Tides for Febrnarx 3. 1M2
February 1, itcc. Sunrise Sunstt Moonrltt Uoontet
* * NMf Moon First Quarter Full Moon Lttl quarter
U* »jn. Ml p~ra CJ1 ajn. Ml pan. i* r«b, 4 fib. U Fth. IB Feb. n
Hi|b Low Mur (8 4» j m U 54 d m (t 13 p m 1 57 p m
Royal(9.11 * m 1-28 a m l« U p in
2 SI p m
( S M s m US am (7 U p m
3 02 p m
S A i Bay(9 17 ».m 1.22 a m « U p m !.ZSpm
In Asstd. Colours Sim Clesrlnj: 19/7 ft.
Vol. CXXVUJ. MO. 18.
For Ladies — MULES :
Joint delegation states Jamaica's goal to be Dominion within Commonwealth
1NDEPENBEN6E Maudling: Britain would be happy to sponsor application Pay, representation .. .
58 doctors, dentisteguii Grovt. service
Resignations effective Feb. 28
By THEODORE SVAL\ Edttor of the Gleaner
~~ "J
I i f t \ pifjlit full time doctors and dentists m lhe Govt'rnmint Medical Seruce handed in their resignations on Wednesday to lie(ome effective on February 28
NDER a massive crystal chandelier in the gold and cream conference hall at historic Lancaster House this morning, Jamaica challenged the future and made joint declaration of hs purpose to be an independent nation in the British Commonwealth.
Doctors from every Govern-] "Despite earlier assurances ment hospital in the island, m-i from Government that discuscludms Bellevue Hospital, are] sions about the revision of our included among them emoluments should proceed imThf reasons for the mass mediately, no steps have been resignation* are sent out in a taken by Government to honour memorandum addressed }o the these undertakings Permanent Sccretan in the "Furthermore, we wished all Mimsirv of Health and signed by such discussions and negotiations all the 58 officers It writ- to be conducted on our behalf ten under date January 31 and i by the British Medical Associareads tion in Jamaica, and understood "We. the undersigned fall-time| that this principle had been medical and dental officers in the accepted by Government Ministry of Health, hereby DlSllOItfiSi —
The worlds Press was there lu .1 nu>Mu- t l i i m i ^ to Word bj word, sound and picture the l.iunihinj; "t ilns
(onft-renre which is to set the date .UK! «ettle the trnni of a m*» n.ition to join the free peoples of the world i Tall and earnest, the new Secretary ot State for the Coioniest the Rt Hon Reginald Maudling n opening tie conference in olenarv s.'Sa.on and welcoming th« joint delegations £rom the i m c s Peop e t National Party and the Opposition Jamaica Labour Part}, pledged that Her Majesty* Government would be "~ost happv to sponsor Jamaica s application' to become as a io-nin on a member ot the Br Ush Common*eaUh Mr Maadlinf made it plain, too, that Independence wfll 1 be this year; for in his coneludlnc words he texpre»ed the hope that amicable mjreement would be swiftly readied to ! that "before this year la eat the energetic people ol Jaxsaic* j can emerge as aa independent nation on the w«rld-4taf£ * Premier Norman Stanley's speech in response to Mr
— Fvpn ^ T V i p i \ j Cjh i .IDC U trt < ^~TIIF PKEMltH, the Hun. Normin MiDlef, addrev.es the upeninc smsloti o( the i onferenee on Indeprndtoee -~t*r Jataatta »r»tetda» at Lanraster Hoasr, London.
Hopes for swift,
ar« at left. From right are the Don Dr I\»n Lloyd and Mr Donald San**le.r.
LONDON" An i-\|»!oraton <>\diauge of \u-w- w i t h m J;Mn.nca'n Constitution «tart«il 1 Afternoon .it L;mcit*ier Howe »lieu Jamaica ~'_ FIT The significances of slavery and of Africa in relation, to'gallon BH-t w i t h ihe I Sited Kingdom delegation and legal
LONDON. Feb 1 (Keuter).
in hospital
Opining the Conference in Many people had regretted h x-oncal Luncatier House Mr that Jamaica had decided to se. ng assumed delegates irom cede fro-n the West Indies Fe. Jamaican Government andi deration buJ the British GovernOppos t on that Britain would ment accepted that decision and be most happy to Sponsor mem-, (Please turn to Pate Z, col ber=hip oJ aa mdependent Jaruiica in the Co-nmonwealth. Mr Norman Manler, the_,Jamaican Premier wh« leads the delegation, said no nonindependent country In the norld was more fitted for independence than Jamaica was now.
