Sunrise SunMt Mponrue Mootuet
SSA'S iuburban
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Moon Quarter Moon Quarter
0.38 6.07 1J.S8 UM
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Low «
Distinction SHOES
PI. Mor. ItJaj.m. 12.3Z p ni (jSCp.rtl. l l . U p . m .
Pt. Roy«l(».S5» m l.Mp.m (JJ2p.m. IMTp.m. Mo-B«T (!.!»«,m- 1.31p.m.
liar. I Kar 12 Feb. II Ftb. 17
(4.05 PJH. 12.11 p.m.
S.A'« B»y(«JS«.m. 1.00 p.m. (342p.m. 11.41p.m.
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Premier: Gate unlocked... only to pass through * — OPPOSITION LEADER: INDEPENDENCE MUST MEAN MAINTENANCE OF LAW AND ORDER • _
lii'itish (iuiana has decided to w i t h d r a w from the ('.(•.W.I. ''oiitritiutions from t h a t territory are to cease, alithoujjli agreed commitments in relation to recurrent exjienditure of the I'liiversity College will be honoured for
(Jleauer Staff Importer
HE Premier, the Hon. Norman Manley, and the Leader of the Opposition, Sir Alexander Bustamante, came h o m e yesterday from the London Independence talks to receive separate welcomes, nearly five hours apart, from crowds of their party supporters that crammed the waving galleries of the Montego Bay International Airport. The Premier came in first — at 11.30 in the. forenoon.
With him were Mrs. Manley, the Cabinet members of the Jamaican delegation and some of his civil service advisers. I In a prepared statement Mr. Manley. looking fit and rested. . , .L v»_j.i....i. r* >..*...IH....M,* tnr- iig "w,isdom and good sense" towards Jamaica, and also Sir Alexander and the JLP members of the delegation for their co-operation and help" Claiming that he had carried out two of the three pledges he gave to the country last year regarding secession from the I Federation and the achievement of Independence, the Premier, • said that the third pledge would be fulfilled on April 10'when thej general election would be held, as he promised, before Indepen-' deuce. Said Premier Manley: "We settle down now to the bit jab of prepiTJnt for the Day of Independence, a great task in which everyone will have a part to pUy. Soon we will decide Who will be the captain when oar ship sets oat on the new voyace and who will man and govern her and provide Uw erew". Then five hours later Sir Alexander and the JLP members of the Jamaican, delegation flew in by BOAC jetliner to be met by an equally large crowd as had welcomed Mr. Manley earlier "'
A pink-cheeked, perky Sir Alexander spoke without prepared! notes about the tasks of Independence before the country. He said that Independence must mean the maintenance of law and' ocder as well as the improvement of the .conditions of. the unemployed and those who had little or nothing. Said Sir Alexander: "I am determined that those who have nothing to eat must eat Otherwise Independence means noth-
Margaret likely to represent the Queen Gleaner Staff Reporter H.RJ&.-Princess Margaret is likely ttisome to Jamaica to represent* Her Majesty the Queen at the formal handingover of the instruments of Independence to the Government of Jamaica on IndependDa%- August 6. Leader of the Opposition. :n an interview yesterday at the Montego Bay airport shortly after his arrival riome from the London Independence ConferenceSir Alexander was asked if who
WI House meets today...
of-execution move
RETC'BN FROM LONDON: The Premier, the Bon; Norman Manley (left; and the Leader of tht Op• |>Mftfo'n,*Brr' AtejrttMSer Bustrrdajr at the Montego Bay International Airport on thHr return from the Loudon Independence Conference that fixed the first Monday in An just as Independence Day-
On murder
Details of phased contributions to expenditure beyond that date remain to be discussed. The foilowmg statement was issued by the University College (of the West Indies yesterday: The Territorial Representative on the University Collegt Council for British Guiana, tbe Hon. C. V. N'unei. Minister of Education, informed the Council daring Its meetings on February ? and 8 that the Government of British Guiana had agreed that on balance and in the lone term view "it would be better in Guiana's interest to decline the proposed University College of thf West Indiec and to set up a Guiana Collete of Arts and Sciences u the initial part of a University of Guiana." This refers to the-fact that the Principal, on behalf of the University College had informed the Premier of British Guiana that the University College was willing to consider establishing a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences as a branch in British I Guiana This offer was made in i keeping with the policy of the i Umvessity College tha: such • branches should be established in any territory in which the . need was shown to be adequate. ]a policy which had already been 1 implemented in pians agreed lor, developments at the St. Augus: tine branch in Trinidad. I The Minister also informed the Council on behai.' of his Gov' ernment that "we have decided i.thai we should cease our coni that I should inform the ap-1 propriate authorities of this dei cision.
