.â&#x20AC;? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  also  been  very  honest  and  open  and  WKH ÂżUVW RQH WR DGPLW WKDW VXFK D PDVVLYH move  has  changed  me  as  a  person  and  the  way  I  look  at  life. I  have  multiple  businesses  in  Social  0HGLD 0DUNHWLQJ RQOLQH DQG RIĂ&#x20AC;LQH business  coaching  &  consultancy  where  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  already  helped  3,471  people  from  around  the  globe  to  improve  and  a  have  a  successful  business  since  2009.
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  also  done  various  workshops  and  public  speaking  events  across  the  UK  and  in  2011  I  was  written  about  in  the  book  called  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The  Laptop  Millionaireâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;  due  to  some  of  my  success  online. Â
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Inspiring  &  supporting  young  people  so  they  can  learn  &  use  their  digital  skillsâ&#x20AC;? My  brand  new  venture  is  a  this  a  â&#x20AC;&#x153;not  IRU SURÂżWÂś 6RFLDO (QWHUSULVH WKDW ,ÂśYH called  the  Digital  Youth  Enterprise  where  myself  and  my  team  will  be  Inspiring  &  supporting  young  people  so  they  can  learn  &  use  their  digital  skills  to  set-Âup  and  succeed  in  business  and  to  learn  more  skills  so  they  can  get  the  job  that  they  deserve. ,ÂśP DOVR MXVW LQ PLG Ă&#x20AC;RZ RI ZULWLQJ P\ ÂżUVW ERRN which  I  hope  to  launch  by  March  2013. ,ÂśYH EHHQ DW WKH IRUHIURQW RI 2IĂ&#x20AC;LQH 2QOLQH Marketing  for  several  years  now.  After  spending  3  years  working  as  a  Pub  Manager,  8  years  in  the  Motor  Trade  as  a  Sales  Manager  leading  a  team  of  8  staff,  then  having  spent  4  years  as  a  Recruitment  Consultantâ&#x20AC;Ś I  eventually  started  out  in  Business  in  2006  RSHQLQJ P\ ÂżUVW %XVLQHVV DV D 5HFUXLWPHQW Agency  working  very  closely  with  the  Automo- tive  industry  as  a  Consultant  for  the  likes  of  Renault,  Audi  and  Peugeot  to  name  a  few.
This  experience  ended  up  being  my  biggest  lesson  in  business.  I  not  only  ended  up  having  to  close  this  business  but  it  also  had  a  massive  effect  on  my  personal  life  too.  I  lost  everything,  partner,  house  as  well  as  my  business  and  for  WKH ¿UVW WLPH LQ P\ OLIH IRXQG P\VHOI RXW RI ZRUN and  with  only  £2.87  in  his  bank.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  lost  everything,  partner,  house  as  well  as  my  EXVLQHVV DQG IRU WKH ÂżUVW time  in  my  life  found  myself  out  of  work  and  with  only  £2.87  in  the  bank.â&#x20AC;? In  2008  I  sat  back  and  had  a  serious  think  about  what  I  wanted  from  life  and  where  I  was  going  â&#x20AC;Ś The  answer  I  came  up  with  was  that   â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  SIMPLY  ENJOYED  HELPING  OTHERSâ&#x20AC;?  but  what  could  I  do  that  would  give  me  this  satisfaction? I  made  the  decision  to  move  on  from  a  traditional  corporate  life  and  build  my  own  home  based  business  with  the  control,  Ă&#x20AC;H[LELOLW\ DQG OLIHVW\OH EHQHÂżWV WKDW DUH UHDOO\ important  to  me.  I  had  enough  of  intense  commuting  and  exhausting  business  travelâ&#x20AC;Ś â&#x20AC;Ś  I  was  no  longer  prepared  to  make  SHUVRQDO IDPLO\ VDFULÂżFHV ,ÂśP QRZ committed  to  helping  consumers  &  EXVLQHVVHV ZKLFK ZDQW WR ÂżQG PRUH SHUVRQDO IUHHGRP OLIHVW\OH Ă&#x20AC;H[LELOLW\ DQG support  them  to  achieve  their  goals  and  aspirations.
After  spending  so  many  years  being  involved  ZLWK 2QOLQH 2IĂ&#x20AC;LQH 0DUNHWLQJ , QRZ KHOS local  businesses  by  using  my  Sales  &  Marketing  skills  &  knowledge  as  a  Social  Media  Consultant  and  Internet  Marketer  to  take  their  businesses  online  and  use  social  media  groups  such  as  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Facebookâ&#x20AC;?  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Twitterâ&#x20AC;?  â&#x20AC;&#x153;YouTubeâ&#x20AC;?  &  other  very  well  known  Social  Media  groups  to  make  people  aware  of  business  events/promotions  to  bring  in  streams  of  foot  full  through  their  door. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  built  up  a  freelance  workforce  of  60  staff  which  have  been  loyal  to  me  since  2008  which  range  from  Direct/Internet  Marketing  Experts:  Website  Developers:  Designers:  Video  Effects  Consultant:  SEO  Experts:  Social  Media  Experts:  Sales  Assistants  plus  a  few  more  to  name. I  have  been  able  to  apply  many  of  the  sales  and  marketing  tactics  I  have  learned  over  the  last  few  years  and  implement  them  into  my  RZQ 2IĂ&#x20AC;LQH 2QOLQH %XVLQHVV :LWKLQ WKLV P\ success  has  grown  rapidly,  hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  what  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  personally  achievedâ&#x20AC;Ś Â
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Within  8  months  alone  I  built  a  customer  database  of  15,328  people  simply  using  social  media.  This  helped  my  make  £1,920.80  within  8  daysâ&#x20AC;? Within  8  months  alone  I  built  a  customer  database  of  15,328  people  simply  using  social  media.  This  helped  my  make  £1,920.80  within  8  days  and  also  lead  to  me  being  interviewed  by  a  gentleman  called  Mark  Anastasi  one  of  the  worlds  most  recognized  &  most  successful  Multi-ÂMillionaire  Internet  Marketers.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  rolled  out  the  same  marketing  campaign,  which  then  generated  me  £7,988.00  within  9  weeks  simply  using  Facebookâ&#x20AC;? After  doing  this,  I  rolled  out  the  same  marketing  campaign,  which  then  generated  me  £7,988.00  within  9  weeks  simply  using  Facebook. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  also  done  voluntary  work  for  the  Princeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  Trust  as  a  Sales  &  Marketing  Mentor  and  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m  currently  a  Business  Mentor  for  the  Young  Enterprise  Group. Personal  Achievements Â
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  also  just  been  recognised  as  a  Sage  Business  Expert  -  Sage  Business  Experts  come  from  businesses  of  all  shapes  and  sizes,  but  they  share  one  thing  in  common  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  a  commitment  to  promoting  business  and  enabling  others  to  do  the  same.   KWWS ZZZ VDJH FR XN EXVLQHVV H[SHUWV Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m  also  the  Start  Up  Britain  Business  Champion  for  Northumberland.  Start  Up  Britain  is  a  national  campaign  by  entrepreneurs  for  entrepreneurs,  harnessing  the  expertise  and  passion  of  Britainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  leading  businesspeople  to  celebrate,  inspire  and  accelerate  enterprise  in  the  UK.  KWWS ZZZ VWDUWXSEULWDLQ FR QRUWKXPEHUODQG
Social  Media  Marketer  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  got  a  personal  following  of  over  60,000 2IĂ&#x20AC;LQH 0DUNHWLQJ Âą , JHQHUDWHG VDOHV RI Â&#x2026; ZLWK RQH RIĂ&#x20AC;LQH FDPSDLJQ (Product  sold  for  £197.00  and  I  got  28  clients) Copy  Writing  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  learnt  the  basic  formula  of  Direct  Response  Copy  Writing Web  Development  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  learnt  how  to  build  E-ÂCommerce,  Membership  Sites,  Business  Sites. Public  Speaker  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  done/do  private  workshops  &  training  for  B2B  &  B2C Information  Publisher  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  My  eBooks  are  called The  Difference  between  Success  &  Failure  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  sold  172  copies How  To  Make  £10,000  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  £20,000  on  the  Internet  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  sold  68  copies Blog  The  Builder  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  sold  52  copies How  To  Stop  Anxiety  &  Panic  Attacks  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  only  just  launched
:KDW LV WKH 'LJLWDO <RXWK (QWHUSULVH" 'LJLWDO <RXWK (QWHUSULVH ± <RXU -RXUQH\ 6WDUWV +HUH Digital Youth Enterprise is a brand new ‘not for SUR¿W¶ VRFLDO HQWHUSULVH SURYLGLQJ WUDLQLQJ DQG on-going support to young people aged between 16-24 from all backgrounds so they can learn and use their digital skills to start their RZQ EXVLQHVV DQG RU ¿QG ZRUN The Digital Youth Enterprise will offer activities ZKLFK ZLOO EHQH¿W \RXQJ SHRSOH ZLWKLQ WKH community and in particular establish, operate and manage places of education and training. These places will provide lectures, workshops, seminars training sessions and other means of education that will aid in the development RI VHOI HVWHHP DQG FRQ¿GHQFH LQ ERWK WKH employment market and entrepreneurial opportunities.
