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Vision 2030 Jamaica National Development Plan

“Planning for a Secure & Prosperous Future”

Vision 2030 Jamaica | National Development Plan Planning Institute of Jamaica 16 Oxford Road, Kingston 5 Tel: 906-4469 -72/906 -4463-4/960-9339 • Fax: 960-5058 E-mail: Website: © 2009 by the Planning Institute of Jamaica All rights reserved. Published 2009 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF JAMAICA CATALOGUING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Vision 2030 Jamaica: national development plan/Planning Institute of Jamaica p.; cm. Bibliography: p. ISBN 978-976-8103-28-4 1. Jamaica – Economic policy 3. Jamaica - Social policy 5. Environmental policy – Jamaica I. Planning Institute of Jamaica 338.97292

2. Jamaica - Economic conditions 4. Jamaica - Social conditions 6. Jamaica – Environmental conditions

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Cover and book design by Chrysalis Communications Printed in Jamaica by Pear Tree Press

Vision 2030 Jamaica

Table of Contents National Development Plan

A Vision for Jamaica Foreword .........................................................................................vii-viii Messages...........................................................................................ix-xiii Acknowledgements .............................................................................xiv Executive Summary ............................................................................xxi Introduction.........................................................................................1-4 Chapter 1: Context for Vision 2030 Jamaica - National Development Plan.............................................................................5-16 Chapter 2: National Goals .............................................................17-34 Overview of the National Goals ...............................................................................17 Goal 1: Jamaicans are Empowered to Achieve their Fullest Potential ...............19 Goal 2: The Jamaican Society is Secure, Cohesive and Just ................................21 Goal 3: Jamaica’s Economy is Prosperous ...............................................................24 Goal 4: Jamaica has a Healthy Natural Environment............................................30 From National Goals to National Outcomes and Strategies..............................32 Chapter 3: National Outcomes .................................................35-206 Goal 1: Jamaicans are Empowered to Achieve their Fullest Potential ...............36 National Outcome #1 – A Healthy and Stable Population ..............................37 National Outcome #2 – World-Class Education and Training .........................57 National Outcome #3 – Effective Social Protection .........................................77 National Outcome #4 – Authentic and Transformational Culture .................89 Vision



“Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business”

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Vision 2030 Jamaica | National Development Plan Goal 2: The Jamaican Society is Secure, Cohesive and Just..................................98 National Outcome #5 – Security and Safety ......................................................99 National Outcome #6 – Effective Governance ...............................................111

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Goal 3: Jamaica’s Economy is Prosperous..............................................................126 National Outcome #7 – A Stable Macroeconomy ..........................................127 National Outcome #8 – An Enabling Business Environment ........................139 National Outcome #9 – Strong Economic Infrastructure ............................155 National Outcome #10 – Energy Security and Efficiency .............................175 National Outcome #11 – A Technology-Enabled Society ............................185 National Outcome #12 – Internationally Competitive Industry Structures...193 Agriculture ...........................................................................................................................203 Manufacturing....................................................................................................................207 Mining and Quarrying......................................................................................................210 Construction........................................................................................................................213 Creative Industries ............................................................................................................216 Sport .....................................................................................................................................219 Information and Communications Technology ...........................................................221 Services ................................................................................................................................224 Tourism ................................................................................................................................229 Goal 4: Jamaica has a Healthy Natural Environment .........................................234 National Outcome #13 – Sustainable Management and Use of Environmental and Natural Resources ......................................................235 National Outcome #14 – Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change ..................................................................245 National Outcome #15 – Sustainable Urban and Rural Development ......253 Chapter 4: Key Strategies and Actions Under the National Outcomes for Years 1 – 3 (2009-2012) .......................261 Chapter 5: Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Framework ...............................................................305 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................315 Appendices: 1-7 ...........................................................................321-356 Appendix 1 – Vision 2030 Jamaica Plan Development Process ...............................323 Appendix 2 – Methodology for Plan Formulation.........................................................329 Appendix 3 – T21 Jamaica: An Integrated Development Planning Model .............337 Appendix 4 – List of Sector Plans,Task Forces and Chairpersons ..........................339 Appendix 5 – External Reviews – Clusters.....................................................................341 Appendix 6 – Communicating Vision 2030 Jamaica – List of Presentations and Consultations ....................................................................345 Appendix 7 – Stakeholders in the Planning Process ....................................................349 References and Selected Bibliography......................................357-370 Index.............................................................................................371-376 Page ii

“Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business”

