12 East Street Kingston
ANNUAL REPORT April 2007—March 2008
Table of Contents Page
Executive Summary
Vision and Value Statements
Document / Catalogue
Facilitate Access
Promoting the Nation’s Knowledge
Network of Technologically Enhanced Libraries & Services
Human Resources
Appendices (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
Board of Management Members Directors Compensation Senior Managers and Compensation at March 2008 Financial Statement 2007/2008 (audited) List of topics presented at the Conference, “Libraries Networking for National Development”
NLJ Annual Report April 2007 – March 2008
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Executive Director’s Summary In April 2007 the NLJ was an agency in the Ministry of Tourism, Entertainment and Culture (MTEC); in September 2007 the NLJ became an agency in the Ministry of Information Culture, Youth and Sports (MICYS) and for the period September 2007 to March 2008 NLJ was without a Board of Management. Throughout all these changes the NLJ stayed focused on its mission to collect, document, preserve and facilitate access to the nation's cultural heritage, through the promotion, coordination and development of a network of technologically enhanced libraries and services. Accomplishments of the year include the presentation of the conference Libraries Networking for National Development; publication of a 2008 Calendar of archival photographs; the presentation of the Inaugural Distinguished Lecture and our partnerships with the British Arts Council, the Yale Center for British Art and IRIE FM. The year 2007 was a signal one in the history of the Jamaican people and the NLJ made its contribution to the observances to mark the bicentenary of the abolition of the trade in enslaved Africans by way of an exhibition and the compilation and publication of a bibliography on the Slave Trade. This operational year was one of significant staff movements which included the retirement in January 2007 of Deputy Director Mrs. Eppie Edwards and the resignation of Mr. Byron Palmer acting Deputy Director in July 2007. The death of long-serving Board member Mrs. Gloria Hamilton in January 2008 was occasion for pause and reflection on the organization’s history. Disappointment was that the well needed restructuring was not realized. A Study Leave Policy was adopted and a fair draft of the Bill to establish the NLJ as an entity with clearly articulated mandates were also among the 2007/2008 milestone accomplishments. The launch of an Information Commons on July 26 has resulted in new customers for the NLJ and the organization adopted the slogan Living History Shaping Lives. The subvention from Government totaled $81,078,000.00.
Winsome Hudson Executive Director (Mrs.) NLJ Annual Report April 2007 – March 2008
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The National Library of Jamaica is Jamaica’s premier library for fostering and promoting the nation’s knowledge of its history, heritage and information sources.
In Our Relationship with one another and our customers, we are committed to the core values of Service, Integrity, Excellence and Teamwork.
MISSION STATEMENT To collect, preserve, document and facilitate access to the nation’s cultural heritage, through the promotion, coordination and development of a network of technologically enhanced libraries and services.
NLJ Annual Report April 2007 – March 2008
SERVICE We satisfy the needs of our clients in a professional and equitable manner. INTEGRITY We practice truth, transparency, trust and respect in all our words and deeds. EXCELLENCE We support continuous improvement towards the highest standards in all services and resources. TEAMWORK We work together towards achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. Page 2
TO COLLECT The Acquisitions of Note included: Funeral programme, tributes and condolences book for Honourable Louise Bennett. Architectural drawings of Spanish Town Historical District donated by Jamaican Architect, Ms. Patricia Green. Microfilm copies of extracts from the Slebech Papers at the National Library of Wales. The extracts are letters and account books of Nathaniel Phillips a property owner and sometime resident in Jamaica between 1759 and 1785. Newspapers on Microfilm purchased from the British Library: Jamaica Courant; Jamaica Daily Telegraph; Jamaica Journal (1823-1824); Jamaica Post (18921893); Jamaican 1907. Over 500 images captured by NLJ staff including damage caused by Hurricane Dean and the changing stages of the construction of the bus park in Half Way Tree. Photographs and 35mm transparencies donated by Mr. A.R.D. (Tony) Porter noted Jamaican geologist. The personal papers of Ambassador Peter King. The recording of 483 television programmes and 198 radio broadcasts – Budget Debates, Mid Day News, Jamaica Corner; special events. Progress was made, though not completed, on the copyright status of the Daily News photographs which were donated to the library in 1986 when that newspaper went into receivership. Three thousand six hundred and eighty five (3,685) photographs from that collection were added to the NLJ photograph resources while we await legal advice on the status of the remaining photographs. The strategy for compliance with Legal Deposit is gentle persuasion and education rather than enforcement of the penalty and in that regard a presentation was made to the Jamaica Federation of Musicians and brochures distributed to a number of organizations including Book Industry Association of Jamaica (BIAJ) and Jamaica NLJ Annual Report April 2007 – March 2008
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Composers and Producers (JCAP). Four hundred and ninety seven (497) items were deposited in the year under review a thirty percent (30%) increase over the previous year. The acquisition statistics for the year, legal deposits and purchases were as follows: Legal Deposits Books Pamphlets 226 129
Serials 80
CDs 52
DVDs 10
Film 0
Purchases Jamaican General Pamphlets Serials CDs DVDs Microfilm Film Books Reference JA & WI. 253 52 38 118 145 17 39 0
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T0 PRESERVE The preservation function recorded improved outputs over the previous year. The improvement is in some way due to a revised data collection system, manual and electronic. Manuscripts restored total 15 (a fifty percent over last year) and books bound (216); books restored (156) an increase of 141 and 48 respectively over the previous year. The preservation of audio visual resources included reformatting of one hundred and twenty seven (127) 16 mm films to VHS; 577 films cleaned and repaired; 6 months of the Gleaner and 15 months of the Observer microfilmed.