Digital Youth Enterprise will be offering a number of training programmes for young people on a learning-by-doing principle. Basic Internet Skills 2QOLQH 2IÀLQH 0DUNHWLQJ Presentation skills Team Building Personal Development Social Media Courses Web Design & Development Branding & Design Motivational skills Business skills Digital Youth Enterprise will also have an online membership site where individuals, schools, colleges, universities, organisations and other enterprises will have access to 1000’s of products, such as eBooks, audio, articles, how to videos. This also includes our daily, weekly and monthly mentoring program too. Our mission is: ‘To Support and Inspire Young People Born into This Digital Generation To Learn and Succeed Through Enterprise’
7DUJHW 0DUNHW The enterprise has two main audiences in terms of publicising our services (Young People & Businesses). Naturally the main emphasis is on reaching young people aged between 16-24, however in many cases it is necessary to engage in other bodies to help reach this group of people. We are about helping, inspiring and supporting young people who have a passion about having their own business, but we also understand and do not want to dismiss those who are not looking to do that and who are simply looking for training and on-going support to get work/ apprenticeships within digital marketing, social media and/or any other digital activity.
“We are about helping, inspiring and supporting young people who have a passion about having their own business”
To Create 150 Jobs To Help 1,000 people set-up in business.
Digital Youth Enterprise
Young People 16 - 24
Local Business Organisations
Start and run their own business
Get work and/or apprenticeship
'LJLWDO <RXWK (QWHUSULVH 7UDLQLQJ We will be offering a number of training programmes for young people on a learning-by-doing principle, these will include:
Basic Internet Skills Online Marketing 2IÀLQH 0DUNHWLQJ Presentation Skills Team Building Personal Development
Social Media Courses Web Design & Development Branding & Design Motivational Skills Business Skills
“Millions in the UK ‘lack basic online skills’” Some 16 million people in the UK lack basic online skills.
You may be good in writing articles but you must also know how to optimize such articles for the top search engines. Every marketing Achieving success with any form of online strategy is connected to each other. To be a business depends a lot on how many Internet good blogger, you need to be a good writer. marketing skills you have. Obviously, the more To be a good article marketer, you need to be skills you have, the more chances you have in knowledgeable in search engine optimization. making it online. To be a good search marketer, you need to be a good copywriter. And so on and so forth.
Below are the most basic ,QWHUQHW PDUNHWLQJ VNLOOV. These skills could be everything that you need to grow your business to the level you’ve always wanted.
1 2 3 4 5
6HDUFK HQJLQH RSWLPL]DWLRQ VNLOOV You must know how the search engines work and how they rank websites. If you are selling products or services online, the bulk of your customers will likely come from the search engines. The main objective of SEO is to make sure that the people searching for your products or services will be directed straight to your website, not to your competitors. In order to achieve this, your website has to rank highly for your product and service keywords. To get higher rankings, you need to perform keyword research, keyword integration, and link building. $UWLFOH PDUNHWLQJ VNLOOV 7KH JRDOV RI DUWLFOH PDUNHWLQJ LQFOXGH WUDI¿F generation, brand build-up, and backlink generation. If you are able to submit tons of good articles to online article directories, expect FRQVLGHUDEOH DPRXQWV RI WDUJHWHG WUDI¿F DQG OLQN MXLFH JRLQJ \RXU ZD\ You can conduct the article marketing process yourself or you can outsource it to freelance writers and content providers. %ORJJLQJ VNLOOV. Blogging didn’t start out as an Internet marketing WRRO 3HRSOH ¿UVW XVHG EORJV DV RQOLQH YHUVLRQV RI MRXUQDOV DQG GLDULHV Now, blogging has morphed into a very powerful marketing tool. To be an effective blogger, you must be a decent writer. You don’t have to be a Hemingway to be able to build a blog following. As long as you can write in an understandable manner coupled with good grammar, \RX¶OO EH ¿QH 6RFLDO PHGLD PDUNHWLQJ VNLOOV Creating a presence for your business on Facebook or Twitter has almost become a necessity. These social networking sites have millions of users. To be able to tap into this huge market, you must know how social media works. How do users connect with each other? How do users share content on the sites? Knowing these will help you devise plans on how you can effectively feed your content into your networks. &RS\ZULWLQJ VNLOOV Most of the time, you will be writing sales copies for your products and services. That said, you need copywriting skills to ensure that you are getting your sales messages across to your targeted customers or prospects.
2QOLQH 0DUNHWLQJ If  you  want  to  run  an  online  business  that  is  thriving  from  top  to  bottom,  then  you  will  need  to  be  aware  of  the  latest  online  marketing  strategies  that  will  help  you  to  have  the  success  in  your  business  that  you  are  looking  for.  Knowing  how  to  market  successfully  online  will  differentiate  yourself  from  the  other  competition  in  your  niche. You  see  some  people  think  that  by  having  a  ZHEVLWH WKDW SHRSOH ZLOO DXWRPDWLFDOO\ MXVW Ă&#x20AC;RFN towards  them  and  visit  their  site,  and  buy  things.  But  this  couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  be  farther  from  the  truth.  The  truth  of  the  matter  is  that  you  have  to  market  hard  and  effectively  online.  Just  because  you  can  get  started  easily  doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  necessarily  mean  that  it  will  be  easy  to  make  money.
They  think  good  customer  service  will  bring  them  sales  and  repeat  customers,  but  it  wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t.  The  only  thing  that  will  bring  you  more  sales  and  repeat  customers  is  HIGHLY  EFFECTIVE  MARKETING.  You  have  to  be  a  marketing  rebel  if  you  want  to  have  Internet  marketing  success.  <RX KDYH WR JR KDUG LPSOHPHQW SDLG WUDIÂżF do  a  lot  of  free  marketing,  and  watch  as  your  business  goes  from  zero  to  hero.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;You  have  to  be  a  marketing  rebel  if  you  want  to  have  Internet  marketing  success.â&#x20AC;? If  youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  recently  heard  of  a  guru  claiming  that  you  can  earn  $5,000  by  the  end  of  the  month  (even  if  today  is  the  29th)...  ignore  them  and  continue  on  with  your  marketing  strategy.  And  this  is  where  a  lot  of  people  get  hung  People  like  this  are  predators...  they  get  you  to  up.  And  when  you  look  at  the  stats...  the  buy  their  $10  course...  and  then  aggressively  stats  donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  lie  either.  The  stats  say  that  95%  try  to  sell  you  their  $3,000  product  -  with  of  all  new  online  business  owners  will  fail  telemarketers  at  their  disposal. this  year.  And  guess  what?  The  numbers  Be  cautious  with  people  like  this.  They  will  make  GRQÂśW Ă&#x20AC;XFWXDWH 7KH QXPEHUV UHPDLQ WKH you  think  that  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  easy  -  but  it  really  isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t.  There  same  year  after  year.  I  think  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  that  way  are  many  decent,  very  good  â&#x20AC;&#x153;online  business  because  people  have  no  idea  of  how  to  ownersâ&#x20AC;?  who  know  nothing  about  Internet  market  anything  online. marketing,  and  their  business  is  in  jeopardy  as  we  speak.  They  are  good  at  what  they  do,  but  they  have  no  idea  of  how  to  get  sales!  Â
2IĂ&#x20AC;LQH 0DUNHWLQJ 2QH RI WKH EHVW ZD\V WR GULYH RIĂ&#x20AC;LQH WUDIÂżF WR \RXU ZHEVLWH LV WR SODFH VPDOO ORZ FRVW DGYHUWV LQ national  and  regional  newspapers.  These  adverts  only  need  to  be  a  few  words  long  and  should  include  your  domain  name.  There  is  no  need  to  add  further  contact  details. The  adverts  are  designed  to  get  people  go  online  and  to  visit  your  website.  The  advert  itself  should  not  be  designed  to  sell,  that  is  the  function  of  your  web  site.  Ideally  you  should  be  offering  a  specialist  niche  product  that  people  FDQÂśW JHW RIĂ&#x20AC;LQH RU WKH\ ZLOO MXVW JR GRZQ WR WKHLU local  shop  and  buy  it  rather  than  order  it  and  wait  for  the  postman  to  bring  it. You  could  offer  to  talk  at  other  peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;  events  such  as  seminars  or  perhaps  you  could  give  a  talk  or  seminar  yourself.  Perhaps  you  could  give  a  talk  to  the  local  business  club  in  your  area  or  Each  time  you  do  a  speaking  event  you  should  VHH D VKDUS VSLNH LQ WUDIÂżF WR \RXU ZHEVLWH IXUWKHU DÂżHOG" where  the  people  you  gave  the  talk  to  are  Now,  you  canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  keep  promoting  your  web  site  all  looking  for  further  information.  Remember  through  the  speaking  event  but  what  you  can  do  though,  you  have  to  tell  them  to  visit  or  they  is  mention  it  during  a  relevant  part  of  your  talk  wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  even  think  about  it. and  suggest  the  audience  write  it  down  and  visit  $Q DOWHUQDWLYH RIĂ&#x20AC;LQH WUDIÂżF JHQHUDWLQJ it  later. method  is  to  offer  to  write  a  column  for  your  ORFDO QHZVSDSHU , DP VXUH WKDW \RX ZLOO ÂżQG that  writing  a  short  column  is  quite  easy  to  do.  Now,  you  are  unlikely  to  get  paid  for  this  but  you  would  expect  at  least  to  get  your  URL  mentioned  in  your  by-Âline  to  the  column.  Even  the  smallest  newspaper  $QRWKHU PHWKRG RI JHQHUDWLQJ WUDIÂżF DW is  likely  to  have  a  readership  of  many  speaking  events  is  to  do  a  hand-Âout  about  thousand  people  and  all  of  them  are  what  you  have  been  talking  about  and  make  potential  visitors  to  your  website. sure  you  put  your  website  address  at  the  top Â
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Each  time  you  do  a  speaking  event  you  should  VHH D VKDUS VSLNH LQ WUDIÂżF WR your  websiteâ&#x20AC;?
of  the  hand-Âout.  Alternatively,  you  can  say  to   the  audience,  there  is  no  need  to  make  notes   about  this  presentation  as  I  have  put  the  entire  presentation  up  on  my  web  site  and  you  can  ¿QG LW DW P\ 85/ 7KHQ ZKHQ YLVLWRUV JR WR \RXU website,  they  have  to  subscribe  to  your  list  to  download  the  presentation.