The Conference, which is ex p<_cted to last about two weeks has tven called to nork out a n^* Indep<rodence Constilut'on Franfcl n i< "aid to h a \ c b an- f o r the rum-and-?ugar island ad\anced. a nd '>s 1600000 people to fix a 1 ^thfn^ S T ««*•,««*. ««•« «~ «« •- -« ^rl^ Tr^ Smith 1 ^'cUer^ce \% ^ThurTafoV^ * ""»* " date for Jamaica, forma, witnof the press and radio representatives o: all the world, as Jamaica | was traieHmc Tom M nt to thenw wrek, and u^,, ^ouid bcitowards Corporal Willianji in a dravcal ,rom the dlsrupted fourin IU Clam mde Frome iac on hcn !he 0 mr <ai s lon flth dfl v meoacm> v L.nrf™°r? nrt nationhood ^ "1 "f as" """f ^ '° " , ' * ^'i "' ^ y Monday '«when -the !menacm whorcupon v^ar-old West Iniws FederaS ' manner pendence and a sovereign state 'commencing dent octur'ed t; and to declde on an mde. A posfnorte-n exa-nination P a grave morning ™— -»-— - • was performed - S, Jamaica's ..»...«.-.' "joint — " delegation ~..m,I,^ "" "" ' pendence date later this year by Dr W Franklin has beea arrested Mr Maudling said it was a Grange- will hold a conference" among and charged -vnth assault at com- tribute to the political maturity men of Jamaica came forth They came Campbell D M 0 sSll*lAtex1anl™rl Busuu^nte, f °!?e &«ghtly as on Saturday at the c al • confirmation service but with shoulders hill Inspector F Henry. themselves Leader of the Oppomtion, flew sIorth . ™y.»» West India Committee m pre- mon law and al*o charged joint- of Jamaica that the parties "Eadj .he future. ._ Palmer paration for Monday's meeting ly with Jarrett with cultivating jointly produced a draft Indeoff to London yesterday by a <Juared. ^ ^« ^^"/eand Constable V (Text* of• speeches - - - -on- Page — 2) — visited t h e scene BOAC jetlmer determined to pendence Constitution. Amoni the subjects - sche- ganja. fight for May 23. National Laduled for Monday are membership of the Commonwealth, boiir Day, to be chosen as Inan4 membership of internadependence Day for Jamaica Uus UoiuU organisation". year. Tonight the Jamaican delegaSaid Sir Alexander just be-
Ancn r d
" - "Tf d a rt thdt ^js.
women slap men!
There is a psychological reason ... See... Sunday's Gleaner
Man says police beat him on road chid at station
Flashbulbs pop, harsh TV lights blaze
™ ar
e nowdelay, informed, after that contrary to the wishes of us all, Government regards_representational and bargaining rights as resting with the Civil Service Association, and the BM-A as merely a consultative body "Hather than continue to rely oa dishonoured unde-takmgs and rather than continue io be misled by what appear, at lAast, to be " Jhmk_it _ preferable ' " to* already intolerable situation at the earliest opportunity" The Ministry of Health confumed yesterday iiat the _ resignations were received. They immediately 'submitted them to the Chief Personnel Office? who n
Crushed to death bv train
Busta sticks to ^i^^^isa'^^i^^^.na.,^r^r-sr.w
Mr" rEppTintrf M;tn«l4ttij; Kntaiu's Colonial Secretary told - n .1.1111,1 i t a *qgfisti!nfitin.il Conference todaj that he was hopeful of "<w7n ;md amicable'' agreement so- that the ' J.'im.ma couldtocom*,»n indpper ' " —t!-- ,. .1^. .»-.„»..—, f +>,„ p,,M,n Service Commission, and notified tin the Ministries of Finance and
jthe Jamaican scene were emphasized by Premier Manley ot a number | obviously as an early indication that he intends to press for were „,«„ b, Jamal ca party adherents or! the First of August {.Emancipation Day) as Independence Day as „ the United King3S nv the relationship 1 Gleaner Western Bureau I In tracing Jamaica's history, he had referred to the "gr-m dom , [of the Bar Council and Law Solera of organized slavery m the Western Hemisphere, an era Among matters of complexity , ct6tv to th^ composition of the ( MONTEGO BAY SJ Jan 31 which has shaped and fashions* problems that still confront us i raised were the problems of the; jug,c,ai Services Commission Rudoiph Frank in member of aspects if ntizen-jthe Raslafanan cult is figntina jto this day" Later in the speech he named as a "riendship i Governor General appointi rev«al tV)p . for hti life in the Montoso which encouraged Jama ca the goodwill demonstrated toward) Lender^ nf011 1 nv *'- happened at. oany Vftfl After preliminary talks onih o s p ^i a5 a tun o' injures Jamaica in the* emergent nations pt Africa these and other matters. •j re «,ierf w h e n corporal G!adSpeaking for the apposition. Mr. Donald Sangster al*o I worklnf Party was named Joj^ wullams o, .»,e R^e H aU traced the course ol history, bat made his main