Prince Charles operated On LONDON. Feb. 12 < A P ) : Prince Charles. 13-year-old heir to the British' throne, was rut-fied to hospital early today where doctors performed an appendicitis operation on him. His condition is satisfactory. B u c k i n g h a m said An ambulance brought the Prince from Cneam School to Great Ormond Street hospital in North London, jus', after midnight. He was accompanied byXjhe school doctor His mother. Queen Elizabeth, who is at Windsor Castle. ;« being kept informed by telephone. A cable has been sent to his father. Prince Philip, now on a tour of Latin America. Sir Wilfred Sheldon. Physician-pediatrician to the Queen, examined Prince Charles at Cheam School. Berkshire. yesterday and again after he reached toe hospital
Power brea1! snarls Palisadoes
"LT7CEA; Hr.. FoV 10. Tram: our correspondent': Alexander' 'further, in the light of Jitw'lungneK to build a UC V U i n James, 35. labourer of Green: Bntlsh G la a " " ** hav* decided River, a district 19 miles from' Luci-ii. was arrested-fay Defective! '» m Corporal Len Campbell, head of' _* , , the Lucea C I D, vesterdav and'Government 'by advice on orcharzed with the murder of gamation and on sources of Great difficulty was exp-MDervck Brown. 27. of the same P°-«'b|e Sranis\ in the imple- Cnoed at the Palisadoes Airport H 1 ,dl lru1 .; . -. ' mentation of British Guiana s de-. v e s ,, r j, v H poAer ' ' ' , cision to establish its College of £« "
to the date of the general election which he learned would be coming here for thr of in New York, Sir Alexander said: "That's a gift—thait is a independence celebrations in gilt tor this country-. The 10th of April' will be election •day. August"-i Leave that day to me". Said Sir Alexander: "I think Gleaner Federal Boreaa it is Princess Margaret". PORT OF SPAIN fVb 11 Princess Margaret has . . roK| °* ,, , , visited the Caribbean three l l i ^ l i l i ^ i i l nf tin- f i n a l s i t t i n g s of the \\i-st Indies It was reported that the r* party leaders held public meetings m Montego Bays .times, the last occasion being. Federal P a r M a i m - n t si-lieduled to V<:iii here Monday will an unconsdous 'condition and ^to^r^s^e'd power had been cut off during Charles Square: the Premier at midday and the JLP Leader m h^tanTVs±mb'sSo1wd0"-:i'«' "><• "f f '"-» »f »'<• Trinidad M.I'. Mr. AllH-rt. Gomes to diod about twn hours after commitments In relation to the. frequency conversion operaParty leade had spent a holiday m Antigua. p r e v e n t d i s s o l u t i o n nf thi» Federation w h i c h the B r i t i s h admis<iorj v^unTl6with ^118motorcades - tADd,b0thfrom " Bay. "»"• «^°™ expenditure of the tions In the area. The emerwound Montego to the city: the A post muni-til which was per- recurrent up The Princess has ofien been i i n t e r n m e n t mid "'lit territorial (!(iv<*rimie»ts sav must lie University College for the rest gency plant failed after a few throu h referred to as the Princess of . , .. , . . . . . ' J3r Noel Holmes.: The Gleaner will publish formed JJ? « ye«erday afternoon and early evening to a the Caribbean. the present trlennium. end- hoars and the control tower 'wound uy f o l l o w i n g the .laniaifa dceiKion to si-ei'de. tomorrow a 10-pauo Housing M.O. Lucca. rfTsclosed thai of meetu,* at the George VI Memorial Park; and Sir ing in July 1963, and that the unable to contact airIn two motion? and four Supplement giving a pic- Brown died from a fractured details of phased contributions was craft. questions filed -wi'.h '.he Clerk torial survey of the Island's skull to the expenditure beyond' of the House of Representatives. housing needs and a report The police iverc notified andj that date remained to be dis-j As a result of '.he breaJc. Mr. Gomes, one of '.he principal on the housfns estates from investigations carried out, planes could not be refuelled This Supplement will form by Detective Corporal Campbell] The Council _ architects of the Federation. |,.^. _ adopted the seeking to have a stay of execupart of tomorrow's regular it was discovered that Browni i owmg resolution on the matter: issue, so make sure you get and James had quarrelled onei-r<he Council takes i-ote of thej tiori tomorrow's Gleaner. afternoon and this had led to aj statement of the Hon. C. V. 1 The air-conditioning unit was Hi* latest resolution refight (Please torn to Page £, col. 2) also affected, making parts of Iraied today a«k.