3UHVHQWDWLRQ 6NLOOV ,Q EXVLQHVV FRPPXQLFDWLRQ VNLOOV DUH D QHFHVVLW\ :KHQ \RX ¿QG \RXUVHOI JLYLQJ EXVLQHVV presentations,  there  are  steps  you  can  take  to  ensure  that  your  presentation  is  a  success.  The  most  important  thing  is  to  know  every  minute  detail  about  the  material  you  are  preventing.  If  you  do  not  present  yourself  as  an  expert,  your  audience  will  not  buy  what  you  are  selling.  Keeping  an  audience  focused,  even  when  giving  PowerPoint  presentations,  can  be  a  daunting  challenge.  By  following  these  simple  tips,  however,  you  can  be  sure  that  you  have  their  full  attention
â&#x20AC;&#x153;If  you  do  not  present  yourself  as  an  expert,    your  audience  will  not  buy  what  you  are  selling.â&#x20AC;? 8VH UHOHYDQW SKUDVHV  Choose  the  three  or  four  most  important  points  of  your  presentation  and  use  them  consistently  throughout  the  presentation.  This  repetitive  use  of  keywords  and  phrases  will  help  the  material  stick.  Make  sure  that  you  keep  the  amount  of  information  on  each  slide  to  a  minimum,  so  it  is  easy  to  read. .HHS LW VLPSOH  When  using  PowerPoint,  make  sure  to  use  a  simple  slide  layout,  a  simple  font  of  at  least  24  to  30  pt  size,  and  limit  your  punctuation.  Also,  never  use  all  caps  as  it  is  offensive  to  the  eye  and  is  the  written  equivalent  of  screaming  at  the  audience. 8VH FRORXU HIIHFWLYHO\  The  most  appealing  PowerPoint  presentations  include  dark  type  on  light  backgrounds,  but  never  use  white.  Instead,  choose  a  more  eye  friendly  colour  such  as  beige  or  another  pale  colour.  Whatever  colours  you  choose,  stay  consistent  on  all  slides  for  uniformity  DQG Ă&#x20AC;RZ
&KRRVH D FOHDQ GHVLJQ  Though  you  may  be  tempted  to  get  artistic  with  your  slide  design,  the  best  choice  for  business  presentations  is  one  that  is  simple,  clean,  and  straightforward.  Save  the  colours,  patterns,  and  busy  graphics  for  kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  entertainment.
%H FRQFLVH Cut out all unnecessary material and keep the total number of slides in your presentation to a bare minimum. If you use effective communication skills, you do not need hundreds of slides. Dragging out the presentation will distract your audience and cause them to lose interest.
8VH HIIHFWLYH JUDSKLFV Graphics can be a powerful way to impart information. When you need to use a graphic, make sure it is meaningful to the content, that it is easy to read and understand, and that it supports the content of your presentation. Good communication skills are necessary to success in business. By following the above tips for PowerPoint presentations, you can be sure that all of your business presentations will be a success.
7HDP %XLOGLQJ Running  a  small  business  is  time  consuming.  As  an  owner  and  a  leader,  at  times  you  probably  feel  like  youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re  being  pulled  in  many  different  directions,  causing  certain  priorities  to  get  lost  in  the  VKXIĂ&#x20AC;H &RPPXQLFDWLRQ ZLWK \RXU WHDP VKRXOG QHYHU EH RQH RI WKHP :LWKRXW D VXSSRUWLYH WHDP you  may  have  big  ideas,  but  a  slim  chance  of  executing  those  ideas  to  their  fullest.  Building  a  cohesive,  forward-Âthinking  team  in  your  small  business  requires  commitment  on  your  part,  your  managers,  and  the  company  as  a  whole.  Team  building  activities  can  require  considerable  time  and  resources,  but  they  are  absolutely  necessary  if  you  want  to  achieve  your  business  goals.  Here  are  some  small  business  team  building  tips: :KRÂśV 2Q <RXU 7HDP" Those  kids  on  the  playground  who  take  what  feels  like  a  century  to  build  the  â&#x20AC;&#x153;perfectâ&#x20AC;?  basketball  team  may  be  on  to  something.  Team  members  are  best  chosen  carefully.  $ EDVNHWEDOO WHDP FDQÂśW ZLQ ZLWK ÂżYH SRLQW guards  and  no  forwards.  Each  member  needs  to  bring  a  unique  set  of  skills  to  the  table,  while  at  the  same  time  being  able  to  communicate  and  work  with  their  teammates.  The  overall  vision  of  the  company  should  be  discussed  and  understood  from  the  start  if  you  hope  to  build  a  winning  team.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The  overall  vision  of  the  company  should  be           discussed  and  understood  from  the  start  if  you  hope  to  build  a  winning  team.â&#x20AC;?
“Without a supportive team, you may have big ideas, but a slim chance of executing those ideas to their fullest.” :KR¶V 2Q )LUVW" A clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each team member is critical when it comes to small business team building. But their professional duties aren’t the only factors to consider. As you get to know employees on a more personal level it will become obvious what qualities they possess and how these personality characteristics FDQ EHVW EH XVHG WR EHQH¿W WKH FRPSDQ\ ,V RQH PHPEHU D SDFL¿HU" /RRN WR KHU WR KHOS UHVROYH FRQÀLFW ,V DQRWKHU SHUVRQ PRUH RI an encourager? Invite him to give praise to others often. A gatekeeper, a standard setter, a group observer-whatever the personality type, it’s important to build a team that not only encompasses the professional abilities you need to make your business thrive, but the personal ones as well.
productivity, performance, and satisfaction. The result of micro-management is often an exodus of the best employees to a competitor who truly knows how to lead people. As you assess your management style, ask yourself how much FRQ¿GHQFH \RX KDYH LQ \RXU HPSOR\HHV WR autonomously do their jobs. If you feel you need to constantly check-up on them because of a lack of faith in their abilities, it may be time to either take a closer look at your leadership style or review your hiring practices - or both. :KR &DUHV"
“Give your team a reason to care as much as you do”
Well, you certainly do! Now, give your team a reason to care as much as you do. One of the key aspects of small business team building is rewarding both individual and team performance. Establish a rewards-for- performance program that suits the goals of your business and the aspirations of your employees. Make sure to communicate the purpose of the rewards program and stick to it. You may be surprised by the way it :KR¶V ,Q &KDUJH" motivates employees. Remember that if your team sees and feels your dedication Anyone who has ever been micro-managed to the company, its mission, its goals, and knows that this management style is not even just a simple project, they’ll feel a conducive to effective leadership and small business team building. In fact, common bond and be more inspired to do the best work they can. micro-managing your employees can be demoralizing and negatively impact their
3HUVRQDO 'HYHORSPHQW So, how do you change your life? How do you get better results? Success in any area of your life largely depends upon how well you communicate. Your communication skills will mark the difference between average success andoverwhelming success. One thing is perfectly clear: How well you communicate internally - how you talk to yourself, is more than important than all forms of external communication you make. To get the results you want your self-talk may need an overhaul. In order to achieve anything it is vital you question yourself about what you want. This is a big question. There can be no other clear pathway to getting your goals than to focus on what you want. However, most people fall into the trap of focusing on what they don’t want. The power of focus should not be underestimated. At any moment you can choose your focus, and it is important to be in charge of your focus, because it is this that produces your results. Your perception of a given situation sets off a matching behaviour. So, why not choose to stop being dictated to by your perceptions? 'LVFDUGLQJ ROG SDWWHUQV DQG ¿QGLQJ EHWWHU ones can achieve this. By repetition you can create new patterns, new internal representations, and begin to get the results you want. You can begin to do this by thinking what old patterns should be discarded and then decide to start to change those internal representations. How do others see you? What thoughts are going on inside your head? If you focus on what you want you can start to determine the best way to achieve your goals. The moment you decide you are GLVVDWLV¿HG ZLWK ZKDW \RX FXUUHQWO\ KDYH you are on a different journey. You need to explore what is really important to you. And give yourself time to think.