Major roof repairs to stop leaks were undertaken in this period and the Fire Prevention System was tested and proven with very timely responses from York Park Fire Station.
Film Inspector Mr. Gabriel Miller examining films in Film Vault
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T0 DOCUMENT/Catalogue A total of one thousand and five (1,005) print items were catalogued and classified during the period. Five hundred and seventy-four (574) items were new acquisitions; one hundred and seven (107) post-inventory items; three hundred and two (302) serial titles and twenty-two (22) digital items. Audiovisual items catalogued totaled 459. The inventory of the Jamaican book and pamphlet collection continued and at the end of the year was ascertained to be 25,539 items. The inventorying of the Jamaican material is to continue in the coming year and the inventorying of the West Indian material is also to begin then.
Catalogue maintenance is part of the documenting mission and that activity centered on editing the Serials Database with over fifteen hundred records edited.
This was
achieved with the assistance of temporary employees in July and August 2007. The drive to eliminate duplicate records was also ongoing with three hundred and twentynine records edited.
Production of the national bibliography (JNB) is a mandate unique to NLJ. During the year the preliminary work on JNB 2001 – 2003 was started and is expected to be finalized by the end of the second quarter of 2008/2009. The Name Authority File was also updated with more than three thousand, five hundred records entered in the Name Authority File (NAF) database. The point must again be made, the National Library of Jamaica has only two cataloguers on its establishment.
TO FACILITATE ACCESS As noted in the Executive Director’s Summary a significant accomplishment of the year was the launch of the Information Commons. This Information Commons was established with five (5) new computers for internet access and word processing and is located in the Main Reading Room. The computers were funded by the Universal Access
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Fund on request from the NLJ. With the launch of the Commons the NLJ did away with the fifty dollars per half hour fee to access the Internet. The statistics suggest that the commons was a welcome addition to the services offered by NLJ. Four thousand three hundred and sixty seven (4,367) persons used the Commons as opposed to the one thousand six hundred and eighty three (1683) who used the Internet Kiosk in the previous year.
Audience at the Launch of the Information Commons, Inset Professor Daphne Douglas, Board Chair
Collection Usage: The number of items consulted for the period was 40,526 compared to 39,294 recorded in 2006-2007. Visits to the library’s website increased significantly. There were 73,565 visits recorded for the period compared to 49, 918 for the previous period. Consultations Resources
2006 / 2007
Non-Fiction, Fiction, Clippings, Periodicals
10, 349
Special Collections (MSS. Maps, Newspapers, Microfilm , Photographs, Posters)
Internet Kiosk / users
4, 367
Visits to nlj.org
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In order to enhance digital access the storage capacity of the website, www.nlj.org.jm moved from 800MB to 40GB and the site content and user interface were revised and updated. New pages added to the site included E-Literacy, E--Jamaica, E-References and E-Caribbean; new additions to the Biographies page and a Site of the Month.
The library also entered into a partnership with the Jamaica Social Policy Research and Evaluation (JASPEV) and the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) to host a database of studies and reports generated in the public sector. The database is titled JAMPSRED and was publicly launched in a ceremony in the Main Reading Room on March 5, 2008.
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The major promotional activity was the Inaugural Distinguished Lecture which was presented on Sunday October 21, 2007 to an almost full house at the Lecture Hall of the Institute of Jamaica. The distinguished lecture was presented by Professor Robert Hill, Marcus Garvey Scholar. The topic of his lecture was: Marcus Garvey’s Mission: The Untold Story of the True Source of His Inspiration. The lecture was broadcast live on RJR and a DVD of the lecture is being developed.
