independence talk

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' VoL CXXVin. No. 27.



THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1962. s .-v

Handling to give UK views on island's Soviet-US relations better -JFK

MANLEY, SANGSTER WILL ADDRESS CONFERENCE, TOO a. SI. (Renter): ' AMAICA'S formal departure from the shattered West Indies Fed-

WASHINGTON. Jan 3J (AP): President Kennedy today conceded there a some improved atmosphere between the United States: gnlTnfSovrsrtJnlBfi-STnldeclared that all channels oi communication must be kept wide open. At a news conference at which he welcomed vSoviet Premier Khrushchev's son-in-law, Izvestia Editor Alexei Adzhubei, the President said there has been evidence or Soviet cooperation in lessening the danger of war in Laos.- but no significant progress has been made in reducing the Berlin crisis. He announced that U.S. Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson will hold his third meeting tomorrow with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Cromyko to probe the Berlin situation and "we hope it will bring happy results." Kennedy also made these other points in a .conference .largely devoted to Foreign policy:

pendent nation, probably in August, is to be finally approved at a Constitutional Conference opening here tomorrow. A joint Jamaican Parliamentary delegation, led by Mr. Norman Mauley, the Premier, conferred together today j on the Constitutional proposals they will put before Mr.j Reginald Maudling, the British. Colonial Secretary, at! the Conference. The purpose ot the London Talks is to fix a date, possibly in March, for Jamaica's secession from the Federation, decide on a date for independence, probably in August, and to map a new Constitution for the rum-and-sugar island and its 1,600,000 people.



Busta goes today

The Jamaican Government and Opposition have agreed on the Gleaner Political Reporter basic outlines of a draft Constitution for Britain's approval bull Sir ___ .-.,.., Alexander Bustrnan'.e. some details which have caused disagreement remain to be resolved.i Leader of the Opposition, leaves Under the draft, Jamaica, which is the world's largest producer, the island at 2 15 this afternoon of bauxite from wjjich aluminium is made, would get-Dominion i to join the Jamaican ParliaStatus within the Commonwealth. mentary Delegation at the InTough" clauses have been written Into it which would dependence Conference that enshrine the Two-Party System and saiegnard against a dictator- starts in London today. ship selling power as has happened in other Caribbean islands. _„ _,.. Sir Alexander will reach The conference, which is expected to last about 10 days, will! London tomorrow afternoon, but also have to face the problems confronting the rest of the West'as it is underslood that the conIndies as a result of Jamaica's breakaway from the Federation, and i ference agenda has been so the later decision of Trinidad to follow Jamaica's lead and "go it: arranged that no meeting will alone" to separate independence. ; take piace tomorrow, it is likely With this disruption of the original Federation, inaugurated in: that he will join the conference 1958, the British Government is now considering a plan to recon- deliberations by Saturday . struct a "Little Federation" consisting of the remaining islands of' Ai; th e other members "of .the Barbados and the seven smaller islands of the Windward.and Lee-: delegation, including the JLP ward groups. "~ ""* : members, ar e already in London Such a plan Was presented to Mr Maudling on" his recent visit Sir Alexander will be accomto The West Indies, ! panied by his private secretary. Miss Gladys Longbndge.


Mr. Maudling will outline the British views on Jamaica's constitutional future, at. the formal opening of the Conference tomorrow and there will also be speeches by Mr Manley and the Deputy Sir Alexander not expected in London until Friday.

Stadium strike settled

- Express tt'lophi'tfi \ m Csb'.o iir-ri Wirr'rss PRE-COXFEKENCE DIS1TSS1ONS IN LONDON: Thr Jamaican parltarofntary

Jamaica team


FoTttteai Party, an* Hr. Bym* HW«, -tta-i Secretary, have made representation! to the Colonial Office con— ' cerning attendance of the .Party : ..« .».. ?„..*.... r^»T..-.-