“focus on what you want because what you focus on will increase over time.” It is much better to focus on what you want simply because whatever you focus on is liable to increase. Use this thinking to change your life. How you present things to yourself makes an enormous difference to your results, so focus on what you want because what you focus on will increase over time. Consciously thinking about what you want is WKH FULWLFDO ¿UVW VWHS WRZDUGV FUHDWLQJ D IHHOLQJ within yourself that will help you to take the necessary action to make a plan and then go out and get your goal. When you consciously take heart and make key decisions in your personal development and when you know you are willing to follow through on these decisions, it produces a feeling of exhilaration! If repeated several times you will soon develop a habit of thinking positively and taking rewarding actions. You will feel courageous and have a sense of becoming unstoppable. How wonderful would that be? 7KLV JLIW FDQ EH \RXUV ZLWK VRPH ¿QH WXQLQJ around your personal development.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;you  must  take  100%  responsibility  for  the  actions  you  takeâ&#x20AC;? Of  course,  it  is  all  very  well  having  awareness  of  this,  after  all,  it  is  easy  to  accept  that  thinking  positively  is  helpful,  but  how  do  you    commit  to  it?  Perhaps  there  is  no     easy  solution,  but  it  is  clear  you     must  take  100%  responsibility  for  the    DFWLRQV \RX WDNH LQ WKH VLJQLÂżFDQW areas  of  your  life. This  includes  your  career,  your    UHODWLRQVKLSV \RXU ÂżQDQFHV \RXU health,  your  emotions,  your  beliefs,  your  habits,  and  your  personal  development.  Often  this  means  taking  an  unemotional,  objective  look  at  yourself,  consciously  deciding  what  kind  of  person  you  want  to  be. How  do  you  really  feel  on  the  inside?  Once  you  understand  yourself  objectively  you  can  go  ahead  and  take  the  actions  that  are  congruent  with  this  thinking.  Without  this  sense  of  FRQJUXHQFH LW LV KLJKO\ OLNHO\ \RX ZLOO ÂżQG D ZD\ to  self-Âsabotage.  Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  always  easy  to  give  up,  isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  it?
When  thoughts,  feelings,  actions,  and  capabilities  are  working  together  seamlessly,  you  can  go  ahead  and  create  the  future  you  want  for  yourself.  This  is  true  empowerment. Most  of  us  have  good  intentions,  though  we  are  easily  put  off  by  the  belief  that  getting  consistent  results  through  altering  how  we  think,  feel  and  behave  requires  work,  hard  work.  However,  much  of  this  does  not  need  to  be  too  onerous.  It  begins  with  the  way  you  think  about  yourself.  Good  habits,  once  developed,  can  bring  enormous  reward  once  they  are  set  in  place.  Of  course,  it  does  require  commitment.
Having  perfect  alignment  between  your  conscious  endeavours,  and  your  emotional  and  unconscious  self,  leads  to  extraordinary  results.  Once  you  have  that  sense  of  internal  balance,  properly  matched  with  whatever  external  actions  are  needed,  it  becomes  far  easier  to  get  the  results  you  want.  Everything  falls  into  pace  Most  special  things  in  life  do  require  and  your  internal  system  works  in  harmony. effort,  discipline  and  commitment.  But  habits  are  formed  relatively  quickly.  Spend  a  few  moments  to  decide  what  you  should  give  up.  If  something  is  not  working,  junk  it!  Then  decide  what  you  want.  Why  not  give  it  a  go?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Good  habits  can  bring  enormous  reward  once  they  are  set  in  place.â&#x20AC;?
0RYHPHQW WR JHW VPDOO EULWLVK EXVLQHVVHV LQWR HPSW\ VKRSV 3RS8S %ULWDLQ LV SDUW RI D JURXS RI SRS XS H[SHUWV WKDW¶V LQ WDONV ZLWK WKH ODWHVW KLJK VWUHHW EUDQGV WR DQQRXQFH FORVXUH LQ D ELG WR UH RSHQ KXQGUHGV RI VWRUHV WR KRPH JURZQ %ULWLVK EXVLQHVVHV A newly-formed PopUp Forum, which includes Dan Thompson from the Empty Shops Network, Emma Jones, from national enterprise campaign StartUp Britain and PopUp Britain and Nick Russell from We Are Pop Up, have approached the administrators of HMV and Jessops with a plan which could give thousands of British start-ups an affordable taste of the high street.
“Last year was a record year for British start-ups.”
“Last year may have been a bad year for big retailers, but it was a record year for British start-ups. Our local high streets are in trouble - and yet what small retail business wouldn’t give their right arm for the chance to trade in their own communities, generating sales and awareness of their brand?
Emma Jones said: “We’re working with the administrators’ lawyers to contact landlords DQG ¿QG RXW LI ZH FDQ WDNH FRQWURO RI D percentage of the newly-closed shops with a view to offering affordable retail spaces to small and start-up British retail Nick Russell said: “The job of administration is a long and arduous process that can take years. businesses, on a rolling basis. What we’ve asked for is the chance to throw open boarded-up shops for an agreed time to small businesses and give consumers the chance to support British enterprise.”
“give consumers the chance to support British enterprise”
PopUp  Britain,  which  is  currently  being  showcased  at  the  Department  of  Communities  and  Local  Government  (DCLG),  sees  six  small  businesses  and  start-Âups  co-Âfunding  and  co-Âworking  in  a  retail  space  for  two  weeks  DW D WLPH $ VSHFLÂżF SRS XS OHDVH KDV EHHQ developed  to  cover  legal  issues.
Dan  Thompson,  who  wrote  Pop  Up  Business  For  Dummies,  said:  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Creative,  independent  shops  and  businesses  are  a  growing  part  of  the  British  economy  right  now.  Times  are  hard  yes,  but  resourceful  people  are  making  business  ideas  come  to  life  and  are  reinventing  the  high  street.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;resourceful  people  are  making  business  ideas  come  to  life  and  are  reinventing  the  high  street.â&#x20AC;?
According  to  latest  stats  from  the  British  Retail  Consortium  (BRC),  11.3  per  cent  of  shops  are  now  empty.  A  recent  BRC  poll  of  MPs  revealed  that  two-Âthirds  believe  high  streets  in  their  constituencies  have  deteriorated  noticeably  RYHU WKH ODVW ÂżYH \HDUV
A  successful  pilot  in  Richmond,  Surrey,  saw  more  than  60  businesses  take  up  a  space  LQ ¿YH PRQWKV ZLWK IRXU LQ ¿YH VD\LQJ WKH experience  had  been  good  for  their  business  and  more  than  20  per  cent  reporting  an  increase  in  online  sales  after  the  experience.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;11.3  per  cent  of  shops  are  now  empty.â&#x20AC;? MPs  and  Town  Teams  are  set  to  be  invited  to  view  the  PopUp  Britain  showcase  at  the  DCLG  at  an  event  to  be  held  later  this  month. Small  businesses  can  apply  for  a  space  in  all  shops  KHUH
6RFLDO 0HGLD Social media has become a marketing strategy that is of growing importance to the business world. But, there are still arguments as to whether or not it has any true value to business. Some FODLP WKDW LW¶V QRW D YLDEOH VROXWLRQ WR PDUNHWLQJ VWUDWHJLHV ZKLOH RWKHUV VZHDU E\ WKHLU SUR¿OH WKDW LW is the answer to today’s business needs. 0DUNHWLQJ WRGD\¶V DXGLHQFH And that is the word of importance today. Perhaps sites like Facebook and Twitter are simple fads, but that is exactly why it is so important to market to it. Television originated as a bland three-channel option when it came out, delivering public messages and some general entertainment. But, in its growing popularity (fad), it has become a host for prime-time advertisement.
“Billions of people from all over the world have social accounts on at least one medium, making it the perfect tool for any marketing strategy”
Social media is currently no different. In the business sense, it is where the business is right now. Billions of people from all over the world have social accounts on at least one medium, making it the perfect tool for any marketing strategy. Then there are arguments about how Facebook isn’t focused enough on business applications. But, does it prove worthy for networking’s sake? After all, there is a multitude of advertising through Facebook, which means that it proves viable to someone. In argument, there are claims that LinkedIn and blogs tend to generate far more positive results for businesses, which is true. These applications are far more business-oriented than other media accounts. But, it’s also wise never to limit your opportunities.
“It’s also wise never to limit your opportunities”
So  the  real  question  to  those  that  argue  against  social  is:  $UH \RX XVLQJ WKH WRROV SURYLGHG RU PLVXVLQJ WKH SURÂżOH \RX MXVW WKLQN \RX KDYH" This  is  perhaps  the  most  common  mistake  RI DQ\RQH ZKR GRXEWV WKH LQĂ&#x20AC;XHQFH RI VRFLDO media.  It  is  like  someone  who  gets  a  rotten  apple  and  decides  that  all  the  fruit  in  the  tree  is  going  to  be  bad.
:KDW GR \RX JHW IURP \RXU VRFLDO QHWZRUNV" Fundamentally,  proper  social  strategies  all  come  down  to  a  few  calculations:
:KR LV WKH WDUJHW DXGLHQFH" Each  media  has  different  audience  content,  and  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  important  to  understand  whom  you  are  talking  to. So,  if  youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re  using  social,  you  have  to  ask  yourself  whether  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  cost  effective  DQG WLPH HIÂżFLHQW ,V LW ZRUWK \RXU efforts?  Are  you  trying  to  appeal  to  an  audience  that  isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  there?  Is  there  viability  in  your  strategy?  Basically,  ZLOO \RXU DXGLHQFH EH DEOH WR ÂżQG \RX through  your  select  social  outlet? 3URYLGLQJ TXDOLW\ FRQWHQW WKDW LV LQWULJXLQJ WR WKH DXGLHQFH LV HVVHQWLDO WR VXFFHVV Generating  quality  content  isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  as  easy  as  it  seems.  Sure  you  could  generate  posts  about  your  business,  but  it  is  also  wise  to  incorporate  present  trends  and  fads  into  the  content.  What  makes  you  so  special,  but  at  the  same  time  what  makes  you  so  relatable?
