Sunrise Sunset' Moonrlw Moonntt ,
Tldf» for February 7, 1163. Hied Luw
«.3l a.m. t..M p.m. I M a.m. p.m.
Ft. Mor. (II.IS a in. 4.11 j in (l(M4 P .m. 4 52 p i n . Pt Royal (11.46 j Hi 4.45 a .in (11.1: p.m. 5.26 p.m.
* 17/6 fintnoor ISSA'S "fashion' Centre
Mew-Moon TIrtj Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter
(12.19 a.m. sue a.m. (11.45 p.m. 5.57 p.m. S.A^aBay (11.46 a.m. 4.39 a.m. (ll.\2 p.m. 5.29 p.m.
Mar. I Feb. 11 r*b. IS Ftb. IT
V»L czxvm. NO. ».
Firms to
-complete^ National Stadium
tomorrow I
('. J. Fox ('(instruction Company now eii^ajjed in the huikfiug of the National Stadium, lias joined witli A. D. Scolt Ltd., general constructors, in order, to complete the ityoject inside !th« rigid completion date
In a release yesterday the com, | pany said it had been given approval by National Sports Ltd. to" join with A. D. Scott Ltd. in view of the delays which the iroiect. had suffered since its
caught here formally put ANNOTTO BAY, Feb. 8
CFfrora out correspondent): A flamingo was caught by Mr. Felix Spencer at Cress River mouth, today. Mr. Spencer was fishing when he saw the bird to the river feeding. He took a line, made a noose and .snarled the bird i>y the
LONDON, Feb. 5:i
HE BRITISH SECTARY OF STATE Mr. Maudling will annpunce to the House of Commons tomorrow afternoon the secession of Jamaica from the West Indies Federation on an appointed day; and simultaneous dissolution of the Federation. On the following day' the Jamaican Independence Conference will announce Jamaica's first In-! dependence Day. _ . | words no*, yet been i
ManleyBusta accord
Gleaner Staff Reporter Trinidad LONDON, Feb. 5:j Sir Alexander Bustamante wasj Opposition bright and. cheerful in his Savoy Hotel room this evening after flays an hour's interview with Mr. Maudling. British Colonial Secretary. Accompanied by the DeIndependence PORT OF SPAIN. Feb. 5 puty .Leader of the Opposition,
Feb. (Reuter) Mr. Donald Sangster, Sir Alex-| The Trinidad ' Government's! ander said he visited. Mr. Maud-j ! decision not to participate in- a! ling by invitation, and found hinv : i possible eastern Caribbean fed a charming personality.
This is a secret, bat my guess — although ITemierj , ted 1 !_'.._ l_ ] 4-L ,, T~>_^,,,, « 4 - 4-s*. »*j-i*-rt«l r\n anAnnl 11+0! *^ Manley has asked the Press, not to reveal or speculate j On cltiienshlp the agree-"Unfortunately", said Sir Alex-! about the date — is that it will be the first Monday i n j of the worst type," the Demo-i ander, "I cannot divulge what is that United Kingdom cratic Labour Opposition leader,: August every year (this year it will be August 6). ] ment was the nature of the conference.' citixcns born in Jamaica and: n
THE CHAIR previously occupied by Cuban President Osvalda Dortieos is deserted as Cuba boycotts the For-
eign Ministers' meeting in Punta del Este, Uruguay. Jan. 31, following the ministers'
I1 centrate on arena seating and the cycle and running tracks. 1 In a separate reelase A. D. | Scott Ltd. said It nad accepted i the challenge and wonld spare ; no effort to- complete the pro! ject on time. The stadium, started early last year, has been constantly hamp, ered by strikes . a*d go-slows, ! The latest strike ended just over j a week ago, when a new note of i importance was added to the I seemingly unattainable cojnple! tion date of early July by the i Government, who staled that the t \ stadium would be the only fitting |1 place to hold Jamaica's lndepe'n_ dence celebrations. ' In its release A. D. Scott artd: "All the unions have, pledged their support of the Joint Industrial Council for the building industry and have pledged to abide by all the rules and decisions as laid down by the couni cil. We in turn pledge to- abide —AP.j by all the rules and decisions not majority agreement to expel | only as written, but as fairly in- ' Cuba from the Organization i tended." of American States (OAS). I The release went on to say I "We "would however like to em| phasize that we are not prepared • I: to employ at any time any work— er or group of workers whom wg discover are employing unfair labour practices that wouid cause a delay to completion of the project on time.