theme the to further with " ~ poverty, banter and unemployment In Jamaica, which he said ', lems. The Workun ««nj w.». . were the other side of tke coin, eontrajtinr with the heritage I eenslst ol Ibc IrfaT teams with." nim of parliamentary systems and the rale of law. "We have *! Messrs Glaopale and^favares. AT ATRPOKT YESTERDAY . . According to teporU, Corpoheritage of democracy tag a leiaey of substandard living,- ' Chairman of the afternoon he declaredtalks was the Hon Hush Fra- ral WUUants challenged Frank" M r i-, t /r™— /,,,,iser. Parliamentary t*nder-Sec- lin an* Leabert JarreU, anConcerning the West Indies Federation ilr Sangster emphasized that it was Sir Alexander Bustamante's Labour Party ' ^.^lirTTnZ S^ «» S»* {OT C°10nial Mother RasUfarian «ho he suswhich had begun the campaign to take Jamaica out of Federan»*t»ii havinrK***'«xnia pec ten 01nfQHVIUS ^'** a««nda (or the tion and explained, borrowing the words of Brutus 'It is not 'wisc'6"Vr'^-n' *'"'"""""
toria of blessed memory abolished slavery m Jamaica on the 1st ot August, 124 yean ago What significance has that with our Independence now1"
as such.
on the Z8tb of February, 1962.
ot history, proud of the accomplishments of the Jamaican people, and strong in admonition to the people o! Britain He reminded them that tot the first time in their history the people , ot Britain are having racial issues as a living problem "On your solution of it" warned Mr "Manley, ~much d? ' Steads tar yourself, for my people, and for the Commonwealth ' andfi far the world "
port building to enter-the plane "1 set Mr. Mauley has suggested the 1st of August as his choice of Independence Day. The 1st of August has no significance - -with Independence Cueeft Vic-
oor positions
tne« resignations to take _ Jplat* "• ~ "• __ _ 1_
tion was entertained at a recep tion at Lancaster House by the SetWtMfr of 'St»tir'««f 11* CoSGleaner Express Service (inies Among the guests were LONDON. Feb 1 Mr Alan LennUS-Boyd who Flashbulbs popped and the presided af the 1SS6 Federatipn harsh light ot television lamps Conference, Sir Stephen Luke, blazed as Jamaica's Constituwhom it was alleged waslhad never counted them Mr Nigel Fisher M P , -mem- A\ nf 01 tional Conference got underway by the police •»•*** and The witness, who gave hi: urOUu HIUUS* . » »« ,. %_ m~\* cram* wj ***»; £*•«**•,*. Indus- . Oc'obei , b<rs of lhe Rootes Group at Lancaster House in London arrive from are to visit beaten by tli<> policy ou the| wnlch ects ot ui-treatment Sir evidence in a loud voice, becom, Jamaica tomorrow, At 10 o d o t k Eharp lhe Con, trial Mission this morning Renwe enquired into, said ins angry at times, sported dark morning n I ference got under way in the big Jamaica m March, representa- rond andi at it police RtatJonfAlfred policemen attacked him glasses throughout, and m reply At MS, t t, p six premier. The delegates began arrivin. lolu tol) I *ed and cold conference room on tives of the London High Commission o offices c e s oor .igeria Nigeria an and _ . "it.., u.i- ne was going towards the to a question from the commu soon after 9.30; Mr. Donate Sierra Leone as well as the commms-ion of enquirj bomfijCoronation Market early on the sioner, said he found it neces Sangster, Deputy Leader of thi sary to wear them Opposition Jamaica La boo Colonial Cons'.itutional advance members of the Jamaic,n«h-heM at Hendqnarten House, morning of AprU ^0 and later Mr Locksley Moody, QC
Labour The Ministry of Health spokesman also said that discussions hare {wen proceeding between the Ministry of Finance and themselves coneerninf rerradJn* of the doctors' salaries. A further meeting was held between the two Ministries yesterday afternaon... The spokesman explained that only non-specialist officers were involved m the resignation. He said he was sure the specialists would do their best, with the limited staff at their disposal (Please tarn to Page 2, col S)
VJt. sugar price
BCCFA • appeals1 to JFK Gleaner Farm Desk A direct plea to President Kennedy's administration in the United States to reconsider its proposals for the purchase of foreign sugar by the U S A as from July 1 next, has been made by the British Caribbean Cane Farmers' Association. The plea was delivered whea-
Association headed by Mr. Cedric Titus, the chairman, called on Mr. Robert McGregor, U S Consul General in Jamaica, on Wednesday, and handed him a memorandum Neither the BCCF.A,,beadquarters in Kingston nor the U S Consulate General would discuss the contents of the -memorandum aftefwards, but it a understood that the document watched the proceedings on be' made a strong plea in support (Continued yt PAGE 8) of the stand «Tken by the British West Indies Sugar Association This stand is that the U.S A. should continue after July (Please turn to Pafe 2, eol. i)