'HOLYHU\ LV WKH ELJJHVW LVVXH EHFDXVH networks  of  people.  This  is  how  you  reach  an  WKLV LQFOXGHV WKH XVH RI WKH WRROV WKDW audience  of  todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  demands.  If  the  current  HDFK VRFLDO PHGLD KDV WR RIIHU fad  was  reading  the  labels  on  a  fruit,  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  guaranteed  you  would  see  advertising  in  the  This  is  where  many  social  marketing  produce  section.  However,  thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  what  it  is-  strategies  go  wrong,  because  delivering  an  advertising  strategy  that  helps  to  increase  the  message  relies  on  the  proper  use  of  visibility,  awareness,  and  improve  a  businessâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;  the  tools  you  have  at  your  disposal.  Take  sales  through  word  of  mouth  marketing. Facebook  for  example.  This  site  offers  SHUVRQDO SURÂżOHV DQG EXVLQHVV SURÂżOHV A  common  mistake  is  to  use  a  personal  SURÂżOH IRU \RXU EXVLQHVV <RX OLPLW the  abilities  of  your  social  networking  strategy.  You  canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  be  â&#x20AC;&#x153;likedâ&#x20AC;?  by  anyone  or  utilize  the  different  tracking  tools  and  The  majority  of  people  trust  peer  apps  that  are  available  to  a  business  recommendations  over  any  other  source  of  SURÂżOH $GGLWLRQDOO\ \RX DUH OLPLWHG WR advertising,  including  television  and  radio.  what  you  can  and  canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  do.  It  also  looks  Word  of  mouth  marketing  is  perhaps  the  most  far  less  professional. powerful  advertising  tool  available,  and  it  relies Â
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The  majority  of  people  trust  peer  recommendations  over  any  other  source  of  advertisingâ&#x20AC;?
:KDW VRFLDO FDQ RIIHU" Social  is  not  a  stand-Âalone  marketing  strategy.  It  is  designed  to  work  with  other  networks  and  expand  visibility  amongst  a  far  larger  audience.  This  is  a  characteristic  that  many  failed  social  marketing  strategies  failed  to  grasp.  Social  networks  are Â
on  the  ability  of  a  business  to  network  its  image  by  including  themselves  in  the  current  trends  of  todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  audience. It  all  comes  down  to  what  a  business  wants  to  invest  in  their  brand  and  how  they  will  measure  the  success  of  their  engagement  with  their  brand  community  -  wherever  they  spend  time.  Businesses  need  to  excel  at  their  brand  communication  itself  and  not  just  get  hung  up  on  loving  a  communication  channel. Â
:KDW WR ORRN IRU ZKHQ FKRRVLQJ D GLJLWDO PDUNHWLQJ DJHQF\ :KHQ 0DNLQJ 8 6RFLDO ZDV DVNHG WR ZULWH DQ DUWLFOH IRU WKH ÂżUVW LVVXH RI 'LJLWDO <RXWK 0DJD]LQH I  was  thrilled  at  the  prospect.  However,  when  I  actually  sat  down  to  think  about  what  to  write,  my  spirits  were  damped  somewhat,  but  for  a  really  positive  reason.  Making  U  Social  is  a  full- service  digital  marketing  agency  and  as  such  we  have  a  vast  amount  of  knowledge  to  share,  an  DEXQGDQFH RI KLQWV WLSV WR GLVFORVH DQG D PLQHÂżHOG RI VWUDWHJLF DGYLFH DQG JXLGHOLQHV WR GLYXOJH UHQGHULQJ LW UHDOO\ KDUG WR VHOHFW D ÂżUVW WRSLF After  ruminating  for  a  few  days  I  cracked  it. Here  in  the  UK,  marketing  budgets  are  slowly  shifting  away  from  traditional  outlets  like  PR  and  cold  calling  to  new  digital  marketing  strategies.  But  the  skill  set  of  employees  needed  to  make  this  switch  often  lags  behind.  Many  organisations  lack  the  resources  needed  to  train  internal  people  on  how  to  master  digital  marketing  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;must-Âhavesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;  such  as  social  media,  blogging,  SEO  and  e  marketing.  As  a  result,  businesses  wanting  to  take  advantage  of  digital  strategies  are  looking  for  outside  agencies  for  help  to  increase  their  online  visibility  and  sales  lead  generation  efforts. +RZHYHU LW LV QRW RQH VL]H ÂżWV DOO $JHQFLHV FRPH LQ DOO VKDSHV DQG VL]HV ZLWK GLIIHUHQW VSHFLDOLWLHV and  talents.  But  there  are  core  skill  sets  that  make  some  agencies  stand  out  from  the  crowd.  In  this  article,  Making  U  Social  will  share  some  of  the  most  important  core  values  that  lie  at  the  heart  of  the  services  we  offer  to  our  clients  and  the  values  that  you  should  actively  seek  out  in  any  agency  you  wish  to  engage  to  represent  your  business.
2IIHUV WKH ULJKW VHUYLFH   Any  agency  worth  its  salt  should     offer  at  least  four  core     services. Â
, 7UDIÂżF OHDG JHQHUDWLRQ ,,    Content  marketing ,,,   Leads  to  Customer  conversion ,9   Analytics Â
2 Â
  An  agency  must  be  able       to  outline  its  strategic  and  tactical  approach  of  the  above  4  competencies  in  a  timeline  which  clearly  demonstrates  each  component  part  and  the  resources  required  for  each  chunk.
Any  agency  must  be  able  to  demonstrate  that  it  FDQ JHQHUDWH WUDIÂżF WR D FOLHQWÂśV ZHEVLWH WKURXJK SEO,  blogging  and  social  media  sharing.  Next,  an  agency  must  be  able  to  demonstrate  how  it  FDQ FDSLWDOLVH RQ WKDW WUDIÂżF E\ EXLOGLQJ ODQGLQJ pages  and  managing  online  lead  generation  efforts. Â
3 Â
  The  sales  process  of  any      good  agency  should  begin  by  them  asking  you  what  your  critical  business  goals  are  and  what  are  the  challenges/ urgency  surrounding  those  goals.  The  agencyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  solutions  should  then  illustrate  how  they  can  dovetail  into  these  business  goals  in  a  succinct  and  measured  way.
  A  good  agency  will  be  willing  and     eager  to  talk  with  all  departments      within  your  organisation,  whether  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  Sales/Manufacturing,  HR  or  R&D  with  a  view  that  all  of  these  people  can  contribute  at  some  level  to  generating  remarkable  content  for  your  digital  marketing  efforts.  An  agency  truly  worth  its  weight  will  push  to  train  key  representatives  from  within  these  departments  on  digital  marketing  best  practice  and  on  a  regular  basis  updates  on  the  latest  industry  developments.
     Ask  your  agency  who  will  be       delivering  each  step  of  their  strategy.  Will  it  all  be  handled  in-Âhouse  or  will  parts  of  it  be  outsourced?   Enquire  about  how  long  theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  worked  with  partners  and  ask  what  pieces  of  work  will  be  shifted  to  them  and  whether  or  not  they  have  testimonials  that  they  can  present.  Establish  whom  you  can  contact  on  a  daily  basis  for  any  enquiries  relating  to  the  development  and  execution  of  your  digital  marketing  strategy. Â
  Check  that  your  agency  has     the  internal  resource  to  be  able  to  effectively  manage  and  execute  your  campaigns.  Ask  what  they  may  request  from  you  in  terms  of  the  provision  of  data/material  and  technical  assistance  on  an  on-Âgoing  basis  so  that  campaign  runs  smoothly.  Â
:RUNVKRSV  at  Newcastle  Business  Village,  Clavering  House ZD\V WR KDUQHVV WKH SRZHU RI WKH LQWHUQHW IRU PRUH WUDI¿F OHDGV DQG VDOHV Twitter  Prospect  Psychology Facebook  NEW  Search  Graph 7KH &œV RI 9LGHR 0DUNHWLQJ IRU PRUH WUDI¿F OHDGV DQG VDOHV FRQ¿UPDWLRQ
It isn’t enough for your agency to simply devise a digital marketing strategy that ticks all the boxes and then it fails when it comes to its execution. Ensure that you ask your agency how it will measure each step of the campaign and how frequently. What metrics will be used and how often can you expect a report back on progress. Don’t forget to ask if adjustments can and will be made if things are underperforming.
You should be able to see everything that your agency sees. Expect to have regular meetings built into the sales process with your agency in which you can review what’s been done to date, ask questions or raise any concerns. Any agency that truly values transparency will also allow you to have login details to the online marketing programmes they use to run your campaigns.
0DNLQJ 8 6RFLDO LV EXLOW XSRQ WKH DERYH IRXQGDWLRQV DQG ZH EHOLHYH DJHQFLHV WKDW DUH DEOH WR GHPRQVWUDWH WKH DERYH DWWULEXWHV DQG YDOXHV DUH ZHOO SRVLWLRQHG WR GHOLYHU DQ HIIHFWLYH GLJLWDO PDUNHWLQJ VHUYLFH We are committed to helping businesses understand how to use new and emerging digital WHFKQRORJLHV LQ RUGHU WR JHQHUDWH PRUH WDUJHWHG OHDGV DQG JURZ WKHLU EXVLQHVV ,I \RX¶G OLNH WR ¿QG out more about our Workshops & Training, or tap into the Consultancy, Account Management, and Strategic Marketing services that we offer, then please visit ZZZ PDNLQJXVRFLDO FRP or call 01670 788 333 to talk to any member of our team. We look forward to hearing from you.