Basic issue*

Gleaner^Stafl Bep«rt*r



> «ne* Conference is siioivn yesterday at » prrllminar; discajsion at the Confrenet room of the West India Conmrtttrr in l^midm. Mr. Manley i* shown stated. centre, and from left seated arr the Bon. Dr. Ivan Llord. 31: ,

For four hours today, the People's National Party Ministers of Government a miMr. Johnson said their re-j . presentations were supported', I three delegate* of the Jamaka Labour I'urty conferred informally on prelim-! by Mr Fenner Brockway, British j ;inapt points for discussion at the Lancaster House Conference on Jamaican Inde- j Labour member of Parliament pemlence. i i A Colonial .Office spokesman The conferences were private bu-t from all accounts the dis-1economy of the Um'ed Ksng-j said the delegates to the Conwere amicable, although divergence-on some details was'dom's participation^ therein. i .;Some 1.000 workers employed ,• ^. ^^, ^ . . . „ . _ ference drawn from ^ the i cussions cul.c were a~u UUIIl stron !


Hon. Florltrt Glaaipnlr. Mrj Donald Sangster. Deputy Leader ot the Opposition; Mr. Robtrt,Li«htboarnc. and Sir. Clrm Tarare*. $tanatng from fert are Mr. A. E; T. Henry. Government Pojbllc Relation* Officer; the Rom' J. Leslie . Cundall, Attorney General; Mr • G. Arthur Brown, Director of the Central Planning I nit, thr Bon. Egrrton lllchard^on. Financial Secretary: and Mr. Vincent McFarlarie. Prrmarifnt Secretary in the Premier's Office.

Cold snap rolls across winter

• across fc.urope from .\ur.\vav ',th»* Italian Iwwrf today. i Snow even fell on the usually ! sunny city of Bari on the heel ,of the I t a l i a n boot and in Rome 'the famous fountains Iroze^ver —a . rare event "" - •

The United States "would like to have a settlement of the basic issues which divide this country and "the Soviet Union. The interview Adzhubei held with Kennedy which was aired in ;h« s iv ••-; : ••..' n ;• • • • which Presidential Press Secretary Pierre Salinger held in Paris with his opposite number Mikhail Khartamov and the forthcoming Salinger trip to Moscow and the new meeting between Thompson and Grom.yko were all cited as measures to reduce tensions. In Southeast AsU, Kennedy In Laos woald be substint dlmraished tf ntbtins is rrIirmed. It would briny reactions and counter-reaction-; «nd "all »f tbe vack .which. has r°ne into the negotiations in the last month conld go up In smoke and fire," Kennedy Soviet Union is working with the United States to redoesthe possibility of renewed hostilities there.

Killed in The situation in South Viet Nam is of great concern to the circus act United States. There were 500 DETROIT, Jan. 30 <AP): violent incidents in that country