I had heard that there was an, j having no parent or grand- Dr. Rudranath Capildeo, told; StiJ, it was a useful one." thousands attending a party rally i idea that aince both parties w«h-1 Ij«fc> Committee * Co.ntoefxce parent in Jamaica wilt be; yesterday the Trinidad Guardian Rooms de furth r r Concerning today's meetings, ed a different date, neither olr *»* ™* « P ,°' the report by the i automatically registered as'; reported. | of tile Independence Confer J their dates should apply - nel-i B»- Working citizens, but can have option Dr. Capildeo said the British: C o m m i t t e e ' ence, the Leader of the Opther the P.N.P.'s August 1 nor < Messrs Glasspote, Tavares- aa<ir to decline cititenship within ai Government was likely to give] position said the three things In the J.L.P/S May 23 prescribed period (probably Trinidad independence before constitution draft about If this proves to be the fact, Cundall). Matters liscussed this! one year). It still has to be the end of the year and be dehad ewne t» London were those relating to tten it will mean that August morning manded safeguards Cor minor! ascertained finally whether , pppMM. MAied as If1 citizenship and identification of 1 will disappear as a tics in toe independence conthis is not in conflict with tb« 'wery mr «{fuy%rnh agreevoters. .Agreement has been elared, did not eriri maw. the first Monday in' August, •.. Act. The Party's deputy leader Mr: •astoa if TiMer*. which .tiill make a nice cele- matters, but drafting of the preIn regard to identification ofjAshford Sinanan, declared that iMekend each year voters, it is agreed that the con-i the existing Federation was a Asked what was the third. Sir 'close enough to Emancipation j stitutiori will riot 'state what: success and the Trinidad' Gov- Alexander chuckled and said: "It Day to carry forward some of; A syndicate licmlcd by the Hon.. Abe lss>a is now in the final stages of acquiring precautions should be taken to j eminent proposal for a unitary don't desire to mention that its memories -but a new date! now.' (Please turn to Page 2. eol. 1) ' state would lead to failure. ninety live pi-n-cnt of the shares of three local tiruis, and two in British Honduras, nevertheless to celebrate a newi
from heart attack
Mr Reginald Mais, Permanent Secretary to- the- Ministry of Education and one..of Jamaica's he added "but Mr Manley has. " """ "nnrmrn that negotiations for the purchase of the delegates to the Cemmonwealih asked me not to divulge it untir '»""**»» intents M British Oversea* Stores, by the Is» syndicate.' b n Education Conference in New it is formally announced, and I "»". " virtual y completed. British Overseas Stores Ltd a uM c Premier Maoley and Sir AlexDelhi, is now recuperating in that have agreed that I will not an-'P ! «»™P»">" .»"'«> headquarters In England, own 9a percent of tne ftod&r Bustamante will both be city following a heart attack. (Pi... inrn t< ov,, c-i 6 1 shares (net*, turn Page? 2 .i .col • . in their Jamaican subsidiaries. frfc . purchase t e c h l ( J e s at Use House of Commons at A cable received at the. Min_ , 3.30 tomorrow afternoon for Mr. D. Henderson & Co. Ltd.,' "with istry yesterday stated that ac- the Cross Roads and Montego, LIMA, Peru, Feb. 5; (Reuter) cording to medical opinion, he' Maudling's statement, but most , Bay branches. Messrs Leonard I Two top American biochemists!was progressing satisfactorily oi their colleagues will remain There is hardly a shortchambers. The time — the committee meetings getwere among 18 ^people killed ' and that' the ministry would' b e Ing the morning court of age of thieves in a court, " when .a. FasvceU airlines DC-3, kept informed of his condition: ting things ready for the next Gleaner Staff Reporter ronh, room, but usually they are appeal sessionsThe ban! — '"5 in a forest near Tingo'Mrs.. Mais left for India last plenary conference to begin at Co^L and crashed about LONDON. Feb. 5: being brought to justice. a wallet, driving licence and 240 miles north of: W eek. °' Ltd.. of M"la. Lancaster House at 10 WednesHoffius Hardware Co. other doenmenla — and £1 here Norman Manley made i - • were Dr J rome ! The other Jamaican delegate. day morning. i Premier Belize!' cashYesterday one was plying thirty-minute address this' to Th*?' f UraEO.