11 minute read
Church News
from Village Tribune 133
Elizabeth Snowball © Mike Mills
The Musical Snowballs
On 16 January 2022, Elizabeth Snowball played her last service as the resident organist at St John’s Barnack. She was joined by friends from Helpston Choir as we paid tribute to her long career in the service of Barnack, Bainton and Ufford.
Elizabeth made her debut as an organist 70 years ago! Which is a remarkable record and unlikely to be bettered by many organists in the area in the future. Albert, her father, also played for 70 years, based largely at St Botolph’s, Helpston. You can find his image there today, keeping an eye on his successors. Elizabeth’s mother, Doris, also served as organist to the churches in the area for 41 years. In terms of elapsed time, the Snowball family have brought music and life to our services for 100 years. In their collective time served- more like 180. As Elizabeth steps down, we thank her for her own long and dedicated service, and we give thanks to her for her family’s contribution to the spiritual and musical life of our churches for such an amazingly long time. A quick story – in the 1980s, a young couple were marrying in St John’s Barnack in the depths of winter, with the snow on the ground outside. The rector at the time refunded their heating bill, because he had forgotten to switch it on! So it must have been perishing for the couple. Elizabeth was of course playing. Wearing two coats, and a hood up! Through all weathers and 7 decades, Elizabeth has been prepared to serve God and our congregations well. We wish her a very happy and long retirement. Photographs should be of local wildlife, wild flowers, or scenery - taken via phone or camera, printed (Up to A4 Size), and posted or delivered with the age, name and address of the photographer to: The Rectory, Millstone Lane, Barnack PE9 3ET. Please also send via email or WeTransfer to stmarysbainton@gmail. com so we have an electronic copy. Closing Date for entries 18 March.
If you have trouble printing off photographs please email us on the above email address. There will be three age groups: • Up to 11 years of age on 25 March 2022 • 12 to 17 years of age • 18 years and over Photographers agree that their photos can be displayed, attributed, in the church and via the Parish News and Tribune websites and magazines.
Photography Competition
Flower Arranging Competition
An arrangement of garden-grown or bought spring flowers and foliage – please do not use flowers taken from the wild! Three age groups: • Up to 11 years of age on 25 March 2022 • 12 to 17 years of age • 18 and over
To be arranged in the competitor’s own container, and brought to the church between 10 and 12 on Saturday 26 March. These will be displayed in the church to the end of Sunday 27 March. The organisers and St Mary’s Bainton cannot take responsibility for the vases / containers, so please ensure it’s not your precious heirlooms.
Please contact the organisers at stmarysbainton@gmail.com or Revd Gary Alderson on 07503975588.
Every March, St Mary’s Church in Bainton has one of the most beautiful churchyards you could find, as the spring flowers come into bloom. To celebrate, we have a special weekend at Bainton over the course of the Mothering Sunday weekend, Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 March, in and around the church and churchyard.
© Julie Stanton
This is a joint venture between the Church, and Bainton and Ashton Parish Nature Recovery (part of the John Clare Countryside project). There will be the chance to enter a photography competition (for children and adults); and a spring flowers arrangement competition. Parking will be available at Bainton allotments and on side roads – but please do not park on our verges. Toilets available at the Reading Room.
SATURDAY 25 MARCH 1 pm – 4.30 pm
Official opening at 1 pm See the beautiful spring flowers in Bainton churchyard, with information about the different species Join nature walks around Bainton village, led by ecologist Sarah Lambert of the Langdyke Trust (places limited so advance booking will be required) See the competition entries for flower arrangements and nature photographs, and the prize giving Find out about the progress of the John Clare Countryside team in restoring our natural environment, and how you can get involved Prizes for spring flowers and photography competitions Children’s nature and craft activities – produce something lovely for Mothering Sunday – from 3 till 4 pm Church Tour, highlighting the architecture and history Tea time refreshments Closing with a praise service singing some old (and new) songs about God’s gifts of nature
9 am Communion service for Mothering Sunday Church open all day to see the competition entries 2 pm Afternoon countryside walk (6 miles)
See the Barnack, Ufford, Bainton, Helpston and Wittering Facebook group, the Tribune Facebook and website, and Parish News website for more information, and to book places on the walks and children’s crafts from mid-March.
