February I, Ittz.
Boudoir Lamps White wtth
GoW. Cnan with Ptak
: e»eh
Sunrte*..' Suraet Moonriu Moonset New Tint tuli L«jt
Tldi'i for February 9. 1965. High Low
t n a ra. f.Wp.m. ».J» a.m. 11.« p.m.
Mor (12.12a.m. 5.5* a.m. (IMS pjn.«M p.m. Pt Royal (12.40a.m. (.01 a.m. (lZJ3p.ro-J.oo p.m. Mo-Bay
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S A sBay (U.«a.m,8J«a.m. (12.S3 p.m. 1.21 p.m.
UK suspected of holdmg back because of Trinidad, 'Little Eight'..
Manley,Sir Alexander warn Britain: Keep word ' WOULD BE REBELLION— TABLE-BANGING BUSTA; UK WOULD BE GUILTY... PREMIE, •
Judges, Opposition Leader may have to be picked before the day »
Thousands cheer Philip inB.G.
Gleaner Staff Begorter
(AP tc Gleaner Correspondent) More than 20,000 people packed the streets of Georgetown to By THEODORE SEALY ': cheer the Duke of Edinburgh toLONDON. Feb. i day as f>e arrived to begin a! American tour DECLARATION of Jamaica's Independence Day h a s iouth . ai • . T,! i i • t • i n The Duke,-riding in ap open
I ii'ler hiilependence, Jamaica's Chief Justice. Justices <,f Appeal, Leader of the Opposition and Dim-tor of TuliJic Prosecutions, among other officers, may have to tie chosen, and signify acceptance of their pos'ts U-foi-e the appointed day for Independence. The Legal Committee has considered a paper from the! appointed day, special legislaAtlorney General, Mr. will have to '.e introduced Cundall, pointing out this ne-jto have that in force on. ,.the <-ess:ty so that wh«i the day! appointed day. and also '.o diromes. the consti;ution can au— vest the Attorney General of a tomatically come into effect'long list of duties which he These were among matters aris- ( n°w is required by law to ing m the transition period, perform, which have now been reported^ on by ihe Legal Committee to A new proposal now put forthe General Conference. is that rarc event Another transition problem, ^ *" ** no one was elisib;? 1" b:1 whlch is now sought to ...•that be of 1he Opposidealt with, is the status of- named Leader ; parliamentary secretaries. It lion, or be ng named. refused "tho-office, it should be made •is J now uun - proposed ptvjjuavu wav, — ljk UKC , . Hnrtrministers, they saould remain clear t h a t appointments whlch t h p Premie in office nntil their successors U ) co cult th r was ubhsed are appointed. ' " ^ Leader of ;he Op os tiofl bcfore Since public prbswutors arei P ' advising the to be the duty of the Director:GoTCrnor' could never!.-.»:-« proceed to be made of Public Prosecutions after •Jiei ' Provision is also *.o be ?• ; •• to be made to enable some ".-1 acting {or the Governor Ger- . : in Privy Council to have an c: einal and casting, vote.
been put on by one day. Ine sijeer volume ot committee work and convertible, smiled and waved drafting detail have put forward to tomorrow, decisions which should navei^gl'r^^emanaTng Dot-no "n'o" * , . . your.^ :pendence under Jagan and "we v been taken today. "You dare not, break hej from Brit|in ..