Th, JLP Leader boarded his questioned, searched and beat plane, Mcompanled by his party, was one ot the first H u worried as he appeared at him. prlrate secretary, Miss Gladys was1 standing in as JLP. leade London Airport last Monday. Sir Alfred heard evidence Mr Joseph Grey, one of four L*n»brldie', with UK rlnflnr m the absence today of Si The Cotemal Secretary, Mr! \\li<n Uit opening addresses for their flight to Africa from two other persons who Reginald Maudling, arrived a ended at 1039. the delegates (Ples*B torn U Pare 2, cot 7) Alexander Bustamante, due iSald they wer£ beaten — Mr. few minutes later, for thin his com ins out of Lancaster House Frank HaBfhton, and Berthan first Constitutional Conference found that the People's Political Allerdyee. The third person, since he assumed office last Parly demonstrators had arrived Mr. Neville Grant, did not apand were picketing the stable before the commission as •ways meant greater banana itpear, Gleaner Farj» Desk yard was reported he eoold not sale*. j Five Jamaicans carrvmg PPP. Jamaican banaaw in the Unl SAV^NNA-LA-MAR, Wd be found. Evidence was also i placards came forward to make ted Kingdom market will go up The Banana Board s release heard from po'llcemen, private Feb 1 (From our correspondent? by about pi t ton in price •» ye«t«day made it clear that the ! sure that the delegates saw add «nC warders at the A ;6-ye«r-o}d boy of Belle Isle price to growers now ruling — Indlvldoals from.Mon(Jay next. From i read them General Penitentiary, as well Road, Orange Hill district in j Mr.- Byron, Moor<>,_ secretary 5/- a ton now prevailing, the 7/- a count bunch — will remain aa the inrteoa there. • In Jamaica's Independence Constitution Gleaner Parliamentary Reporter of the P P P , wai~carrying a quTSUtton st from next Moaday uiutttretUia-xpite ol_the higher During the proceedings Mr. U. Westmoreland, was arrested by greenboat quotation. The main item of Government placard saying "Manley and will be £53 S/. a ton. N. Parnell. Crown Counsel, who Sefgeaar D V ~Cc*6S ef th* the person who holds ^thp position of Director of Busta imperialist stooges," Mr. An official release from the It was pointed out that even led the evidence, sought yester- G-range Hill Police yesterday business on the agenda of the Public Prosecutions rauat be qualified for appointLegislative Council when it meets Donald Ezzreco,- Jamaican musi- Banana Board yesterday told of at the higher figure of £53 day to elicit from Mr. Grey on a charge of murder in conment as a 'J ridge of the Supreme Court at 11 o'clock, this morning is a cian and social worker from the new price froift next Mon- 5A a ton, the Board will sustain whether or not he had had 18 nection with the. machete slayresolution approving the con- Netting .Hill, was carrying one, day, but gave no reason for th.lt losses on the shipment of fruit previous convictions Witness ing of two month-old Xiett Wilto the United Kingdom. The refused to answer, and when liams of the same district • All his responsibilities in controlling the tinuance of the Rent Restriction which read "P.PP demand development II U reported from Lcud*B, Board Admitted, however; that pressed by Sir Alfred, said he Accused is now in custody in Law for a further two years as witftdrawal of Immigration BitL"i application of the Criminal Law will be exercised He had another/which read' "The however, that th* weather ha* the rue in price from £46 5/- * did not think it was i matter tor the Savanna-la-Mar police lock from February 23, 1962 ecnsMerably ever ton to £53 5/- hag been "a great the commission — It was some-by JiiiD inJbjg own discretion. His office is enIn addition there are a number PPP. is the voice of {he people "i —<«-*" thing p»rt.j He later admitted up and is booked to appear be- It never rain* but U pour*," --Mr. HatrfaJl B*»ioctra CMAM.' the pMt_lw« weeks. Warmer refieT. motions private trenched in the Constitution. having convictions but said-he fore the coutt on February 6 "* weather In the tlJaUlu* ff(Please torn to Pafe 2, cot 2) the agenda
Banana price up in UK Monday
LegCo sits today
16-year-old boy on murder charge
THE FIRST NAME IN PAINTS IN JAMAICA Keith Isaacs Harbour Street and Old Hope Road offers you the most comprehensive paint service in Jamaica.