-Mr. Rupert Bent, returned to JaJamaica's joint 'delegations met j • n member, of his light fingered trade at Sir Colin reported the G yl Ttb S n}: I and ~ ^ ^ ^ ^'-. -'^ '^^t^^ ^M^^OT. ^ich^ K^ who: male. Vesterday Mr ' B e n t is A I theft to the police at the again this morning at tire West Par]~*ent <menrt)ers c*-«H par, . the very seat of Jamaican A Jamaican Government' nnssit.n has arrived 1'ere {Condon ud H«»«rt°ltf«H!>-eTe visiting Peru wl!h their! Senior ChiS Education 'Officer at — with the Chief luncheon interval- Det^ Ken ties) including former Jamaica Justice on a three-week, visit" to Nigeria to study the possibili-! ection .with the transaction,• wives on a research. mission. the Ministry. n Colin MacSweeney of the C.I-D. CenGovernor, Lord Milverton and Justice, hisSirvictim1 1 tral Station, is in charge of ties of establishing closer cultural and trade relations!" " 6>tai'.s of which are expect-j other peers, hi the House of Gregor The place — Sir .Colin's the investigation. Commons. with African countries! jt , . . . !«* «• be «*&>*** !n » few An official announcement today [ Jamaicans seuhng in Africa. ,days. ; Mr. Manley spoke mostly on said the missi&n, scheduled to The mission consists of Mr.; Qn completion of the purchase. Britain's Migration BUI and its;] (.visit Ghana and Ethiopia, w i l i j rtR. A. Foreman, Commissioner issa Hardware Co. is to be mergr. possible impact on Jamaica's j| also look into the Question of^ i.anricMr\v T Mni^r/^jj w-ith the Henderson croup economS" progress" and planTrade Administrator: Mr. D. O.jand "it is proposed that the conning. which he said could not : Mills, a senior economist in solidated companies should be be contemplated with any prosthe Central Planning Unit, and! operated under the name of pect of success without .outward Mr Rex Nettleford, Staff Tutor! Allied Hardware Co. Ltd. movement of increasing popuGleaner Staff Reporter of the Extra-Mnral Department!1 lation. • of the University College of No statement was made as to surveyed the LONDON, Feb. 5: Mr. Manley the West Indira ! purchase price, which is be• Tho new Court of Appeal to be established worldwide field of migration, the West indies. seven .. figure Prime Minister Macnullan has and commented on the service i for'Independent Jamaica will replace both the West ne m ss on w v s : MOSCOW Feb- 5 (APV ' '*" ' ' '" ' ' the three' range, and a spokesman for tho invited Jamaica's Premier and which the British Labour Party Indian FVrlernl Conrt and Jamaica's present Court ' ," ' ] regions of Nigrria before leaving! purchasing group said that no the Leader of the Opposition to had dene to salvage .Britain's You are Judged by the Way Former Foreign Minister v. M.f Ghana on the second stage of! further statement wouid be isor of Appeal. It will consist of a President and three lunch at Admiralty House on name by taking such a valiant Molotov returned to his Moscow thc lour | d t You Speak and Write _ Friday. Mr. Arnett and Mr. stand against the worst featnres other judges in the first instance and these Judges apartment today after spending j _ J____________, of the British Bill. more than a week in a local hosSongster will also- attend. will not sit in any other Conrt in Jamaica. pital with the flu. A hospital atTomorrow the P.N.P. dele- In regard to Jamaica's future tendant said he is now in good j Hundreds of ambitious men-Yon know what yon want to • This is to make it quite certain that the condition. gation will be the luncheon actions in this matter, the Pre-: and women have discovered 1 say: language-power will ensaid that organizations! of the National Executive wou a fascinating, simplified way jable yon to say It clearly and Court of Appeal will not" he concerned in any way There has been no official Tjihnnr i<ithg -have to be created to to improve their English, wihnlngly. Labour Partv Party, at at meet word as to his future. Premier of the provjslolu. o{ the Bm i with legal matters in the original courts.. * gain self-confidence and de- 'The' time-saving R.I. Postal Khrushchev denounced him as a St. Ermine's Hotel. especially as it concerns tjjej velop th e i r personality | member of a so-called anti-Parly in effective English . Tomorrow oigirt the prerexroiritioning ot worker*. 