- Brit Independence Day was discussed today. lu fact, written word with the people; j An official of Prime Minit was the occasion of some strong talk in the plenary of Jamaica,'* be warned. Apart from this vexed Sues-' ister Cheddi Jacan'a Progressession at Lancaster House. Both Premier Norman Man_ jtion. considerable progress was' sive Party *aid the ilo(«n ley and the leader of the Opposition. Sir Alexander Bus-|made in plenary conference! were the work of the Defendtamante took a showdown stand against what seemedlwith other matters, especially; er? of Freedom, an abtl-ComOrganization led by as reluctance on the part of the Timed Kingdom Govern- general principles concerning; muniit West Indian Ser- businessmen. ment to agree to the Jamaican agreed date - which now *" ?° vices which have to be arranaed The Duke met leftist leader seems definitely to be August (i, the first Monday in Aug- for when Federation is dis- Jagan at the airport and exmantled. Changed pleasantries wi:h him. ust. Bustamante He joked -with VIPS and the The, two Jamaican leaders! ters to such a close decision, Sir Alexander made such a ruckus — each inithat a signing session can be j also raised the question of ex- croud roared approval as he His own way — that it is now; held in public on Friday morn-1 servicemen, including R.A.F. per-.suggested the guests move off considered unlikely that theiing to mark the successful cul-jsonnel, who had served in the from the tarmac to a nearby Colonial Secretary, Mr- Maud- mination of the Independence; last war, and their rights being sh'ed to escape threatening rain. ling will not accede to the date talks. | preserved against Britain, even He also bent low to wave at a insisted, upon by Jamaica. First thoughts had been that.af'.er Independence. (Pteaw turn to Paje 2, eoi C) Mr. Mauley said thai the .the final session would have British Government would be: been tomorrow; and all the deletullty of breaking its word! gates have booked to leave: U it tried to put off the Ja- London for home on Saturday. nuiemn date, however much But the volume of work which. they might wish to placate or'the .Legal Drafting Committee of. please Trinidad, and the "Lit-: Mr. Glasspoie. Mr. Tavares and; tie EljW." .'Mr. Cundall had to undertake,., ! proved too formidable for the days they had.
New proposal
Little bloc presses
Express radiophnto \ i a t'jble f; Wireless: 1'KK.MI!-:)! NOH.MAN M A M . K Y - l i i t i c l i i - i l vcs ii-nhi.v « i 1 li ll.U.U.
Isaacs warning —
Bread price
Matters now
up for crmv-
deration on the draft cr •.,,:'
tution fall under three hf.id^ first, • those already approved
"frj—butli JamAicai'r-itnd—P*H**v"
Kinjrdom df legations, secondSir Alexander Bustamante early morning to night with Gleaner Dominica Correspondent! Gleaner Barbados Corr*»pond«nt apart The -joTj ot anged &6 table, rolled op his briefest breaks for meals, and BRIDGETOWN, Feb. 7:rioner will be ^tSat of ?f«|uidator ROSEAU. Feb. 6: aod thirdly, those which hare Beeves, got red in the face and have produced such a TOlume of it was announced from to wind, up the affairs of the the Hon. (Please torn to Page 2. col. T) raged' Kraily -that if- -Her Ma-i Teporte.- that other -delegate* .are The Chief Minister, Federal Govemmem. circulated- to jesty's Government thoughtjkept up late at nights studying coo!„ , 'Premier (Fleisc tvro-to P>fe t;-col 7) they could deceive the people of i the minutes for each, morning's of bes receded i Erro1 B?rr0w «£ "Everybody toe . .toaaica!.they ; were mistaken.'meetings. ' * " \ warniiif; IDIK frivcn l)v the Hon. \ViUs tor there would be rebellion' if' " MARQUES, MozamBritain tried .to. keep Jamaica Minister of Trnrir and Indnstryh a t - hrertd p n t j-LORENCO and St. Vincent. [present Federal Government to) The f'.am'.nso. in full p!um?.2e. •'""" ',"•'." ,""" ' '"* t""" "•••••• -will""• l»e '" i""j "&rqu'?','Teb. 7 TAP)7 ' back from Independence by ? ler In the meantime, in order Antigua: "Consider imperative j carry on. c->.usn: at the mouth of the Cress " " <'"""-«l if there is any attempt to .increase fliei The Archbishop of Loreaco even one day. beyond the date to nave the final decisions new federation be established by the He said : • R.ver on Tussday by. Mr. Fc!;x price. ' , Marques Cardinal Teodosib C>asked. clearly recorded, a new eom-j^ugust 1962. Support united deSpenccr of Annotto Pay, is now The warning came as a re-iare many items of foodstuff that! tnente de "Gpuveia. died in the This matter of Independence mlttee has been appointed, Imand early conference". 