:HE 'HVLJQ 'HYHORSPHQW Designing  and  developing  a  website  is  a  tedious  with  numerous  steps  to  work  on.  The  process  may  vary  from  one  designer  to  another,  but  the  basics  will  mostly  be  the  same. 1.  'DWD JDWKHULQJ DQDO\VLV DQG GH¿QLWLRQ 2.  Planning  the  site  structure 3.  Structuring  and  selection  of  the  design
4. Â Development 5. Â 7HVW UHÂżQH DQG ODXQFK 6. Â Maintenance
'DWD *DWKHULQJ $QDO\VLV DQG 'HÂżQLWLRQ This  is  the  most  crucial  step  of  the  process;Íž  the  ideas  that  the  designer  gathers  from  you  -  the  RZQHU RI WKH ZHEVLWH ZLOO JR D ORQJ ZD\ WR KHOS FUHDWH WKH ZHEVLWH EDVHG RQ \RXU VSHFLÂżFDWLRQV The  worst  problem  a  designer  would  probably  encounter  would  be  to  work  with  clients  who  do  not  supply  the  necessary  details,  and  then  blames  the  designer  if  the  websiteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  design  did  not  exceed  or  even  pass  their  expectations.  It  is  always  best  for  you  and  the  designer  to  cover  this  ground  through  proper  documentation  -  going  through  a  â&#x20AC;&#x153;client  survey  interview  wouldâ&#x20AC;?  be  the  best  WKLQJ WR GR <RX FRXOG HLWKHU ÂżOO XS D IRUP RU JR RYHU WKH TXHVWLRQV ZKLOH EUDLQVWRUPLQJ ZLWK WKH designer.  Those  details  will  be  summed  up  in  a  clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  brief  that  your  designer  would  create  to  GHÂżQH ZKDW WKH SURMHFW LV DERXW WKH JRDOV WKH WDUJHW DXGLHQFHÂśV SURÂżOH DQG SHUFHSWLRQ PHVVDJH to  convey  and  the  competitive  edge  -  this  together  with  the  survey  would  be  used  to  bring  an  imaginary  audience  into  life.  After  going  through  these  processes,  the  designer  would  have  to  draw  a  timeline  for  each  phase  of  the  project  so  that  each  milestone  would  be  recorded  and  achieved  in  a  timely  manner. 3ODQQLQJ WKH 6LWH 6WUXFWXUH When  planning  the  structure  of  the  site  the  designer  must  collaborate  closely  with  the  client  on  the  content.  Brainstorm  with  him/her  to  create  a  list  of  all  the  contents  that  the  website  must  have.  Then,  he  will  spend  time  going  over  the  list  in  order  to  trim  it  down  to  what  are  most  DSSOLFDEOH WR WKH WDUJHW DXGLHQFH DQG JRDOV JLYLQJ VXIÂżFLHQW WKRXJKW WR KRZ WKH VLWH ZLOO JURZ in  order  to  leave  room  for  further  development.  After  categorizing  the  content  of  the  site,  you  need  to  go  over  the  changes  with  him  to  see  if  they  meet  your  approval.  Next,  would  be  the  creation  of  a  sitemap  based  on  the  content.  A  sitemap  is  a  visual  imagery  of  the  outlined  structure  and  content  of  the  site.  Lastly,  is  the  creation  of  the  wireframes.  A  wireframe  is  an  illustration  of  the  different  pages  and  the  content  of  each  page  -  it  includes  the  different  elements  like  images  and  navigation.  It  also  contains  footers  and  other  instrumental  elements.
6WUXFWXULQJ DQG 6HOHFWLRQ RI WKH 'HVLJQ Now,  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  time  for  a  clearer  view  of  what  your  designer  is  working  on.  As  with  the  other  steps,  you  need  to  work  closely  together.  A  thorough  analysis  of  the  materials  on  hand,  while  going  over  the  SRLQWV \RX ZDQW FODUL¿HG DQG FKDQJHG LV QHFHVVDU\ EHIRUH JLYLQJ \RXU GHVLJQHU DXWRQRP\ RYHU WKH creation  of  the  design.  At  this  time,  he  can  already  surmise  the  different  aspects  he  must  work  on.  This  part  of  the  process  needs  time  and  patience  from  you  and  the  designer  because  you  would  KDYH WR JR RYHU VHYHUDO GUDIWV RI WKH YLVXDO IRUPV EHIRUH \RX FDQ JHW WKH ¿QDO GHVLJQ 'HYHORSPHQW This  is  the  creation  and  development  stage  of  the  website.  As  this  point,  your  designer  will  SLHFH WRJHWKHU DOO RI WKH LQGLYLGXDO YLVXDO HOHPHQWV LQ RUGHU WR FRQ¿UP DQG UH¿QH D WHFKQLFDOO\ IXQFWLRQDO SODQ ZKLFK \RX QHHG WR UHYLHZ DQG FKHFN LQ RUGHU WR NQRZ LI LW ZLOO EH ¿QLVKHG RQ WLPH DQG ZLWKLQ WKH EXGJHW RU LI \RX QHHG WR PDNH VRPH DGMXVWPHQWV $IWHU JRLQJ WR WKH ¿UVW phase,  then  the  creation  and  the  integration  of  the  site  will  start  which  is  the  2nd  phase  of  the  development  process.  It  is  absolutely  necessary  to  receive  updates  and  give  feedback  while  the  site  is  continually  developing  in  this  stage. 7HVW 5H¿QH DQG /DXQFK 7KLV LV ZKHQ \RXU ZHE GHVLJQHU ZLOO DSSO\ WKH ¿QLVKLQJ WRXFKHV WR \RXU ZHEVLWH DQG WHVW if  before  going  live.  It  is  imperative  to  conduct  a  quality  assurance  test  of  the  content,  validation,  accessibility,  validity,  load  testing,  connection  speed,  scripts,  usability,  links,  Search  Engine  Optimization,  and  security.  There  are  3  levels  of  priorities  at  this  point.  The  ¿UVW RQH DUH WKRVH ZKLFK QHHG WR EH ¿[HG EHIRUH D ZHEVLWH FDQ JR OLYH IROORZHG E\ WKRVH which  could  help  improve  it,  but  you  can  afford  to  go  live  without,  and  last,  would  be  those  LGHDV IRU IXWXUH FRQVLGHUDWLRQ :KHQ \RX JLYH WKH ¿QDO JUHHQ OLJKW WKH VLWH ZLOO EH XSORDGHG to  the  server  using  an  FTP  (File  Transfer  Protocol  Program.)  Subsequently,  a  last  test  run  will  be  done  to  check  that  everything  is  running,  as  they  should  before  launch.  Then,  your  website  is  now  set  to  go  live!  Â
%UDQGLQJ How essential is branding to your market capture strategy? Let me put it this way: when people want to buy basketball shoes, they think of a certain swoosh. When your three-month old niece drops a situation in her pants you look for Pampers. When people see a distinctive light blue box, there is only one jewellery company that comes to mind (and tip their proverbial hats to croissant- eating screen goddesses with dramatic beehives hairdos, a penchant for little black dresses and long pearl strands). :KDW LV WKH FRPPRQ OLQN" The companies mentioned above have cleverly developed and maintained their superiority in their respective niche markets. They have ingrained their products and their brand so deeply in the collective consumer consciousness that their products and services have become synonymous with quality in these markets.
:KDW PDNHV D JRRG EUDQG %DVLF %UDQGLQJ Your brand’s message doesn’t get lost in translation: Think big. You may be supplying your products to a particular geographic region at the moment, but if you keep providing quality items, people from other places are going to want to check you out too! You can’t limit yourself to marketing strategies or branding that will alienate potential customers. Your brand gets the respect it deserves: It usually takes years to develop a good reputation in any industry. However, some companies have so carefully planned their brand and executed their market strategy that people easily buy into their perceived EUDQG SURPLVH %DFN LW XS E\ IXO¿OOLQJ \RXU brand promise and providing excellent customer service and you’ve won yourself and your company a loyal following.
B 30
<RXU FXVWRPHUV VKRXOG IHHO DQ DI¿QLW\ IRU the brand: Getting your customers to feel an emotional connection for your brand can do a lot for your product promotion and marketing strategy. When Hostess Brand Inc. declared bankruptcy and announced its imminent closure, frantic OR\DO FXVWRPHUV ÀRFNHG WR VWRUHV WR VWRFN up on their beloved Twinkies. The effort may not have been enough to save the company but it’s a prime example of how much emotion people can invest in a product that has been a part of their cultural consciousness for as longer than they can remember. Your marketing strategy translates to buyer motivation: Did you know that the FRORXU RI \RXU UHVWDXUDQW FRXOG LQÀXHQFH how your customer eats? Red is a robust colour that promotes hunger as evidenced by its rampant use in fast food chains. Orange on the other hand, is not quite as effective. Colour theory is one trick you can utilize to create a better customer experience that will translate into sales for your company. Don’t fall into the lackadaisical “anything goes” marketing strategy. Research what draws consumers into your store and what will NHHS WKHP WKHUH XQWLO WKH\ ¿QG VRPHWKLQJ they want bad enough to reach into their wallet and complete a transaction with you.