Peterborough Cathedral
I sit, in the rustling stillness of the aisle And wait for the shadows to evoke the men Whose past permeates these Norman stones.
This is no airy Gothic fantasy But a solid Fenland abbey, built from Barnack stone, Founded by Paeda, for the monks of Medehamstede.
For me, it is a monk who still inhabits The quiet precinct, and who allows me To glimpse the completeness of his austere life.
How he rises to sing his Office in the dark Of winter mornings, with guttering candles The only light and warmth.
And takes his turn each day to work the garden, Or perform the menial household chores Of a great community.
Sometimes, in the hour of conversation, His brothers tell the story of the Danish raid That left the abbey ravaged.
And some days it is his duty to guard The precious relic, Oswald’s arm, Revered for generations by the people
And he will mount the steps above the chapel To watch the pilgrims for long hours, as damp cold Creeps up his body from his sandalled feet.
But when the summer sun slants across the clerestory And a thousand motes of dust Dance in the rainbow light, He lifts his eyes to see The fragile, wooden scaffold On which the painters, with colours bright, Work to beautify the ceiling, that those to come Will know that God was glorified In Peterborough, long ago.
St John the Baptist Church Main Street, Barnack PE9 3DN St Mary’s Church Church Lane, Bainton PE9 3AF St Botolph’s Church Church Street, Helpston PE6 7DT All Saints Church Church Road, Wittering PE8 6AF St Andrew’s Church Main Street, Ufford PE9 3BH St Stephen Main Rd., Etton PE6 7DA St Peter Main St. Maxey PE6 9HF St Pega Chestnut Close, Peakirk PE6 7NH St Benedict High St., Glinton PE6 7JN St Andrew Church St., Northborough PE6 9BN
Easter Eve Vigil at St Andrew’s Ufford
There will be an Easter Eve communion service at St Andrew’s Ufford, on Saturday 16 April at 9pm. This will be a very beautiful service, as we celebrate the first light of Christ’s Resurrection. Come along for a special Easter experience.
Every Tuesday at 4pm, we celebrate Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer at St John the Baptist, Barnack. If you love Cranmer’s wonderful language, and you are looking for a quiet, reflective midweek service, we’d love you to join us.
No Magic Money Tree!
We are blessed in each of our villages to have a lovely old church at its heart. But the upkeep of these old buildings costs a lot – whether it’s new heating systems or lighting, replacing ancient electrics or clocks, or improving facilities like new toilets or kitchens (all of which have applied to us here in Helpston). Then there are costs like Insurance 1. Regular Giving and electricity - £4000 a year before we even open the doors, or employ Most of our regular church a vicar! And we have to pay for all members, and a number of these costs ourselves – there is of other villagers, give no central Church of England Magic monthly through the Parish Money Tree, despite what many Giving Scheme. This not people think. Our latest audited only gives us a steady accounts show a large deficit. income, helping with cash flow and enabling us to So, whether you are a regular budget, but it also allows church member, or love to come for simple Gift Aid addition for Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, to your giving. the school Harvest or John Clare Midsummer Cushions, Christmas or 2. Gala Easter, we are there for you. Come along with the family So how can you help? (and we to the Helpston Church appreciate that everyone faces Gala for a fun packed financial pressures at present) afternoon on 14 May Do get in touch if you can help, or want more information about any of these. Clive Pearce, Treasurer St Botolph’s Church Helpston – 01733 253494 or clive.pearce7@btinternet.com Or the treasurers of churches in your villages: Mike Mills (Barnack, Wittering, Ufford) – 01780 740285 or mills.mh@gmail.com Tony Gowers (Bainton) – 01780 740097 or argowers@btinternet.com *All examples and events given are for Helpston church, but will apply equally to your village church
3. Legacies None of us likes to think about the inevitable day, but writing a will, and thinking of charities which you might support, including your local church, can be a lifeline to them. And it can even reduce the rate of Inheritance Tax paid by your descendents. 4.' No-cost' giving We operate Amazon Smile and Easy Fundraising, both of which enable you to raise funds, at no cost to you, through your online shopping. Or change your insurance to Eccliastical Insurance who will donate £130 to us.
