1 째C o n v e g n o
T o pT r a i n i n g a l F o r t eVi l l a g eRe s o r t S a n t aMa r g h e r i t ad i Pu l a C a g l i a r i , s a b a t o9g i u g n o2 0 1 2 .
1° Top Training Congress at Forte Village Resort Santa Margherita di Pula - Cagliari, Saturday, June 9, 2012. Technical, physical and mental development of the modern elite athlete and the off-season period
Who lives in daily contact with the elite athlete knows what are the psychological and physical dynamics experiences during the season. We can consider the modern athlete like a complex system of gears that together make up its performance capacity. If we stop to reflect on current professional football (soccer) with commitments increasingly competitive schedules, increase the number of over-load injuries caused by not recover from a performance and other this could affect the maximal performance potential and the quality of modern athlete’s life. INTENDED AUDIENCE Those who work with the modern high-level athlete must constantly find the best strategies to maintain this complex system of gears in balance. This exclusive event is designed to all professionals that daily live with the professional athlete in the world. Coaches, physical trainers, sports doctors, physiotherapists, sports scintist, young graduates, managers, consultants and professionals interested in exploring this topic to educating the modern athlete to stay healthy and prolong their longevity. INFO E-mail info@toptrainingalghero.it MODE OF CARRYING theoretical Session 9-13hours Lunch13-14 hours 14-19 hours Practical Session fill in the application form Subscribing to subsidized cost andntro April 30, payment by May 7, May 7 from full fare.
Tel:+39.3484715356 Skype: sim8-83 LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/simoneripamonti Sito Web www.toptrainingalghero.it
HOW TO APPLY The application form can be downloaded from this link: Toptraining_congress The application should be completed preferably before April 30 successively is to fill in the registration of the participants indicated in this message. Applications will be accepted on a first come, until the limit number of participants fixed in a number of one hundred (100). After completing the form you receive a confirmation email that contains all the info to make the transfer. It is considered enrolled at the conference only those who provide evidence of payment. ACCOMODATION After completing the application form and marked the accomodation preferencesyou will be contacted to confirm it by the e-mail address you provided at the time of registration. INFORMATION CONFERENCE In order to obtain all the information about the congress visit our website shortly www.toptrainingalghero.it Subscribing you can access the private download area that will be periodically updated. You will find all the information on the congress on our facebook page or dowloading the attached document. Come to visit our website www.toptrainingalghero.it Follow us on facebook Toptraining
Simone Ripamonti Preparatore Fisico Professionista abilitato FIGC Specialista in Scienza e Tecnica dello Sport
Tel:+39.3484715356 Skype: sim8-83 LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/simoneripamonti Sito Web www.toptrainingalghero.it