an'the construc'.ioa of the Na- Jamaican Parliament where the' i >' marked. It is not expected that a firm line of negotia-: As indicated in Parliamentary tional Stadium will return to 'People's Political Party had nojtion will develop until Sir Alexander Bustamante arrives. idebates in Jamaica, the One member, of "the world-last week. The United States A full storm raged off Nori points of the wording of the] representatives. Ihelr jobs this morning ending circus aerial is anxious to see peace rea ta .«.•*«•!!!;«nwiv« . _ *«:„„...^ of „. Krnters.„and o— es-1 Constitution for'Jamaica which. way's rugged west coast and ™" * *''» .1 the "10-day deadlock which had But.he said consideration wasi conference at least three stored to that area. room of the West, | are ijj_ e j v to develop for settle-j coastal shipping ran for sbel- others"were7njOred~tonight in a " T h e United States will contied up -buikUrrg operations at being given to1 a proposal thatj1 India Committee in Norfolkipecially discussed the European; mem ^ of c,tizenship.! observer status be accorded to Street this morning, the Min-,Common Market and the possi-jdetails of details t*r in emergency 'harbonrs. mishap in their performance. tinue to press for a treaty and the Stadium. franchise, including the Partv. Paris was ;n the second day of Richard Faughan, 29, one of the matter will come up again Agreement for the end ' o! islers of Government had •; ble effects „-„..,. u, mnn ,h- Jamaican I..,..,..,.., identification of voters, and n but H was still the seven troupe members who at the March 14 General Disa cold snap. the deadlock was reached late Wi Johnson, who was on his private session with Premier | P° "•« | there iralso the question of the were balancing on' a high wire, arrrfament Conference last night between the building^ »r United States to Stanley at their Howard Be-; most suitable date for the cele-j : sunny : was injured fatally in a fall to The failure to reach a nuct ur cture t h e e nd to rooms. Similar conferences! bra-tion of Independence. ,| employers and the trade unions i ^ , * «** tel Sweden con'mued 'o sMver the floor of the Michigan State clear test ban agreement w'i'.h have been regular at the Sa-| The conference also occupied ,. an emergency meeting of the Washington, ** ,v, Stockholm <=, i^i™ -reporting »r, n «,no a o tcjr,Caliseum. , the Soviet Union increases the Mr. More voy Hotel with the ,J.L.F.! itself with a discussion conwith tern- 'Fairgrounds ^ tr(mpe WTO pnM ng on fa like _ ihood of various other counJoint Industrial Council for tb« would remain said in London "to re- members who. are always to-i cerning th* necessary properature of minus . degrees'. tfi oeiore thousands of spec- tries conducting tests. Kennedy Building Industry. present the Party at the Con- tether. ! gramme W action involved, in centigrade; tators at a Shrine circus. reiterated that tile lack of The deadlock began last week stitutional talks." This evening, Mr.' Donald j secession from the West- In-j Snow fell over most of Police said the aerialists were progress in reaching a test ban Tuesday when the Contractors, He also said that a Party Sangster. Mr. .Robert Lightdies Federation and I Li dismanBritain today hampering railbalanced on the wire in a pyratreaty with provision for , inI C. J. Fox Ltd. suspended work] branch had been established'bourne and Mr, D. C. Tavaresj tlement as far as Jamaica wa« ---•• and hichwav traffic and mid when - apparently one of spections is still the biggest disan the Stadium because of what! here. had long talks with Press repre- i concerned. Information WAS " lost footing. Some of them appointment of his administrawas termed the go-slow t a c t i c s ! ' ~~ ' ' circulated about the common Further north there were gales;._ by the workers. PORT MARIA. S.M., Jan. 31 . services. Jamaica's Attorney General. and two fishermen were washed _ But the BITtJ, representing: (From our ' correspondent): Ajthe'-rlpn. J. Leslie Cundall has overboard from the hull traw- f the- workers said the