Exhibitions and displays mounted or hosted provided another avenue for the National Library to promote its resources. The exhibitions mounted included Journey through the Slave Trade which remained mounted in the foyer for the entire year in commemoration of the 200TH anniversary of the abolition of the trade in enslaved Africans. Honouring Miss Lou was mounted on the first anniversary of her death and Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery: Marcus Garvey to mark the 120th NLJ Annual Report April 2007 – March 2008
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anniversary of Garvey’s birth. NLJ also exhibited at Emancipation Park in July as part of the Park’s anniversary celebrations and was host to an exhibit of award winning entries in the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission literary competition. In recognition of reggae month, February 2008, the exhibition Reggae was mounted. The publication The Slave Trade: A Select Bibliography was prepared and distributed. The full text of some of the resources in that bibliography were also mounted on the website. Considerable work was done in the compilation of a bibliography on AfroCaribbean Religions which is to be published in the coming year. Other promotional activities were: Publication of two issues of National Library News Hosting of the launch on Sunday May 27 of An Heirloom to Treasure, the family history of the Batts family of Trelawny. Placements in the Sunday Herald and Daily Gleaner regarding Legal Deposit. Time Signal at 4:30 p.m. daily on IRIE FM re Legal Deposit during the month of October. Competing for pride of place in the promotional activities was the 2008 Calendar of black and white photographs from the collection. The calendar was very well received and mentioned in the Jamaica Observer Calendar Competition.
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NETWORK OF TECHNOLOGICALLY ENHANCED LIBRARIES AND SERVICES A significant accomplishment of the year was the presentation of the conference: Libraries Networking for National Development. This was presented on November 22 and 23. Keynote speaker was Mr. Michael Gorman, Past President American Library Association who spoke on the topic The Value of Information for National Development. The Conference was in keeping with the strategic objective to coordinate the continued development of the National Information System. The list of papers presented is appended.
The Advisory Committee on the National Information System (ACNIS) which was established by NLJ in 2001 to implement Cabinet directives to coordinate and advise government on the continued development of an integrated National Information System convened one meeting during the year. The meeting received reports from the sector networks: Audio Visual information Network (AVIN); Socio Economic Information Network (SECIN) College Library Information Network (COLINET), Legal Information Network (LINET); Science Information Network (STIN). ACNIS also drafted a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) amongst the four major nodes of the NATIS (NLJ, JLS, JARD and UWI, Mona libraries) but the MOU was still unsigned at year’s end. Other activities advancing a network of technologically NLJ Annual Report April 2007 – March 2008
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enhanced libraries and services were the ongoing collection of catalogue records from special libraries to form the national union catalogue; a meeting of network coordinators in December 2007; hosting of the Socio Economic Information Network (SECIN) catalogue; ongoing consulting and troubleshooting services to NATIS members; distribution of the library management software CDS/ISIS to new libraries. Internally the NLJ strengthened its technological capacity by upgrading the RAM memory for fifteen (15) computers to at least 512 MB and procured five Symantec Antivirus licenses for the Windows Vista computers in the Information Commons area and twenty (20) Microsoft Office 2007 Professional licenses for office workstations.
A notable accomplishment during the year was an audit of the backup regime and the findings dictated a new daily backup schedule of the servers with monthly backups being stored offsite at the Edna Manley College of the Visual Arts. A Fixed Assets Management System was also developed to support the previously troubling inventory management.
HUMAN RESOURCES As previously noted in the Executive Director’s summary the proposals for restructuring were not realized. To repeat: the NLJ is seriously under-resourced. The present classification and staffing levels are serious limitations to processing of the resources and delivering of services. It is miraculous the accomplishments given the staffing situation and staff is to be commended for their accomplishments.
The strategic objective for Human Resources is to strengthen employees capacities and facilitate shared values. The tasks undertaken in that direction included monthly staff meetings; the completion of a Policy on Study Leave; institutional membership in a
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number of associations; the encouragement and facilitation of a staff association and an incentive awards programme. The Departmental Incentive Awardees were: Name Ms. Alythe Edwards Miss Yulande Lindsay Mr. Jason Smith Miss Annette Hunter Miss Norma Vassell Mrs. Dawnette Phillips Ms. Romaine Brown
Department Accounts and Administration Acquisitions and Cataloguing Audiovisual and Micrographics Information Network Systems Personnel and Office Management Research and Information Special Collections and Conservation
Mrs. Dawnette Phillips, Employee of the Year
The inadequate staffing levels worsened this year with the retirement of Deputy Director Mrs. Eppie Edwards, the resignation of Acting Deputy Director, Mr. Byron Palmer who took up a post at the University of the West Indies and the resignation of the Head of Research and Information (Miss Jessica Lewis) who took up a post in the Cayman Islands. On the positive side the post of Internal Auditor was established.