MARCH 2 MAR No Service Ashing Communion M-A 6pm No Service Ashing Communion M-A 12pm
Parish Praise MH/PG 10am No Service Holy Communion M-A 10.30am Holy Communion M-A 9am
Benefice - Messy Church in Peakirk Village Hall. Theme: Family Rocks 3pm 13 MAR No Service Holy Communion M-A 9am Parish Praise Glinton Village Hall MH 10.30am All-age Praise FS 10.30am
20 MAR Holy Communion M-A 8am
Family Café Church Village Hall FS/MH 10am Holy Communion M-A 10.30am Holy Communion M-A 9am
25 MAR
No Service
26 MAR
No Service
27 MAR No Service Holy Communion BCP. M-A 9am
Worship4All Café Church Peakirk Village Hall DH 10.30am Family Communion Praise M-A & FS 10.30am
Parish Praise MH 10am No Service Holy Communion M-A 10.30am Holy Communion M-A 9am
Benefice - Messy Church in Peakirk Village Hall. Theme: Palm Sunday 3pm 10 APR No Service Holy Communion M-A 9am Parish Praise MH 10.30am All-age Praise FS 10.30am
11 APR
12 APR
13 APR
No Service
No Service
No Service
14 APR
15 APR
Benefice - Holy Communion in St. Stevens M-A 7pm No Service Workshop 2.30pm (T.B.C.) No Service Workshop Maxey Village Hall (T.B.C.)
Walk of Witness: Starting 11.30am at St Peter’s then via Etton, Northborough and Peakirk to St Benedict’s for a service with activity for children. (For full details, see local church notice boards)
16 APR
No Service
17 APR Holy Communion M-A/MH 8am Holy Communion M-A 6am Holy Communion M-A 10.30am
Holy Communion by extension 10.30am FS
No Service Communion with Ashing 10am No Service Communion with Ashing 7.30pm
Evensong M-A 6pm Benefice - Messy Church in Peakirk Village Hall. Theme: Family Rocks 3pm Holy Communion M-A 10.30am Communion 9.30am Taizé 4.30pm Communion 10.45am
Communion 9.30am Communion 9am Communion 10.45am
Morning Prayer DH 10.30am Communion 9.30am BCP Evensong 4.30pm Communion 10.45am
No Service
No Service
Worship4All Café Church Peakirk Village Hall DH 10.30am No Service Communion for the Feast of the Annunciation 4pm No Service No Service Primrose Festival Praise Service 4pm No Service
Morning praise 9.30am Communion 9am Morning Praise 10.45am
Evensong M-A 6pm Benefice - Messy Church in Peakirk Village Hall. Theme:
Palm Sunday 3pm
Holy Communion M-A 10.30am Communion 9.30am Taizé 6pm Communion 10.45am
Communion 9.30am Communion 9am Communion 10.45am
No Service Stations of the Cross 7pm No Service No Service
No Service No Service Stations of the Cross 7pm No Service
No Service
No Service Tenebrae Meditation 7pm No Service Benefice - Holy Communion in St. Stevens M-A 7pm Communion 9pm No Service Communion 7pm
Walk of Witness: Starting 11.30am at St Peter’s then via Etton, Northborough and Peakirk to St Benedict’s for a service with activity for children. (For full details, see local church notice boards) Vigil in Churchyard 3pm Vigil in Churchyard 11am Vigil in Churchyard 1pm
No Service
Holy Communion by extension DH 10.30am
Benefice - Holy Communion in St. Andrew's (Mark-Aaron’s leaving service) 10.30am
Communion 9pm Sunrise Service (Hills and Holes) 6am Communion 9.30am Easter Praise (Outside if the weather is good!) 6pm No Service No Service
Communion 9am Communion 10.45am