action ibeen in in constant touch . wKhl Piper Cab aircraft marked vp'been of the management was a lock!er Brocella and lost. ! constitutional andV legal advisers' _ . . . . .. t , out of the workers by the com-. JCA and piloted by Mr. J o n n ;to the Secretary of State for t h e j Moscow Radio reported thej pany. ! Swanson of a "Kingston address Colonies on problems arising: temperature in the Soviet cap-' The -following statement was ita! was 22 degrees below zero but temporarily residing at Issued by the Council after last: centigrade today in changeable, Oracabessa in this parish, crashsight's -meeting. . . cloudy weather. But no snow Glf»ner Trinidad Correspondent ; terday. to consider Sir Robert "At an emergency meeting" ofi • Tne makers of Jamaica's Independence ed at about 8.30 a.m. today at was forecast. Gleaner Special Service PORT OF SPAIN, Jan. 31:'s report on his recent the JIC for the Building Indus-; Coastitution having decided that there should be a Albion Mountain district in this LONDON. Jan. 31:' Tim Washington, try the following resolutions ^ me Hirpntnrn uireiiors nf 01 thp nit Tlrit-;^ oru • ^!: Th p meeting,/l>eing attended Eleven-year-old Jamaican Cor-| politically appointed Attorney-General have decidparish. j were passed: (1) Resolved that ish West Indies Sugar As-lby directors and advisers from !al Stewart, was heroine in a i the JIC for-the Building Indus- i ed that that officer's responsibility for the adminisMr. Swanson was spraying j London fire, yesterday. She res-i sociation have decided "that!?"..'"* te"itories in the West try instructs Messrs. C. J. Fox. , _, , .&, jlndies, also considered what tration of the Criminal Law should he vested in a bananas in the area when the LAGOS. Nigeria. Jan. 31-(AP) cued her younger brother and the Strongest pOSSltMe rep-!steps should be taken in light to resume full operations iat the plane crashed in Mr. Theophilus Eight people have died from sister through flames, which deCivil Servant with.high resentations should be madejof the breakdown,of the interStadium intniMiately-" without' (Carter's premises at . Albion imallpo'x hr"flie 'Nigerian town stroyed her -home at Melville victimization of any worker or Mountain Hoad. rTarTesd'ehT MiSSTesex. T0' TfTp' .'oull.lSn AT\5VerjiliieDT'Tii^-•*•' n • . In future, therefore, there .will be a Direc/*p-k _ jthe• "««n collapse oi "^tt^^t^t woria -• iurx*>^u,v Market • of Onitsha and 74 people suf^ Tonight in her neighbour's groups oi workers engaged pre-' NEW YORK, Jan. 31 1 g about the need for furtnerjgugai: prices, arising out of the tor of Public Prosecutions who will he responsible Mr. Swanson was injured 'on fering from the disease have j house "she told how she made Former President Harry sious to the cessation of-work.; the left thigh, treated at Port been admitted to the town's in-ja third attempt to rescue for the administration of criminal proceed-rugg- in i1 Maria by the Contractor on the project Hospital and sent home. sister who perished inithis morning in 11-degree (Fan- jthorities" for an allocation| cnase ''0_ sugar °^rom foreign And instruct the BITU to direct; Jamaica to ensure that political considerations are 'He said a severe down draught fectious hospital, medical offi- second cers report today. About 60,000 he fire. renheit) temperature. He told I for' sn pplyir»ft the U.S. mar- i suppliers, as announced by ill rf the workers to resume not involved in such proceedings; • ,-• ' ; caused the accident. Her mother had font .«hop-j ac six chilled newsmen wh have been vaccinated to the President Kennedy in his 'Budwork without any victimizationkot - L-ot ping. Corat lit the oil stove. companied him, -a cool °breath| The'plane was damaged. get Message to Congress. town and district.^ . against the Contractor. Bat the fl»m« shot Into her of _resh air wm do you boys The directors met at Queen's;! The Sugar Act expires on (2) It was agreed at this face almost blinding her. She good." Park Hotel, Port of Spain, yes- June 30. 1962. meeting that the JIC will con-