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Mrs. Eppie Edwards receiving retirement bouquet from Miss Yulande Lindsay
Mr. Byron Palmer saying farewell at a staff meeting.
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The training opportunities afforded staff included: CONFERENCES Name Fay Barrett,
Position Conference Human Resource and Human Resource Office Manager Management Conference – Ocho Rios, St. Ann Nicole Bryan Librarian Jamaica Computer Bridget Heron Field Programmer Society Nicole Bryan Librarian ACURIL Conference – Puerto Rico Winsome Hudson Executive Director IFLA Conference - South Africa Maureen Webster- Head of Department, Archives at Risk, The Prince Audio Visual Netherlands Maureen Webster- Head of Department, International Association Prince Audio Visual of Sound Archives WORKSHOPS Names Annette Hunter Maxine Jones
Position Junior Programmer Cataloguer
Yulande Lindsay
Serials Librarian
Wayne Walker
Head, Information Network Systems Database Editor
Jamila Whitney
Workshop IBM X Series Server Caribbean Digital Libraries and Digital Repositories Trinidad Creating Digital Collections - Online IBM X Series Servers Caribbean Digital Libraries and Digital Repositories Trinidad
TIME OFF FOR STUDIES Names Treviann Harris
Position Library Assistant
Genevieve Jones Research Officer Nicole Prawl Library Assistant Fay Barrett Human Resource Manager
NLJ Annual Report April 2007 – March 2008
Course Hospitality Management (B.A) Librarianship - (M.A.) Librarianship - (B.A.) Teaching - (M.A.)
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PARTNERSHIPS Through its membership on the Unesco Information for All Committee the library coordinated the booksellers exhibition for the observance of World Book and Copyright Day which was held on April 20 at the Stella Maris Church Hall. National Library of Jamaica also partnered with its counterpart in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago by releasing Mrs. Maureen Webster-Prince to be a presenter at the NALIS/ Unesco Conference on Caribbean Digital Libraries and Digital Repositories. The NLJ loaned forty two (42) items to the Museums Division for a joint exhibition on Port Royal with the Historic Museum of South Florida for the period June 25, 2007 to June 30, 2008. The NLJ also loaned material to the Yale Centre for British Art and the National Gallery of Jamaica for their exhibitions on Isaac Mendes Belisario. A benefit of the loan to Yale was the superb restoration of three of the loaned items which were in very bad condition.
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Services to the Publishing Community was met by the supply of the thirty-two (32) requests for Cataloguing-In-Publication Data (CIP) and a seminar on International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and (ISSN) International Standard Serial Number which targeted persons in the publishing industry in Clarendon, Manchester and St. Elizabeth and held in Mandeville on June 12. Over eighty persons attended. A similar seminar planned for Montego Bay for October 31 had to be canceled due to inclement weather. The NLJ continued to coordinate efforts to develop a collection of digital talking books for use by the blind. The efforts were largely in discussion with the Canadian Institute for the Blind (CNIB) regarding possible purchase of digital talking books; however that idea fell through due to intricacies related to copyright. NLJ continued to make its contribution to the field of librarianship by accommodating students for field work from the Department of Library and Information Studies (DLIS), UWI, Mona and from the Library Technician programme at Excelsior Community College. The Executive Director was also released to teach the course Public Libraries at the Department of Library and Information Studies (DLIS) University of the West Indies. A most exciting partnership was the opportunity to participate in the Cultural Leadership Programme (CLP) of the British Arts Council. The Cultural Leadership Programme is a United Kingdom initiative to develop management skills of ethnic middle managers in the UK by providing them with placements in overseas institutions. The NLJ made an application and was successful and in January the Executive Director was invited to London at the expense of the British Arts Council to interview applicants for the post of Digital Resources Associate. Miss Maxine Miller librarian at Institute of International Visual Arts (INIVA) and of Jamaican heritage was the successful candidate scheduled to begin a three months assignment at NLJ to develop a digital collection and observe best practices in the management of a cultural institution.