'Many sav that 1t is the best Course group last October. •-•••contains Just the things 7on Council of the Commonwealth He urged that the United investment they have ever The Ministry oi Health re-| before the Premier and Minisneed to know to enable you Parliamentary Association will- Kingdom Representative would made. to develop the power of ready | ports progress in its talks wrJiiters of Health and Finance. jive a dinner party to the joint have to come soon to Jamaica Full details are given in "Word and attractive expression and on their return .this week-end j the Ministry of Finance conJamaican delegations, after to work alongside Jamaican inMastery." which you can to avoid embarrassing errors in planning orderly micerning the regrading of doc- after the London talks on the which •on>* of the Jamaican terests obtain free from the Regent in speech and writing. You under the British plan. draft Constitution for Jamaica's I tors' salaries. members will go to the House of gration Institute. This informative can study the lessons in the Mr. Nigel Fisher, M.P. was i Independence. booklet reveals how impor- odd minutes of Jhe day. Common* to hear the Commit- chairman of the meeting. There Sunday afternoon's meeti-g tant good English is to you The moderate fee brings this tee stage debate of the Immigra- Was a lively hall hour question will' be followed by another at Fifty-eight doctors amd den— that you are judged by unique Course within the reach time after Mr. Mardey'i speech. tion Bill. 8 tonight. The 'ministries aim at tists in tl>e Government Medical the speak and write. of everyone. completing their joint examina- Service have tehdered resignaTo have a command of Engtion of the proposals in order tions with effect on February lish is to possess an essential Pner PfMiniMI to have them ready to be placed 28. qualification for business sue- rOSr *-OUpOn cess. To appear completely at> Write today to The Regent ease in company, to be able Institute (Dept. P/484F), Pal- . The Acting Premier, the Hon. this subject. The Minister said ment of those tonristo who ento write the kind of letter that ace Gate, London, W.8 for a Wills O- Isaacs, issued a state- nothing has been done to change joy playing rames of chance or LAU6H IT OFF friends look forward to read- free copy of "Word Mastery.' ment yesterday afternoon on the the Government's attitude agtlntt alternatively find some other ing — these are social gifts Don't delay. Tonr English Is subject of gambling in Jamaica, legalized gambling in Jamaica. meant whereby under controlled that bring satisfaction and all-Important to yon, and yon as a result of recent reports on The statement was issued after conditions, game* of that tort happiness. a special meeting of the Cabinet might take place., cannot afford to neglect itTon, too, can talk and writ* had discussed the subject. It said: freshly and Interestingly If Send for this .Interesting "A great deal of publicity has '"On many occasions wouldAn emergency meeting #f the you learn the simple rnles1 booklet NOW. There Is no recently been given to the ques- be investofs have indicated to Jamaicans, unable to fain adGleaner Special Service Government that they would be underlying expressive English. obligation. British Medical AssociationSvill tion of gamtling clubs in JaLONDON, Feb. 4: mittance, ihonted and banged maica, by the Canadian Press. willing to start large hotel'probe held on Thursday, February in