Pilot hurt in 'plane crash

Girl saves sister,


Small pox kills 8

tinue negotiations on the onions' claims for wage Increases «)d other fringe bentfit* — on February 12 at the Ministry of Labour.


Trans-Atlantic TV by satellite this year

brother in UK fire

jiU.S. sugar mart: BWISA to press U.K. ior aid

Truman a cool stroll

said "1 grabbed the carpet I was standing on and threw it over the heater" she carried Cecil aged three and Cecilia aged four outside.

Group to speed InterAfrican link-up

"I tried to run back to get thej baby but it was too late. The The employers were represent-! FROME, Wd., Jan. til (From smolce and flames were too ed by Mr. A. D. Scott, Mr. S,jour correspondent): Edward fierce: I heard Amy crying, so G. Kirid and Mr. L. Jen- Robinson. 58, cartman employed I ran into the street again and to the WISCo. Farm. Blackheath broke the front window hoping flash back TV shows from * nings sons on both sides of the AtWASHINGTON. Jan. 31 to climb in but I just couldn't". The unions by the Hon. Hugh died suddenly 'on Sunday along height of np to 3,008' mile*. (Reuter): lantic, officials said. LAGOS, Jan 21 (Reuter).1' opportunities; i It • says members are "dedithe main road at Acton, a disShearer, ' Island Supervisor of Washington officials said Neighbours with Itrwels round Leaders ot 20 African states) 4. Stimulate cooperation, on cated to the total emancipation The satellite, due to be satellite w h i z z i n g A. trict aboutthree miles .from the BITU; Mr. HopeUm Caven, here. follow; their heads were beaten, back by meeting here have agreed to set heat^i policies. launched on May K, will other satellites would of the remaining dependent terthrough, space at 18,000 Secretary of th£ Council; Mr. The experiments will also In- flames. up a new organization aimed at Members of the new organ!- ritories ot Africa." According to repora, Eobinspeeding economic and po itical L^ wlli jol L«st*r McKenzie and .Mr.. .W clude two-way telephone calls ton wu on hi» w»y -home miles nn hour will link The brganliatlon will have an associStloh : Woodflne of the NWTJ. . an assembly of heads of states from a "curry goat ' feed" at Britain, France, West ""GerancT'telegrapny'. "" "~ '"" and governments, meeting' ~aV Jils shtcr'i residence when he many and the United States In "Project Telstar," the Na. n »»n r « and w Malagasy Organization were!!sc]ves to remoV(S obstacles to: least once crery two years to . . complained of feeling HI. Be tional Aero Nautical and Space in trans-Atlantic television 8iven here today In •' ctartet| ^ up new trade> channels otj consider matters affecting redied Before medical aid eovld ' Administration (NASA) will dU lations between members. This Inter this year, U.S. officials WASHINGTON, Jan 31 ,?ntn f^i trade - and ralse LONDON, Jan-. 31 (Reuter): reach him. launch and track a satellite, The T » '"L.. c e veltp will be the rapreme body. The body was removed to the unemployment rate fell " °™n' ' ' *«>'.*••««*• Leaders of Britain's 173.000 said today. with TV capacity, built by the : to 5.8 per cent of the work force r post office workers today called Savanna-la-Mar morgue where Italy and Brazil will later of signatory: They agree to explore the A council ot ministers re- : American Telephone and Tele° in January — the first time in statcs off a month-old work-to-rule a post mortem examination was is month? ft ha* dronned below '• .possibility of building up their sponsible to 'the assembly will graph Company. campaign whicn in its early performed by Dr. W. S. Camp- join the experiment to develop 16 months It nas dropped, below . ,„,„• *g. meet, at least once a •„ year and' er the organt ,(defences against - external Two lauchings will be made 6 per cent itages played . havoc .jyith .the bell, D.M.O. of Grange Hill. world wide TV for the biggest gression and "in safeguarding will have power to set up cornSecretary ot Labour Arthur J. ration's aims are to: Death Was caused- by ruptnr* trf mass atidJence In man's history. thh year. The iirst, .in May. Goldberg nation's mall schedules. announced that em-" 1 Aeeeler«te «««it«mle - • «B<;.Wir.- territorial .Integrity? .... J missions on matters including: They called off the campaign the heart and haemorrhage. The first try-out of "Project was expected to yield TV pic- pbyment droped by U million social Ihik, and promote th. The( charter pledges all mem- economy and finance, IWatth to open the way to peace talks Inspector I. A. Henry and Detec- T^lstar" may bring the same tures three or four weeks later. ' • •• t pooling of reso»rcw |bers to respect the sovereignty transport, education, broadiwton the onion's pay claims with tive A. W. Donaldson of Frome television programme to possi- "Be«? Daddy isn't iA-ald to The second satellite will be in to 65.058,000 in .January while 2 neConcert political moves1 ;o£ °tner!. and not to intervene ing and the Press, labour and unemployment increased by,. in each others k h e -pOJtaiartet-general Mr. Constabulary station investigattok* tin medlcta*," 3' . Provide better educational •«»!»• cooperatives. . the autumn. ;•bly hundreds ol_mlllion$ Of per572,000 to 4,663,000. ed. Reginald Bevlni.

lAUGtt IT Off

Campaign off

US unemployment rate fails

*8Y.Ai; the last word in typewriters- *Wk T

«• •'

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