Your brand inspires and cements customer attachment: There is a widely known battery brand that has an on-going SURJUDP ZLWK ¿UH GHSDUWPHQWV QDWLRQZLGH called “Change your clock, change your EDWWHU\´ 7KLV SURJUDP IRFXVHV RQ ¿UH safety and asks consumers to change out the batteries in their smoke alarm, carbon monoxide alarm and clock every six months. It not only promotes community safety but is also a great way to market the products of the company. Another example is how well a certain heavy- equipment manufacturer has branded they to the heartland of America. They have done it so well that people who would never consider personally purchasing the equipment began clamouring for an entirely separate market devoted to selling clothing such as embroidered canvas jackets and baseball caps with the brand’s logo on it. Now, not only LV WKH FRPSDQ\ SUR¿WLQJ IURP VHOOLQJ the apparel they are getting free advertising every time someone wears it. People have such devotion for a brand they will literally pay to become walking advertisements! Brands have the potential to outlive products. Keep that in mind when you start planning your market strategy. You’re selling both the company as well as any products it may have at the moment or in the future.
D wwww.digitalyouthenterprise.org.uk
0RWLYDWLRQDO 6NLOOV You can become a successful person by chance, as others have done: some people have become successful because they were in the right place at the right time. But you cannot rely on this happening. You need to take control of life and of your own destiny. If you want to control life you need to control the way you think. You may not be in total control of the thoughts that run through your mind but you are in control of the ones that stay there. You can let negative thoughts linger or you can replace them with the positive thoughts you need to help you become a successful person. 0DLQWDLQLQJ (QWKXVLDVP You will need to learn some self-motivation skills. Staying motivated is the great challenge. You will start full of enthusiasm but this can wane without strategies to maintain it. Keeping you goals in front of you is important, as this
Have you ever woken of a morning feeling less than inspired and not really looking forward to the day? We all have and we all do. You can change that by deciding you will be enthusiastic about whatever you have to do that day,
is self-motivating. But the best way to stay enthusiastic is to act enthusiastically. Simply decide to act as enthusiastically as you can when you are working on any project that will bring you closer to what you want. You can make a conscious decision to do that.
particularly when it involves any activity that will bring you closer to your success. Check yourself before you take on any task. If you are feeling tired or a little down decide to change it. Act as enthusiastically as you can. Do this often enough and it becomes a habit.
“The best way to stay enthusiastic is to act enthusiastically”
Enthusiasm is contagious: not only will your enthusiasm inspire you it will inspire those around you. Soon you will have a reputation for bringing this energy to your work and others will be drawn to you and will want to work with you. You will be given jobs that would otherwise pass you by. You can turn these assignments into opportunities to further your career.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;When  you  do  become  successful,  what  does  that  mean  to  you?â&#x20AC;?  It  is  hard  to  stay  motivated  about  some  vague  notion  you  have  of  success.  How  do  you  become  a  successful  person  if  you  do  not  have  a  clear  picture  of  what  that  means?  When  you  do  become  successful,  what  does  that  mean  to  you?  â&#x20AC;&#x153;Become  a  successful  personâ&#x20AC;?  can  mean  many  things.  You  could  ask  any  number  of  people  what  that  would  mean  to  them  and  you  would  get  a  whole  host  of  different  answers. The  important  thing  is  you  need  to  know  clearly  what  that  means  to  you. <RXU PLQG ZLOO RQO\ ZRUN ZLWK FOHDU GHÂżQLWH images.  You  need  to  feed  it  with  clear  pictures  of  what  you  want.  You  need  to  be  able  to  visualize  yourself  enjoying  the  rewards  of  your  work.  This  is  self-Âmotivating  and  will  help  you  to  keep  pursuing  your  goals  with  enthusiasm  until  you  do  become  a  successful  person.
       Article   Advert Full  page       £129      £129 Half  page       £69        £69 Quarter  page        £40 Â&#x2021; $GYHUWLVH IURP RQO\ Â&#x2026; Â&#x2021; Magazine  goes  out  to  SHRSOH  and  ZLOO EH VHHQ E\ SHRSOH  from  around  the  world. Â&#x2021; 0XOWLSOH ERRNLQJ GLVFRXQW DYDLODEOH Â&#x2021; $UWZRUN DYDLODEOH  at  extra  cost Email:  contact@digitalyouthenterprise.org.uk Contact:  07817  821190 Welcome  Issue January  2013
A Â personal message
What  is  the  Digital  Youth  Enterprise?
  Help  us  StartUp  Britain
+HUH¶V D TXRWH IURP 6DUDK “Finding Claire Bryden was a magical moment. It’s not often that you encounter such an abundance of raw talent, passion and ability in one person. Without doubt, Claire has been a driving force, inspiration and key component in the success of Linked2Leads, the product she has helped to launch. Claire proves that supporting young people into employment isn’t just mutually rewarding, it›s exciting and satisfying too” Sarah Hughes, founder, Linked4Success From Intern To Digital Marketing Expert? It’s All-Possible.
&ODLUH %U\GHQ VKDUHV KHU MRXUQH\ IURP EULJKW LQWHUQ WR GLJLWDO PDUNHWLQJ H[SHUW DQG KRZ \RX FRXOG DFKLHYH WKLV IRU \RXU FRPSDQ\ WRR “Thanks to a fantastic creative company providing me with digital marketing knowledge, a contemporary art gallery providing space and equipment and a university funding scheme, my internship was born. What started as just a three-month internship has happily transformed into an exciting, career-changing opportunity when the marketing company I interned with introduced me to Sarah Hughes”
An  award-Âwinning  marketer,  Sarah  founded  Linked4Success  in  2010  to  equip  businesses  with  the  NQRZOHGJH VNLOOV DQG FRQÂżGHQFH WR OHYHUDJH /LQNHG,Q Sarah  was  seeking  a  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Digital  Marketing  Magicianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;  and  one  interview  with  me  later  (over  a  cappuccino  at  a  funky  cafĂŠ  in  Exeter!)  she  offered  me  my  dream  job. And  voila  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  here  I  am.  Living  proof  that  young  digital  enterprise  schemes  can  really  work. $QG P\ GUHDP UROH" Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  been  at  Linked4Success  for  over  a  year  and  loving  it.  Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve  gained  so  many  new  skills  in  such  a  short  timescale  that  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  quite  exhilarating. With  a  talent  set  now  spanning  social  media,  email  marketing,  website  design,  video  editing,  webinars,  databases,  copy  writing  and  sales  psychology,  my  CV  is  in  danger  of  being  busier  than  the  London  Tube  at  rush  hour! The  culmination  of  12  monthsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;  hard  work,  my  focus  has  been  the  creation  of  Linked2Leads. A  complete  online  system,  Linked2Leads  gives  you  the  inside  track  on  how  to  generate  leads  for  free  in  just  15  days  by  leveraging  LinkedIn. I  love  sharing  how  to  exploit  the  #1  social  media  tool  for  business,  allowing  people  and  businesses  to  slash  marketing  costs  whilst  dramatically  boosting  sales.  Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  makes  for  a  very  satisfying  job. So  if  you  were  thinking  about  giving  young  people  a  chance  in  your  organization  my  advice  would  be  to  go  for  it!
Interested  in  effectively  using  LinkedIn  for  free  lead  generation?  &OLFN KHUH WR YLHZ /LQNHG /HDGV 7RS 7LSV 7R 7XUQ $ %ULJKW ,QWHUQ ,QWR <RXU 1R $VVHW
6HW JRDOV WRJHWKHU â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  at  the  beginning,  mid-Âpoint  and  end  reviews.  Keeping  an  intern  focused  maximises  their  output  for  you
*LYH WKHP D YDULHW\ RI MREV  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  from  photocopying,  to  cold  calls,  to  writing  (you  discover  their  strengths  fast) Â
3 4
3UDLVH JRRG ZRUN â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  give  genuine  reasons  and  exact  examples  to  illustrate  why  youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re  praising  them
%H FRQVWUXFWLYH  -  gently  explain  where  and  how  they  can  improve   -  theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re  with  you  to  learn  after  all *HW WR NQRZ WKHP  -  include  them  in  team  meetings  for  example.   The  quicker  they  get  to  know  you  and  how  you  work,  the  more  they  achieve  for  you.