Jamaica provided they Jamaica may get a new on the (Ian doors oot«ld« In There 'have, .also been articles .in. jects the rain tor tlmatt tm -hrar* are allowed- to -establish•-and 8, "at 5/45 "p.m.' Th "Ihe" "BMA trie local Press on this same sub- maintain form" "of" currency called .Speaking of the plans for the casinos. . ject. Hall, Ruthven Road, and not at "Some time last-year -.this something other than the establishment of a Jamalcar "Government's position on was considered by E?tedon't want to spend TOO the University College as prepound. High Commission hi London gambling in Jamaica was con- matter sidered in February 1958, and cuttve Council and the decision \rnuch.' It's for my teacher." Premier Norman Manley, . .soon after Independence, Mr. viously arranged. a Ministry Paper Issued- I quote (Please tern to F»g« t, eol. \y speaking in London tonight, Manley said the first job— from th'e Ministry Paper issued stated that when Jamaica at- "indeed almost their main one" the then Chief Minister, HonJHE REGENT INSTITUTE tains independence the ma; —will Ift "to protect the tens- BIRMINGHAM, England, Feb. by 5, (Reuter): ourable N. W. Manley: change the name of her cur- of thousands of Jamaicans who " 'Recent events relating to the (DEPT, P/484F), PALACE GATE, LONDON, W.8.Three young ^Jamaican rency, but that for.the moment are in thl» country.". .. Gambling Law and the position ENGLAND. ••ahe will not change to decimal Referring to the Referendum dreh dtecl "whern jflre"*'" of hotels have excited a great their bedroom deal of public Interest, and In Please send me — without obligation — a free copy of coinage — as Britain it planning and the breakup " of the West through house hei HIGHGATE, S. M., Feb. 5: consequence I think it right that "Word Mastery,", with details of year special arrangeto do — because of the "enor- Indies Federation, Mr. Manley lodging Brenda Rogers (From enr correspondent) I should make a statement about ment! for Overseas students. mous expense and the time it said, amid loud and prolonged Rogers (4) and jers (2) Government's policy and about The boys-of the Swift-Purlaughter, that it was "the first were sleeping in needs to do so." first-floor the matters which- Government NAME Mr. Marnier, spoke to a time in history, that a leader bedroom In the house while their has had under consideration In cell Approved School Highgate Mr. Evans was in the office Cycle Squad was hit in the; became restless today. It is unat the time but was not in- chest with a stone. Order was •tiwi af aearlr l.Ml a* Lam- had found a.way "to get out of mother, Linda Roger!, (26), was the past few week*. out. "'Many persons engaged in derstood that they resented jured. betfc T«WB Ball. The meetlag federation without fighting." ADDRESS Another occupant of the house the tonrlrt Indnitrr are of opi- strict discipline. At about 9 restored. An emergency meet, Intr»daee4 by Ihe Mayor of Before and after the two- discovered the fire, but the bed- nion that It wonli be to the this morning a group of the A squad of police under Sgt. ing of, the board of manageiMibetk at* Jamaica's Mml»- hour . meeting, P.M.P. songs room was already btszine too advantage boys with cutlasses, attacked A. A. Allison went to the Jamaica If GovernAdvertisement^ ter of Health. Dr. Ivan Lloyd. were sung ss the audience rose fiercely for nny possible help to ment wa« of the office of Mr. Jack Evarrs, school, and Cnnstnhle G'^on mr-nt of thf school was held In to operate a llr ilted was packed, and abont 104 in a body to cheer the Premier. save the children. the Superintendent I number of casinos for the an of the HiRhKfitc Police Motor the srftcrnoon.
5 "ccffliMONS"
Manley addresses MPs
Manley, Busta J;o_ lunch with Macmillan
What You Should Know about Your English
Molotov has Recovered
{Ministries mak£ headway in doctors9 pay. study
Statement by Isaacs—
Lambeth meeting cheers Mm
Jamaican children perish in UK fire
BMA meeting Thursday
Purcell ;.|jpys in ^machete assault on office