Figure 1:Vision, Goals & Outcomes ..........................................................................xv Figure 2: The Guiding Principles ..............................................................................xxiii Figure 3: National Goals ...........................................................................................xxiv Figure 4: Forms of Capital - A Model for Jamaica’s Road to Prosperity............12 Figure 5: Defining a Secure and Prosperous Society for Jamaica........................15 Figure 6: The National Goals ......................................................................................17 Figure 7: The Path to a Secure and Prosperous Future for Jamaica...................18 Figure 8: Alignment of Vision, Goals and Outcomes..............................................33 Figure 9: Goal 1 and Related National Outcomes.................................................36 Figure 10: Prevalence of Poverty 2000-2007 .........................................................80 Figure 11: Goal 2 and Related Outcomes................................................................98 Figure 12: Murder Rate per 100,000 from 2000-2008 .......................................102 Figure 13: Goal 3 and Related National Outcomes ............................................126 Figure 14: Jamaica - Public Debt 1980 – 2008 ......................................................128 Figure 15: Jamaica - Ranking of Tax System 2009.................................................132 Figure 16: Jamaica - Inflation Rate 1990-2008 ......................................................134 Figure 17: Jamaica - Ease of Doing Business Ranking 2009................................140 Figure 18: Jamaica – Balance of Payments 1994 – 2007 .....................................143 Figure 19: Map of Jamaica’s Geographic Location................................................161 Figure 20: Jamaica - Total Value of Petroleum Imports 2002 – 2008 ...............176 Figure 21: Jamaica - GCI Ranking 2008-2009........................................................194 Figure 22: Jamaica - Tourism Visitor Arrivals 1991-2007.....................................230 Figure 23: Goal 4 and Related National Outcomes ............................................234 Figure 24: Institutional Framework for Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation .....................................................................314 Figure 25: Organizational Chart for Plan Development Process .....................323

“Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business”

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List of Figures

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Vision 2030 Jamaica | National Development Plan

Table of Contents

List of Tables

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Table 1: National Strategies Linked to Goals and Outcomes.............................xvi Table 2: National Outcomes linked to Goals........................................................xxv Table 3: Jamaica – SWOT Analysis.............................................................................10 Table 4: Leading causes of visits to health facilities by Health Region, 2007 (January-June)..................................................................................................42 Table 5: Leading Causes of Death Ranked in Order of Frequency (By Sex) - Jamaica 2005.................................................................................................43 Table 6: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - A Healthy and Stable Population..............................................................48 Table 7: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #1................56 Table 8: Educational Indicators for Selected Countries, 2005.............................59 Table 9: Distribution of Students Achieving Mastery of Literacy at Grade 4 by Year 2006-2008 ....................................................................60 Table 10: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - World-Class Education and Training .....................................................69 Table 11: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #2 .............76 Table 12: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - Effective Social Protection ......................................................................83 Table 13: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #3 .............87 Table 14: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - Authentic and Transformational Culture...............................................93 Table 15: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #4 .............97 Table 16: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - Security and Safety .................................................................................107 Table 17: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #5 ...........110 Table 18: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - Effective Governance.............................................................................118 Table 19: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #6 ...........125 Table 20: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - A Stable Macroeconomy .......................................................................135 Table 21: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #7 ...........138 Table 22: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - Enabling Business Environment ...........................................................148 Table 23: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #8 ...........154 Table 24: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - Strong Economic Infrastructure..........................................................167 Table 25: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #9 ...........174

“Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business”

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“Jamaica, the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business�

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Table 26: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - Energy Security and Efficiency .............................................................179 Table 27: Proposed Energy Source and Diversification Options to meet Projected Growth in Demand for Energy ................................180 Table 28: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #10.........184 Table 29: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - A Technology-Enabled Society .............................................................189 Table 30: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #11.........191 Table 31: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - Internationally Competitive Industry Structures ............................196 Table 32: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #12.........200 Table 33: Sector Contribution to GDP 1982 - 2007 ..........................................201 Table 34: Main Goods- and Services-Producing Sectors and Industries and Responsible Agencies ............................................202 Table 35: Proposed Indicators and Targets for the Agricultural Sector ..........206 Table 36: Proposed Indicators and Targets for the Manufacturing Sector......209 Table 37: Proposed Indicators and Targets for the Mining and Quarrying Sector ..............................................................................212 Table 38: Proposed Indicators and Targets for the Construction Sector.......215 Table 39: Proposed Indicators and Targets for the Creative Industries..........218 Table 40: Proposed Indicators and Targets for Internationally Competitive Industry Structures - Sport.....................................................................220 Table 41: Proposed Indicators and Targets for ICT .............................................223 Table 42: Proposed Indicators and Targets for Services .....................................228 Table 43: Proposed Indicators and Targets for Tourism......................................233 Table 44: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - Sustainable Management and Use of Environmental and Natural Resources...239 Table 45: Proposed Outcome Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #13.....................................................................243 Table 46: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies - Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change.........248 Table 47: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #14.........252 Table 48: National Strategies and Responsible Agencies....................................256 Table 49: Proposed Indicators and Targets for National Outcome #15.........260 Table 50: Key Strategies and Actions under the National Outcomes for Years 1 - 3 (2009-2012)........................263 Table 51: Defined Clusters for the Review of 1st Draft Sector Plans ............341 Table 52: Persons Participating in the Cluster Reviews......................................343

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