1 at the Zoo at Hope Garden?. suit of a statement by Mr.; I propose to bring under price 1 general. hospital here yesterday Day was the only item which consisting of Mr. Vernoh ArSecretary of State did not conThe bird is of West Indian Giadsibne Chang. Managing Di-icontrol within the next weekilrom leukaemia at the age of 73. seemed liSely to cause any dissider as urgent the matter of Mr S r spfc cs rector of Consolidated Bakeries'or so." agreement between the_Joint Ja- a"£ establishment of an interim) H , i,r^e "wt "to A*SS. -2SSS"uU?He was born at Saint Georg?. Colonial Office lawyer K»||^g state federation. Public sup- orearriwMon comprising the Mr. E. C Allen. Currtor of (Ja.i Ltd. thai Xh'e price of! Importers confirm thai there ion the island of Madeira- in, maica .delegation and the Unit- prepare the report to Be "P'-lport immediate and independent 'ihe Zoo. yesterday said his bread might have to be increas-; Premier of Barbados and : ed Kingdom. Inside observers ed _, on __ „_,„-_ .. ^. ' 1889. He became cardinal in the «_.. final federation oj eight ^^5. tnere. Friday at chief ministers or deputies .opinion was that the flamingo'ed as there had been several: W8re increases in the price of 1945. tonight said they thought the plenary session. fore essential we meet urgently! from the other seven terriwas on its way from the Ba-; increases in the price of flour: flour last year, whicU, thsy say, Colonial Office was giving se- The dispute about the date this month with 'firm constitu-j tories. His death came only a -day hama*. Cuba or Miami to the'over the past six months, and cond thoughts to the "wild no- for Jamaica's Independence Day tional uopai and a n a economic econuimi: proposals piuyvaaw - . . - , -ji_» jit* absorbed by the bakers after that of Gaetano Cardinal Turks jnd Islands. — a further increase was expect-^ „, for early inauguration new fedMr. Barrow said he feared that a Gleaner. Barbados .Correspondent ' tion" they bad of trying to fix found the Jamaican delegations themselves, and that ano- Cicojnani, 80, of Italy, in I if too long a period was allowed BRIDGETOWN. Feb. 7; route of migration. eration".; ed this year. The increases so (Please turn to Page t eol. 9) > Borne. Jamaica's dates.to suit Trinidad strongly unanimous. | to elapse between dissolution of : far, he said, were " bemg abor British Guiana or the "Lit: present Federation and estab. Sir GranfJey Adams. We?t Sir Alexander said it seemed St Vtaeent: "Following cables the ' sorbed' by the bakers and imtle Eight" governments St Kitts and An-. tishment of the new Caribbean Indian Prime Minister says i;_ preposterous that the Colonial i poners of baking ilour. Tomorrow morning there' will federation, some of the islands was a hard decision, in that one' tigua. government advise imme| Said the Minister: i b4 another plenary session at Office was seeking to delay the diate conference under auspices!may be subjected to pressure territory—Jamaica—unilaterally : "If there is any attempt, to; 'which might cause them to drift decided 40 leave the Federal i'in. Lancaster House, and expecta- date for Jamaican independence. Barbados Premier earliest." and' the rest of us now suf- i ' increase the price of bread. I j tion is that this will bring mat- "It is our Independence Day, fer--. . ^-We were unconsulted , not yours," he remarked sharpwill bring it under control im-' about the Jamaica referend'.im.' ly, and warned that if Britain ; mediately. The savings in over-! ; | We were not asked if the : ef-: tried to interfere with Jamaica's head of the merging of the three! erendum went against Mr. M-an-j agreed decision it could only be 'companies that manufacture] ley how we would react. . . : that Britain wanted a rebellion. i bread have, never been passed j "Never in the history of He .declared that Mr. Manley ! on to the consumer, and I will] LONDON, Feb. 7 (Reuter): viewed after a short time. the world has there ever Vrn and himself had no difference to- The amendment would conunilateral repadlatlon of a : regard any increase in the price j The House of Commons when it came' to this demand, of bread as unjustified. night agreed that the Govern- tinue the Bill until the end of federation unless written in ment's Bill Controlling Commonand "our views have been clearDecember, 1963, after which it the constitution. Nyasaland "As a matter of fact, ther wealth immigration should ex- would have to be specially rewas trying to leave the On- s i A R BRUECKEN. Germany. ly stated: pire at the end of 1963 "unless newed each year. tral African federation, hutj Premier Manley reminded the Feb. 7, (AP) — Labour's Parliament otherwise deter- Mr. Denis Healy, United Kingdom delegation that BALTIMORE Feb. 5-(USIS):]gust 1, the one hundred and the British Government said, i. searing blast tore through Commonwealth spoke s m a n, mines." he had obtained an agreement . The Baltimore Sun in its~edi- I twentyfourth anniversary of the no. 3 bl eoal mine caving -« It approved the Government maintained that the Bill should "The influence of Jamaica on amaea o in writing from the British gaUenes on, several levels amendment to this effect, the end on January 1, 1963. as it of February 3, entitled ! freeing of the slaves m the BTI- Uj, minds of ^ British ^ in 31 1 The Premier, the Hon. Nor- Government when he came totonal tiBh West Indies. After the Ja-lernment is almost paramount' " burling the bodies Home Secretary, Mr. Butler, was clear that the Bill was not 'West Indies Puzzle" said: —, .^ representatives ..11— of -. compared with the rest of thejminers about the tunnels. the man Stanley's remarks in Lon-London last year; < Jhat agree- 'The leaders of the Jamaican maicans, promised some weeks ago. originally designed to cope with ment "was clear and definite.. Mr. Butler said tonltht ori- Commonwealth immigration ..gtj Trinidad-Tobago soon will be West Indies. There are so many {night smoke-blackened don regarding a likely change LONDON. Feb. 7.(AP) — That agreement had stated Parliament are now .in London, arriving on a similar errand. Englishmen who think of Ja- cuers reported at least 107 kill- Lord Snowdon, a forme ginally the Bill w»s to last all. to the: name of the unit of Jadrafting a constitution for their five years. Bat the Govern- It was a "panic imprpvization maicB as the whole of the Westied and 72 still trapped in , one maican currency, were clarified that Her Majesty') Governpreparing for its In- The tidy pattern into which Bri- Indies, and 1 think that the Bri- bf- Germany's worst mine disas- working photographer, will dp ment recognised that there to relieve racial pressure in the yesterday by the Governor of ment would not delay .Jamai- island had its the ermine-trimmed robes ain wa* widespread feellnf in the Conservative Party at last year's tish Government is doing 'he ters. "tn'eBanJc of Jamaica, Mr." Staff- cst fate *M»*«|K»ie«e kccoronet oi an Earl on Feb. 2 House that it should be re- party conference," he said. At ley Payton, after telephone con- yond the first date practicable. lp st I vanished with the dream of Fedshould pause to think of| a " 85 of the 300 who and claim Ms se«t in the- House, gultatkm with Mr. Manley in I eration. New the remaining thMe people losing jobs because^ escaped or were rescued were of Lords. London. pieces must be picked up. the British Government gave in! injured, some so seriously they It will be the first time h Said Mr. Payton 'in an offi"Possibly, bat not probably, to Jamaica." may die. | has worn ceremonial robes cial release: one or two of the small islandi "A rreat number of those! since his sister-in-law Quee "1 spoke with the Premier on may accept Trinidad'* offer missing may not be brought! Elizabeth conferred a peerage o the telephone today about the ont alive," a resent official; him last October, a court spokes and enter a "little federation" "! Preas reports of a statement he »ld. ';: ian said today. on her terms- Bat the (mall i The miners were trapped at! is reputed- to have made in The former society photo islands have local pride and London- about a change in the the t.BOO-fotit level. j crcpher and nun-aboat-lowa traditions, ft well as their own { name of the unit of Jamaican The disaster occurcd at '7.55J who married Into the Brltls ' • .. • LONDQN, Feb. ' (Repler>:| lerislatnres and political part-1 •currency.