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Board of Management Members 2007-2008
Names Professor Daphne Douglas, C.D Chairman Father Michael Allen Mr. Vivian Crawford Miss Dianne Daley Dr. Hopeton Dunn Professor Fay Durrant Dr. Gloria Royale–Davis Mrs. Winsome Hudson - Executive Director/Secretary Mr. Winston Oliver Mss Hermine Salmon Mr. Robert Simpson (Staff Representative) Mr. Whilston Taylor Jr. Dr. Swithin Wilmot
Position of Director
Fees ($)
Motor Vehicle Upkeep/Travelling or Value of Assignment of Motor Vehicle ($)
Honoraria ($)
All Other Compensation including Non-Cash Benefits as applicable ($)
Total ($)
Daphne Douglas
Michael Allen
Dianne Daley
Hopeton Dunn
Fay Durrant
Winston Oliver
Gloria Royale-Davis
Hermine Salmon
Notes Where a non-cash benefit is received (e.g. government housing), the value of that benefit shall be quantified and stated in the appropriate column above.
Position of Senior Executive
Fay Barrett Personnel & Office Manager (GMG/AM 4) Eppie Edwards Deputy Director (SEG 3) (Retired June 2007) Valerie Francis Acquisition Librarian (PIDG/LS4) Winsome Hudson Executive Director (SEG 5) Jessica Lewis Coordinator, Research and Information (Resigned July 2007) Luke McIntosh Accountant (FMG/PA2)
Travelling Allowance or Value of Assignmen t of Motor Vehicle ($) n/a
Salary ($)
Gratuity or Performance Incentive ($)
Pension or Other Retirement Benefits ($)
Other Allowanc es ($)
Non-Cash Benefits ($)
Total ($)
Maxine Jones Cataloguer (PIDG/LS4)
Byron Palmer Acting Deputy Director (GMG/SEG 5) (resigned October 2007) Maureen Webster-Prince Manager, Audio Visual Department (AR 6) Wayne Walker Manager, Information Network Systems Department (MIS/IT6) Vivienne Kerr- Williams Deputy Director (SEG 3)
1. Where contractual obligations and allowances are stated in a foreign currency, the sum in that stated currency must be clearly provided and not the Jamaican equivalent. 2. Other Allowances (including laundry, entertainment, housing, utility, etc.) 3. Where a non-cash benefit is received (e.g. government housing), the value of that benefit shall be quantified and stated in the appropriate column above.
Topics presented at Libraries Networking for National Development Thursday, November 22, 2007 Jamaica Conference Centre, 14-20 Port Royal Street, Kingston OPENING SESSION Keynote Address:The Value of Information for National Development. Speaker: Mr. Michael Gorman, Library Educator, Past President, American Library Association NATIS Jamaica: Its History, Objectives, Framework, Accomplishments. Speaker: Professor Daphne Douglas, Library Educator Libraries Networking for Development: The Role of the National Library of Jamaica. Speaker: Mrs. Winsome Hudson, Executive Director, NLJ Union Catalogues: Their Role in Library Networking and their Continued Relevance in a Digital Age. Speakers: Mr. Michael Gorman Chair: Miss Rosemarie Runcie, Librarian/Cataloguer, University of the West Indies The Jamaica Union Catalogue – Objectives, Status, Challenges, Strategies. Speaker: Mrs. Hyacinth Brown, Lecturer, Department of Library & Information Studies, Mrs. Arlene Ononaiwu, Coordinator, Socio-Economic Information Network (SECIN) The Potential Contribution of the National Integrated Library Information Network to VISION 2030 Jamaica. Speaker: Miss Claire Bernard, Director, Sustainable Development & Regional Planning Division, Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) Partners and Policies for a Sustained National Integrated Library and Information Network. Speakers: Miss Karlene Francis, Director General, Ministry of Energy, Mining & Telecommunications; Mrs. Angela Patterson, Chief Executive Director, Creative Production and Training Centre (CPTC); Mr. Isidro Aballi, Regional Advisor, UNESCO Communication & Information.
Network Case Studies: College Libraries Network (COLINET) & Legal Information Network (LINET). Speakers: Miss Hermine Salmon, Coordinator, COLINET; Miss Carol Ford, Coordinator, LINET The Future Roles of Jamaica Archives and Records Department (JARD) Jamaica Library Service (JLS) and the University of the West Indies (UWI) in the National Information System. Speakers: Mr. John Aarons, Government Archivist (JARD); Mrs. Patricia Roberts, Director General (JLS); Mrs. Norma Amenu-Kpodo, Campus Librarian (UWI)