+HOS XV 6WDUW8S %ULWDLQ 0RUH SHRSOH WKDQ HYHU EHIRUH VWDUWHG D EXVLQHVV ODVW \HDU DFFRUGLQJ WR ÂżJXUHV IURP QDWLRQDO HQWHUSULVH FDPSDLJQ 6WDUW 8S %ULWDLQ Hard-Âworking  British  entrepreneurs  saw    start-Âups  businesses  up  by  almost  ten  per  cent.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;There  was  a  clear  increase  in  start-Âup  rates  in  2012â&#x20AC;?  Research  by  the  national  enterprise  campaign  showed  that  last  year  484,224  businesses  were  started,  compared  to  440,600  in  2011. Emma  Jones,  co-Âfounder  of  StartUp  Britain  VDLG Âł7KHVH ÂżJXUHV DUH KRW RII WKH SUHVV WKH\ are  unaudited  at  the  moment,  but  what  itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  telling  us  is  that  there  was  a  clear  increase  in  start-Âup  rates  in  2012. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Small  and  start-Âup  business  are  the  driving  force  of  the  British  economy  and  at  StartUp  Britain  we  have  seen  plenty  to  celebrate  over  2012.  Times  are  hard  yes,  but  it  never  ceases  to  amaze  us  when  we  see  resourceful  Britons  PDNLQJ EXVLQHVV LGHDV FRPH WR OLIH LQ GLIÂżFXOW times.  We  have  seen  this  at  colleges  and  universities  as  part  of  our  national  2012  tour,  at  industry  weeks,  and  on  the  High  Street  as  ZHÂśYH ÂżOOHG HPSW\ VKRSV ZLWK EXGGLQJ 6WDUW ups  as  part  of  PopUp  Britain. Â
Emma  Jones Co-Âfounder  of  StartUp  Britain StartUp  Britainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  Daily  tracker  is  an  online  tool  which  reveals  the  number  of  businesses   registered  with  Companies  House  on  a  daily,  monthly  and  yearly  basis.
7KH QXPEHUV DUH YHULÂżHG E\ &RPSDQLHV +RXVH DQG ÂśV ÂżJXUHV ZLOO EH DXGLWHG LQ 0DUFK 2013.  :KDWÂśV PRUH WKH ÂżJXUHV UHYHDO JRRG â&#x20AC;&#x153;We  are  looking  forward  to  supporting  more  news  for  young  people. British  businesses  in  2013.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;millenniumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;  generation  are  more  likely  to  consider  starting  a  business  because  of  their  innate  understanding  of  technology  and  the  opportunies  this  brings.â&#x20AC;? 36
The  â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;millenniumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;  generation  are  more  likely  to  consider  starting  a  business  because  of  their  innate  understanding  of  technology  and  the  opportunies  this  brings.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Eight  in  ten  young  people  now  are  thinking  about  setting  up  a  businessâ&#x20AC;? Statistics  already  show  a  dramatic  increase  in  the  number  of  18  to  29-Âyear-Âolds  considering  entrepreneurship  as  a  career  path.  Eight  in  ten  young  people  now  are  thinking  about  setting  up  a  business  and  the  numbers  in  early-Âstage  entrepreneurial  activity  have  doubled  since  2010. Â
$QRWKHU UHSRUW KDV UHYHDOHG RQH ÂżIWK RI ambitious  young  women  are  now  choosing  to  start-Âup  rather  than  look  for  a  job.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Advances  in  technology  have  meant  people  can  set  up  a  business  more  easily  than  ever  before  with  a  laptop,  phone  and  access  to  broadbandâ&#x20AC;? Emma  added:  â&#x20AC;&#x153;We  are  in  the  midst  of  a  revolution  in  the  way  we  work.  Advances  in  technology  have  meant  people  can  set  up  a  business  more  easily  than  ever  before  with  a  laptop,  phone  and  access  to  broadband.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;if  the  UK  was  as  entrepreneurial  as  the  US,  we  would  have  900,000  more  small  businessesâ&#x20AC;? In  his  Enterprise  Report  in  2012,  Lord  Young,  Prime  Minister  David  Cameronâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  Enterprise  Adviser  calculated  that  if  the  UK  was  as  entrepreneurial  as  the  US,  we  would  have  900,000  more  small  businesses.  6WDUW 8S %ULWDLQ LV D QRW IRU SURÂżW FDPSDLJQ WKDW seeks  to  encourage  more  people  to  consider  setting  up  a  business,  or  becoming  their  own  boss.  Â
It  does  this  by  offering  a  free  service  which  directs  would-Âbe  entrepreneurs  to  the  support,  funding  and  access  to  mentors  via  its  Directory,  free  events  with  top  speakers,  a  UK-Âwide  tour  and  lobbying  on  issues  facing  small  businesses  and  start-Âups. The  campaign  also  has  a  network  of  local  champions;Íž  established  entrepreneurs  in  their  own  area  keen  to  pass  on  their  knowledge  for  the  prosperity  of  their  own  region.   In  1RUWKXPEHUODQG 3DXO :DNHÂżHOG ZKR VHW XS Digital  Youth  Enterprise  is  the  local  campaign  representative.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Often  all  that  people  need  is  motivation  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  a  bit  of  support  and  the  right  conditions  and  they  are  awayâ&#x20AC;? Paul  said:  â&#x20AC;&#x153;I  joined  Start  Up  Britain  because  I  could  see  the  merit  in  passing  on  my  knowledge  to  would-Âbe  entrepreneurs  in  my  region.   Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  not  the  easiest  of  routes,  but  it  FHUWDLQO\ FRXOG EH RQH RI WKH PRVW IXOÂżOOLQJ Often  all  that  people  need  is  motivation  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  a  bit  of  support  and  the  right  conditions  and  they  are  away. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d  be  delighted  to  hear  from  anyone  interested  in  becoming  an  entrepreneur,  or  looking  for  help  to  build  their  business. For  more  details  about  Start  Up  Britain,  go  to  ZZZ VWDUWXSEULWDLQ FR
%XVLQHVV 6NLOOV ,PDJLQDWLRQ LV RQH RI WKH WRS EXVLQHVV VNLOOV WKDW PRVW SHRSOH GRQ¶W WKLQN RI DV EHQH¿FLDO 7KLV couldn’t be further from the truth. Imagination allows you to have the ability to think outside of the box. Some of the most successful people in the business world have a big imagination. Don’t be so logical all of the time but use your imagination and be creative. ,QYHQWLYHQHVV is a part of the top business skills of creativity also. Products come from ideas that someone thought up and then moved on to create their vision. If you can imagine something in your head, then it can be invented. Inventiveness is a positive quality that can provide innovative solutions for companies trying to succeed in their market. Many businesses look for inventive qualities in individuals before they hire them. The ability to SUREOHP VROYH is a part of creativity which makes it one of the top business skills. Problem solving and trouble shooting is vital when you are working in customer service, engineering, web development, plumbing, or any industry. You must not only be able to identify a problem, but also have the capability of coming up with creative solutions for repair.
%UDLQVWRUPLQJ is a part of business creativity also. Brainstorming is often confused with problem solving. However, brainstorming is where most great ideas come from when people are sitting around a table drinking coffee and eating snacks. Having the ability to brainstorm is a skill that some people are not good at DOO ZLWK 7KLV VNLOO FDQ EH ¿QH WXQHG E\ WDNLQJ courses and practicing brainstorm techniques. Top business skills include FUHDWLYLW\, which LV EURNHQ GRZQ LQWR VSHFL¿F VNLOOV WKDW DUH vital for success with a business or a career. Being creative means that you have a great imagination you are not afraid to use it, you are inventive and come up with new ideas, you are a problem solver, and you can brainstorm effectively.
Neil Jelly is a creative graphic designer with over 16 years experience within the design industry and is the founder and managing director of ‘enjay creative limited’ a creative design agency based in the North East of England. Neil has worked for a number of large companies such as North East Auto Trader, Vardy Marketing and Akzo Nobel - International Yacht Paints.
Neil prides himself on delivering highly creative and conceptual solutions to meet the customers needs from brand identity to everything print. He is also recognised as one of the best Prezi designers & trainers in the business creating bespoke Prezi presentations for clients such as Jones Lang LaSalle, Toon Boom Animation Inc, The Stroke Association and many more. ZZZ HQMD\FUHDWLYH FR XN
<RXQJ (QWHUSULVH 6FKRRO :H DUH H[FLWHG WR KDYH ODXQFKHG RXU QHZ HVW SURJUDP IRU SULPDU\ VFKRROV DLPHG DW FKLOGUHQ DJHG \HDUV ROG â&#x20AC;&#x153;MAKE  IT  HAPPENâ&#x20AC;?   is  a  10  module  program  which  incorporates  the  national  curriculum  with  enterprise  and  innovation  learning.            Â
7KH PRGXOHV DUH When  I  grow  Up   How  Much  Does  a  Helicopter  Cost?  Thinking  Caps  On  Mad  Inventor  Pounds  And  Pence  Pencils  And  Paints  Can  We  Build  It,  Yes  We  Can  Off  Shopping  Lights,  Camera,  Action  Three  Wise  Men
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The  program  takes  the  pupils  through  the  cycle  of  understanding  what  an  innovative  idea  is  through  to  creating  and  presenting  an  ideaâ&#x20AC;?  The  program  takes  the  pupils  through  the  cycle  of  understanding  what  an  innovative  idea  is  through  to  creating  and  presenting  an  idea,  incorporating  Maths,  English,  ICT  and  Art  along  the  way.
Our  program  is  accompanied  by  a  fully  comprehensive  workbook  for  each  child  which  allows  them  to  develop  their  idea  and  to  record  their  progress. Each  child  will  learn  new  skills  which  include  podcasting,  team  work,  role  play  and  communication,  all  of  which  provide  them  with  the  foundations  needed  when  moving  to  High  School  to  develop  not  only  their  study  skills  but  also  their  people  skills. All  our  trainers  are  CRB  checked  and  have  personal  experience  of  running  a  successful  business,  along  with  working  with  children. For  further  information  please  contact  us  at  info@youngenterpriseschool.co.uk  or  view  our  new  website  at  www.youngenterpriseschool.co.uk Young  Enterprise  School  â&#x20AC;&#x201C;  Building  A  Brighter  Future
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