< the House to opmen, • the building i-err hot and causrreommend the appointment Mr. A. E T. Henry. Government Public Relations Officer, and Mrs ing discomtor: to passengers. Inof a delegation of both sides Claire secretary to -_ Milner,'upnvate ~ ~~—™~~~j *w the *«v *Premier. ActuAci, i Thousands or singing and succes.^ful Independence i1 trans; r passengers were most of the Bouse to proceed imthm'r <SL?£J,f CM°W«on the airPorfs waving balcony cheered d ancin g veople. thronged the ference m London affected in that respect as th«v mediately to Ent land to pres, anding , , • < , aa,. «£f,£rS2? *J£-*!*5Lhe_*?« ."own tne linTof CalYnft »««« « ? ' « « « » •"'«!!!?.!? Atter AC,., I. 'are restricted lo an area ihat ent the case for thr continuU L SeivHghi, Min^of &~A^s~ ^ after mid-day. the Pre- ance of the West Indies Fed'. is extremely hot unless air, _sterof Agriculture and Lands, theHon^WbSton Manley. and PNP members of and his party made nine cr»tion and to do everything less she is to be 'left out on a conditioned, the sc to ensure that the true facts the from the Kineston w i n d i n g up c limb.' With the paging system also relating to thr attempt to dis"Let us put first things first, put out of order, airlines work.meeting in King George VI solve thr Federation art tego Bay, Councillor Ralph Barrett, Mr. Max CareT M H R. Mr" and recognize that our prtnary'ers had difficulty rounding up (•Park. kirown. Mr. Lascelles Murray M.H.R., Mr. S. R., Pagon M H R Rev' (Pieaae torn to P*fe Z, col. 5) 'outgoing passengers. C. A. Morgan MJ1.R. Mrs. Arnett, Mrs. Glasspole the Hon' • |• Ch'ineellol' I'rill-[university .will be signed at any: Drivins in the motorcade The following are Mr. Gomes' m ment Dr. Herbert Morrision. Mr. Howard Cook MJ"., and Mr Clifford with the Premier were Mrs- four questions: rl SK warned S : i t i i n l a v j ° »o« " »«• «"Ung that: ; deLisser. chairman of the Citrus Growers Association. Stanley, delegate members f t \ Is the Pr.ime Minister awarei ' • . . T. . .,' ! she was grateful :o be mviteJi Inside (he airport bnlldinc, Mr. Manley drank » the Hon. Florltel Glasspole, *•*•/ that the members of thej n i p h t t h a t the T niversity| t o contmue M Chancellor whenj LONDON Fep. 10 (Reuter), the Bon. Dr. Ivan Lloyd, and House of Representatives!n f the West Indies should! full university status Li attained on beh»lf of the „„„ .„„ Jamaican Opposition i the spectoUy prepared statement. "The Premier-old: The Hon Vernon Aroett, have received no official inIrv P.trlv in October, the Princess declafLeader Sir Alexander Busta; I nave been away on the business of Jamaica on many occaMembers of the Cabinet and i formation from the" Federal Gov-i ""' '"' ('1"'rl(!'1 . «on», and I have always returned with something done that I set mante, pledged Jamaican help. ' hundreds of PNP inpporteri- ^ernment about the statements] success and not li«> Irxl Cd' out to do and always with gladness to be home in my own country financially and otherwise for Itional-' 'I hope you will forgive mei j At his. first again. But never have I been and returned with such joy and the remaining territories of the if I Ukr advantage of the West Indian Federation.. w. (Pre-mier drew attention ' pride as T 36 today: '•"• -' -• doomed in its present form V I fact'that the date potUlon to which yon; for the'1 treat i -''The t2sk ^u1 ' "? out to do after the decision Jamaica made havr .so generously appointed last year have been done. We will be.out of Fedemto? when Jamaica's decision to secede election as well as t h a t , for {Pleas* turn to Page 2, col. 2) and her forthcoming Independ; Independence had been set. and' me to sound a notr or two ot rederatjon end in April this year. We will be free and tade*end° i gave formal notice that the warning. No one can deny that ent on the first Monday of August which will take the place of ence on August 6. • e.ection campaign was PNP Sir Alexander told reportEmancipation Day and will forever be known as Independence this important venture in hlgh-i underway. Day. ers: "Except for Trinidad rr education has ORB an unwhich is financially Independ- ij Members of the Cabinet, as qnallfled success. Now success Swiftly, sorely ent we shall never forget the i.o a heady wine which must be as • local party leaders, "My Government has led Jasmaller islands and will always (well IS THE TIME TO SEE savoured with