- He 'was very disa.-n at nearby Voelklingen in' Royal Family will be Intro •les.. Some economic purposes turbed at the interpretation Sir Alexander Bustamante 'said here toniglit he ex-j of the Federation may survive, '.hp Luisenthal mine. The mine! dncod to his fellow peers placed upon his remarks , and pected Jamaican Independence date would be announced: alone With the University (Please tarn to Page 2, col. 5) ' ' the realm by two sponsors. asked me to issue a statement ; Collere of The West Indie* tomorrow. • i Gleaner Federal Bureau in Jamaica on his 'behalf ex- Sir Alexander leading the, for which the Jamaicans arcj and an inter-iilind transport '•• PCJRT OF SPAIN. Feb. 7: exactly what he said. Jamaican Opposition membersj pressing. A pension Jor the West Indies "The Premier was asked whe- to the Constitutional Conference But "our views are clearly un-j pattern. .>The big U!ands will have to Prime Minister, Sir Grantley - . ther, when Britain .dinged to a here,,'told reporters he expected e in" a big way abort Adams, is proposed in a Bill to decimal currency, J a m a i c a the Conference would wind up (Please torn <o P«r 2, «•!• *) (behave these, and the small islands co- be 'given first restUng when the •would autoniatically follow suit tfitb. .the final report ori Friday. opeAte- Out of the Federation'* Federal Parliamam < re-convenes with a. new decimalized unit. HI* defecation he t»l«, «nd (Please tarn to Page 2, eol. 8) for ills final sittings here, next! He replied that decimalization - Premier Norman SUnley'i month. . . -- of- Jamaican currency on a were - ta- «tr««»ent aboat the ..... No-details .of ... toe . .Bill - -have , new unit was a matter which dedrrd Independence date, yet been released, but the Pen- — "• The -PrinKr Minister of -Independent Jamaimight be considered at some and ttrened there bM been no L S. PANTON tTD. ca may bo removed from office if the. Honae of ReSAIGON, South Viet Nam, Feb. sions (Prime Minister) Amendtime in the future but made quarrelling between the two 6 (AP)— ment Bill is among four for 279 SPANISH T O W N R O A D H perfectly clear that no action delegations at the eonfereoee presentatives decidcR by a majority vote of its memOne U.S. Army helicopter first reading in the notice of, tiers that "his appointment should be terminated. wa* contemplated in conjunc- preilded over by Colonial SeriLII»HONIS-t63U • 8 6 3 7 7 crashed and burned and ' two business for the House of Re-; ' tion with' Jamaica's indepen- cretary. Mr. BefinaU Maadllnt. DISTtlBUTORS IN JAMAICA others were hit by Communist presentttives, issued today. dence or necessarily- when Bri- Questioned on British reaction ',•. If this should happen, the Prime Minister PIRCLII A TUH* Viet Cong guerrilla fire today on Others are the Supplementary; may request that Parliament be dissolved and ask tain made a change. It was a to the date put forward by the (No. 3) Bill,] an .American • supported combat Appropriation problem which would need care- delegation, he said "this topic there** no wv,' whit mission ferrying Vietnamese 1961, the 'Appropriation (1862) j the people in new election's for, a vote of confidence. ..... ful exaSUnatlon irr relation came in lor ;some- «nirp ex' " A> youdor ,"" troop's into "artibhr reliable 1J.S. changes"; he was "In honour
Captured flamingo now at Zoo
Cardinal dies
history of the world,
Saar mine blast kills over 100
'Baltimore Sun':
Out of collapse may come reorientation •*•**
i j i_i_
trr __ i
A Jl__
Amendment —
4U —
Our Independence, i not your$— Busta j
h i t pi m rr
Snowdon sits in Lords Feb. 28
Bill proposes i pension forSirGraniley
Blow by Commies
Our Modem Off ice Equipment Department
Is now located at 109 Mamii Oarvey Drive, Klntttoa 1L P.O. Box Jfl.
Tel — HSU