discrimination. spoke at each of the stops, in maica swiftly and-surely to the be ready to assistaddition to the Premier. place where our people decided MIDDLE QUARTERS, S.E It roust never b* allowed to "I expect they will be form' to go. We have reached the end Feb. 10. (From our correspond- ing their own Federation very turn soar but must always lead; of the road—the gate is unlock- ent): The destructive drought soon." In which bottles were hnrlfd, on to further success. Gleaner Staff Reporter FALMOUTH. Ty, February U ed it a open and all that remains that had been experienced in and two persons received ml-: "That is particularly true 'of' Sir Alexander said "Our (From our correspondent): Rival party supporters of the is to pass through in unity and St, Elizabeth for a long period election ; i new university, because ill manifesto is to be Banner strewn vehicles of all PNP and the JLP had a short nor cuts. " strength and in- a manner that was ABOUT YOUR TRIP TO , clash in tront oj the Strand lifted by heavy showers- of published two or three days will lift our hearts for all the •sin over Montego Bay yesterquickly on the past ten days. after my arrival " years ahead. be prepared to meet the PNP supporters.. wh'<* the motorcade and crowds!"ay while the PNP were Hiving persed the "It ha» been a good conference. interruption,, the JLP with boldness and c-nwiction. swarmed into Water Square a s1i j P ubllc welcome to Premier After Both parties have .worked tomeeting, proceeded peacefully, _» _. the Premier's arrival time ap- .Manley and. the PNP members gether .smoothly and with no preached. i°' the Jamaieaff delegation on '--thought of party but only of Naturally Martin's Travel < their return from the London what was good for our future. IAUGH IT OFF "! should al50 like !o w'arn Independence Conference you against 'the dangers of false; Every difference was resolved, Service is conversant with The JLP were holding a conevery dispute was settfed. When nationalism. Of course, every! e c con f ere n ce l1 . 'it became necessary to exert a all the formalities of tracommunity wants to order Its; Party Candidate Mr. A. U. Bel-i?^" " y. _ . i . T|;' . little, pressure, on the British infanti welcomed the Premier !'i^p. m the S.rand Jhe, affairs ' according to its likes velling to England. You Government, our 'combined : .ny.r and. dislikes, and in a way tho". • The Prime Minister and the Leadt-r of tfic 'and' - t h e - dftegat-on -ard Mr -Sided.over forces found it easy to gain what m r .can.get ..the.answers .-at Manley replied, commenting on: ' f' ,° • v : ~ , -n.ii.,, suits it best. That" is a natural r f v we wanted. Opposition will both be consulted by the Governorthe warmth of the welcome j contest the Northwest constituand healthy ambition. But in er f 1 Jam le gen Martin's Travel Service. "I wish publicly to thank the General in the appointment of a Public Service He thanked the members ofi "7 ° ,? « '." ," " the world of today, no country British Government for the wisthe delegation and described it! eral .election on April 10. Commission in Independent Jamaica. can be wholly independent, not A rroup of PNP »opport«r», dom. «nd good «nse they have as ''a united team". even a country like Britain, believed to be mainly from shown towards us in these He said the party campaign 1 • In case of differences between them it is matters. I wi*h publicly to which has for centuries relied on for the April 10 election was Klnjrton, went around to the thank Sir Alexander Bustamante its wealth and its insularity to the recommendation of the Prime Minister, how- on and Jamaica would not fall Strand Thrstre when they Tni aorry. can't allow and the members of the Opposiwe put the right man In heard that th« JtP meetlnt maintain its power and influence. ever, which will be accepted by the Governor-Gen- "If aa ica cream breaJc during tion for their co-operation «nd was In protrru. On* of th«n» charge of the country." It is a position on which Brl-i help. There are a great many eral. •chool hour*" Others on this -^welcoming went tnt« the lobby «f lUe tain can oo longer depend, un-j (VlMM tarn tn Face t. e*L (Please, torn «o Page %, col. «| theatre. A fraeai foon ensoed
Housing Supplement tomorrow
&^^^SS^5KS^^3 §£
HS r^ M K'A3t T''"'' -- ««*:
Ready to help small islands :
Drought broken
&ST »•" - - °
Princess: Gets Charter this year
,-- ...... -
'OQt on & mitu